- Vestibulare Nystagmus und seine Bedeutung fur die neurologische und psychiatrische Diagnostik by M[ax] Rosenfeld, 1911-01-01
- Nystagmus: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by J., MD Polsdorfer, 2006
- Neuroophthalmologie: Pupille, Nystagmus, Okulomotoriusparese, Horner-Syndrom, Trochlearisparese, Obliquus-superior-Myokymie, Duane-Syndrom (German Edition)
- The Relationship of Eye Muscles to Semicircular Canal Currents in Rotationally Induced Nystagmus by John (Prof. Of Neurology, Univ. Of Chicago) Favill, 1936-01-01
- Zur Systematik, Klinik und Untersuchungsmethodik der Vestibularisstörungen: Eine Ergänzung zu der Schrift des Verfassers: Spontan- und Provokations-Nystagmus als Krankheitssymptom (German Edition) by Hermann Frenzel, 1961-01-01
- Spontan- und Provokations-Nystagmus als Krankheitssymptom: Ein Leitfaden für seine Beobachtung, Aufzeichnung und Formanalyse (German Edition) by Hermann Frenzel, 1955-01-01
- Der Nystagmus Der Bergleute (1894) (German Edition) by Friedrich Adolf Nieden, 2010-09-10
- Miners' Nystagmus And Its Relation To Position At Work And The Manner Of Illumination (1892) by Simeon Snell, 2010-09-10
- The Analysis of Sensations, and the Relation of the Physical to the Psychical by Ernst Mach, 1959
- Early-onset nystagmus: A parents' guide
- Les nystagmus (French Edition) by D Godde-Jolly, 1973
- Age-related changes in caloric nystagmus (Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplement 282) by A Bruner, 1971
- Understanding Nystagmus (Understanding)
- Optometric expertise: The scientific basis for alcohol gaze nystagmus : national standardized behavioral sobriety test procedures (Curriculum II) by Constantine Forkiotis, 1987