Disease Category Listing (585): Von Willebrand's Disease Clinical Trials von willebrand's Disease. New York. New York; MountSinai Medical Center Study of Safety and Efficacy of Antihemophilic http://www.centerwatch.com/patient/studies/cat585.html
Extractions: in this illness area This site is run by CenterWatch, a publishing company that focuses on the clinical trials industry. The information provided in this service is designed to help patients find clinical trials that may be of interest to them, and to help patients contact the centers conducting the research. CenterWatch is neither promoting this research nor involved in conducting any of these trials. Trial listing updated: March 25, 2003 at 12:12:44 PM Patient Resources: [ Trial Listing Notification Services Drug Directories
Extractions: ABSTRACT Background syndrome are severe microvascular disorders of platelet clumping with similar signs and symptoms. Unusually large multimers of von Willebrand factor, capable of agglutinating circulating platelets under high shear stress, occur in the two conditions. protease deficiency in patients with familial and nonfamilial forms of these disorders. Methods Plasma samples were obtained from 53 patients with thrombotic diluted plasma samples with purified normal von Willebrand factor as the substrate. The extent of the degradation of von Willebrand gels and immunoblotting. To determine whether an inhibitor of
Extractions: ABSTRACT Background Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura is a potentially fatal disease characterized by widespread platelet thrombi in the microcirculation. In the normal circulation, von Willebrand factor is cleaved by a plasma protease. We explored the hypothesis that a deficiency of this protease predisposes patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura to platelet thrombosis. Methods protease and sought inhibitors of this protease in plasma from patients with acute thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, patients
CCHS Clinical Digital Library von willebrand Disease Clinical Resources. Chapter 113 Structure,Biology, and Genetics of von willebrand Factor Access document http://cchs-dl.slis.ua.edu/clinical/hematology/bleedingdisorders/coagulation-dis
Extractions: Clinical Resources by Topic: Hematology Von Willebrand Disease Clinical Resources Emergency Pediatrics Radiology Pathology ... Miscellaneous Resources See also: Chapter 116: Disorders of the Platelet and Vessel Wall: Table of contents Acquired vWD: Access document Hoffman: Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice 3rd Ed.-2000 (MD Consult): Table of contents Health Sciences Library subscription INFO Chapter 106 - Laboratory Evaluation of Hemostatic Disorders: Access document Chapter 113 - Structure, Biology, and Genetics of von Willebrand Factor:
About Von Willebrand Disease Hemophilia Foundation of Washington. About von willebrands Disease. VonWillebrands Disease A NonGender Specific Bleeding Disorder. http://www.scn.org/health/hfw/aboutvw.htm
Extractions: Von Willebrands Disease : A Non-Gender Specific Bleeding Disorder. The following is a list of warning signs that you or someone you know may have a bleeding disorder: To reach a diagnosis, a physician will need a blood sample in order to run the required tests. If you would like further information, contact your primary care physician or the Hemophilia Program at the Puget Sound Blood Center at (206) 292-6507.
Von Willebrand´s Sygdom von willebrand´s sygdom, U4 projekt, Bioanalytikeruddannelsen i VestsjællandsAmt. von willebrand´s sygdom. Historien om von willebrand´s sygdom http://www.bioan.dk/Projekter/vWd.htm
Extractions: Litteraturliste Forord: Vi vil først og fremmest takke overlæge Theis Bacher, for hans hjælp med at sende spørgeskemaer til de praktiserende læger, for undervisningen i koagulationssystemet og for besøget i Hæmofili centret. Han har desuden hjulpet os med at skaffe kontakter til de kvinder vi har interviewet.
Von Willebrand von willebrand, de Finse bloeddeskundige. Door Marten Dooper, wetenschapsjournalist. ErikA. von willebrand wordt geboren in 1870 in de Finse havenplaats Vaasa. http://www.archiefstartpunt.nl/finlandsite/willebrand.htm
Extractions: Von Willebrand d e Finse bloeddeskundige Door Marten Dooper, wetenschapsjournalist Eilanden kunnen om veel redenen beroemd worden. De Kanaaleilanden Jersey en Guernsey zijn het vanwege hun belastingvoordelen, de Waddeneilanden vanwege hun natuurschoon en de Galápagos-eilanden omdat hun soortenrijkdom Darwin op het spoor zette van zijn evolutietheorie. Ook de Åland-eilanden, gelegen in de Botnische Golf, de zee tussen Finland en Zweden, hebben een zekere mate van beroemdheid weten te verwerven. Het was daar dat de Finse arts Erik von Willebrand op het spoor kwam van de stollingsziekte die later naar hem vernoemd is. Enkele decennia later ontdekten de Finse oogartsen Forsius en Eriksson bij de bevolking van diezelfde eilanden bovendien een (naar hen vernoemde) oogaandoening. Erik A. von Willebrand wordt geboren in 1870 in de Finse havenplaats Vaasa. Hij studeert geneeskunde aan de universiteit van Helsinki waar hij in 1896 zijn arts-examen behaalt. Hij promoveert in 1899 op een onderzoek naar veranderingen in het bloed na hevig bloedverlies. Bloed, en met name de stolling ervan, blijft von Willebrand zijn hele leven lang boeien. Vanaf 1908 is Von Willebrand werkzaam als internist in het Diaconessenziekenhuis in Helsinki. In 1925 wordt hem gevraagd een 5-jarig meisje te onderzoeken. Het kind, Hjordis geheten en afkomstig van een dorpje op de Åland-eilanden, bloedt overmatig na een relatief kleine verwonding aan haar lip. Navraag leert Von Willebrand dat zij ook regelmatig last heeft van langdurig neusbloeden en bloedend tandvlees. Zij is de negende van twaalf kinderen, tien van hen vertonen dezelfde klachten. Vier kinderen zijn al op jonge leeftijd gestorven aan niet te stelpen bloedingen. Het meisje zal, tragisch genoeg, zelf op tienerleeftijd doodbloeden tijdens haar vierde menstruatie.
