Editorial Review Product Description Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and Lyme disease can bepermanently reversed using nontoxic alternative treatments. In thisauthoritative guide, more than 30 leading physicians explain theirholistic diagnostic and treatment methods. Each chapter has beenupdated to reflect the latest research and therapeutic approaches totreating—and ultimately reversing— these debilitatingconditions. Written by the authors of the acclaimed ALTERNATIVEMEDICINE: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE (more than 600,000 copies sold), thisbook shows how to regain vitality, say goodbye to muscle pain, peakyour immune system, and shake off depression with clinically proventherapies. ... Read more Customer Reviews (4)
Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease
There are plenty of theories about what causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and other similar conditions. The literature can often be confusing. One specialist will say that the sole cause of these conditions is a virus leftover from childhood, another will say it's food intolerances, and still another will say that the conditions don't actually exist.
Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Lyme Disease looks at these issues in another way. The authors don't try to define a one size fits all miracle pill that cures these conditions. Instead, the book presents a variety of alternative medicine practitioners who look at the individual to see how to help him or her.
Essentially, it's a three part plan. First, do testing to find the root cause. Is there a virus? Are there immune deficiencies? Are there nutritional issues? Is stress an issue? Next, treat these conditions through drugs, supplements, cleansings, etc. Finally, make appropriate changes to bring balance to the system through lifestyle changes, proper nutrition, exercise, stress management, and emotional release.
If you have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, or Lyme Disease, then you need to get a copy of Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Lyme Disease. Although not comprehensive, it is the closest thing that I've seen to a definitive alternative medicine guide. What I like most is that this book is that it gives a variety of alternatives and avenues of thought.
Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Lyme Disease
This book is jam-packed with information for treating the multiple dysfunctions found in Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Lyme Disease. It provides more insights on how to treat the latter two conditions than any other book I have read. What's even more impressive, it presents perspectives from a multitude of experts, so that a well-rounded approach to healing can be formulated.
I had to read this book several times to absorb all of the information in it and gained many valuable insights from it.
That said, I found the information on Lyme Disease to be sorely lacking and the section on Lyme to be rather small. Also, in many cases, CFIDS, Fibromyalgia ARE actually manifestations of Lyme Disease, and I don't recall the book emphasizing this.
Granted, much information about how to treat Lyme has just recently emerged and this information may have not been available at the time that this book was published, yet I believe that a more in-depth discussion of Lyme would have been appropriate.
Overall, however, this book is an excellent source of information for anyone wanting to learn about the aforementioned conditions and how to manage them.
Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Lyme Disease
Overall it is very informative. However, it was lacking in areas such as how to manage low blood pressure which is found in 70% of chronic fatigue patients. In fact, the tilt test which is used by the Social Security Administration (for disability claims)as a marker for the syndrome is never mentioned (my blood pressure dropped to 56/33 during this test). Dr. Cheney and Dr. Bell as well as other leading doctors/researchers who were/are the pioneers in identifying and treating CFS/FMS have protocols for low bp which would be helpful to CFS patients. There is little attention paid to the real leaders in this field. Although Teitelbaum, Chaitow, and Lapp were mentioned, other leaders were forgotten. There is serious research being done (and findings) at the University of Oregon and University of Miami that was totally neglected. In place of referencing these leading doctors, physicians like Dr. Haimes are referenced who is skilled with hgh therapy for anti-aging but who is not very knowledgeable with CFS or Fibromylagia nor does he claim to specialize in CFS/FMS treatments (the two syndromes I suffer with and subjects of this book). So readers have to take care not to use these physician references in the book as referrals to doctors who subscribe to the protocols/insights of this book.
Unbelievably thorough and right on the money!
Holy Smokes!I have been looking for the answers to my environmental illness/fybromyalgia problems for nearly 3 years, and have just been diagnosed with Lyme Disease as well. The answers to my remaining questions were found IN THIS ONE BOOK!
The authors have made sure to show pictures, diagrams, etc., so even the lay person can understand where certain body parts reside and how they do or do not work, depending on your situation.I consider myself to be reasonably well-informed on the subjects covered in Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Lyme Disease; and I have been able to help many others who sufferer with these diseases. Yet I have NEVER seen such a wonderful resource all in one place before!If you have these health problems, don't pass this one by!There is a lot you can do for yourself without having to damage your body/liver further with just massive doses of heavy-duty allopathic meds. :-):-)
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