Tierärztliche Praxis Heft 1/2000 Translate this page Hund. Ein Fallbericht prune belly syndrome-like prostatic anomalyin a dog, Birgit Lindemeier, Kerstin Kohl, Nicole Kirchhof, 111, http://www.schattauer.de/zs/tpK/2000/2/ihv.asp
Extractions: I nvestigations on the pharmacokinetics of caffeine, theophylline and theobromide in the dog B. Loeffler, Katharina Kluge, F. R. Ungemach, M. Kietzmann P lasma- und Urinkonzentrationen von Coffein, Theophyllin und Theobromin nach Applikation von Kaffee, Tee und Schokolade bei Hunden und ihre Dopingrelevanz bei Windhundrennen
Keyword:Eagle-Barrett (prune Belly) Syndrome EagleBarrett (prune belly) syndrome. Chapter 17 The Eagle-Barrettsyndrome is a relatively rare condition in which there is failure http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/pathology/ed/keywords/kw_eagle-ba.html
Extractions: The Eagle-Barrett syndrome is a relatively rare condition in which there is failure of normal development of the abdominal muscles and the smooth muscle of the ureters and bladder. Bilateral cryp torch idism is the rule. At times, talipes equinovarus and hip dislocation are also noted. Because the smooth muscle of the ureterotrigonal complex is deficient, reflux is to be expected; advanced hydroureteronephrosis is present.
Prune-Belly Syndrome - Page 128 prunebelly syndrome. Pathohistologic examination revealed congenital cysticadenomatoid malformation, type II, as part of prune-belly syndrome. http://www.rbrs.org/database/82-3/page128.html
Extractions: Clinical history A female neonate, born to a healthy mother (gestational age 39 weeks 1 day) with birth weight of 2280 grams is presented. The Apgar score 5 minutes after spontaneous delivery was 10. Physical examination showed an extremely flabby abdominal wall, with the contour of the intestines standing out through the abdominal wall. On ultrasonography, absence of abdominal musculature was found. The intra-abdominal organs were normal. Chest radiographs and contrastenhanced CT-scan of the thorax were performed. Radiological diagnosis Chest radiograph (AP view) (fig. 1) shows hyperlucency and expansion of the lower lobe of the right lung, displacement of the heart and mediastinum to the left due to increased volume of the right hemithorax.
Extractions: Clinical history A female neonate, born to a healthy mother (gestational age 39 weeks 1 day) with birth weight of 2282 grams is presented. The Apgar score 5 minutes after spontaneous delivery was 10. Physical examination showed an extremely flabby abdominal wall, with the contour of the intestines standing out through the abdominal wall. On ultrasonography, absence of abdominal musculature was found. The intra-abdominal organs were normal. Chest radiographs and contrast-enhanced CT-scan of the thorax were performed. Radiological diagnosis Chest radiograph (AP view) (fig. 1) shows hyperlucency and expansion of the lower lobe of the right lung, displacement of the heart and mediastinum to the left due to increased volume of the right hemithorax. Contrast-enhanced CT scan of the thorax - section at the level of the lower lobe (fig. 2)
ORPHANET® : 'Prune Belly' Syndrome ORPHANET. ORPHANET database access. 'prune belly' syndrome. Directaccess to details Alias Urethral obstruction sequence. Home Page. http://www.orpha.net/static/GB/prune_belly.html
Nature Publishing Group Special Imaging Casebook prunebelly syndrome With Urachal DiverticularCalcification, Posterior Urethral Valves, and Patent Utricle. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/jp/journal/v19/n8/abs/7200094a.
Extractions: Prune Belly-oireyhtymä, keuhkovaltiomon ahtauma, kehitysvammaisuus ja kuurous on erittäin harvinainen oireisto. Prune Belly-oireyhtymän lisäksi sen keskeisiä piirteitä ovat aistinhermojen vaurioitumisesta kuurous ja vaihtelevan tasoinen kehitysvammaisuus sekä keuhkovaltimon synnynnäinen ahtauma. Vammautuminen on lievempää tytöillä kuin pojilla. Sairaus on joko autosomaalisesti peittyvästi tai X-kromosomin kautta periytyvä Lisätietoja: BRUNE BELLY SYNDROME, WITH PULMONIC STENOSIS, MENTAL RETARDATION, AND DEAFNESS, OMIM
Extractions: Prune Belly-oireyhtymä (prune = kuivattu luumu, belly = vatsa), joka tunnetaan myös Eagle-Barretin syndroomana, on harvinainen sairaus. Sille on luonteenomaista vatsalihasten osittain tai kokonaan puuttuminen, piilokiveksisyys ja virtsateiden epämuodostumat. Virtsanjohtimet ovat laajentuneet, samoin munuaisallas. Virtsan takaisinvirtaus johtimista rakkoon on tavallista. Lisäksi oireyhtymään voi liittyä keuhkojen kehittymättömyyttä. Synnynnäinen oireisto, jonka syytä ei tiedetä, on yleisempi poika- kuin tyttövauvoilla. Lisätietoja: ABDOMINAL MUSCLES, ABSENCE OF, WITH URINARY TRACT ABNORMALITYS AND CRYPTORCHIDISM, OMIM
Lancaster General - Genitourinary And Kidney Disorders 300,000 children will develop disorders that cause blood and protein to leak intotheir urine, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome and glomerulonephritis. http://www.lha.org/content/greystone_6995.asp
Pakistani Medical And Health Portal HYTRIN You have a choice that's right for your patients Urology PruneBelly syndrome and Tracheoesophageal Fistula in a Premature Neonate. http://www.pakdoctor.com/health_professional/urology/Prune_Belly.html
Extractions: You have a choice that's right for your patients... Urology Prune Belly Syndrome and Tracheo-esophageal Fistula in a Premature Neonate Prune Belly Syndrome, also known as Eagle-Barrett syndrome, is awell known triad of abdominal muscle deficiency or hypoplasia, urinarytract anomalies, and bilateral cryptorchidism.1 Tracheo-esophagealfistula is a sporadically occurring defect estimated to occur in 1 out4425 live births.2 Only one case of Prune Belly Syndrome, tracheo-esophagealfistula associated with VATER syndrome, and urethral atresia occurringin the same individual has been reported.3 We present a uniquecase involving a 33 week fetus with bladder distention and bilateral hydroureteronephrosisdiagnosed in utero who postnatally was diagnosed with Prune Belly Syndrome,tracheo-esophageal fistula, and urethral atresia. The Prune Belly Syndrome in females is a rarer occurrence than in maleswith an observed prevalence in males of 5/100,000 versus 1/100,000 in females.By definition this syndrome is only completely expressed in males(presenceof cryptorchidism mandatory), however, three percent of the reported casesoccur in genetic females and is generally known as Pseudo-Prune Belly Syndrome(PPBS).4,5 Our patient was found to have the typical phenotypeof PPBS, lax abdominal musculature, large distended bladder, and urethralatresia as well as an unilateral absent ovarian structure, absent leftfallopian tube and atretic vagina. These anomalies are consistent withother reported cases of PPBS in which vaginal atresia, bicornuate uterus,urethral atresia, and hydronephrosis are commonly noted.6