VORSTIUS, Conrad contractus Hoc est Halesen Dr, Walter Balcanqual, 's-Gravenhage 1672; - hermann Nikolaus Funck http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/v/vorstius.shtml
Extractions: Verlag Traugott Bautz www.bautz.de/bbkl Bestellmöglichkeiten des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Zur Hauptseite des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Abkürzungsverzeichnis des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Bibliographische Angaben für das Zitieren ... NEU: Unser E-News Service
Enciclopedia Católica Translate this page Contemplativa, Vida Contenson, Vincent Teólogo y predicador dominico (1641-1674)Continencia Contingente contractus, hermann Contrapunto Contrareforma http://www.enciclopediacatolica.com/co.htm
OSB. Monastic Topics In Catholic Encyclopedia. A-F; Index. Cloister Columba, Saint, Abbot of Iona (521597) Columbanus, Saint, Irish Abbot (543-615)Compline Contemplation Contemplative Life contractus, hermann, 11th c http://www.osb.org/gen/topics/catenc.html
The Story Of The Salve Regina hermann contractus. Herimanus Augiensis words. The authorship is nowgenerally ascribed to hermann contractus (see above). Durandus http://nyssa.cecs.uofs.edu/salve.html
Extractions: As the mother of humanity, Mary's crown is each one of us as brothers and sisters of her Son. Each child in a family is irreplaceable; if one is not there with her, Mary's crown is unfinished. Each one of us is gifted with a mind, a heart, and a will; each one unique as a child of the Eternal Father. Each one is a king or queen when devoted in mind and heart and will to the call to service. Our age is so concerned with the outward splendor, the physical trappings and qualities, as if these were the only signs of human dignity. The true meaning of royalty is service, not being serviced. In reality we do not value ourselves enough, we do not sufficiently believe in our dignity and our call. We feel we are" failures," not up to standard when compared with others. Envy and jealousy creep into our relationships. We want to shine and excel rather than only to be part of the total picture. In life, self acceptance is basic if we are to grow into maturity. Self-love and self-acceptance lead us to love others and to love God because we are free from the chains which hold us back and keep us entangled in dead-end attitudes. Anyone can lead a full life, a life full of love, full of God, no matter what their temperamental or physical handicaps
Hermann Von Reichenau [Hermann Der Lahme] Translate this page hermann von Reichenau hermann der Lahme Von Kindheit an spastisch gelähmt, war H.zeitlebens an den Tragstuhl gefesselt (daher der Beiname contractus, dh der http://www.snl.ch/dhs/externe/protect/textes/D12708.html
Extractions: Herbst, Johannes => Oporinus, Johannes Hermatswil => Pfäffikon (ZH) No 1 18.7.1013 in Schwaben, 24.9.1054 Reichenau. Sohn des Gf. Wolfrat von Altshausen-Veringen und der Hiltrud. Mit sieben Jahren kam H. in das Kloster Reichenau, erhielt dort seine Ausbildung und empfing um 1043 die Priesterweihe. Von Kindheit an spastisch gelähmt, war H. zeitlebens an den Tragstuhl gefesselt (daher der Beiname contractus
Encyclopædia Britannica byname hermannus contractus, or hermann The Lame German chronicler,poet, composer, astronomer, and mathematician. A contemporary http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=41012
HERMANN OF REICHENAU as hermannus contractus, ie the Lame (10131054), German scholar and chronicler,was the son of Count Wolferad of Aishausen in Swabia. hermann, who became a http://31.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HE/HERMANN_OF_REICHENAU.htm
