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         Hernia:     more books (100)
  1. Hiatal Hernia - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by Health Publica Icon Health Publications, 2004-01-09
  2. Management of Abdominal Hernias by H. Brendan Devlin, A. Kingsnorth, et all 1998-03-15
  3. The Radical Cure Of Hernia: By The Antiseptic Use Of The Carbolized Catgut Ligature (1879) by Henry Orlando Marcy, 2010-05-23
  4. Diaphragmatic Hernia: Webster's Timeline History, 1840 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2010-05-17
  5. Problems of recurrent hernia by Robert C Kimberly, 1975
  6. Modern Hernia Repair: The Embryological and Anatomical Basis of Surgery by L.J. Skandalakis, T.R. Gadacz, 1995-11-15
  7. Atlas of Hernia Surgery by Volker Schumpelick, 1990-06
  8. A Treatise on Hernia by Antonio Scarpa, 1988
  9. Prostheses and Abdominal Wall Hernias (Medical Intelligence Unit)
  10. Hernia Bay: Sydney's wartime hospitals at Riverwood by B. J Madden, 2001
  11. The Chronicles of Hernia by Barry Cryer, 2010-05-11
  12. Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair by Ara Darzi, John Monson, 1994-12-01
  13. Incisional Hernia
  14. On Retro-Peritoneal Hernia: Being the "arris and Gale" Lectures On the "the Anatomy and Surgery of the Peritoneal Fossae" Delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1897 by Baron Berkeley Moynihan Moynihan, 2010-04-22

61. Welcome To The Web Site Of [DOMAIN]
Provides advice and surgery for hernias.
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62. Kays Kids
A parent support group for people who have had babies born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia that were either born at or transferred to Shands Children's Hospital. These babies were treated by pediatric surgeon Dr. David Kays.

Our Children

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Welcome - Our group is new and continuing to grow everyday.
As a result, we'll be adding more pages frequently and we look
forward to providing more information here in the future.
Kays' Kids is a parent group consisting of and dedicated to families of children born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias (CDH). Members' babies were either born at Shands Children's Hospital at the University of Florida or transported there shortly after birth. All of these babies were fortunate enough to have been treated by pediatric surgeon Dr. David Kays.
CDH is a life threatening birth defect in which the diaphragm does not completely form, allowing some of the contents of the abdomen to protrude into the chest and hinder the normal growth of lung tissue. CDH affects approximately one in 3000 babies, and the national survival rate for babies born with CDH falls between 50% and 65%.
Dr. Kays and the pediatric surgery faculty at the University of Florida have a

63. Diaphragmatic Hernia
diaphragmatic hernia. hiatus hernia 99% axial ( sliding ); 1% paraesophageal( rolling ). Bochdalek hernia posterior pleuroperitoneal
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology Respiratory system

diaphragmatic hernia
  • hiatus hernia
    • 99% axial ("sliding")
    • 1% para-esophageal ("rolling")
  • Bochdalek hernia
    • posterior: pleuroperitoneal membrane
    • more common on LEFT
  • Morgagni hernia
    • anterior: retrosternal muscle clefts
    • most often on RIGHT, most seen on LEFT
    Charles E. Kahn, Jr., MD - 2 February 1995
    Last updated 14 March 2001

    Medical College of Wisconsin

64. HERNIA SPECIALIST-James A. Goodyear, M.D., F.A.C.S>
Specializes in surgery for inguinal and all hernias.
Hernia Specialist, James Goodyear,MD. known as the hernia surgeon, is a specialist in hernias and hernia surgery. AS a hernia specialist, he is an expert in hernias and all hernia surgery, hernia treatment . He knows hernias. James A. Goodyear, M.D., F.A.C.S.

James A. Goodyear, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Founder and Directing Surgeon
Staff Surgeon and President - North Penn Surgical Associates
After graduating Cum Laude from Temple University with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Pharmacy (1971), Dr. Goodyear attended Temple University School of Medicine, where he received his M.D. Degree in 1975. He then pursued his General Surgical training at Abington Memorial Hospital in Abington,Pennsylvania, completing his surgery residency training in 1980. After serving as Chief Surgical Resident at Abington Memorial Hospital , he came to Lansdale, Pennsylvania to begin his practice of General Surgery.
Quickly developing an interest in the repair of primary and recurrent hernias, as well as complex hernias of the abdominal wall, Dr. Goodyear has focused his continued surgical education and training in this highly technical area, and has truly 'Specialized' in the field of Hernia Surgery for over 20 years. He has pioneered the "Benchmark" approach to TENSION FREE abdominal wall hernia repair. While Dr. Goodyear is a frequent speaker and educator in the area of

