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41. Why Didn't the Dinosaur Cross the Road?: And Other Prehistoric Riddles by Joanne E. Bernstein, Paul Cohen | |
Library Binding: 1
list price: US$8.95 Isbn: 0807590770 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
42. Reform in Nineteenth Century China (Harvard East Asian Monographs) | |
Paperback: 349
list price: US$21.00 Isbn: 0674752813 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
43. The Economies of Rising Inequalities | |
![]() | Hardcover: 320
list price: US$125.00 -- used & new: US$65.45 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0199254028 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
44. Freedom's Moment: An Essay on the French Idea of Liberty from Rousseau to Foucault by Paul M. Cohen | |
![]() | Hardcover: 237
list price: US$59.00 -- used & new: US$47.20 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0226112853 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Examines the ideas of Rousseau, Robespierre, Stendahl, Michelet, Bergson, Peguy, Sartre, and Foucault. |
45. Grand-Slam Riddles by Joanne E. Bernstein, Paul Cohen | |
Library Binding: 32
list price: US$8.95 -- used & new: US$14.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0807530387 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
46. America's Scientific Treasures: A Travel Companion by Paul S. Cohen, Brenda H. Cohen | |
![]() | Paperback: 464
list price: US$45.00 -- used & new: US$4.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0841234442 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (1)
47. Global Sociology: Second Edition by Robin Cohen, Paul Kennedy | |
![]() | Hardcover: 576
list price: US$79.00 -- used & new: US$73.55 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0814716849 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description The second edition of this pioneering text, Global Sociology, offers an innovative approach to sociology that takes the global dimensions of the contemporary world as its overarching framework. Fully revised and updated with a new Introduction and three new chapters, Global Sociology is written in a fresh and relevant style for undergraduate readers whether they have studied sociology before or are approaching the subject for the first time. Carefully balancing contemporary sociological theory and concepts with arguments and concrete examples drawn from around the globe, Global Sociology highlights the scope and the importance of sociology for understanding the complex and ever-changing world around us. This new edition reflects current world events and debates in the discipline, importantly covering the aftermath of September 11, the new terrorist threat, and the impact of globalization. |
48. Bomber Missions: Aviation Art of World War II by G.E. Patrick Murray | |
Hardcover: 144
-- used & new: US$45.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0760783098 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Customer Reviews (2)
Seldom do the pilots who made the history have the gift of communicating it to us through art, but Pacific B-17 pilot Paul Eckley's watercolor "Mareeba Maintenance" does just that. The book serves as a tribute to the bomber aircrews of many nations who fought in WWII. The artwork is excellent.There is not a single mediocre painting reproduced in the book.I own other aviation art books that I cannot say that about... The selections show a variety of styles from a variety of artists. Far more than a collection of "airplane portraits" these paintings showcase aviation art as serious fine art, from landscapes and seascapes to compelling character studies.Among the the treats are the otherwise unpublished works that appear in this book- such as Bill Phillips' Martin B-26 Marauder "Flak Bait". The text is entertaining and overall, acceptable. As others have already noted, the occasional small errors tend toward the obvious. It is unfortunate that no one noticed that precisely rendered Douglas A-26 Invaders were identified as A-20 Havocs in the manuscript.This is a small disappointment, and should not discourage you from enjoying the book. For me "Bomber Missions" is an affordable way to enjoy some of the best bomber art ever produced. Paintings demand to be hung, prints insist on being framed, but the aviation art published in books rests comfortably on the shelf, ready to be enjoyed. Last but not least, far too little mention has been made of the fact this book serves as the companion volume to "Flying Aces" containing WWII fighter aviation art. If you liked one, chances are you'll want the other.
