Mark Okun's Resume in the form of java applets, for mathematics instruction (K12 on-line interactive appletes from javaSketchpad, Cinderella, and others. mathsNet A collection of math sites and
Extractions: SYSTEMS LANGUAGES DATABASE SOFTWARE C, C++, JAVA ORACLE Oracle CRM 11i UNIX PL/SQL MS ACCESS Oracle Developer 2000 LINUX PERL MySQL Oracle Designer 2000 WINDOWS VISUAL BASIC FOXPRO Oracle JDeveloper, Oracle Scripting PALM OS FORTRAN DBASE SQL Plus, SQL Loader MS DOS SQL CLIPPER WebLogic, IIS, Apache, Tomcat Java Script/HTML MS Office, Visio SUMMARY: 18 years experience in application systems development. Strong technical and interpersonal skills. Strengths in C C++ VISUAL BASIC , database development: Oracle MS Access and Web development: ( HTML Java Java Servlets JSP EJB JDBC Swing JavaScript ASP PHP Perl Sun Certified programmer for Java 2. Strong mathematical skills with experience in optimization, simulation and scientific applications. EXPERIENCE: 4/02-present D.P.M Consulting Sr. Application Developer at BCBSM 11/02- present 09/02- present Designing and developing interface form Microsoft Project (SQL Server) to General Ledger (People Soft, Oracle). Full life-cycle development.
Collectible Board Games in new computerrelated, logic-designed, or educational math games. collection of appletes written by Sun Microsystems employees (New Media Marketing Lab). java IS REQUIRED
Extractions: [You will need a Java capable browser to view this applet] Welcome to Collectible Board Games. This site is devoted to collectible board games and related topics. Man has played board games for thousands of years. Some games continue to be played today while others have vanished into obscurity. Here you will find information regarding some of these obscure games. Obscure games are not limited to 100 + year old games. Each year, games are published around the world. Many of these game have limited distribution and limited availablilty. Once the game is "out of print", it can be quite difficult to locate a copy. You'll find here book reviews of publications, both in print and out of print. Get information regarding other board game collectors. View antique board games and explore links to other site containing board game info. One of my Hobbies is collecting Board Games. I am a member of AGCA [American Games Collectors Association] . My collection currently covers the time period 1874 thru 1996. I am most interested in abstract, logic, and strategy games. The Latest Stuff - This link has the newest additions to this site. These games and puzzles will be moved to the game shelf on the next update.
Netscape Javascript Programming Adv Enable math object methods. Link URLs from a history list; Identify the featuresof java language. Compare java and javaScript. Include java appletes and plug Dev crs/webpubpro/02.htm
Extractions: Course Overview Learn To: Content Emphasis Informational Audience Total Learning Time 7 - 8 Hour(s) Course Contents Unit 1: Working with Loops Duration: 2 Hour(s) Complete the code to execute an interative operation by using the for statement. Complete the code to execute an interative operations by using the while statement. Complete the code to display the property balues of an object by using the for in statement. Write a function to create an array by using the for statement. Complete the code to terminate a loop by using the JavaScript keyword.
NETg Course Code 12803 math object methods. Link URLs from a history list. Identify the features of java language. Compare java and javaScript. Include java appletes
Extractions: NETg Course Code 12803 L earn To: C ontent Emphasis Informational A udience T otal Learning Time 7 - 8 Hour(s) Unit 1: Working with Loops Duration: 2 Hour(s) Complete the code to execute an interative operation by using the for statement. Complete the code to execute an interative operations by using the while statement. Complete the code to display the property balues of an object by using the for in statement. Write a function to create an array by using the for statement. Complete the code to terminate a loop by using the JavaScript keyword.
Xah: Great Math Programs A collection of mathematical programs, with particular reference to geometry.Category Science math Geometry Software Center Jeff has a home page that includes more math games http//www 200202-18Mark Newbold has written some beautiful polytope visualization java appletes.
