- Effects of changes in crop reports and market news on the Northeast (Cornell agricultural economics staff paper) by William Lesser, 1982
- Agricultural news in Illinois daily newspapers (Bulletin / University of Illinois) by James F Evans, 1966
- A source survey of agricultural news in the daily press (Bulletin / Department of Agricultural Journalism, College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin) by William B Ward, 1942
- Agricultural news in Ohio newspapers (Research bulletin / Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center) by Gene P Hettel, 1982
- An analysis of the North Dakota grain market news (Agricultural economics miscellaneous report) by Donald E Thomson, 1976
- Why editors use or don't use farm news: A case study (Agricultural communications research report) by Su Ann K Johnston, 1962
- Agricultural education through news (Extension circular) by Burton Seeker, 1954
- How do Washington's newspaper editors evaluate their sources of agricultural news?: A survey by M. W Sampson, 1972
- The California federal-state market news composite evaluation, 1977 (Special publication / Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California) by James H Cothern, 1978
- Ridin' the range for news (Circular / Wyoming Agricultural Extension Service) by Allene Loomis, 1937
- Writing news stories and feature articles about vocational agriculture (Bulletin of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. 4th series) by W. R Sherrill, 1931
- The Wisconsin processed vegetable contract market news project: Evaluation report (Agricultural economics staff paper series) by Gerald R Campbell, 1984
- Wisconsin farmers' use and understanding of broadcast news, (Research Division, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Research report) by Eugene A Kroupa, 1973
- Market news on eggs and poultry in South Dakota (Bulletin / South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station) by Ernest Feder, 1953