Nebraska Scientific - Genetics each of chromosome spreads for Normal male, Normal Female, Down syndrome male, Downsyndrome Female, Kleinfelter's syndrome, and turner's syndrome, plus six
Morgagni-Turner-Albright Syndrome ( Besides the typical turner's syndrome there are rare occurances of amale turner's syndrome with corresponding chromosome anomalies.
Extractions: Chromosome XO syndrome, congenitally absent ovaries, genital dwarfism, gonadal agenesis, gonadal dysgenesis, monosomy X syndrome, ovarian aplasia, ovarian dwarfism, ovarian short stature syndrome, primary ovarian insufficiency, pseudonuchal infantilism, pterygolymphangiectasia syndrome, pterygonuchal infantilism, rudimentary ovary syndrome, XO syndrome. Congenital endocrine disorder caused by failure of the ovaries to respond to pituitary hormone stimulation. Clinically there is short stature (105-130 cm); absence of secondary sexual characteristics, with infantile development of the vagina, uterus and breast; failure of sexual maturation, webbing of the neck and inconsistent cardiac defects. Intelligence may be impaired. Ocular abnormalities include strabismus and nystagmus; cardiac abnormalities are coarctation of aorta (70%), or other cardiovascular lesions almost constantly affecting left heart. Lymphedema of extremities (30-40%). Occasionally, anomalies of bone development such as protuberance of sternum, high palate, underdeveloped mandible.
Fragile X(Bibliography) 7335. ChavesCarballo,E; Hayles,AB (1966) Ullrich-turner syndrome in the maleReview of the literature and report of a case with lymphocytic (Hashimoto's
Extractions: Full bibliographies are emailed by request 10 "Oldest" Classic References 3583. Johnston,AW; Ferguson-Smith,MA; Handmaker,SD; Jones,HW; Jones,GS (1961): The Triple-X Syndrome: Clinical, Pathological, and Chromsomal Studies in Three Mentally Retarded Cases. Br. Med. J. (21 October), 1046-1052. 13911. Finby,N; Archibald,RM (1963): Skeletal abnormalities associated with gonadal dysgenesis. Am. J. Roentgenology 89, 1222-1235. 3383. Bishun,NP; Rashad,MN; Morton,WRM; Mannion,PL; Neely,MR; Burke,G (1964): Chromosomal Mosaicism in a Case of Repeated Abortion. Lancet (25 April), 936. 4489. Nielsen,J; Fischer,M (1965): Sex-chromatin and sex-chromosome abnormalities in male hypogonadal mental patients. Br. J. Psychiatry 3, 641-647.
Turner, Syndrome : Sites Et Documents Francophones Arborescence(s) du thesaurus MeSH contenant le motclé turner, syndrome turner's syndrome maladies urologiques et appareil génital mâle. Position du mot-clé dans l' (les)
Extractions: endocrinopathies maladies appareil génital féminin et complications grossesse maladies et malformations congénitales, héréditaires et néonatales maladies urologiques et appareil génital mâle Position du mot-clé dans l' (les) arborescence(s) : Vous pouvez consulter Ou consulter ci-dessous une sélection des principales ressources :
Extractions: Home About Links Index ... Editor's Choice Paid Advertisement (click above). Please see the privacy statement Endocrinology Sex Pituitary Disease Assorted Pages Ambiguous Genitalia Female Pseudohermaphroditism Male Pseudohermaphroditism True Hermaphroditism ... Gynecomastia Female Pseudohermaphroditism Book Home Page Cardiovascular Medicine Dental Dermatology Emergency Medicine Endocrinology Gastroenterology General Medicine Geriatric Medicine Gynecology Hematology and Oncology HIV Infectious Disease Jokes Laboratory Neonatology Nephrology Neurology Obstetrics Ophthalmology Orthopedics Otolaryngology Pediatrics Pharmacology Prevention Psychiatry Pulmonology Radiology Rheumatology Sports Medicine Surgery Urology Chapter Endocrinology Index Adrenal Disease General Cardiovascular Medicine Diabetes Mellitus Examination Ophthalmology Geriatric Medicine Growth Hematology and Oncology Hypoglycemia Laboratory Metabolism Neonatology Obesity Obstetrics Parathyroid Disease Pediatrics Pharmacology Pituitary Disease Prevention Radiology Nephrology Sex Sports Medicine Surgery Symptom Evaluation Thyroid Disease Page Sex Index Ambiguous Genitalia Ambiguous Hermaphrodite Female Ambiguous Hermaphrodite Male Ambiguous Hermaphrodite True Gonadal Dysgenesis Klinefelter Gonadal Dysgenesis Turners Syndrome Pituitary Kallmann Puberty Delay Puberty Delay Eugonadotropic Puberty Delay Hypergonadotropic Puberty Delay Hypogonadotropic Puberty Early Puberty Early Causes Puberty Early Causes Adrenarche Puberty Early Causes Thelarche Causes Deficiencies of enzyme activity 3B Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase - Type 2
Turner Syndrome And Infertility turner syndrome and Infertility. May 25, 2001. turner syndrome is the name ofa condition that affects approximately one in 2,0002,500 newborn girls.