Extractions: See E. Winkelmann, Philipp von Schwaben und Otto IV. von Braunschweig (Leipzig, 18731878); T. Knochenhauer, Geschichte Thdringens (Gotha, 187I); and F. Wachter, Thiiringische und obersachsische Gesch-ichte (Leipzig, 1826). HERMANN OF REICHENAU (HERIMANNUS AUGIENSIS), commonly distinguished as Hermannus Contractus, i.e. the Lame (10131054), German scholar and chronicler, was the son of Count Wolferad of Aishausen in Swabia. Hermann, who became a monk of the famous abbey of Reichenau, is at once one of the most attractive and one of the most pathetic figures of medieval monasticism. Crippled and distorted by gout from his childhood, he was deprived of the use of his legs; but, in spite of this, he became one of the most learned men of his time, and exercised a great personal and intellectual influence on the numerous band of scholars he gathered round him. He died on the 24th of September 1054, at the family castle of Alshausen near Biberach. Besides the ordinary studies of the monastic scholar, he devoted himself to mathematics, astronomy and music, and constructed watches and instruments of various kinds. His chief work is a Chronicon ad annum 1054, which furnishes important and original material for the history of the emperor Henry
History Of Astronomy: Persons (H) hermann von of Reichenau Engl. hermann the Lame; hermann contractus; HerimanusAugiensis (10131054) Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_h.html
Extractions: Hadley, John (1682-1744) Hagen, Johann Georg (1847-1930) Haiyan: see Ibn Haiyan, Jabir (?-803) Hakluyt, Richard (1552(?)-1616) Hale, George Ellery Hall, Asaph (1829-1907) Haller von Hallerstein, Augustin (1703-1774) Halley, Edmond Halma, Nicholas (1755-1828) Hamilton, Laurentine (1826-1882) Hamilton, William Rowan (1805-1865) Hansen, Peter Andreas (1795-1874)
Extractions: Die oberschwäbischen Rittersleut' hatten es nicht immer bequem, wie diese Tour zeigt. Sie führt nach Wolpertswende, südlich von Aulendorf, wo ein uriger mittelalterlicher Burgturm steht. Die Mitglieder des Deutschen Ritterordens dagegen liebten es komfortabler. Davon zeugt das Schloss zu Altshausen. Das Reisen war in früheren Jahren eine gefährliche Angelegenheit - nicht nur wegen der schlechten Straßenverhältnissen. Diebe und Wegelagerer lauerten den Wanderern auf. Zum Schutz der Reisenden entstanden befestigte Städte und Ritterburgen entlang den Handelsstraßen. An der westlichen Flanke des Schussentals bei Wolpertswende, südlich von Aulendorf, steht der mittelalterliche Hatzenturm aus dem 11. und 12. Jahrhundert. Innerhalb des aus gewaltigen Natursteinen errichteten Turms führt eine enge Treppe zu einer Aussichtsplattform, von der aus man einen wunderbaren Ausblick über das Schussental, Ravensburg und die Schweizer Alpen hat. Der Ort Altshausen ist geprägt von den Repräsentationsbauten des Deutschen Ritterordens. Nach den Grafen Veringen-Altshausen ging Altshausen im 13. Jahrhundert an den Deutschen Orden. Trotz der imposanten Bauten lebten Ritter spartanisch, die Ordensregeln sahen viele Gebete vor, allein 189 Vaterunser pro Tag.
Full Alphabetical Index Collins, John (921) Condamine, Charles de La (480*) Condorcet, Marie Jean (696*)Connes, Alain (745*) Conon of Samos (583) contractus, hermann (231) Coolidge http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm
ZRG RA 21, 1900-34, 1913 Translate this page 474 Leopold WENGER, Curatrix, in ZRG RA 29, 1908, S. 474 hermann DESSAU, Lex RA27, 1906, S. 46 Otto LENEL, Zur exceptio annalis Italici contractus, in ZRG http://www.phil.uni-erlangen.de/~p1ges/zfhm/zrgra2.html
E-text mod.). HERVER TEXT (p. 152153). hermannus contractus, Musica (hermann. mus.). HERMUSETEXT. hermannus contractus Versus ad discernendum cantum (hermann. vers.). http://www.lml.badw.de/e-text.htm
Extractions: Texte E-texts of LmL reference-editions par Christian Meyer (CNRS) Following directory lists all texts compiled for the LmL textual basis and supply an access to extant electronic editions. The left column names treatises by autor, title and/or incipit. The LmL abbreviation stands in parentheses. More information (abbreviation of the printed edition and dating of the treatises - as accurate as possible) will be found on Index auctorum zur Musiktheorie des Mittelalters The right column provides a link to the electronic edition of the concerned text. All e-texts will be found on the WEB site of Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum Note that longer texts are generally split in several files. page numbers after a single link point out that the treatise will be found only on the indicated pages : e. g. to find the treatise "Mensura cymbalorum ,,Si velis fundere cymbala`` (CYMB. Si velis)" click on " ANOCYM TEXT (p. 44-45)", and search "44" ADETRA TEXT Adam Fuldensis, De musica (ADAM FULD.) FULMUS1 TEXT (p. 329-341); FULMUS2 TEXT (p. 341-358);