Von Willebrand Disease . The Finnish physician Erikvon willebrand was the first to describe von willebrand disease (VWD). von willebrand disease. Definition. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/von_willebrand_disease.html
Extractions: Definition Von Willebrand disease is caused by a deficiency or an abnormality in a protein called von Willebrand factor and is characterized by prolonged bleeding. Description The Finnish physician Erik von Willebrand was the first to describe von Willebrand disease (VWD). In 1926 Dr. von Willebrand noticed that many male and female members of a large family from the Aland Islands had increased bruising (bleeding into the skin) and prolonged episodes of bleeding. The severity of the bleeding varied between family members and ranged from mild to severe and typically involved the mouth, nose, genital and urinary tracts, and occasionally the intestinal tract. Excessive bleeding during the menstrual period was also experience by some of the women in this family. What differentiated this bleeding disorder from classical hemophilia was that it appeared not to be associated with muscle and joint bleeding and affected women and men rather than just men. Dr. von Willebrand named this disorder hereditary pseudohemophilia Pseudohemophilia, or von Willebrand disease (VWD) as it is now called, is caused when the body does not produce enough of a protein called von Willebrand factor(vWF) or produces abnormal vWF. vWF is involved in the process of blood clotting (coagulation). Blood clotting is necessary to heal an injury to a blood vessel. When a blood vessel is injured, vWF enables blood cells called platelets to bind to the injured area and form a temporary plug to seal the hole and stop the bleeding. vWF is secreted by platelets and by the cells that line the inner wall of the blood vessels (endothelial cells). The platelets release other chemicals, called factors, in response to a blood vessel injury, which are involved in forming a strong permanent clot. vWF binds to and stabilizes factor VIII, one of the factors involved in forming the permanent clot.
Von Willebrand Factor Backpage von willebrand Factor. GenBank Back to top of page. ID M25865 DefinitionHuman von willebrand factor gene, exons 51 and 52. ID M25828 http://www.genmapp.org/MAPPSet-Human/GenMAPP.org_MAPPs/Other_MAPPs/_Support/Hs_B
Von Willebrand's Disease Home von willebrand's Disease Canine Hip Dysplasia DemodecticMange Thyroid Dysfunction von willebrand'S DISEASE. Von http://www.geocities.com/schlosser44/vWD.html
Extractions: Von Willebrands Disease (vWD) is the most common inherited bleeding disorder in dogs. This informational site was created for puppy buyers, breeders, and owners of the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) and American Staffordshire Terrier (AST). This page is dedicated to vWD in regards to the APBT and AST, with a few references to other breeds of dogs affected. WHAT IS vWD? CLINICAL SIGNS BLOOD TESTING AND RANGES STRICT PROTOCOL YOU MUST FOLLOW FOR TESTING ... vW LINKS Testing for vWD is not a routine procedure, unless the vet was actively suspicious that there was a problem. You would need to ask for it. Unless there were symptoms present, or unless the vet had dealt with a positive APBT or AST before. The clinical signs of vWD are typical of a platelet function defect, such as spontaneous hemorrhage for mucosal surfaces, epistaxis, hematuria, melena and excessive hemorrhage from surgery or trauma. Stillbirths, neonatal deaths, prolonged bleeding at tail docking, ear cropping or dewclaw removals are other common manifestations. Bleeding from gums, excessive umbilical cord bleeding at birth, excessive bleeding from toenails cut too short, and bleeding after elective procedures. Some other clinical signs are: bloody stools, feces, hematochezia , forelimb lameness, forelimb swelling, generalized lameness or stiffness, head, face, ears, jaw, nose, nasal, swelling, hematuria, hemorrhage of any body part or clotting failure, hind limb lameness, hind limb swelling, hyphema, neck swelling, pale, pelvic or perennial swelling, petechiae or ecchymoses, red or brown urine, swelling skin or subcutaneous, swelling, mass external abdomen, tachycardia, thoracic swelling..