65. Hernia
hernia, research index site with links for disability users, 1000's of searchengines and with live java games, chat's, kids internet, irc, jobs, news.
Our Aims Services Stats ... Z
Hernia Information Laparoscopic Hernia Center James A. Goodyear, M.D.-Hernia Specialist Hernia Information - Information about hernia surgery and treatment of routine and complex hernias. Hernia surgery laparoscopic inguinal repair experiences (500 experiences). North Penn Hernia Institute - Hernia Surgery Center. Sydney Hernia Clinic - Information about hernia repair in a specialised Australian clinic. European Hernia Society Laparoscopy in India - FAQ on laparoscopic surgery for gall bladder, hernia etc. Hernia Surgery Experiences National Ambulatory Hernia Institute Stoma('Parastomal')Hernias Webmaster . Site Design by Ability "see the ability, not the disability" Acknowledgments

66. Cirugia De La Obesidad
Indicaciones, t©cnicas y recomendaciones sobre cirug­a para reflujo gastroesof¡gico y hernia hiatal, cirug­a laparosc³pica y de control de obesidad.
var logDomain = "starmedia"; var logChannel = "paginaspersonales"; var logPath = "otros"; CIRUGIA BARIATRICA
Control Definitivo de la Obesidad No son procedimientos de cirugia plastica.
Son tratamientos pertenecientes a la Cirugia General y Gastroenterológica. ¿Quién debe someterse a cirugía de la Obesidad? 1. Quien su índice de masa corporal sea de 40 o más. Así como la persona Obesa que no logra conseguir mantener un peso adecuado por otros métodos y su índice de masa corporal aún supera los 30 y sufre padecimientos asociados a la obesidad y se encuentre en riesgo de sufrir enfermedades graves que puedan atentar contra su vida (historial clínico mas su índice de masa corporal).
2. Cuando el sobrepeso ya está ocasionando enfermedades que afecten diferentes órganos o sistemas del paciente. Ejemplo.- Diabetes, Infarto, Insuficiencia cardiaca o Respiratoria, Daño de columna o articulaciones, etc..
3. Edad entre los 16 y 65 años. (indicación relativa)
4. Estar plenamente conciente y decidido a someterse a cirugía con la finalidad de mantener un peso adecuado.
5. Que la obesidad no sea secundaria a otras causas como: Hipotiroidismo, Síndrome de Cushing, Síndrome de Turner, Síndrome de Down, Tratamiento con esteroides, hipogonadismo, etc..

Information about heartburn, hiatus hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Explicaciones sobre la acidez y la Hernia de hiato English
Explanations about heartburn and hiatal hernia
From / Desde 1999
Last update / Ultima revisión 01-Nov-2002
Dr. Garcia-Oria © 2002
Nosotros subcribimos a los Principios del código HONcode. Ver código

68. Hernia
hernia. INLEIDING Een hernia (hernia Nuclei Pulposi, HNP) is een uitstulpingvan de tussenwervelschijf. Een hernia kan echter optreden zonder rugpijn.
neurochirurgie Hernia
Een hernia (Hernia Nuclei Pulposi, HNP) is een uitstulping van de tussenwervelschijf. Deze uitstulping drukt op een zenuw, waardoor pijnklachten in het been ontstaan, eventueel met verschijnselen van uitval van de zenuw (doof gevoel, krachtsvermindering).
Hernia-operaties horen tot de meest frequent door neurochirurgen uitgevoerde ingrepen. Van de bijna 11.000 die er elk jaar in Nederland worden gedaan nemen de neurochirurgen er ruim 9.000 voor hun rekening.
Veel vaker nog worden neurochirurgen met het probleem van de rugpijn geconfronteerd. Het is niet duidelijk of rugpijn als het gevolg van een hernia beschouwd moet worden.
Vroeger ging men daar altijd van uit, tegenwoordig gelooft men dat slijtage van een tussenwervelschijf wel een rol kan spelen bij het ontstaan van rugpijn. Een hernia kan echter optreden zonder rugpijn. De typische klacht van een hernia is pijn in één been.
De wervelkolom heeft een centrale plaats in het bewegingsapparaat. Hij bestaat uit 7 nekwervels, 12 borstwervels, 5 lendenwervels en het heiligbeen. Tussen twee wervellichamen ligt telkens een tussenwervelschijf, en deze 23 schijven verhogen de elasticiteit en de bewegingsmogelijkheden van de wervelkolom.
Hoewel een hernia theoretisch van iedere tussenwervelschijf kan voorkomen, zijn voor de praktijk alleen de drie onderste tussenwervelschijven van belang. De hernia's van de halswervelkolom vormen een categorie apart waarop hier niet nader wordt ingegaan.

