Chirurg Rudolf Nissen Translate this page Betätigungsfeld, so ua die Mathematiker Richard von mises (1883-1953) und seinespätere Frau, die Mathematikerin hilda Pollaczek-geiringer (1893-1973, BM 12
43 Femmes Mathématiciennes 17061749) Gertrude Mary Cox (19001978) Kate Fenchel (19051983) Irmgard FluggeLotz(19031974) hilda geiringer von mises (18931973) Sophie Germain
Extractions: Grace Chisholm Young (18681944) This book includes essays on 43 women mathematicians, each essay consisting of a biographical sketch, a review/assessment of her work, and a bibliography which usually lists most of her mathematical works, a few works about her, and occasionally a few other references. The essays are arranged alphabetically by the women's best-known professional names. A better arrangement would have been by the periods within which the women worked; an approximation to that can be achieved by using the list in Appendix A of the included women ordered by birthdate. With its many appendices and its two good indexes, the bibliographic structure of this book is excellent. This together with its reviews of the work of many less-known women mathematicians makes it a valuable contribution to the history of mathematics.
Paris Pismis Dr. hilda geiringer de gelenler arasindaydi; von mises bunlar arasinda enmühimidir diyebiliriz. Felsefede Hans Reichenbach vardi, o daha gençti.
Extractions: Özgeçmiþ Prof. Dr. Paris Piþmiþ 1911 yýlýnda Ýstanbul - Ortaköyde doðdu. 4 yaþýna kadar ayný sempte kaldý. Olgun anlamýna gelen Piþmiþ soyadý Maliye Bakaný olan dedesine zamanýn Padiþahý tarafýndan verilmiþtir. Sonra ailesi Üsküdara geçti. Henüz beþ yaþýnda bir anaokulu öðrencisi iken okumayý söktü, ablasýnýn matematik problemlerini de çözebiliyordu. Ýlkokula Üsküdar Yeni mahellede baþladý. O yýllarda altý sene süren ilkokul eðitimi süresince ecnebi diller de okutulurdu; birinci sýnýfta Fransýzca, üçüncü sýnýfta da Ýngilizce öðretilmeye baþlatýlýrdý. Hem Fransýzcaya hem de Ýngilizceye gayet iyi bir baþlangýç yaparak ilkokuldan mezun olduktan sonra Üsküdar Amerikan Kýz Lisesine gitti. Liseye baþladýðýnda Ermenice, Ýngilizce, Türkçe ve Fransýzca biliyordu. Bu okulda Almanca da öðrendi. Üsküdar Amerikan Kýz Koleji yatýlý bir okuldu, ama evleri okula çok yakýn olduðundan gündüzlü okudu. Kolej'de çok sýký bir disiplin vardý; eðitim, American Mission Board'un denetimindeydi. Matematiði daha o zamandan baþlayarak çok sevmiþtir. Matematik hocalarýnýn büyük etkisi olmuþtur, bu dersi bu kadar sevmesinde. Madam Curie teorik çalýþmalar yapabildiyse, ben neden yapamayayým? düþüncesi de Prof. Dr. Paris Piþmiþin hýrsýný kamçýlayan bir düþünce olmuþtur. Euclid Geometrisindeki teoremleri, önermeleri çok sevdi. Kolejdeki ilk yýlýnda kendisine o kadar da üzmediði halde, sýnýftaki en yüksek ortalamayý tutturmayý baþardý. Bunun üzerine biraz daha çalýþsam bütün okuldaki en yüksek ortalamayý tutturabilirim diye düþündü. Gerçekten ertesi sene öyle oldu, % 98 idi ortalamasý. Bitireceði yýl Üsküdar Amerikan Kýz Lisesi lise oduðu için, üniversiteye doðrudan gidebilme þansýna kavuþtu.