Extractions: programs. G lossary AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome): a disease that attacks and destroys the body's immune system, leaving the patient open to infections and other diseases and causing weight loss, central nervous system problems, and death. It is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. Anemia : abnormally low total volume of blood or low levels of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide, or red blood cells in the blood. Arthropathy : joint disease. Arthroscopy : a surgical procedure to examine the inside of a joint. Asymptomatic : showing no outward signs of a condition.
Extractions: print version by Anne Dilley, Ph.D ., Carolyn Drews, Ph.D. , Connie Miller, Ph.D. , Cathy Lally, M.S.P.H. , Harland Austin, D.Sc. , Donna Ramaswamy, M.P.H. , Donald Lurye, M.D. , Bruce Evatt, M.D. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Hematologic Diseases Branch, Atlanta, Georgia. Meridian Medical Group, Atlanta, Georgia. Corresponding Author: Anne Dilley, Ph.D. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 1600 Clifton Road Mail Stop E-64; Atlanta, Georgia 30333; Phone: 404-371-5262; FAX: 404-371-5424 RUNNING HEAD: Bleeding Disorders in Menorrhagia Cases. Bleeding disorders, especially von Willebrand Disease, are not uncommon in women with menorrhagia. Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results ... Table 1.
Hemophilia Association Of San Diego County von willebrand Disease (VWD) is an inherited bleeding disorder involving a deficiencyor abnormal function of a blood clotting protein called von willebrand http://www.hasdc.org/willebrand_disease.html
Extractions: VWD symptoms include: Easy bruising. Frequent or prolonged nosebleeds. Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Prolonged bleeding following injury, surgery, dental work or childbirth. VWD affects 1 - 2 out of every 100 people, males and females. Both hemophilia and VWD affect people of all ethnic backgrounds. ABOUT HASDC.ORG Background Our Services MEMBERSHIP DONORS RESOURCES Treatment Centers Other Resources NEWS EVENTS
Queensland Haemophilia Centre - Von Willebrand von willebrand's Disorder. von willebrand's disorder is caused by a deficiency(type 1) or an abnormality (type 2) of von willebrand factor. http://www.health.qld.gov.au/haemophilia/vonw.htm
Extractions: Von Willebrand's Disorder Von Willebrand's disorder is caused by a deficiency (type 1) or an abnormality (type 2) of von Willebrand factor. It is the commonest of the inherited bleeding disorders, occurring in about 1 in 1000 of the population. Occasionally a severe disorder, von Willebrand's disorder (type 3) can occur. It has similar symptoms to Haemophilia. Von Willebrand's disorder differs in a number of respects from haemophilia. Joint bleeds are uncommon and most people experience excessive bruising, bleeding from mucous membranes such as nose bleeds and bleeding following some types of surgery or dental extractions. In women, heavy periods may be experienced. Treatment for von Willebrand's disorder varies depending on the type (1,2,or 3) and the severity based on symptoms and results of blood tests. In those with Type1 von Willebrand's disorder and mild reductions in von Willebrand factor, a drug DDAVP (desmopressin acetate) is given intravenously to stimulate the release of von Willebrand factor into the circulation and prevents or treats bleeding. This infusion may need to be repeated. If DDAVP is not effective, von Willebrand factor may be given intravenously in the form of Factor VIII concentrate, which contains von Willebrand Factor.
The Haemophilia Society - WHAT IS VON WILLEBRAND'S? Another bleeding disorder closely related to haemophilia is von willebrand'sdisorder (vWd). WHAT IS von willebrandS? WHAT IS von willebrandS? http://www.haemophilia.org.uk/keyfacts/von_willebrands.html
Extractions: Another bleeding disorder closely related to haemophilia is von Willebrand's disorder (vWd). This disorder can affect both sexes and there are a number of different sub-types. When it is mild there can be a problem of regular nosebleeds, bruising, and, in women, heavy periods. There is a rare and more severe type where some of the symptoms and aspects of its treatment are similar to those of severe haemophilia. Click here for more information
The Haemophilia Society- VON WILLEBRAND'S SUPPORT NETWORK The Haemophilia Society has set up a telephone support network of volunteers whoare available to speak to other people affected by von willebrand's (vW). http://www.haemophilia.org.uk/services/von_willebrands.html
SCOP Family Von Willebrand Factor Binding Domain Of Family von willebrand factor binding domain of glycoprotein Ib alpha. Lineage Familyvon willebrand factor binding domain of glycoprotein Ib alpha. http://scop.berkeley.edu/data/scop.b.d.bb.c.d.A.html
Factor VIII Related Antigen Antibody (ab6994) Datasheet Rabbit polyclonal to human von willebrand Factor. Target protein. Human von willebrandfactor (factor VIII RAg) is a 270 kD multimeric plasma gylcoprotein. http://www.abcam.com/?datasheet=6994
Von Willebrand Factor Abnormal Control Plasma Abnormal Control Plasma von willebrand Factor. EXPECTED VALUES Abnormal Control Plasmawill yield von willebrand factor assay results of less than 45% activity. http://www.biodatacorp.com/Data Sheets/vW abnormal control plasma.htm