69. Syracuse, NY General Surgeon - Laparoscopic, Gastrointestinal, Abdominal And Her
A Board certified surgeon specializes in laparoscopic, gastrointestinal, abdominal and hernia surgery. Office hours, policies, directions and practice information is provided.
This site is optimized for a display setting of 800 by 600 pixels, or greater. MedNet-Sites™ - Powered by MedNet Technologies, Inc.

70. Rugklachten, Hernia En Ischias
orthopaedie. Rugklachten, hernia en ischias. Uw collega noemt het ischias,uw partner noemt het spit en zelf denkt U aan een hernia.
orthopaedie Rugklachten, hernia en ischias
U staat op uit een stoel, U bukt voorover om een papiertje van de grond te pakken en plotseling voelt U een hevige pijnscheut onder in de rug, u kunt nauwelijks meer overeind komen en elke beweging doet pijn. Uw collega noemt het ischias, uw partner noemt het spit en zelf denkt U aan een hernia.
Over de verschillen en overeenkomsten, over de vooruitzichten en behandeling gaat deze informatie.
Rugklachten en met name lage rugklachten, komen bij ongeveer 75 % van de bevolking voor. Het is dus eigenlijk niet eens zo ongewoon dat iedereen weleens een periode met rugklachten doormaakt. In 80 % van deze gevallen is de rugklacht na 2 tot 6 weken weer over, of er nu wel of niet een behandeling heeft plaats gevonden.
Allereerst even de verschillende benamingen op een rijtje:
- Lumbago is gewoon een ander woord voor pijn laag in de rug.
- Spit is een acute vorm van rugpijn, laag in de rug, waarbij er typisch verkramping van de spieren optreedt.
- Ischias of ischialgie wil niets anders zeggen dan een pijn die uitstraalt in het been.

Dr. Shawn Garber providing laparoscopic surgery. Minimally invasive surgery for reflux, colon resection, Heller myotomy, cholecystectomy, hernia repair, and gastric bypass surgery for obesity. (Great Neck, NY);;;;

72. Hiatal Hernia -
A barium swallow allows the radiologist to study the GE junction looking for thehernia itself, for reflux of barium that was in the stomach back into the
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The esophagus is a muscular tube that runs from the back of the throat to the stomach and plays the essential role of propelling swallowed food to the stomach for digestion. The junction, or valve, between the esophagus and stomach is called the gastroesophageal junction, or GE junction. The GE junction needs to be of the one-way variety. Food should go through the esophagus into the stomach, but not from the stomach back into the esophagus. The big problem with the stomach to esophagus route is that the material in the stomach is generally very acidic and acid is very irritating and destructive to the lining of the esophagus. So we are happy when the valve is functioning one way, letting food into, but not letting stuff out, of the stomach. The stomach sits just beneath the left hemidiaphragm, the thin dome-shaped layer of muscles that divides the chest cavity from its abdominal counterpart, the peritoneal space. The atmosphere is quite different in the two places. The need to keep the lungs expanded in the chest requires a negative pressure, while in the abdomen normal atmospheric conditions are fine. But the diaphragm is more than just a barrier; because it is a muscle, it also acts like a bellows. When you take a deep breath in (inspiration), the hemidiaphragms go down, expanding the chest and lungs for maximal inspiration of air and oxygen. When the diaphragm goes up, the chest and lungs contract and air is forced out of the small sacs in the lungs at maximal expiration. The organs in the abdomen also respond to this motion to some extent.

73. Keyhole Surgery Centre Homepage
Provides a range of laparoscopic solutions that cover morbid obesity, hernia, gallbladder and reflux. Offices in Sydney and Eastwood.

