Biography-center - Letter K kneser, Adolf;kneser, hellmuth
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 374 biographies
Heinz Lueneburg, Stammbaum Juli 1996) noch zu Adolfkneser, dem Vater von hellmuth kneser geführt. Das ist nicht korrekt.
Bibliografie Translate this page kneser, hellmuth 21 Separata 1930 - 1969. Die kanonische Parametergruppe. - FelixKlein als Mathematiker, et al. kneser, hellmuth 9 Separata 1939 - 1969.
StaudtPreis97 Translate this page Wissenschaftlerfamilie. Bereits sein Großvater Adolf kneser (1862-1930) undsein Vater hellmuth kneser (1898-1973) waren bedeutende Mathematiker. Sie
Dissertationen In Mathematik, 1907-1944 Translate this page Zeitschrift, Bd. 10, M, kneser, hellmuth, Untersuchungen zur Quantentheorie.Göttingen, 22.12.1921, Anwendungen, Theoretische Physik, Math. Annalen, Bd.84,
Extractions: G Verfasser Titel Univers./TH Datum Gebiet Untergebiet Publiziert in Zeitschrift Land M Bochner, Salomon Berlin Analysis Funktionentheorie Math. Zeitschrift, Bd. 14 PL M Bergmann, Stephan Berlin Analysis Funktionentheorie Math. Annalen, Bd. 86 RUS M Unendliche Abelsche Gruppen von Elementen endlicher Ordnung. Berlin Algebra Gruppentheorie Auszug in: Jahrbuch d. Diss. d. Philos. Fak. Berlin, 1920-1921
Archival Material Related To Jakob Nielsen kneser, hellmuth, 192029, 13, Box 59, Jakob Nielsen Papers. Ostrowski,Alexander, 1919-24, 13, Box 68, Jakob Nielsen Papers. Schieldrop
Extractions: Archival material related to Jakob Nielsen A collection of Jakob Nielsen papers is located in the Archive , Institute for Mathematical Science, University of Copenhagen. An inventory of the papers is accessible in Danish and English at the homepages of the Archive. The Nielsen papers are a collection of mathematical reprints, which Nielsen received during his career from various mathematicians. In some cases there are also press clippings related to a person (mainly the Danish mathematicians) or correspondence (see below ). There may also be manuscripts (see below) , but mainly manuscripts by others than Nielsen. Archive no. 6036 at The National Archives, Copenhagen is material from Nielsen from the period 1945-57. There are 3 boxes deposited in 1982. They are inaccessible after the 50 years rule (application needed to get access) and have not been registered. The content is: correspondence, summary of meetings etc. from Nielsen's activities at UNESCO. The following manuscripts written by Nielsen are in the Jakob Nielsen papers (box numbers refer to that collection).
Jakob Nielsen Papirer Box 59 KleinBarmen, Fritz 12 særtryk. kneser, hellmuth 64 særtryk og13 håndskrevne breve på tysk fra kneser til Nielsen fra 1920-29.
Extractions: KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET Arkivets hjemmeside Samlingsoversigt Jakob Nielsen papirer Kort beskrivelse: Denne samling af Jakob Nielsens papirer består for størstedelen af særtryk, som Nielsen har modtaget fra andre videnskabsfolk og sorteret efter forfatter. Udover særtrykkene er der i forbindelse med nogle af personerne breve, manuskripter, ansøgninger og andet. Alt materiale er fra ca. 1890-1959 og på en lang række sprog hvad angår særtrykkene. Det øvrige materiale er dog fortrinsvis på dansk eller tysk. Omfang: Samlingen omfatter 79 arkivkasser, hvoraf de første 25 er almindelige arkivkasser og resten er Nielsens originale kasser. Overdragelse: Samlingen befandt sig i Matematisk biblioteks kælder i E-bygningen på H. C. Ørsted Institutet i efteråret 1996. Det vides ikke, hvornår eller hvordan den er kommet der. I juli 1999 blev der tilføjet fotokopier af materiale fra Staatsarchiv Hamburg til box 10 Klausuler: Ingen.
