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61. BRCA2 Mutations May Be Associated With Some Hereditary Pancreatic Cancers Mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2 may be associated witha predisposition to hereditary pancreatic cancer, suggests a new study in the http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2003-02/jotn-bmm013003.php | |
62. Study Suggests A Possible Link Between High-starch Diet And Pancreatic Cancer In Press Releases September 4, 2002 Study suggests a possible link between highstarchdiet and pancreatic cancer in overweight, sedentary women, Charles Fuchs, MD. http://www.dfci.harvard.edu/abo/news/press/090402.asp | |
63. Cancer Research Treatments - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Research Advances DanaFarber study links obesity and lack of exerciseto pancreatic cancer, Charles Fuchs, MD. Chalk up another reason http://www.dfci.harvard.edu/res/research/obesity.asp | |
64. PancreasWeb.com - Links Links. pancreatic cancer. The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Pancreas CancerHome Page. National Cancer Institute pancreatic cancer Homepage. http://www.pancreasweb.com/Services/links.asp | |
65. PancreasWeb.com News. British Multicenter Team Introduces Phase III Trial Using Combination Therapyto Treat Advanced pancreatic cancer National Cancer Research Institute Trial http://www.pancreasweb.com/ | |
66. Pancreatic Cancer What is pancreatic cancer? The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2002, 30,300people in the United States will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. http://www.seattlecca.org/patientsandfamilies/adultCare/clinicalProgs/pancreatic | |
67. INTRODUCTION The pancreatic cancer gene database (PCGDB), provides information on the genesthat are involved in pancreatic cancer and this data is targeted to help the http://bioinformatics.org/pcgdb/ | |
68. Pancreatic Cancer pancreatic cancer. pancreatic cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer deathsfollowing breast cancer; lung cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. http://bioinformatics.org/pcgdb/Introduction.htm | |
69. Aspirin And Pancreatic Cancer Bandolier Library. search. Aspirin and pancreatic cancer. Clinical bottom line. Reference.RJ Menezes et al. Regular use of aspirin and pancreatic cancer risk. http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/booth/aspirin/asppanc.html | |
70. Johns Hopkins Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection Laboratory Hopkins Dome.gif (1144 bytes). Back to Hopkins Pancreas Home. pancreascancer ribbon. The pancreatic cancer Early Detection Laboratory. http://pathology.jhu.edu/n.web?EP=N&FL=GOGGINSLAB |
71. The National Familial Pancreas Tumor Registry In 406 of these families more than one first degree relative (ie parent/childor siblings) have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. http://pathology.jhu.edu/n.web?EP=N&FL=PANCREAS_NFPTR |
72. CancerCare - Pancreatic Cancer pancreatic cancer. The links to the left will take you to general informationabout pancreatic cancer, its diagnosis and treatments. http://www.cancercare.org/types/pancreatic/index.asp |
73. Your Cancer Risk: Preliminary Questions To estimate your risk of pancreatic cancer, take about 2 to 3 minutes to answersome questions about your health, lifestyle and personal background. http://www.yourcancerrisk.harvard.edu/hccpquiz.pl?func=start&quiz=pancreatic |
74. Wired News: Cancer's Enema No. 1? Make That 2 0200 AM Oct. 30, 2002 PT. A study testing a controversial pancreatic cancertreatment that uses coffee enemas should by all rights be nearly complete. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,56072,00.html | |
75. Pancreatic Cancer At IVilllage.com you are here iVillage.com health cancer pancreatic. pancreatic cancer, essentialinfo for pancreatic cancer. Warning signs of pancreatic cancer. http://www.ivillage.com/topics/health/0,10707,232611,00.html | |
76. Faulty Gene May Contribute To Pancreatic Cancer | Building Better Health Faulty Gene May Contribute to pancreatic cancer. We don't know that much aboutpancreatic cancer, says Joyce Seldon, a certified genetic counselor. http://www.buildingbetterhealth.com/article/hscoutn/103403186 | |
77. Arizona Cancer Center - National Foundation For Cancer Research Hurley, Howard Schaeffer Chair in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of ArizonaCollege of Pharmacy, will focus on pancreatic cancer, the fourth leading http://www.researchforacure.com/site/PageServer?pagename=press_AZcenter |
78. Cancer Research UK: Pancreatic Cancer pancreatic cancer Summary. pancreatic cancer is the 9th most common cancerin women, and the 10th most common cancer in men in the UK. http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/aboutcancer/specificcancers/15233 | |
79. InteliHealth: Reviewed by the Faculty of Harvard Medical School pancreatic cancer Prevention.There is no known method of preventing or screening for pancreatic cancer. http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/24560/24561/187109.html?d=dmtHealt |
80. The Relationship Between Diabetes And Pancreatic Cancer 2003; 2 (1) 4 The relationship between diabetes and pancreatic cancer Feng Wang,1 Margery Herrington, 1 ,2 Jörgen Larsson, 1 and Johan Permert 1 1 Surgery http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=149418 |
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