Extractions: Return to syllabus General Goal: To know the major cause(s) of this disease, how it is transmitted, and the major manifestations of the disease. Specific Educational Objectives The student should be able to: 1. recite the most common causes of cat-scratch fever (shape and gram stain?). 2. describe the common means of transmission. 3. describe the major manifestations of this infection. 4. describe how you diagnose, treat and prevent this infection. Reading: MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY by P.R. Murray, K.S. Rosenthal, G.S. Kobayashi and M.A. Pfaller, 3rd Edition. pp. Lecture : Dr. Neal R. Chamberlain References: 1. eMedicine: Cat Scratch Fever 2. Chomel BB, Abbott RC, Kasten RW, Floyd-Hawkins KA, Kass PH, Glaser CA, Pedersen NC, Koehler JE. 1995. Bartonella henselae prevalence in domestic cats in California: risk factors and association between bacteremia and antibody titers. J Clin Microbiol Sep;33(9):2445-50 3. Bass JW, Freitas BC, Freitas AD, et al. Prospective randomized double blind placebo-controlled evaluation of azithromycin for treatment of cat-scratch disease. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1998;17:447-452. Cat-Scratch Disease in Texas.
Untitled We care for a woman whose three children succumbed to Familial Hemophagocyticlymphoreticulosis (FEL, MIM 26770) and is pregnant again. http://www.hum-molgen.de/clinical/27596-1.html
Extractions: We care for a woman whose three children succumbed to Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphoreticulosis (FEL, MIM # 26770) and is pregnant again. Is there a possibility for prenatal diagnosis? Was the gene mapped? Thanks Moshe Frydman M.D. Genetics institute Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer Israel E-mail mfrydman@mail.tau.ac.il
UAB Health System A Cat scratch fever, medically known as nonbacterial lymphadenitis or benign lymphoreticulosis,is, in most cases, relatively harmless and usually resolves on http://www.health.uab.edu/show.asp?durki=8588
Extractions: [Cat Scratch Fever, Benign Lymphoreticulosis, Benign nonbacterial Lymphadenitis, Bacillary Angiomatosis, Bacillary Peliosis Hepatis] SPECIES: cats AGENT: Controversial disease - it is not currently possible to definitively name the causative agent responsible for CSD. Felt to be either Afipia felis, a gram-negative rod or Rochalimaea henselae and Rochalimaea quintana. Both are members of class Proteobacteria and both are intracellular parasitic bacteria. RESERVOIR AND INCIDENCE: Associated with domestic cats throughout the USA, and worldwide. Over 6000 cases annually. Seen more often in men than in women . Have seen clusters of infection within families within a 2 to 3 week period, suggesting that shedding by cats may occur periodically. Other sources of infection have included scratches from other species including dogs, squirrels, and goats and from wounds induced by crab claws, barbed wire, and plant material. TRANSMISSION: 90% of patients have been exposed to a cat. 75% of these have been bitten, scratched, or licked. Most affected individuals are
Health In Pet_Directory/Pets/Cats/Health - SimplyPets.com illness in people. Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) is also called Cat ScratchFever and benign lymphoreticulosis. Chloe's Web Feline http://www.simplypets.com/Pet_Directory/Pets/Cats/Health/
Extractions: Pet Quotations Free Email Pet Food Recipes Pet News ... Cats Rate Site Includes: Links to sites providing factual information and training suggestions. Bengal Cats and FIV FIV, or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (also referred to as "Feline Aids"), is often confused with FELV, (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV is a virus that has been around for centuries of time, and been passed through both wild and domestic breeds of Cancer and Tumors - Squamous Cell Carcinoma Rate Site Technical veterinarian information. Cat Cabana Library - Declawing Rate Site Is declawing cruel? By Suzanne Bucciarelli. Cat Health-Related Links Rate Site Hundreds of links to every aspect of Feline healthcare, diseases, and conditions. Cat Welfare Society Home Rate Site The Cat Welfare Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality and length of life for domestic cats through advances in veterinary medicine. Rate Site Did you know that cats have a specific job to perform in your life? All cats are empowered to remove accumulated negative energy from your body on a daily basis. They are healers. (InnerSelf Magazine) CFA Health Committee - Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) Rate Site For almost 100 years, cat scratches have been associated with illness in people. Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) is also called Cat Scratch Fever and benign lymphoreticulosis.
NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. Lymphadenitis, Regional Nonbacterial; lymphoreticulosis, Benign Inoculation;Parinaud's Syndrome; Petzetakis' Syndrome. Disorder Subdivisions http://www.rarediseases.org/search/rdbdetail_abstract.html?disname=Cat Scratch D
Brooklyn Birthing Center - Medical Terms Behavior therapy, Behcet's syndrome. Bell's palsy, Benign. Benign lymphoreticulosis,Benign prostatic hyperplasia. Benign prostatic hypertrophy, Bernard syndrome. http://www.brooklynbirthingcenter.com/medicalTerms
Extractions: Sometimes doctors use words only they understand. It's difficult enough to understand health information without struggling with unfamiliar words. In order to help you better understand your health and improve your communication with your healthcare provider, we have provided an extensive list of medical terms defined using clear, understandable language. Term Search Type in a Term:
Extractions: Friday, July 7, 2000 V. Garry, M.D. Chemical and Physical Injury II: Occupational Environmental Pathology Introduction: In the overview lecture to follow, we will attempt to define human environmental disease; to illustrate the scope of its real and potential impact on human health, and to describe the role that environmental pathology plays in research, prevention and diagnosis of environmentally-mediated disease. Perspectives: Examples : Current disease trends; cancer and cardiovascular disease Example A: transferase Example B Notes Interindividual Variation in Carcinogen-Metabolizing and DNA Repairing Enzymes in Human Tissues* Carcinogen metabolism DNA Repair * modified from Vahakangas and Pelkonen (1989) The 10 Leading Work-related Diseases and Injuries The 10 leading work-related diseases and injuries, United States, 1982 Note : (The conditions listed under each category are to be viewed as selected examples, not comprehensive definitions of the category.) Some Examples Estimated numbers of workers potentially exposed to selected substances known or suspected to cause adverse reproductive outcomes *Examples of agents have been selected on the basis of positive animal and/or human data; inclusion or exclusion of agents does not constitute an evaluation of their potential reproductive toxicity in humans.
1Up Health > Health Links Directory > Conditions And Diseases: L 2) Lowe Syndrome (5) Lumbar Disk (11) Lupus (69) Lyell's Syndrome (3) Lyme Disease(101) Lymphangioma (5) Lymphedema (35) Lymphoma (51) lymphoreticulosis (2). http://www.1uphealth.com/links/conditions-and-diseases-l.html
Extractions: The information provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. Call 911 for all medical emergencies. Links to other sites are provided for information only they do not constitute endorsements of those other sites. Home Contact Us Privacy Links Directory
A NYAK ÉS A NYÁLMIRIGYEK BETEGSÉGEI D8610 Sarcoidosis (lymphoglandulae colli). A2810 Macskakarmolásosbetegség lymphoreticulosis benigna. B5890 Toxoplasmosis, kmn. http://sslx.orl.szote.u-szeged.hu/DOKU/BNO/bnony.html
Extractions: S0140 Arc és rágóizület területének nyílt sebe S0170 A fej többszörös nyílt sebe S0450 Laesio nervi facialis (VII.) S0470 Laesio nervi accessorii (XI.) S0480 Laesio nervi glossopharyngei (IX.) S0480 Laesio nervi vagi (X.) S0480 Laesio nervi hypoglossi (XII.) S0910 A fej izomzatának és inainak sérülése S1070 A nyak többszörös felületes sérülései S1080 A nyak k.m.n. részeinek sérülése S1090 A nyak k.m.n. részének felületes sérülése S1100 Gégét és légcsövet is érintõ nyílt nyaki seb S1110 Pajzsmirigyet is érintõ nyílt nyaki seb S1120 A garatot és nyaki nye lõcsövet is érintõ nyílt nyaki seb S1170 A nyak többszörös nyílt sebe S1180 A nyak egyéb részeinek nyílt sebe S1190 A nyak k.m.n. részének nyílt sebe