Encyclopædia Britannica hilda geiringer von mises University of St Andrews, Scotland Biographical sketchof this mathematician known for her work on probability theory and mises
UV Index 2214*) von Kármán, Theodore (202*) von Koch, Helge (736*) von Leibniz, Gottfried(3723*) von Lindemann, Carl (895*) von mises, hilda geiringer (1469*) von
M Index 1080*) Milnor, John (683*) Minding, Ferdinand (392*) Mineur, Henri (369) Minkowski,Hermann (292*) Mirsky, Leon (400*) mises, hilda geiringer von (1469*) mises
Extractions: This paper is cited in the following contexts: Investigations of Gaussian Products-of-Experts Models - Agakov (2000) (Correct) ....1 D Gaussian case we can note that if p(x 1 jz ) N( x1 jz ; 2 x1 jz ) then x 1 = x1 jz x1 jz u, where u N(0; 1) In order to proceed with estimation of the PoE distribution, we need to estimate conditional distributions of the model. Using the results of pp. 426 228] of Mises (1964) , the conditional probabilities of partition matrices can be expressed as p(x 1 jx 2 ) N( 1 S 12 S 1 22 (x 2 2 ) S 11 S 12 S 1 22 S 21 ) 4. 22) where S = 2 4 S 11 S 12 S 21 S 22 3 5 (4.23) is the covariance of the complete model. From (4.20) and (4.22) the conditional distributions .... Mises, R. V. (1964). Mathematical Theory of Probability and Statistics . New York: Academic Press. Lecture notes on descriptional complexity and randomness - Gacs (1993) (3 citations) (Correct) ....assumed in [11] that the number of regular bets is so small we can afford to make them all in advance and still win by a wide margin. Kolmogorov discovered in [19] and [21] probably without knowing about [11] but following a four decades long controversy on vonMises concept of randomness, see
Numerical Analysis In The Twentieth Century (ResearchIndex) (context) Birkho - 1906 1 hilda geiringer von mises (context) - Richards - 19871 A class of methods for inverting matrices (context) - Householder - 1958 1
Extractions: Abstract: This paper attracted much attention while a similar result obtained by William Karush in his Master's Thesis in 1939 [154] under the supervision of Lawrence M. Graves at the University of Chicago and by Fritz John (1910-1995) in 1948 [147] were almost totally ignored (John's paper was even rejected) (Update)
HISTORIA MATHEMATICA VOLUME 20, PAGES 343471, NOVEMBER 1993 343 hilda geiringervon mises, Charlier Series, Ideology, and the Human Side of theEmancipation of Applied Mathematics at the University of Berlin during the
Extractions: Previous , by Jean-Claude Martzloff (Joseph W. Dauben) ................................................... 437 ABSTRACTS ............................................................. 447 INDEX OF AUTHORS OF ARTICLES AND REVIEWS IN VOLUME 20.......................................................... 466 INDEX OF AUTHORS OF PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED AND ABSTRACTED IN VOLUME 20........................................... 467
Vertriebene Translate this page Pöschl, Theodor (1882-1955), 73, 170-175. Pollaczek-geiringer, hilda (1895-1973)später hilda von mises, 71, 189. Prager, William (1903 -), 72, 182.
Extractions: In den Jahresberichten der DMV zwischen 1969 und 1974 hat Max Pinl unter dem obigen Titel derjenigen Fachkollegen gedacht, die durch die Unmenschlichkeit des nationalsozialistischen Regimes ihre Heimat, ihre Stellung oder gar ihr Leben verloren haben. A B C D ... Z Alt, Frank (1910-) Artin, Emil (1898-1963) Baer, Reinhold (1902-1979) Barneck, Alfred (1885-1964) Basch, Alfred (1882-1958) Baule, Bernhard (1891-1976) Behrend, Felix (1911 - 1962) Bergmann, Gustav (1906- ) Bergmann, Peter (1915- ) Bergman, Stefan (1895-1977) Bernays, Paul (1888-1977) Bernstein, Felix (1878-1956) Bers, Lipman (1914-1993) Berwald, Ludwig (1883-1942) Blumenthal, Otto (1876-1944)
Liste Historischer Mathematischer Habilitationen Von 1810 Bis 1933 Translate this page 36, Pollaczek, geb. geiringer, hilda (1893-1973), Über starre Gliederungen vonFachwerken. (von mises, Bieberbach, Schmidt, Schur), Die Grenzwertsätze der
Cynthia Lanius' Presentation: Girls And Science 2000 Olive Clio Hazlett, Lorna Mary Swain. hilda geiringer von mises, Cecilia Krieger.Sof'ja Aleksandrovna Janovskaja, Nola Haynes. Marguerite Lehr, Gertrude Blanch.