0253=237 See HERMAN contractus. /div2 div2 type= Article title= Hering, hermann Julius HERING, hermann JULIUS German Lutheran; b. at Dallmin (a village of http://www.ccel.org/s/schaff/encyc/encyc05/contrib/0253=237.htm
Extractions: See page image Page 237 doubts entertained by Protestants, some maintaining that a communion which does not baptize in the name of Christ has no Christian baptism at all. But where baptism receives into the congregation of believers in Christ, it can not be repeated, because it is the inviolable gift of adoption through Christ. N. BONWETSCH. BIBLIOGRAPHY: The sources are: Cyprian, Epistola, lxix - lxxv., ed. G. Hartel, ii. 547 sqq., 3 vols., Vienna, 1868-71, and the anonymous De rebaptismate, ib., iii. 69 sqq. (Eng. transl. of these is to be found in ANF, v. 375-402 and 667 sqq.); Eusebius, Hist. eccl., VII, Das Sakrament der Taufe, i. 62 sqq., Erlangen,1846; W. Elwin, Hist. of Church Opinion . . . with Reference to Heretical, Schiamatical and Lay Administration, London, 1889; T. Hahn, Tyconiusstudien, Leipsic, 1900; J. Ernst, Die Ketzertaufangelegenheit in der all christlichen Kirche, Mainz, 1901; Hefele, Conciliengeschichte, i. 117 sqq., 201 sqq., 407 sqq., 427 sqq., Eng. transl., i. 98 sqq., 180 sqq., 409 sqq., 430 eqq.; Neander, Christian Church, i.
Www.ewtn.com/library/HOMELIBR/13409A.TXT The authorship is now generally ascribed to hermann contractus (q. v.). Durandus,in his Rationale , ascribed it to Petrus of Monsoro (d. about 1000), Bishop http://www.ewtn.com/library/HOMELIBR/13409A.TXT
Hankalat Musiikkinimet - Ohjeluettelo E-K Translate this page Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastián Herman's Hermits (Y) hermann = hermann von Salzburghermann von Salzburg (1300-luku) hermann hermannus contractus (1013-1054 http://www.kaapeli.fi/~musakir/Hankalat/luetteloB.html
Extractions: Easton, Amos = Bumble Bee Slim Eberhard von Cersne Cersne, Eberhard von Ebreo da Pesaro, Guglielmo = Pesaro, Guglielmo Ebreo da EBPSATRFM = Electric Blue Peggy Sue And The Revolutionions (Y) Echo and the Bunnymen Echo and the Bunnymen = Eddy, Duane Edge Evans, David - The Edge Edmonds, Kenny = Babyface Eemeli Toivonen, Esko Eero ja Jussi Eero ja Jussi Egk, Werner (1901-) Mayer, Werner Eija Sinikka Kovanen, Eija Sinikka - Sinikka, Eija Eini Eisler, Hanns (1898-1962) Eisler, Hans Eisler, Hans = Eisler, Hanns Electric Blue Peggy Sue And The Revolutionions From Mars (Y)
Herman3 Translate this page Historia de S. Afra Martyre' und Das 'Salve Regina' des hermannus contractus, Karlsruhe1892. H. Oesch, Berno und hermann von Reichenau als Musiktheoretiker, Publ http://home.isnet-ev.de/wbenz/herman3.htm
Extractions: , Karlsruhe 1883 , Karlsruhe 1888 Die verloren geglaubte 'Historia de S. Afra Martyre' und Das 'Salve Regina' des Hermannus Contractus , Karlsruhe 1892 R. Molitor Die Musik der Reichenau in Kultur der Abtei Reichenau II H. Hansjakob Herimann, der Lahme von der Reichenau , Mainz 1875 H. Oesch Berno und Hermann von Reichenau als Musiktheoretiker Gebetsgottesdienst, zwischen den Lesungen, nach dem Alleluia Grates, honos, hierarchia - (de sancta cruce = auf Karfreitag) Rex regum Dei agne (auf Ostern) Ave praeclara maris stella Benedicto trinae unitati - (de sanctissima trinitate = auf die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit) Exsurgat totus almiphonus (de sancta Maria Magdalena = auf Maria Magdalena) Antiphonen
Allgäu-Schwäbisches Musikarchiv Eglofs 2 hermann der Lahme , Graf von Altshausen, Lindenberg, 1996, KunstverlagJosef Fink, S.9-15. Auch 9 Tafeln im hermannus contractus Museum in http://home.isnet-ev.de/wbenz/archiv2.htm