49. Night Launch by Jake Garn, Stephen Paul Cohen | |
list price: US$4.95 -- used & new: US$9.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0445210230 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Customer Reviews (2)
50. Heartless by Stephen Paul Cohen | |
Paperback: 224
list price: US$3.50 Isbn: 0380707993 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
51. The spirit of London, by Paul Cohen-Portheim | |
Hardcover: 116
Asin: B0006AOEFG Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
52. The spirit of France by Paul Cohen-Portheim | |
Hardcover: 215
Asin: B0007JSBVO Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
53. England, the unknown isle, by Paul Cohen-Portheim | |
Hardcover: 237
Asin: B0008BIQQQ Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
54. Piety and Politics : Catholic Revival and the Generation of 1905-1914 (Modern European History) by Paul Mitchell Cohen | |
Hardcover: 347
list price: US$61.00 Isbn: 0824080343 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
55. The spirit of Paris, by Paul Cohen-Portheim | |
Hardcover: 118
Asin: B0006ANUQA Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Customer Reviews (1)
56. Island of Steel by Stephen Paul Cohen | |
Paperback: 256
list price: US$3.50 Isbn: 0380708051 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
57. Existentialism Is a Humanism by Jean Paul Sartre | |
![]() | Paperback: 128
list price: US$9.95 -- used & new: US$5.21 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0300115466 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (9)
58. Paul Nizan, communiste impossible (Figures) (French Edition) by Annie Cohen-Solal | |
Paperback: 287
Isbn: 2246253411 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
59. Leader to Leader: Enduring Insights on Leadership from the Drucker Foundation's Award-Winning Journal | |
![]() | Kindle Edition: 416
list price: US$29.95 Asin: B001CDA3RY Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (7)
I. On Leaders and Leadership (eg Peter Drucker, Max DePree, and Herb Kelleher) II. Leading Innovation and Transformation (eg Peter M. Senge, John P. Kotter, and Douglas K. Smith) III. Leadership in the New Information Economy (eg Esther Dyson, Margaret Wheatley, and Kevin Kelly) IV. Competitive Strategy in a Global Economy (eg Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Ann Winblad, and Keniche Ohmae) V. Leading for High Performance (eg Steven R. Covey, Jim Collins, and Noel Tichy) VI. Building Great Teams (eg Warren Bennis, Jon R. Katzenbach, and J. Richard Hackman) VII. Leadership Across the Sectors (eg John W. Gardner, Regina Hetzlinger, and James E. Austin) I know of no other single volume in which so many great business thinkers are represented by so many of their landmark essays. The editors are to be commended for the selections; also for the structure within which those selections are organized. This is "must reading" for leaders and, especially, for whose who aspire to be leaders.
In this context, I summarized partially only four of thethirty-seven essays written by talented thinkers as follows: I. Peter F.Drucker writes: "The three people from whom I learned the most in mywork were all very different. The first two were exceptionally demanding;the third was exceptionally brillant. All three taught me a lot...Fivelessons I learned from those remarkable men still apply today: 1. Treatpeople differently, based on their strengths. 2. Set high standards, butgive people the freedom and responsibility to do their job. 3.Performance review must be honest, exacting, and an integral part of thejob. 4. People learn the most when teaching others. 5. Effectiveleaders earn respect-but they don't need to be liked. II. Doris KearnsGoodwin lists ten lessons from the stories of Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy,and Franklin Roosevelt for leaders of today's organizations. 1. Timing is(almost) everything. 2. Anything is possible if you share the glory. 3.Trust, once broken, is seldom restored. 4. Leadership is about buildingconnections. 5. Leaders learn from their mistakes. 6. Confidence-notjust in oneself-counts. 7. Effective partnerships reqire devotion toone's partners. 8. Renewal comes from many sources. 9. Leaders must betalent brokers. 10. Language is one's most powerful tool. III. WarrenBennis argues: "I belive that behind every Great Man is a Great Group,an effective partnership. And making up every Great Group is a uniqueconstruct of strong, often eccentric individuals. So the question fororganizations is, How do you get talented, self-absorbed, often arrogant,incredibly bright people to work together?" And he suggests tenprinciples common to all Great Groups: 1. At the heart of every GreatGroups is a shared dream. 2. They manage conflict by abandoningindividual egos to the pursuit of the dream. 3. They are protected fromthe "suits". 4. They have a real or invented enemy. 5. Theyview themselves as winning underdogs. 6. Members pay a personalprice. 7. Great Groups make strong leaders. 8. Great Groups are theproduct of meticulous recruiting. 9. Great Groups are usuallyyoung. 10. Real artists ship. IV. J. Richard Hackman identifies anumber of mistakes that managers make in setting up and leading workteams. 1. Use a team for work that is better done by individuals. 2.Call the performing unit a team but really manage members asindividuals. 3. Fall off the authority balance team. 4. Dismantleexisting organizational structures so that teams will be fully empowered toaccomplish the work. 5. Specify challenging team objectives, but skimp onorganizational supports. 6. Assume that members already have all theskills they need to work well as a team. Not only these essays, but allof the book as a whole is strongly recommended.