Extractions: Girls and Science 2000 Throughout history, rare women became mathematicians. Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia (1646-1684) Emilie du Chatelet (1706-1749 Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718-1799) Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) Sophie Germain (1776-1831) Mary Fairfax Somerville (1780-1872) We begin to see progress influence of women's movement. Nineteenth Century Ada Byron Lovelace Florence Nightingale Mary Everest Boole Susan Jane Cunningham Elizaveta Fedorovna Litvinova Christine Ladd- Franklin Sofia Kovalevskaya Ellen Amanda Hayes Hertha Ayrton Ida Metcalf Charlotte Angas Scott Charlotte Barnum Alicia Boole Stott Ruth Gentry Winifred Edgerton Merrill Leona May Peirce Helen Abbot Merrill Clara Eliza Smith Clara Latimer Bacon Annie MacKinnon Fitch Grace Chisholm Young Isabel Maddison Mary Frances Winston Newson Emilie Norton Martin Agnes Baxter Virginia Ragsdale Louise Duffield Cummings Lao Genevra Simons Roxana Hayward Vivian Elizabeth Dickerman Anna Irwin Young Suzan Rose Benedict Charlotte Elvira Pengra Grace M. Bareis
Matematikos Istorija 1819); Olive Clio Hazlett (1890-1974); Lorna Mary Swain (1891-1936);hilda geiringer von mises (1893-1973); Cecilia Krieger (1894
Extractions: Senovës matematikos istorija Ðioje svetainëje sukaupta daugybë medþiagos matematikos istorijos klausimais. Svetainæ sukûrë Ðkotijos Ðv. Andrëjaus universiteto Matematikos ir statistikos mokykla. Tekstai paraðyti aiðkia, graþia anglø kalba, todël gali bûti panaudoti integruojant matematikos pamokas su anglø kalba. Patraukliai ir ádomiai apraðyta daugiau kaip 1000 matematikø, pateikiami jø portretai, trumpai pristatomi esminiai darbai. Yra ávairiø ádomybiø, pavyzdþiui, prie kiekvieno mokslininko spragtelëjus pateiktà nuorodà rodoma jo gimimo diena. Matematikø biografijos pateiktos sugrupuotos pagal abëcëlæ ir pagal gyvenimo metus. Manau, kad matematikø biografijø iðsamus ir vaizdus pateikimas yra vertingiausia ðios svetainës dalis. Ir ypaè ádomu, kad kiekvienam matematikui pateikiamas þemëlapis, kuriame nurodomos jo ir kitø þymiø matematikø gimimo vietos. Pateiktas nemaþas garsiø istoriniø temø skyrius (apie 40 temø). Èia galima rasti medþiagos viktorinoms, olimpiadoms, arba norint paávairinti kai kuriø temø pamokas, pavyzdþiui, kalbant apie trigonomerines funkcijas ar skaièiaus
Indice Cron. Delle Donne Matematiche Goldie Prentis Horton (1819) Olive Clio Hazlett (1890-1974) Lorna Mary Swain(1891-1936) hilda geiringer von mises (1893-1973) Cecilia Krieger (1894-1974 e soc/Elenco cronologico.htm Similar pages UV Index 120*) von Kármán, Theodore (202*) von Koch, Helge (736*) von Leibniz, Gottfried(3723*) von Lindemann, Carl (218*) von mises, hilda geiringer (1469*) von
M Index 1080*) Milnor, John (683*) Minding, Ferdinand (392*) Mineur, Henri (369) Minkowski,Hermann (292*), Mirsky, Leon (400*) mises, hilda geiringer von (1469*) mises
Women In Mathematics Lorna Mary Swain (18911936). hilda geiringer von mises (1893-1973). CeciliaKrieger (1894-1974). Sof'ja Aleksandrovna Janovskaja (1896-1966).
Extractions: "ªÒÂ" "ËÔ§" "¼ÙéËÔ§à¡è§" Update Vol.16 (171): 2544 Theano (5th Century B.C.) ( Hypatia : 370?-415 ) Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia (1646-1684) Emilie du Chatelet (1706-1749 Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718-1799) Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) Sophie Germain (1776-1831) Mary Fairfax Somerville (1780-1872) ( Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace : 1815-1852 ) Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) Susan Jane Cunningham (1842-1921) Elizaveta Fedorovna Litvinova (1845-1919) Christine Ladd- Franklin (1847-1930) Sofia Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) Mary Everest Boole (1832-1916) Ellen Amanda Hayes (1851-1930) Hertha Ayrton (1854-1923) Ida Metcalf (1857-1952) Charlotte Angas Scott (1858-1931) Charlotte Barnum(1860-1934) Alicia Boole Stott (1860-1940) Ruth Gentry (1862-1917) Winifred Edgerton Merrill (1862-1951) Leona May Peirce (1863-1954) Helen Abbot Merrill (1864-1949) Clara Eliza Smith (1865-1943) Clara Latimer Bacon (1866-1948) Annie MacKinnon Fitch (1868-1940) Grace Chisholm Young (1868-1944) Isabel Maddison (1869-1950) Mary Frances Winston Newson (1869-1959) Emilie Norton Martin (1869-1936) Agnes Baxter (1870-1917) Virginia Ragsdale (1870-1945)
Mathematicians During The Third Reich And World War II Together with hilda geiringer von mises. Muentz, Chaim In 1933 emigratedto Leningrad. Nothing has been heard of him since 1936.
Records For Imperial Oil Limited. (in MARION) Mathematical theory of compressible fluid flow by Richard von mises; completedby hilda geiringer and GSS Ludford. New York, Academic Press, 1958.
You're Now Leaving Maryland Public Television E. Burns, Mildred Leonora Sanderson, Claribel Kendall, Goldie Prentis Horton, OliveClio Hazlett, Lorna Mary Swain, hilda geiringer von mises, Cecilia Krieger