Extractions: back to Xah's home This is a list of fun math programs i have played over the years. Most programs are for Macintosh, but Windows program is also included. They are mostly shareware or freeware. A heart means excellent. Email me if you think a program should be listed here. 2002-11-25. 3D-FilmStrip for Mac OS X is out! It is now called 3D-XplorMath. This vesion includes some 50 PDF files explaining various math objects. Super. Thanks Richard Palais. 3D-XplorMath Home Page . Now there's also a Mathematica package that convert 3D-XplorMath surface files to Mathematica graphics. Please get it here: 3dxm.tar.gz (Use StuffIt or WinZip to decompress the folder.) Here's some screen shots: breather.png costa.png enneper.png inv_boy.png ... symmetric4noid.png 2002-11-21. I'm adding a few obscure computer algebra software for those in the computing industry: Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It is somewhat compatible with MatLab. FreeSoftware. Website:
Meta-Math Sites State University team is building javabased mathematical math Challenges Presentsmath puzzles. has many amazing on-line interactive appletes from javaSketchpad Sites.htm
Extractions: Access to only the highest quality sites to eliminate unwanted hits. MathPages A collection of advanced math and physics miscellany. Nicely done and well worth a visit. Maths Thesaurus Presently the thesaurus contains definitions of 4019 concepts, with 14583 cross-references between concepts. It is this richness of crossreferencing which leads us to call the project a thesaurus of mathematics; it is much more than an alphabetical list of words and their definitions. THE MATHEMATICAL ATLAS This is a collection of short articles designed to provide an introduction to the areas of modern mathematics and pointers to further information, as well as answers to some common (or not!) questions. The material is arranged in a hierarchy of disciplines, each with its own index page (" blue pages "). I especially like the section on what a kid should know about mathematics in each grade from K-12.
Mole_genetics_lec edu/Dan/DOE/intro.html; DNA Learning Center Very slow loading due to java appletes. onlyfour nucleotides the question of the code focused on a math equation Genetics/mole_gen
Links_port The Movie Cliches List. math in the movies, does it all add up. java world code engineering. Superscape worlds. Silicon joy appletes.
Extractions: (Nullius in Verba) As we roam around the net, we are constantly faced with the ever growing task of making sense out of it, for this we have search engines, newsgroups, newspapers friends and our wits to act as our guides. One famous guide we would like to feel kinship to is The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (by Douglas Adams), which is an indispensable companion to all those who are keen to make sense of life in an infinitely complex and confusing Universe, for though it cannot hope to be useful or informative on all matters, it does at least make the reassuring claim, that where it is inaccurate it is at least definitely inaccurate. in cases of major discrepancy it's always reality that's got wrong (restaurant 6). hence we will not try to answer all the questions but we sure could give a lot to the important ones such as The basic list consist of the major companies involved in production, the different studios and major providers. Further we have tried to bring the more comfortable tools for looking for any specific movie, quote script or simply character. than we turn around to provide with some more usefull links in narrower fields of intrest such as horror, sound clips or even math ?! There is of course a selected list - to let us point the way to where we like to go.
Livres obligé d'utiliser en java lorsque l'on veut de C'est comme ça que java s'est débarassé des pointeurs Exemple les classes statiques (math, en java). Exemple les
Extractions: Lecture vivement recommandée pour ceux qui ne savent pas encore ce que sont les design patterns (modèles de conception, en français). Ce terme apparait très souvent, mais je l'ai longtemps mal compris. Il a deux sens. D'une part, il faut essayer de programmer de la manière la plus générale possible, afin de pouvoir réutiliser des morceaux de code (si possible, des fonctions ou des objets, que l'on aura réunis dans une bibliothèque) dans d'autres projets. Il est bon de tendre vers une telle généricité, mais c'est un peu utopique. C'est ce deuxième sens qui donne toute sa pertinence aux modèles de conceptions, qui consistent simplement à séparer les choses qui changent des choses qui ne changent pas c'est expliqué très clairement dans les livres de B. Eckels. C'est une manière de modéliser les interfaces utilisateurs. Le modèle est l'ensemble des données sur lesquelles l'utilisateur peut agir. La vue est la manière dont des données sont représentées (les vues peuvent être multiples : par exemple, un tableau de nombres, un braphique avec des barres, un camembert, etc.) ; c'est la partie en contact direct avec l'utilisateur ; elle reflète les changements du modèle. Le contrôleur est ce qui modifie le modèle. C'est aussi un modèle de conception, qui n'est pas détaillé, car il est présent dans tous les langages de programmation orientés objet. Il modélise la relation « est un ».
Extractions: Kildekode Perl regexp ... Kildekode Perl #!/usr/bin/perl #definerer hvilke filer som skal åpnes $kursfile = "./text/kurs.txt"; #Fil med brukere som har registrert kurs $personfile = "./hjemme~1.csv"; # Fil med alle brukerne som kan logge seg inn. $regfile = "../html/reg.htm"; #Mal til HTML fil som skrives ut når login har gått OK $feilfile = "../html/feil.htm"; #Mal til HTML fil som skrives ut når login ikke har gått OK #Leser informasjon fra HTML og luker ut det som er interesant #Leser personer fra filen med gyldige brukere og sjekker om den som logger inn er en gyldig bruker #Leser kursfilen for å se om brukeren allerede har registrert seg med noen kurs. #Skriver ut registreringssiden hvis loggin gikk OK, ellers innlogginsbildet igjen. else #Leser alle personer fra filen og legger di inn i @personer open PER, "<$personfile" or die "Can't open : $personfile ,Couse: $!"; ($crapp,$navn,$tlf) = split(',',$_); $navn = lc($navn);