In this context, I partially summarized only five of thethirty-seven essays written by thirty-seven talented thinkers. I. PeterF. Drucker writes: "the three people from whom I learned the most inmy work were all very different. The first two were exceptionallydemanding; the third was exceptionally brillant. All three taught me alot...Five lessons I learned from those remarkable men still applytoday: 1. Treat people differently, based on their strengths. 2. Sethigh standards, but give people the freedom and responsibility to do theirjob. 3. Performance review must be honest, exacting, and an integral partof the job. 4. People learn the most when teaching others. 5. Effectiveleaders earn respect-but they don't need to be liked. II. Doris KearnsGoodwin lists ten lessons from the stories of Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy,and Franklin Roosevelt for leaders of today's organizations: 1. Timing is(almost) everything. 2. Anything is possible if you share the glory. 3.Trust, once broken, is seldom restored. 4. Leadership is about buildingconnections. 5. Leaders learn from their mistakes. 6. Confidence-notjust in oneself-counts. 7. Effective partnership require devotion toone's partners. 8. Renewal comes from many sources. 9. Leaders must betalent brokers. 10. Language is one's most powerful tool. III. John P.Kotter argues: "No organization today-large or small, local orglobal-is immune to change. To cope with new technological, competitive,and demographic forces, leaders in every sector have sought to alterfundamentally the way their organizations do business. These change effortshave paraded under many banners-total quality management, reengineering,restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, turnarounds. Yet according to mostassessments, few of these efforts accomplish their goals. Fewer thanfifteen of the one hundred or more companies I have studied havesuccessfully transformed themselves." Hence, he lists eight criticalsteps to transform your organization: 1. Establish a sense ofurgency. 2. Form a powerful guiding coalition. 3. Create a vision. 4.Communicate the vision. 5. Empower others to act on the vision. 6. Planfor and create short-term wins. 7. Consolidate improvements and producestill more change. 8. Institutionalize new approaches. IV. WarrenBennis argues: "I believe that behind every Great Man is a GreatGroup, an effective partnership. And making up every Great Group is aunique construct of strong, often eccentric individuals. So the questionfor organizations is, How do you get talented, self-absorbed, oftenarrogant, incredibly bright people to work together?" And he suggeststen principles common to all Great Groups: 1. At the heart of everyGreat Group is a shared dream. 2. They manage conflict by abandoningindividual egos to the pursuit of the dream. 3. They are protected fromthe "suits". 4. They have a real or invented enemy. 5. Theyview themselves as winning underdogs. 6. Members pay a personalprice. 7. Great Groups make strong leaders. 8. Great Groups are theproduct of meticulous recruiting. 9. Great Groups are usuallyyoung. 10. Real artists ship. V. J. Richard Hackman identifies a numberof mistakes that managers make in setting up and leading workteams. Mistake 1. Use a team for work that is better done byindividuals. Mistake 2. Call the performing unit a team but really managemembers as individuals. Mistake 3. Fall off the authority balanceteam. Mistake 4. Dismantle existing organizational structures so thatteams will be fully empowered to accomplish the work. Mistake 5. Specifychallenging team objectives, but skimp on organizationalsupports. Mistake 6. Assume that members already have all the skills theyneed to work well as a team. I highly recommend this excellent collectionas a whole.
60. Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Diagnosis, Development, Neurobiology, and Behavior (volume 1) | |
![]() | Hardcover: 792
list price: US$115.00 -- used & new: US$89.10 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0471716960 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (3)
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