Doğum Tarihlerine Göre Gelmiş Geçmiş Tüm Matematikçiler Translate this page (1898-1972) Escher, (1903-1968) Delsarte, (1906-1993) Yushkevich. (1898-1973)kneser, hellmuth, (1903-1974) Flügge-Lotz, (1906-1993) Zorn.
Extractions: sanal hoca Ana Sayfa Kimya Matematik Fizik ... E-Posta (1895-1983) Fuller (1900-1988) Uhlenbeck (1904-1968) Roth (1895-1985) Szego (1900-1992) Zygmund (1904-1973) Davies (1896-1934) Prüfer (1900-1993) Burkill (1904-1982) Hall, Philip (1896-1950) Milne (1900-1998) Cartwright (1904-1985) Semple (1896-1962) Ackermann (1901-1929) Schreier (1904-1994) Dubreil (1896-1966) Janovskaja (1901-1944) Kochin (1904-1997) Edge (1896-1971) Sokolov (1901-1961) Bari (1905-1938) Shnirelman (1896-1975) Remez (1901-1973) Petrovsky (1905-1972) Albert, Abraham (1896-1980) Kuratowski (1901-1975) Novikov (1905-1976) Kalmár (1896-1981) Siegel (1901-1976) Heisenberg (1905-1977) Moufang (1896-1982)Aleksandrov (1901-1977) Brauer (1905-1977) Péter (1896-1985) Pars (1901-1978) Oka (1905-1979) Ehresmann (1897-1942) Saks (1901-1980) Akhiezer (1905-1981) Mazur (1897-1954) Post (1901-1980) Copson (1905-1982) Borsuk (1897-1958) Hartree (1901-1982) Friedrichs (1905-1984) Whittaker, John
The Fundamental Theorem Of Algebra noted in 1859 made a start towards a constructive proof but it was not until 1940that a constructive variant of the Argand proof was given by hellmuth kneser.
Extractions: The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (FTA) states Every polynomial equation of degree n with complex coefficients has n roots in the complex numbers. In fact there are many equivalent formulations: for example that every real polynomial can be expressed as the product of real linear and real quadratic factors. Early studies of equations by al-Khwarizmi (c 800) only allowed positive real roots and the FTA was not relevant. Cardan was the first to realise that one could work with quantities more general than the real numbers. This discovery was made in the course of studying a formula which gave the roots of a cubic equation. The formula when applied to the equation x = 15x + 4 gave an answer involving -121 yet Cardan knew that the equation had x = 4 as a solution. He was able to manipulate with his 'complex numbers' to obtain the right answer yet he in no way understood his own mathematics. Bombelli , in his Algebra , published in 1572, was to produce a proper set of rules for manipulating these 'complex numbers'.
K Index Translate this page Klingenberg, Wilhelm (511*) Klügel, Georg (86) kneser, Adolf (187*) kneser, hellmuth(845*) Knopp, Konrad (168*) Kober, Hermann (115*) Koch, Helge von (736
USB Köln Translate this page Funktionentheorie, Einführungen und Gesamtdarstellungen. Verfasser/Personen,Titel, Jahr, Signatur. kneser, hellmuth, Funktionentheorie, 1966, TK2.
Extractions: Centaurus. International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology II Seitenanfang Seitenende Anmerkungen 17. Zu Max Steck ist ein Artikel von Menso Folkerts und Freddy Litten in Vorbereitung. Das folgende nach [UAM, NC]. 19. Eine solche Konzeption seitens des Reichswissenschaftsministeriums hatte es bereits in der Diskussion um die Nachfolge Hartogs gegeben. 21. Das folgende nach [UAM, NC]. 22. Vgl. entsprechende Bemerkungen in Schappacher und Scholz[1992, 11]. 23. Dieses Gutachten ist verschollen.
Freddy Litten: Abstracts 2 After some time, early in 1941, the Munich mathematicians now nominatedHeinrich Behnke, hellmuth kneser, Franz Rellich and Herbert Seifert.
