Extractions: Professional Publications Written by Iraj Derakhshan, MD Derakhshan I. Hum Mov Sci. 2003 Feb;22(1):125-7. No abstract available. PMID: 12623184 [PubMed - in process] Derakhshan I. Conflict and integration of spatial attention between disconnected hemispheres. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2003 Mar;74(3):395; author reply 395. No abstract available. PMID: 12588945 [PubMed - in process] Derakhshan I. Why nondominant hand movements cause bilateral cortical activation in emission imaging. Stroke. 2003 Jan;34(1):3-4; author reply 3-4. No abstract available. PMID: 12511737 [PubMed - in process] Derakhshan I. Handedness: neural versus behavioural. Eur J Neurol. 2002 Nov;9(6):701-2. No abstract available. PMID: 12453099 [PubMed - in process] Derakhshan I. Ipsilateral cortical paresis, a key to the anatomy of handedness. Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Vancouver, Canada, June 18-22, 2002. Derakhshan I. Crossed nonaphasia in a dextral with left hemispheric lesions: Handedness technically defined. Stroke 2002; 33: 1749-1750. Derakhshan, I.
AN UNUSUAL CASE OF ì POSTERIOR CIRCULATION STROKEî Diagnosis. miller fisher syndrome. Treatment. Alumbar puncture was performedwhich showed normal protein, glucose, cell count and immunoglobulins. http://www.basp.ac.uk/MACLEOD2.HTM
Extractions: A MAN WITH OPHTHALMOPLEGIA Sunil Punnoose, Mary Joan Macleod* Acute Stroke Unit, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen Introduction A 62 year old male smoker was transferred to the stroke unit with a diagnosis of "brainstem CVA". He intially presented to the Acute medical admissions unit with a one week history of difficulty in walking, intermittent diplopia, nasal speech and difficulty in swallowing. He noticed these symptoms in the morning after waking up from sleep.Two weeks prior to admission , he had an injury to his right leg for which he had a booster dose of tetanus vaccine. On admission he was on a five day course of antibiotics for presumed chest infection and was on treatment for hypertension Initial examination showed a pulse rate of 88/minute regular and a BP of 160/90. On neurological examination the positive findings were gross ataxia to both sides, nystagmus on looking to the right, mild cerebellar signs in the right arm and decreased palatal movements bilaterally. His eye movements were full, pupils were equal and there was no demonstrable diplopia. His other cranial nerves were intact as were the sensations, muscle power and reflxes. He went on to have a CT scan which was reported to be normal. All his blood results, CXR and ECG were normal. He was commenced on thickened fluids in view of dysphagia Three days after admission, he complained of worsening of ataxia and difficulty in looking down. Careful neurological examination showed virtually absent eye movements in all directions, gross ataxia and absent reflexes bilaterally even with reinforcement.
Miller-Fisher Syndrome Info? millerfisher syndrome info? This article submitted by Jack Creegan on 12/9/95. I am looking for sources of information on miller-fisher syndrome. Can you direct me to any, on or off line? http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/neurowebforum/GeneralFeedbackArticles/MillerFis
Charles Miller Fisher (www.whonamedit.com) Charles miller fisher Canadian neurologist, born 1913, Waterloo, Ontario. Associatedwith GuillainBarré-Strohl syndrome,miller fisher's syndrome. http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/1466.html
Extractions: Charles Miller Fisher graduated from the University of Toronto Medical School in 1938. During the Second World War he was in a German prison camp for three and a half years. He became the doctor for the other prisoners and took the opportunity to learn German. This would later allow him, upon his return home to Canada, to access important original German literature regarding cerebrovascular disease. With a strong belief in clinical observation and an interest in cerebrovascular pathology, Fisher brought attention to new areas of stroke. First, he observed that the narrowing of the carotid artery caused stroke. Second, he described little clots that were a warning for stroke. These warning attacks were called transient ischemic attacks, which led to the discovery that aspirin and other drugs can prevent stroke by preventing the formation of these clots. Fisher also identified common rhythm disorders of the heart as another source that could result in stroke.
