Editorial Review Product Description Secrets of How to Have an Erection for as Long as You Want, almost Anytime, at Any Age (Revealed in 15-Day Course for Men)In my teens, my Dad gave me the book Think & Grow Rich.I went to my room and started reading.When I got to the Chapter called Sex Transmutation....I was amazedbut confused.Later, in my late teens and early 20's, I kept bumping into the term, "sex transmutation" in the writings of a variety of brilliant men.Sigmund Freud discussed sex transmutation in his discussion of Leonardo da Vinci.While reading Walden, by Thoreau, I saw how Thoreau attributed sex transmutation with the beginning of genius in a man. While studying meditation at CSA in the Georgia mountains, I read of sex transmutation in the Gita and the New Testament.By being aware of the concept, I saw the concept mentioned while studying a variety of subjects but I saw very little specific advice about how to put the concept into practice.This book offers that advice. ... Read more Customer Reviews (22)
This book talks about practicle approach to cultivate, and channelize the sexual energy
First of all, I came across this book when I was searching the internet for the techniques to transmute sexual energy (bio-energy), after reading the book "Think and Grow Rich". I have read books on different other techniques e.g. Karezza which also indicate the benefits of bio-energy transmutation, and I would say this book "Anytime..for as Long as You Want" by Dr. Charles Runels, gives some simple and practical ways for the cultivation and transmutation of the sexual energy. However, I won't prefer modifying the vitamin, and hormone level in the body by artificial means as suggested in the book, rather, I would try to use more natural approach like changing diet (which is also suggested in this book), yoga, meditation etc.
Some people might get disappointed that this book, towards the end, talks about having will power (mind control), I would say that whatever book one reads on the topic of sexual energy..it ultimately comes to the will power, some books mention it directly while others not. The present book does show a simple approach to develop the will-power.
Over all, after incorporating some of the changes (not even to the full extent yet) in my daily routine as suggested in this book, I can see the positive effects, and I would say this book presents an implementable and effective approach for the enhancement and transmutation of the sexual-energy. Also, it gives a larger perspective towards this topic, and some interesting references to read further.
If you are looking for techniques to improve the experience in bed, then this book is a good complimentary to other books that explicitly talk about such techniques.
--Have fun as well as growth.
Great Book -- for the Beginner
I expected more from this book.I anticipated details and specifics, a comprehensive view directed by a comprehensive vision.The comprehensive vision was there, but not the view: details and specifics -- at least of the sort that I sought -- were rather missing, though inspiration was abundant.I think that this book can be a godsend for a man who until finding this book had been informed mainly by popular opinion, and had relied on his MD.
For me, though, already in the market for this book, seeking practical information and tools to implement myself, this book left me feeling that a great chance was missed.Still, I was tempted to give the book four stars, because sometimes, although you don't get what you want, you get what you need.In some way, this book offered me that.The simple indications on walking -- though easy to call commonplace -- grabbed me by my ear and made me see that my reduced walking is costing me specifically more than I had realized, and this book gave me a practical understanding and target as to walking.And there was the indication of the approach that the author has found to moderately increase penis size, what spurred me to pursue learning elsewhere, thereby improving my overall understanding of penis health.Through that, I've also learned about natural ways to boost growth hormone, something that I've now discovered is practical.
Yet, unable to rate the book 3.5 stars, I go back to three stars since I'd like to see a lot more flesh on the bones.I found this first edition repetitive, telling us why, why, why a man ought to consider taking more interest in his sexual health.For someone like me, already wishing to take a detailed interest, this book was all right, but lacks much practical information to apply specifically toward sexual health and not so much just to general health.There are useful indications in this book that I have found nowhere else, and I don't regret buying it.I just sought and expected more -- in addition to the general improvements to apply -- as there are many useful indications that I've found elsewhere but not in here.All told, I was expecting more from this book, and I even suspect that the author has it in him -- if only he would have written it into this book.
There are few books on men's health, though, that discuss the reality of benefits from sexual transmutation, and so, for nearly all men, I recommend this book greatly.This book does discuss well the benefits of sexual transmutation, and some key lifestyle improvements that will in fact improve men's sexual capacity, and a good amount on the action and balancing of hormones.Then, if one wants to learn practical tools to put the transmutation into practice, one will probably need some other sources for help.Even men familiar with the principles of sexual transmutation will probably gain at least some valuable things from this book, though.
All in all, I encourage the author to continue his great service to men's well-being (and thereby to women's and children's and the world's well-being), by furthering his work and communications, and maybe by authoring another book.Most especially, I would like to see more in the book for those who already want to practice sexual transmutation, who want to improve their hormone profile naturally, and who might not be Christians.
From What I've Seen...
The only reason that I as a woman have the nerve to offer a review of a book on men's sexuality is that I've seen the happy faces of the male clients who work with Dr. Runels, the book's author. For several months, I worked as an assistant in the doctor's office and watched a steady procession of grim-faced men walk in, and the same men after several medical consults exit relaxed and smiling. Dr. Runels' work with men's sexual issues is long and impressive. His book is a key part of his program so it deserves serious reading and trial.
Several of the negative reviewers do not seem to have given the content a fair trial. My position is not that the book is perfect. "Anytime, for as Long as You Want" has all the flaws - and strengths - of a doctor's prescription. It was clearly written in haste without much proofreading for typos, grammar or detail. On the other hand, the essentials that you'd seek an M.D. for are there. It's based on years of medical case histories with a wide variety of men and couples; the references are solid; the program has the potential to solve a serious physical problem; and the doctor is available for further consultation should you need more help than anyone can get from the pages of a book.
Another important way that the doctor's book is like a prescription is that you can't just read it and expect to be cured! You have to actually do what is prescribed to get better.
It's here that the book's recent critics appear to have missed out most significantly. Most of their comments make it clear that they did not do the program before criticizing.
Further, "Anytime" has a valuable element that most M.D. prescriptions lack: the doctor exposes intimate stories about himself that led him to write the book. He speaks from both personal and professional experience in healing sexual issues.
So I'd recommend reading and trying the book's contents and making the program your own. Give up the parts that don't suit you and save the ones that work. Which would you rather be: a premature criticizer who wouldn't give the method a fair shake or one of the satisfied customers who risked the program and fill the waiting room of Dr. Runels?
Failure to launch.
Many promises-- not enough delivery. In fairness I will say the first few chapters were enlightening regarding the philosophy espoused and those who practiced such things. To begin with I was excited, but when time came for the nuts and bolts I felt like I had been led out into a strange field and left there. He also badly needed to hire an editor. By the time I was finished I mostly wanted to mail the book back to him with a note saying "...sir, I believe you dropped this." Spend your cash on another, there are plenty better.
Tells you nothing that you don't already know...
The book tells you this: Jog, don't drink, don't smoke, read the bible and squeeze your penis if you want to delay ejaculation. For goodness sake, i can't understand how it gets raving reviews. This didn't need to be a book, he could have said what he said in just a few pages, a leaflet or something.
Throughout the book he tells you that you'll have multiple orgasms without ejaculation and that you'll take her to the 9th level of orgasm. All throughout the book, over and over he tells you this. And where is the info that'd make it possible??? Answer: Elsewhere... He doesn't know... But NOT IN THIS BOOK for sure!
Furthermore he tries to sell you more of this nonsense via his site, bit by bit...
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