- Safety in the Skies: Personnel and Parties in NTSB Aviation Accident Investigations by Cynthia C. Lebow, 2000-02-25
- The Search for Air Safety: An International Documentary Report on the Investigation of Commercial Aviation Accidents. by Stephen. Barlay, 1970-01
- Medical Investigation of Aviation Accidents by William J. Reals, 1968
- Aviation Accident Investigations: Hearing Before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Senate
- Aviation Accident and Incident Investigation Concurrence of Technical and Judicial Inquiries in the Netherlands (Essential Air and Space Law) by Ronald Schnitker, Dick Van t Kaar, 2010-09-30
- Aviation in Spain: Spanish Navy Air Arm, Civil Aviation Accident and Incident Investigation Commission, Sacta
- Aviation accident investigations: Hearing before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, April 9, 1997 (S. hrg) by United States, 1998
- Aviation Accident Investigation Symposium March 29-31, 1994, Tysons Corner, Virginia (SuDoc TD 1.130:94/01) by U.S. Dept of Transportation, 1994
- The Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents and Incidents) Regulations 1996 (Statutory Instruments: 1996: 2798) by Great Britain, 1996-12-11
- Com (93) 406 Final, Brussels, 1 September 1993: Proposal for a Council Directive Establishing the Fundamental Principles Governing the Investigation of Civil Aviation Accidents and Incidents
- The Civil Aviation Act (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations 1996 (Parliamentary Debates: [1995-96) by Edward O'Hara, Great Britain, 1996-04-28
- Aircraft accident investigation and reporting (Aviation safety officer course, manual of instruction) by Frank G Andrews, 1957
- The Civil Aviation Act (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations 1996 (Statutory Instruments: 1996: 76)
- The Civil Aviation (Investigations of Air Accidents and Incidents) (Guernsey) Order 1998: Civil Aviation (Statutory instruments: 1998: 1503) by Great Britain, 1998-07-09