Another Teen I'ma 17 male who has vitilago and i guess i got it when i was about 12 and didntthink anything of it and just brushed it off and since then its spread to my
Extractions: I'm a 17 male who has vitilago and i guess i got it when i was about 12 and didnt think anything of it and just brushed it off and since then its spread to my eyes and my hair. and it definetly sucks i try not to be self conscious but it is hard cause im the only one in a family of 8 who has it an i guess my great grandfather had and nobody since him has had it and vitilago just shows up on me like that, but i just deal with it and know that i will have it for the rest of my life so try to get comfortable with it.even though i never really will but it does make me feel better knowing that im not the only one with vitilago though i wish no one had if anyone does find any new information on how we could get rid of it please tell me. so if anyone wants to email me im at
Graves' Disease: Re:Oh Yeah-hives-to Coco, Linda And Concerned I do have something that is skin/thyroid related. Because of the thyroid conditionI suffer from vitilago. I was always a medium olive complexed person.
Extractions: re:Oh yeah-hives-to coco, linda and concerned Posted by : Mary0408 on 2/5/2003 at 10:50:16 AM I also get hives all over my body. If anyone is under naproxyn that is one of the side effect HIVES. I do have something that is skin/thyroid related. Because of the thyroid condition I suffer from vitilago. I was always a medium olive complexed person. I am now a very pale person. According to my dermatologist it is all due to my thyroid condition. If you see the before and after photos you would think I am a different person. Posts Read since 09/03/1999:
Magasinet - Michael Jacksons Mange Ansikter verden. Han har hatt ett tøft liv. På grunn av faren, oppveksten,mediene, musikken, sykdommen(vitilago) og pedofilryktene. Det
Extractions: Mandag 31.03.2003 Nedlastning av musikk er positivt Mye mer kongesladder Mye mer kongesladder Spøkelser? ... Førstesiden Michael Jacksons mange ansikter Han har nok vært uheldig med noen plastiske operasjoner, den godeste Michael Jackson. På en ny amerikansk nettside kan du selv se og bedømme hvordan Jacksons ansikt har forandret seg de siste tyve årene. Av Sverre Bjørstad Graff Fra dette... Mye kan sies om Michael Jackson. Og mye blir sagt. Den selvutnevnte kongen av pop fortsetter å skape overskrifter, år etter år. Jackson har vært gjennom pedofilianklager, et underlig ekteskap med Lisa Marie Presley, et påstått forsøk på å bli hvit i huden, et farskap omgitt av taushet i tillegg til en rekke mer eller mindre vellykkede plastiske operasjoner.
Hak Isteri Tuntut Perceraian mati pucuk pada masa perkahwinan dan masih lagi sedemikian, suami telah gila selamatempoh dua tahun atau menghidap penyakit kusta atau vitilago atau penyakit
Extractions: RUANGAN 1,001 Kemusykilan yang disiarkan minggu lalu bertajuk Isteri tiada hak ceraikan suami menimbulkan respons daripada pertubuhan Sisters In Islam yang mempertikaikan jawapan Dr. Abdul Hayei. Berikut disiarkan surat penuh pertubuhan tersebut. Ruangan Dr. Hayei akan diteruskan minggu depan. PENGARANG MERUJUK kepada ruangan 1,001 Kemusykilan pada 17 Februari 2001, kami khuatir bahawa tajuk utama Isteri tiada hak ceraikan suami dan jawapan yang diberi oleh Dr. Abdul Hayei bin Abdul Sukor akan menambah kekeliruan di dalam masyarakat kita, seolah-olah isteri tidak langsung berhak menuntut perceraian walaupun dia mempunyai alasan yang sah. Jenis-jenis utama perceraian di bawah hukum syarak adalah perceraian talak, khul' taklik dan fasakh. Peruntukan-peruntukan bagi perceraian di bawah Akta Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam 1984 adalah terkandung dalam seksyen 47 (talak), 49 (khul'), 50 (taklik) dan 52 (fasakh). Walaupun suami mempunyai hak perceraian talak, isteri pula berhak menuntut perceraian di mahkamah sama ada melalui khul' atau taklik atau fasakh, mengikut mana yang berkenaan dengan hal keadaan kesnya. Talak Talak adalah perceraian yang dilafazkan oleh pihak suami, dan seksyen 47 menghendaki permohonan untuk perceraian diserahkan kepada mahkamah, dan jika pihak yang satu lagi itu bersetuju terhadap perceraian itu dan mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa perkahwinan itu telah pecah belah dengan tidak dapat dipulihkan, maka mahkamah hendaklah menasihatkan suami supaya melafazkan satu talak di hadapan mahkamah.