Extractions: (Frederick S. Litten) Hermann Strebel Lichttherapeut und Sonnenforscher [Hermann Strebel light therapist and sun observer]; in: Sterne und Weltraum , 31. Jg., Heft 3, 1992, S. 154-157. Hermann Strebel (1868-1943) was born in Munich where, after receiving his doctorate in medicine from Erlangen University in 1892 and for some years working in Regensburg, he practiced as a physician specializing in the then new field of light therapy, also holding some patents in that field. Presumably because of this specialization he also became interested in solar research, so in 1926 he began building an observatory in Herrsching near Munich. Unusually for the time, he used mirror telescopes, built by the famous B. Schmidt, for his solar observations. His best observations, resulting for example in the recognition of the polygonal structure of solar granules, were of an equal quality with the stratospheric observations made in the 1960s. However, Strebel also produced quite a weird theory of the sun's structure, ignoring the results of concurrent academic research. In 1932 Strebel bequeathed his observatory to the Munich-Bogenhausen observatory which was then still part of the Administration of Scientific Collections of the (Bavarian) State . In 1937 he stopped observing, and most of the instruments were brought to Bogenhausen where not much use was made of them, however. His publications of observations in the 1930s provoked renewed interest in solar granulation eg, by H. H. Plaskett , but then soon became forgotten. Yet, he was one of the most successful astronomical practitioners in Bavaria between the World Wars.
Fermat's Little Theorem I have no explanation why van der Waerden does NOT use it; he studied in G ottingenhanging out, among others with my teacher hellmuth kneser who was Courant's's_little_theorem.htm
Extractions: Fermat's little theorem Friday 17 th August 2001 was the 400 th anniversary of the birth of Pierre de Fermat , and by way of a personal homage I decided that for the ICTMT5 meeting in Klagenfurt, Austria - held the week prior to Fermat's anniversary - I would offer a talk, using Maple, called Fermat's little theorem . It was never my intention to cover all of my prepared talk in Klagenfurt, and, in the event, I covered less than 0.1% of what I actually prepared. My Maple worksheet (129KB) may be downloaded here , and a (large) html version of it may be downloaded here large because Maple converts all outputs to gif files, and there are 447 of those in the worksheet). I dedicated my lecture to Mark Daly - a former colleague, and friend - as a token of my regard for him.
Table Of Contents Translate this page Anteil der Kettenbruchperiode. 58. . . ARTICLE, kneser, hellmuth DasAuswahlaxiom und das Lemma von Zorn. 62. . . ARTICLE, Herrlich, Horst
Table Of Contents Translate this page 69. . . ERRATA, kneser, hellmuth Das Auswahlaxiom und das Lemma von Zorn. Nachtrag.92. . ADVERTISING, 1. . TABLE OF CONTENTS, 2. . PERIODICAL ISSUE, 3. . . IMPRINT,4.
Mathem_abbrev al Khujandi, Abu al Khwajayi, Tus1 Khwaja, Nasir Khwarizmi, Abu al- Kindi, Abual Kingman, John Kirkman, Thomas Klein, Felix, kneser, hellmuth Kober, Hermann
Extractions: Mathematician Report Index Below is a list of mathematicians. You may choose from this list or report on a mathematician not listed here. In either case, you must discuss with me the mathematician you have chosen prior to starting your report. No two students may write a report on the same mathematician. I would advise you to go to the library before choosing your topic as there might not be much information on the mathematician you have chosen. Also, you should determine the topic early in the term so that you can "lock-in" your report topic!! The report must include: 1. The name of the mathematician. 2. The years the mathematician was alive. 3. A biography. 4. The mathematician's major contribution(s) to mathematics and an explanation of the importance. 5. A historical perspective during the time the mathematician was alive.
Technologie Translate this page kneser, hellmuth, Funktionstheorie, h, 1958 Vandenhoeck, 4,50. Kratz, Johannes,Geometrie I. Teil, h, 1970 Bayerischer, 5,-. Kratz Wörle, Johannes Karl, GeometrieII.
Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Thomas (1045*) Kleene, Stephen (315*) Klein, Felix (1993*) Klingenberg, Wilhelm(511*) Klügel, Georg (86) kneser, Adolf (187*) kneser, hellmuth (842*) Knopp