Extractions: May 25, 2001 Turner syndrome is the name of a condition that affects approximately one in 2,000-2,500 newborn girls. The classical features of Turner syndrome include short stature, failure to mature sexually, webbed neck and several health-related problems such as an increased likelihood of having certain heart defects, hearing problems, diabetes, thyroid problems and others. Some girls and women with Turner syndrome may have no other obvious feature besides short stature, so there is quite a bit of variability in the condition. What causes Turner syndrome?
Interesting Cases parents were informed that these findings decreased the likelyhood of turner syndromefeatures just distal to sY158 has been described in a normal fertile male.
Extractions: A chorionic villi sample was obtained from a 35 year old G3 P2 mother at 11 weeks gestation. Analysis of direct harvests revealed a normal male karyotype. Analysis of long-term cultures revealed two male cell lines: a chromosomally normal male cell line and an abnormal cell line with a deletion of chromosome 10. The deletion breakpoint was located just under the centromere at band q11.1, resulting in the loss of the entire long arm of the chromosome. A deleted chromosome 10 was found in about 30% of the cells analyzed, in multiple independently established cultures. These findings raised two possibilities: either mosaicism for a deletion, or the expression of a fragile site. A follow-up amniocentesis was performed to rule out a fetus with mosaicism for a deleted chromosome 10. An analysis of multiple in-situ cultures detected no cells or colonies of cells with a deleted chromosome 10. The parents were counselled that the pregnancy would most likely proceed without complications. Parental blood samples were studied to determine if a fragile site sensitive to a chemical utilized in our chorionic villus harvests (ethidium bromide) was being expressed. No such fragile site was detected.
Turner Syndrome: Treatment With Natural Estrogen used at present in the treatment of turner girls, due to its connection with malesexhormone Three quarters of the girls with turners syndrome were above
Extractions: Denmark. Preface Where does the name Turners syndrome come from? What is the frequency of Turners syndrome? What is the cause of Turners syndrome? ... Literature about Turners syndrome Fig. 1. The chromosomes of a Turner woman Fig. 2. Regina with edema of her hands and feet and neck-webbing Fig. 3. Echocardiography of a Turner girl Fig. 4a. Growth velocity development for Turner girls Fig. 4b. Height development in untreated Turner girls Fig. 5. Turner girls height as a percentage of normal height Fig. 6. Regina practices growth hormone injection with an orange Fig. 7.
Extractions: Protocol Number: 90-CH-0123 Estrogen Effects on Cognition in Girls with Turner Syndrome 90-CH-0123 The development of the brain in females is a result of a combination of factors. During puberty estrogen plays a role in influencing brain development. Cultural and environmental factors also play a role in the development of the brain. Female patients with Turner syndrome lack the ability to produce estrogen due to undeveloped ovaries. Therefore, Turner syndrome is the perfect condition to study how estrogen (or the lack of estrogen) influences a person's behavior and thinking. This study will compare cognitive differences (visual motor skills, visual-spatial, psychosocial behavior, and visual memory) of patients with Turner syndrome to normal patient controls. Researchers will use the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) along with other tests and scales to measure different aspects of the patient's cognitive ability. In addition the study will review patients with Turner syndrome who previously received estrogen replacement as infants and children in a related research study. Researchers hope to demonstrate that estrogen replacement will improve cognition and behavior in girls with Turner syndrome.