Miller-Fisher Syndrome Information Page Diseases Database millerfisher syndrome Information Page. miller-fisher syndrome relatedtopics and Gomiller-fisher syndrome specific sites. GoSend miller http://www.diseasesdatabase.com/sieve/item1.asp?glngUserChoice=8222
Miller-Fisher Syndrome - General Practice Notebook millerfisher syndrome. miller-fisher syndrome is a rare variant of Guillain-Barresyndrome comprising ataxia; ophthalmoplegia; areflexia. http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/-1395654646.htm
Guillain Barre Syndrome Foundation Discussion Forums Welcome to the Guillain Barre syndrome Foundation Discussion Forums. 0207-20030200 AM by Jethro, Go to last post. miller fisher Variants, 241, 36, http://www.webmast.com/hypernews/get/millerfisher.html
Extractions: written by his wife The dates below are approximate but give you a pretty accurate idea of the time span involved in such a case. At the hospital a doctor was present when David tried to eat some jelly and could not swallow it. By repeating the tests done by the GP during the day they were able to assess the progress of the still undiagnosed problem. During the night his condition worsened, and he was extremely embarrassed when he fell down while going into the toiled to deal with yet another bout of diarrhea, completely losing control of both feet and bowel functions. Monday the 13th December the decision was made to transfer him to Wellington Hospital and the doctor and a nurse accompanied him in an ambulance. Breathing had become difficult and movement of arms and legs almost ceased. David panicked (and so did the Masterton doctor) when David was left in the Emergency admissions for over an hour because the orderlies were at lunch.
Fisher Syndrome? No messages are screened for content. fisher syndrome? My first impression is EBvirus infection that induced millerfisher syndrom and thyperthyroidism. http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum_2/GuillainBarreSyndromeF/5.12.9910.58PMFi
Extractions: This Web Forum is not moderated in any sense. Anyone on the Internet can post articles or reply to previously posted articles, and they may do so anonymously. Therefore, the opinions and statements made in all articles and replies do not represent the official opinions of MGH and MGH Neurology. Neither is MGH or MGH Neurology responsible for the content of any articles or replies. No messages are screened for content. This article submitted by Ken Inoue, MD on 5/12/99. My first impression is EB virus infection that induced Miller-Fisher syndrom and thyperthyroidism. We have huge amount of data about this patient so details are not all mentioned bellow. Please read follows and help us to help this 16 year-old boy. I appreciate your help. Pt is 16 year-old male presented with the symptoms of right upper arm weakness, abnormal sensation, and dull pain.
Extractions: (advertisement) Synonyms, Key Words, and Related Terms: Guillain-Barré syndrome, GBS, acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, AIDP, Landry-Guillain-Barré syndrome, Landry-Guillain-Barré-Strohl syndrome, acute idiopathic neuropathy, acute demyelinating neuropathy, infectious polyneuritis, acute polyradiculoneuritis, axonal Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute motor axonal neuropathy, AMAN, acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy, AMSAN, Miller-Fisher syndrome, pharyngeal-cervical-brachial GBS Background: Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is described most accurately as a collection of clinical syndromes manifested by an acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy with resultant weakness and reflex changes. With poliomyelitis under control in developed countries, GBS is now the most important cause of acute flaccid paralysis. GBS remains a diagnosis made primarily by clinical history and findings. Though classically thought of as a demyelinating neuropathy with ascending weakness, many clinical variants have been well documented in the medical literature. Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP) is the most widely recognized form in Western countries, but the recently described variants of acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) and acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN) also are well recognized. Many believe that strictly defined subgroups of GBS are not distinguished easily but that the subgroups exist, based on a clinical spectrum of symptoms and findings.
