Encyclopædia Britannica menkes syndrome Drkoop.com Brief notes on causes, symptoms, and treatmentof this X chromosome linked recessive disorder. Menkes http://www.britannica.com/search?query=chromosome&ct=igv&fuzzy=N&show=10&start=3
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Guildlines For Citing The Genome Database There are two citations for this cell line Kapur, S, menkes syndrome in a girlwith Xautosome translocation. Am J Med Genet, Vol. 26 503-10, 1987. http://gdb.jst.go.jp/gdb/cite.html
DrRecommend: Gastroenterology Reference index26854 PriceWeb site is free URLhttp//www.wkap.nl/ 32.OMIM ENTRY309400 menkes syndrome This technical fact file on genetic condition http://www.drrecommend.com/Gastroenterology/20.html
Menkes Kinky-hair Syndrome a CHORUS notecard document about menkes kinkyhair syndrome menkes kinky-hair syndrome. defective intestinal copper absorption http://chorus.rad.mcw.edu/doc/00262.html
COPPER Overview about the trace element, deficiency and menkes' syndrome, safety issues, suggested intake, and food sources. http://www.bodywise.com/products/ingredients/copper.htm
Extractions: COPPER OVERVIEW Copper is an essential trace mineral that facilitates the activity of several enzymes. The mineral provides a role in the development and maintenance of the cardiovascular system, including the heart, arteries, and other blood vessels, the skeletal system, and the structure and function of the nervous system, including the brain. The highest concentration of copper is found in the brain and liver. Copper is found in all other tissues in varying amounts, and about 50 percent of the total copper content of the body is found in the bones and muscles. METHOD OF ACTION Copper is involved in respiration and the synthesis of hemoglobin. It is essential in the production of collagen and the neurotransmitter noradrenalin. It is an important blood antioxidant and prevents the rancidity of polyunsaturated fats. Copper is involved in numerous enzyme systems that break down or build up body tissues. It plays a role in the production of the skin pigment melanin by converting the amino acid tyrosine. The mineral is essential for the synthesis of phospholipids, which are a component of the myelin sheath that surrounds nerves. Absorption of copper takes place in the stomach and upper intestine. Approximately 30 percent of ingested copper is absorbed. Copper influences iron absorption and mobilization from the liver and other tissue stores. Absorption of the mineral is increased by acids and inhibited by calcium (Kirschmann, 1996).
Friends Of Alexander Deihl A nonprofit organization established to help children and their families who have been affected by a crippling disorder or are terminally ill. About menkes' syndrome with support. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Grove/1590/index.html
Justin Gordon And Menkes Kinky Hair Syndrome Enter a brief description of your site here Justin Gordon's menkes Kinky Hair syndrome site has moved. http://www.home.earthlink.net/~dionnajane
Error Page Translate this page MALADIE menkes, syndrome de, Synonyme(s) 'Kinky hair' syndrome,CIM E83.0, La maladie de Menkès est une affection liée à des http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=FR&Expert=565
Menkes' Syndrome : Meddie Health Search (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. Justin Gordon and menkes Kinky Hair syndromeA personal story with information and links concerning menkes's syndrome. http://www.meddie.com/search/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Nutrition_and_Metabo
Member Sign In menkes' syndrome Ophthalmic Findings. menkes' syndrome is an Xlinked inheriteddisorder of copper metabolism caused by a defective copper transport protein. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/440633_2
Menkes, Maladie : Sites Et Documents Francophones Translate this page sélection des principales ressources guide ressources menkes, syndromede - synonyme Kinky hair syndrome Par Dr Cordier-Alex MP. http://www.chu-rouen.fr/ssf/pathol/menkesmaladie.html
Extractions: maladies et malformations congénitales, héréditaires et néonatales maladies peau et tissu conjonctif métabolisme et nutrition, maladies système nerveux, maladies Position du mot-clé dans l' (les) arborescence(s) : Vous pouvez consulter Ou consulter ci-dessous une sélection des principales ressources :
Menkes, Maladie : Arborescences MeSH Translate this page Lowe, syndrome C16.320.565.150.640 page CISMeF du motclef MELAS, syndrome C16.320.565.150.535page CISMeF du motclef menkes, maladie C16.320.565.150.540 http://www.chu-rouen.fr/navimesh/navimenkesmaladie.html
UNSW Embryology- Transporters Overview From NCBI Link to NCBI page. menkes' syndrome. menkes' syndrome is an inborn error ofmetabolism that markedly decreases the cells' ability to absorb copper. http://anatomy.med.unsw.edu.au/cbl/embryo/DNA/Genes_Diseases/Transport/transport
Extractions: The consequences of defects in ion channels and transporters are diverse, depending on where they are located and what their cargo is. In the heart, defects in potassium channels do not allow proper transmission of electrical impulses, resulting in the arrythmia seen in long QT syndrome. In the lungs, failure of a sodium and chloride transporter found in epithelial cells leads to the congestion of cystic fibrosis, while one of the most common inherited forms of deafness, Pendred syndrome, looks to be associated with a defect in a sulphate transporter. Link to NCBI page CYSTIC FIBROSIS Top of page CYSTIC FIBROSIS (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disease in the US today. It causes the body to produce a thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs, leading to infection, and blocks the pancreas, stopping digestive enzymes from reaching the intestines where they are required to digest food.
John H. Menkes - Www.Medical-Thriller.com Buy it Now! John H. menkes The Angry Puppet syndrome - www.Medical-Thriller.com.John H. menkes - The Angry Puppet syndrome - www.Medical-Thriller.com. http://www.medical-thriller.com/john_h__menkes.html
MENKES (KINKY HAIR) SYNDROME Features Listed For menkes (KINKY HAIR) syndrome. McKusick 309400.Ataxia; Brittle hair; Cerebral atrophy/myelin abnormality; Cutis http://www.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/dhmhd-bin/hum-look-up?1113
Extractions: Je souffre d'une maladie très rare : le "syndrome de Menkes". Ce syndrome Menkes est une maladie génétique lié au chromosome x, qui se manifeste surtout par un manque de cuivre dans l'organisme. Aujourd'hui encore, il n'existe pas de cure ni de remède connu. La plupart des enfants souffrants de cette maladie, n'atteignent pas l'âge de 4 ans. A sept mois, j'ai commencé une thérapie au cuivre qui me donne beaucoup d'espoir et plein d'énergie. Depuis lors, je progresse constamment : mes convulsions se font de plus en plus rares, mes bras et jambes commencent à bouger, mon sommeil me surprend de moins en moins bref, les journées deviennent actives pour mes parents. Hello, My name is Leo and I was born on August 6, 2001 in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. I'm suffering from a very rare disease: the "syndrome of Menkes". This syndrome is a genetic disease related to the chromosome X, which appears specially after a lack of copper in the metabolism. Today, there's still no cure or any knowledge of a remedy. The majority of children suffering from this disease do not reach the age of 4.