Untitled freckles clusters of melanin containing cells. albinism melanocytes lack tyrosinase.vitilago partial or complete loss of melanocytes from patches of skin. 2010/Ch_05.htm
Extractions: Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Organ: An arrangement of tissues that performs a specific function ex: skin Organ System: a group of organs arranged to perform a common function ex: skin + epidermal derivatives (hair, nails, teeth, glands) Dermatology: medical specialty that deals with diagnosing and treating skin disorders. Anatomy of Skin epidermis: outer, thinner layer of epithelium dermis: deeper, thicker layer of connective tissue hypodermis (=subcutaneous or superficial fascia): deepest layer of aereolar and adipose connective tissue often considered to be separate from "the skin" Details of Histology will be examined and discussed in lab! Histology of Epidermis Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium Cells: keratinocytes: produce keratin, a tough waterproof protein melanocytes: produce melanin a tough pigment that protects genetiv material of skin from UV radiation. Langerhans cells: migrate from bone marrow and participate in immune responses Merkel cells: contact tactile discs in dermis, participate in sensation of touch Strata (Layers): Stratum basale (=germinativum): basal layer of cuboidal to columnar epithelial cells, and melanocytes
DINO - Language: Englisch - Health - Conditions And Diseases - V Translate this page Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Dieser Link verweist auf eine Haupt-Kategorie Viral InfectionsDieser Link verweist auf eine Haupt-Kategorie vitilago Dieser Link
Vindex, De Vindplaats Van Het Nederlandse Web Vascular Disorders@, VeloCardio-Facial Syndrome@ Vesicoureteral Reflux@ VestibularDisorders@ Viral Hemorrhagic Fever@ Viral Infections@, vitilago@ Von Hippel
Q A enough, it won't affect normal melanocytes, so it won't change the normal colorof your skin or lighten freckles, but it can be used for melasma or vitilago.
Extractions: DR. LEE's POLICIES PROPOSED TREATMENTS FOR MPB Q. How effective are products that claim to 'unclog' the pores? A. Nearly any cleansing agent can 'unclog' pores, however none will promote hair growth. "Clogged pores" have long been disproved as a cause of pattern baldness. 'Hair Restorers' based on 'unblocking blocked pores' have no substantiated worth and are based on erroneous assumptions. Q. Are there any treatments that improve circulation in the scalp? A. Yes, but unfortunately, male pattern baldness is not a simple matter of poor circulation. If it were, hair transplants would never be successful and vibrators would be. Q. . What's the best shampoo to use? A. It stands to reason that if there were a 'best' shampoo, there would only be one shampoo on the market. Various brands of shampoos and conditioners differ from each other primarily in price, and the number and proportion of additives and detergents. Generally, less expensive shampoos and conditioners have fewer additives. Additives are designed to achieve specific results. They can, for example, make hair look and feel cosmetically thicker, and smell better or tangle less. As a rule, shampoos have nothing to do with promoting hair growth.
Eczema Mailing List - March 1997 Archive My mother had eczema and vitilago (I thought they were white spots, but couldhave been brown as she developed these over a period of years and I can't
Extractions: Date: 1 Mar 1997 12:00:20 From: Shelley Subject: The struggle/the advantages Royce: Yes, we all have this problem. That's part of the struggle living with this condition for a lifetime. It's a series of on-going problem-solving situations. What worked today triggers a reaction tomorrow and we're off on another trial and error series of experiments to find something else that works for awhile. Those of us who are lifers have to accept this. We don't have to like it, but we have to accept it. Whether it's things we're allergic to, or treatments for relief, it's always changing. We are like the Borg on Star Trek, always adapting to a new situation. That's part of the reason why some things are great for some people and bad for others. It's the timing. Maybe it would be good at another time, but not right now. Living with eczema requires tolerating the unpredictability of it. Again, we don't have to like it, but we have to resign ourselves to it. There is an advantage to this. We have more experience in adapting to things in the world that are always changing. That is, if we apply our eczema skills elsewhere. Those of you out there who are also lifers, what other advantages have you noticed?
Psoriasis Treatment of Psoriasis.
Vitiligo Treatment of Psoriasis.
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Extractions: Advertisement Search All Terms Any Term Tips Browse Health calculators Fast Food Database Speakers Bureau How to evaluate sites Submit a site Contact us Home - main directory Top Health Conditions and Diseases Skin Disorders : Vitiligo Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.
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