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81. Tobacco Smoke Quadruples Heart Attack Risk [03/17/98] Results of study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Cigarette smoke causes heart disease, firsthand and secondhand. http://ash.org/march98/03-17-98-3.html | |
82. Genentech Products - Disease Education - The Future Of Heart The introduction of clotbuster drugs, or thrombolytics, in the late 1980's revolutionizedthe treatment of heart attack, or acute myocardial infarction (AMI). http://www.gene.com/gene/products/education/cardiovascular/future-hrtattack-trea |
83. Aventis Provides patients with information about heart disease including treatment, medication, cardiac arrest, cardiovascular disease, heart attack and high blood pressure. http://www.heartdisease.aventis.com/ |
84. CNN.com - Study: Light Drinking May Cut Stroke Risk - Feb. 11, 2003 Studies have indicated that drinking alcohol in moderation can cut heart attack risks, and new research supports the theory that the same holds true for preventing strokes. http://www.cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/conditions/02/04/alcohol.stroke/ | |
85. NIH News Release--NIH Study Shows MRI Provides Faster, More Accurate Way To Diag Advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology can detect heart attackin emergency room patients with chest pain more accurately and faster than http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/jan2003/nhlbi-29.htm | |
86. CVD - Angina Pectoris Looks at angina pectoris and explains what it is, the heart attack risks, diagnosis, treatment and the types. http://www.muschealth.com/Cardiac/anginap.htm | |
87. Seek Wellness At The Heart Center Provides information about heart attacks, cholesterol, and heart disease in women.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Heart Disease Resources...... heart attacks. What is a heart attack? Whos at Risk? Limiting Heart Muscle Damage.heart attack Warning Signs. Women and heart attack, Surviving A heart attack, http://www.seekwellness.com/heart/ | |
88. Passage Shel Silverstein, 66 The children's author and illustrator of The Giving Tree and A Light in the Attic was found dead Monday of a heart attack. His work was as irreverent as it was humorous and delighted adults and children alike. Silverstein also was a celebrated lyricist, publishing songs such as A Boy named Sue, made famous by Johnny Cash. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/19616.html |
89. BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Music | Stars Pay Tribute To Adam Faith The showbiz world mourns the loss of 60s singer and actor Adam Faith, who has died from a heart attack aged 62. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/2832977.stm | |
90. NIMH - 1 Furthermore, people with heart disease who are depressed have an increased riskof death after a heart attack compared to those who are not depressed. http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/depheart.cfm | |
91. Medic-Planet Heart Attack Explains what a heart attack is, symptoms you and your doctor will observe, treatment options, stages Category Health Conditions and Diseases Heart Disease heart attack......heart attack Advertisement Quit Smoking Today at QuitSmoking.com See also Angina,Arrhythmias, Atherosclerosis, Heart, Heart failure, Mitral stenosis and http://www.medic-planet.com/MP_article/internal_reference/Heart_attack |
92. MayoClinic An overview of signs and symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatments and other important facts. http://www.mayoclinic.com/home?id= |
93. High Glucose Following Heart Attack Could Be Marker High Glucose Following heart attack Could Be Marker A Swedish study in tomorrow'sissue of The Lancet confirms that people admitted to the hospital with an http://unisci.com/stories/20022/0621022.htm | |
94. Washingtonpost.com: Tobacco Special Report According to the largest study ever conducted on the issue. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/tobacco/stories/secondhan | |
95. Linus Pauling Heart Disease Video: Theory And Therapy This process by itself rarely kills people, but plaque lined arteriesmake heart attack more likely from a blood clot or blockage. http://www.paulingtherapy.com/ | |
96. Choose Assessment Information about trying to assess the chances of getting a heart attack or other form of ischemic heart disease. Simple assessor followed by a full assessment if needed. http://www.medcal.co.uk/activex/chooseass.htm | |
97. U.S. News: New Data Show Heart Attack Calls For Swift, All-out Action (1/15/01) heart attack patients are receiving angioplasty and stent implantation along withdrugs and lifestyle advice to improve their recovery. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/nycu/health/articles/010115/nycu/heart.htm | |
98. Passage Dick Latvala, 56 The Grateful Dead inspired fan loyalty unique in the music world, and nobody personified that more than Latvala, who died Friday following a heart attack. Latvala was such an avid collector of the Dead's music that the band eventually hired him as archivist, and in the three years since Jerry Garcia's death have released 14 compact discs known as Dick's Picks from those archives. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/21179.html |
99. FindLaw - Law, Lawyer, Lawyers, Attorney, Attorneys And Legal Resources FDA Approves New heart attack Test. of Denver, uses the metal cobalt tohunt changes in a blood protein that occur during a heart attack. http://news.public.findlaw.com/ap_stories/other/1500/2-14-2003/20030214134502_11 | |
100. Viewsonic Discovers and develops nonsurgical gene therapy products for treating cardiovascular diseases, including coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, congestive heart failure and heart attack. (Nasdaq CLTX). http://www.collateralthx.com/ | |
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