- A practical account of general paralysis (Classics in psychiatry) by Thomas J Austin, 1976
- The Legend of Nietzsche's Syphilis: (Contributions in Medical Studies) by Richard Schain, 2001-06-30
- Syphilis of the nervous system: A clinical study chiefly in regard to diagnosis and treatment, founded on the cases of Prof. Wm. H. Van Buren and those of the author by Edward Lawrence Keyes, 1870
- Syphilis and the nervous system,: For practitioners, neurologists and syphilologists, by Max Nonne, 1913
- The relation of alcohol and syphilis to mental hygiene by Frankwood E Williams, 1919
- A surgical treatment of locomotor ataxia by L. N Denslow, 1912
- A review of our present knowledge concerning the sero-diagnosis of general paralysis by Ernest Jones, 1909
- Acute syphilitic meningitis by H. Houston Merritt, 1935
- Syphilis of the brain and spinal cord: Showing the part which this agent plays in the production of paralysis, epilepsy, insanity, headache, neuralgia, ... derangements (The brain and its diseases) by Thomas Stretch Dowse, 1879
- Locomotor ataxia: Etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment by J. Arthur Taff, 1910
- The proteid content of the cerebro-spinal fluid in general paralysis by Ernest Jones, 1909
- The clinical aspects of syphilis of the nervous system in the light of the Wassermann reaction and treatment with neosalvarsan by Gordon Holmes, 1914
- A note on hereditary syphilis as it affects the brain and nervous system by Thomas Stretch Dowse, 1878
- The pathology of general paralysis: An address delivered before the London (Ont.) Medical Society, June 7, 1909 by Ernest Jones, 1909