INFECTIÓK A5130 Condyloma latum. B07H0 Verruca vulgaris. A2810 Macskakarmolásos betegség lymphoreticulosis benigna. B2590 Cytomegalovírus betegség kmn. http://sslx.orl.szote.u-szeged.hu/DOKU/BNO/bnoinf.html
Cat Scratch Disease: XtraMSN Health Alternative Names. Cat scratch fever, CSD, benign lymphoreticulosis.What is cat scratch disease? Cat scratch disease (CSD) is an http://xtramsn.co.nz/health/0,,8065-1669763,00.html
Extractions: Cat scratch disease is an infectious illness associated with exposure to cat saliva, usually through scratches or bites. Cat scratch disease is uncommon and usually not serious except in people who have compromised immune systems. Children are most commonly infected with cat scratch disease because they are most often the victims of a scratch or bite.
Pas Choroba kociego pazura (lymphoreticulosis benigna) .789. Zakazenia wywolane przez Chlamydia (chlamydioza http://test.bg.am.poznan.pl/ksiazki/pliki/pas.html
VSC 443/543 U Of A - Cats In Biomedical Research Ctenocephalides felis (cat flea). Direct. Cat Scratch Disease (CSD), Benign inoculationlymphoreticulosis, nonbacterial regional lymphadenitis. Mycobacterium. http://www.ahsc.arizona.edu/uac/notes/classes/catmodel01/catmodel01.html
Extractions: Table 2 Physiologic Data for Feline REFERENCES The cat, like the dog, was one of the first domestic animals that scientists observed. Early studies involved the falling reflex and integration of the mechanisms of balance. Researchers commonly used the cat in psychological, socialization, and learning studies. The occurrence of blood cancers and solid tumors such as lymphomas, leukemia, and adenocarcinoma and endocrine tumors comparable to those of humans makes the cat valuable to cancer research. Cats are useful models for studies of the brain, genetics, head-eye-ears, pharmacology, nutrition, virology, and surgical techniques development. Cats and humans have several similar infectious diseases: hemolytic anemia of the cat is similar to Oroya fever of man; toxoplasmosis occurs among both species; chlamydia, cholera, sporotrichosis, and filariasis infect both cats and humans. Cats are, therefore, noteworthy models for the development of effective treatments and preventative measures of infectious diseases. Selective models in which cats are currently used are given in Sections VII through XV.
Russian Bulletin Of Perinatology And Pediatrics - Abstracts ¹5 2001 the major clinical forms of childhood Chlamydia infection, such as urogenital andrespiratory Chlamydia infections, benign lymphoreticulosis, Reiters disease http://www.mediasphera.aha.ru/pediatr/2001/5/e5-01ref.htm
Extractions: Role of periventricular leukomalacia in the development of infantile cerebral paralysis Brain injury in premature infants neonates is an extremely important pediatric and neurological problem. The importance of the problem is determined by the high incidence of brain lesions and their poor prognosis. Periventricular leukomalacia is one of the most significant lesions as it is just the leukomalacia that causes the development of infantile cerebral paralysis in premature children. This paper is a review that deals with current aspects of the pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and prediction of periventricular leukomalacia.
WebMD/Lycos - Article Health Professional Information CancerNet Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's, childhood- Patient Information - CancerNet lymphoreticulosis, Benign Inoculation http://webmd.lycos.com/NR/internal.asp?GUID={A0FE65C2-A73C-48AA-83D4-9E4C551EC16