Abstract focuses on its imaging findings and their significance when a clinical differentiationbetween Bickerstaff encephalitis and millerfisher syndrome is attempted http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00234/contents/01/00733/s00234
Extractions: , J. M. G. Santos and E. F. Villalba Section of Neuroradiology, HGU Morales Meseguer, Murcia, Spain Section of Neurology, HGU Morales Meseguer, Murcia, Spain Abstract. A case of remitting-relapsing Bickerstaff encephalitis is reported. The article focuses on its imaging findings and their significance when a clinical differentiation between Bickerstaff encephalitis and Miller-Fisher syndrome is attempted. Signs and symptoms may occasionally overlap. However, because Miller-Fisher syndrome is related to the peripheral nervous system and Bickerstaff encephalitis is a central disease, the recognition of brain stem hypointense lesions on T1-weighted images, which are hyperintense on T2-weighted sequences, could be a reliable tool when the clinical diagnosis is unclear. Keywords. Brain stem encephalitis - Bickerstaff encephalitis - Miller-Fisher syndrome - MRI E-mail: jgarcia@hmmg.insalud.es
Guillain Barre Syndrome Foundation Discussion Forums Welcome to the Guillain Barre syndrome Foundation Discussion Forums. 0317-20030624 PM by Jackie G, Go to last post. miller fisher Variants, 264, 40, http://www.guillain-barre.com/forums/
Revista De Neurología Translate this page Síndrome de miller-fisher y angioma cavernoso Pág.1057 Síndrome de miller-fishere angioma cavernoso miller-fisher syndrome and cavernous angioma Laércio F http://www.neurologia.com/ind.asp?Vol=28&Num=11
Guillain Barre Syndrome Foundation Discussion Forums Welcome to the Guillain Barre syndrome Foundation Discussion Forums. 0205-20030746 PM by Jan, Go to last post. miller fisher Variants, 240, 36, http://www.gbsfi.com/forums/index.php
LE SYNDROME DE GUILLAIN-BARRE : Le Syndrome De Fisher Translate this page En 1956, M. fisher a rapporté le cas de patients atteints de ce que l'onappelle aujourd'hui le syndrome de fisher ou de miller fisher. http://users.skynet.be/gbs/Apercu/Fisher.html
VADA GEZONDHEID En ZIEKTE - HEALTH And DISEASE millerDIEKER syndrome. miller-Dieker syndrome. miller-fisher SYNDROOMmiller-fisher syndrome. NINDS miller-fisher syndrome. MILT SPLEEN. http://www.vada.nl/medisch/medmim.htm
CHT Nouvelle-Calédonie - Présentation Des Publications Translate this page PROBABLE syndrome DE miller fisher AU COURS D'UNE DENGUE DE TYPE 2 Mots-Clés syndrome DE miller fisher - DENGUE - NOUVELLE CALEDONIE http://www.cht.nc/Scripts/AfficherPublication.asp?ClePublication=97
Andreas Weishaupt Translate this page A., Toyka KV., Dudel J. (1998) Pre- and postsynaptic blockade of neuromusculartransmission by miller-fisher syndrome IgG at mouse motor nerve terminals. http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/neurologie/mitarbeiter/weishaupt/
Extractions: (Multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré-Syndrome, Neuritis, Immunotherapy, Recombinant myelin proteins) Die Laboratoriumsmedizin liefert neben der Anamnese und den bildgebenden Untersuchungsverfahren einen wichtigen, nicht selten sogar entscheidenden Beitrag zur Krankheitserkennung. Klinisch-chemisches Labor Das gemeinsame Labor der Kopfkliniken (Augenklinik, Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Klinik, Neurologie, Neurochirugie und Strahlenkunde) bietet das Basisprogramm der klinisch-chemischen Notfalldiagnostik an. Hierzu zählen hämatologische Untersuchungen, insbesondere die Differenzierung von Blutausstrichen, die Bestimmung von Urin-Status und Gerinnungsfaktoren sowie die Ermittlung von Enzymaktivitäten mittels Autoanalyzer. Liquorlabor Der durch Lumbalpunktion bzw. aus Ventrikelkathetern gewonnene Liquor cerebrospinalis wird auf Zellzahl und Differentialzellbild, Gesamteiweiß, Glukose, Albumin und Immunglobuline untersucht. Dies wird ergänzt durch Analysen der intrathekalen IgG-Produktion einschließlich der isoelektrischen Fokussierung. 3. Neuroimmunologische Diagnostik, inklusive Bestimmung von Acetylcholin-Rezeptor-, Calcium-Kanal- und Gangliosid-Antikörpern.