74. Welcome To HPH Corp. Online, Creator Of The Hernia Brief
Seller of undergarments to help relieve hernias. Testimonials, contact information.Category Regional North America Cape Coral Business and Economy......After 20 years in the orthopedic field, Bodo Knoche, in collaboration with medicaldoctors, has developed a new product for the hernia patient.
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sie hier After 20 years in the orthopedic field, Bodo Knoche, in collaboration with medical doctors, has developed a new product for the hernia patient. Women's Hernia Brief
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Manufacturer and Main Office: Phone Toll Free!
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HPH Corporation Web Sites: Check out our other exciting products. Sunless Tanning Lotion - The latest innovation in 1 Minute Sunless Self-Tanning Lotions!
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75. Hernia Surgery Discussion Board
A board for patients to ask other patients any question as to surgery technique, pain, recovery times, and so forth regarding any type of hernia surgery procedure.
Hernia Surgery Discussion Board
Post a Message
Hernia Surgery Experiences Welcome to our Hernia Discussion Board. To post an entry to this board please go to the bottom of this page or click [Post a Message] on the top. If you have come from outside this bulletin board, please click the Hernia Surgery Experiences site where there are posted thousands of hernia surgery experiences in the guestbooks. Most hernia surgeries are successful and only about 5-7 percent of hernia repair surgeries have any complications, most minor. Please understand that a higher percentage of posters on this board are those with complications. However, many have had successful hernia surgery without complications and they want to share their experience with you. Hopefully, you will want to share your experience with our board after your surgery. Want to right a wrong? Then, please check out the Crackdown bulletin board where you can sound off on most any topic, e.g., high medical costs, sex and violence on TV, politics, etc.

76. Hiatal Hernia: From
A complete explanation of Hiatal hernia including risks, what to expect andwhen to call the doctor. Hiatal hernia. Advertising. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW.
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Hiatal Hernia Advertising
A hiatal (hi-A-tul) hernia occurs when a part of the stomach slides above the diaphragm (DIE-uh-fram), the thin muscle separating the stomach from the chest. This is a common problem and most people are not bothered by it. Your hernia may allow stomach acid to flow back into your esophagus (ee-sof-uh-gus), the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. With time, the stomach acid may irritate your esophagus and cause problems. If this happens, you may need surgery to repair the hernia.
You can be born with a hiatal hernia or develop one when you are older. A trauma or surgery can cause the problem too.
The most common symptom is burning in your chest (heartburn), especially at night when you are lying down. Other possible signs include burping and trouble swallowing.
Usually, treatment at home is all that's needed. Surgery is required only if your symptoms get worse.

77. Welcome To SurgeryChannel - Your Surgery Community
News source for information on appendectomy, mastectomy, hernia repair, nissen fundoplication, breast, colon. With physician board, forums, links, and live chat.
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78. Hernia
this incision. The following section contains graphic surgical picturesof the actual hernia repair we performed on Sundance. The
Abdominal Hernia Introduction Presentation Surgery
Introduction Cat's that roam outdoors are prone to numerous traumatic injuries. Fighting with other animals and getting hit by cars are some of the more common injuries we encounter. This page shows a surgical procedure to correct an abdominal hernia in a cat that was hit by a car. In this situation the hernia was caused by a blow to the abdomen by the car. The blow was strong enough to tear a large hole in the abdominal muscles that surround the abdomen. The small intestine went through this hole and was trapped between the muscle and the underside of the skin.
Presentation Sundance was presented to us with a history of being gone for 5 days and lethargy. Most cats that are hit by a car are in a state of shock and can die if not treated with intravenous fluids . Sundance is lucky he survived being hit by a car without any shock therapy. Our exam revealed a swollen and bruised area just under the skin in the right inguinal area, which made us suspicious of a hernia. Bruising is very common in such small animals that have been hit be a car, so it does not necessarily mean there is an abdominal hernia. To help us determine if there indeed was a hernia we took a radiograph. Radiographs are taken for numerous reasons on every pet that is hit by a car. These pets can have trauma to the chest, broken ribs, herniation of abdominal contents into the chest, and ruptured internal organs like the urinary bladder. The radiograph helps us determine if any of these problems exist. In this case, the radiograph helped verify that Sundance had an abdominal hernia. He also had a fractured pelvis which would heal on its own if he was confined and rested for one month.

79. Ronald E. Cooper, M.D.
Specializes in general and laparoscopic surgery including gallbladder, hernia, vasectomy, and appendicitis. Includes information on treatments, and contact information.

80. YourSurgery.Com®-Hernia
hernia. A hernia is a protrusion of usually a loop of bowel or a tissue throughan opening in the wall of the abdominal cavity in which the bowel lies.

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