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61. The Everything Health Guide to
62. Freedom from Disease: The Breakthrough
63. The Complete Guide to Alzheimer's-Proofing
64. The Alzheimer's Activities Guide
65. Developing Support Groups for
66. The Majesty of Your Loving; A
67. Self Management of Chronic Disease:
68. The Positive Interactions Program
69. New Insights into the Mechanisms
70. The Alzheimer's Project: Momentum
71. Inside Alzheimer's: How to Hear
72. Lost Alzheimer's Disease Search
73. Alzheimer: Guia practica: Respuestas
74. Preventing Alzheimer's: Ways to
75. Alzheimer's Disease: A Complete
76. Counseling the Alzheimer's Caregiver:
77. The Loss of Self: A Family Resource
78. Hannah's Heirs: The Quest for
79. Voices of Alzheimer's: The Healing
80. Alzheimer's: A Caregiver's Guide

61. The Everything Health Guide to Alzheimer's Disease: A reassuring, informative guide for families and caregivers (Everything Series)
by Maureen Dezell, Carrie Hill
Paperback: 304 Pages (2009-10-18)
list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$8.39
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1605501247
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
With more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer?s disease, families and caregivers of Alzheimer?s patients need guidance and support more than ever before. This guide offers an overview of the medical, legal, and practical questions and decisions caregivers and families of Alzheimer?s patients face. With this book, you will learn how to:

  • Find the right doctor for your loved ones
  • Choose treatments and medications
  • Build and maintain brain health
  • Handle living, medical, financial, and legal issues
  • Set up care and support systems for your loved ones
  • Understand the latest research in Alzheimer?s treatment, including genetic testing and diagnostic imaging
This handbook explains the disease, its warning signs, and its diagnosis, while providing complete information on care and treatment. Whether it?s early-onset or late-onset Alzheimer?s, you will be well informed and prepared to take the right steps toward a better life for your loved ones. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Handy information for family
It is a well organized book with good information for family taking care their love one with Alzheimer's disease.It gives a comprehensive, holistic overview of medical, legal and practical questions and decision especially in handing the bathing and other daily activities.It guides you to the support group for sharing and avoiding burn-out and fatigue.Of value are the information at the back of the book from Medicare and Medicaid to the different websites for good information (not informercials, lies or deceptions).

This book will help in understanding the disease, taking care the patient and caregivers with a wealth unbiased practical and dependable information. ... Read more

62. Freedom from Disease: The Breakthrough Approach to Preventing Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, and Depression by Controlling Insulin
by Peter Morgan Kash, Jay Lombard
Hardcover: 272 Pages (2008-06-10)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$5.48
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B003F76EGE
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Foreword by Mehmet Oz, co-author of YOU: ON A DIET and YOU: AN OWNER'S MANUAL.

This ground-breaking book reveals how insulin resistance is linked to heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, overweight, childhood behavioral disorders, depression, high blood pressure, and more.  It also provides information on how to get insulin under control.

While insulin is most closely associated with diabetes it is, in fact, the culprit in the diseases that are making the American population ill -- heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, and Alzheimer’s. Insulin is the hormone that helps the body use glucose, when insulin and glucose are out of balance glucose builds up in the blood, leading to inflammation which can cause disease in any number of the body’s systems. Drawing on the latest scientific research on the role insulin plays in the systems of the body, this book presents information on nutrition and exercise that will battle increased insulin levels, reduce insulin resistance, and keep the entire body healthy and free of disease.

Nutrition and exercise are the keys to controlling insulin levels and keeping the entire body healthy and the book provides extensive information on how and what to eat to not only prevent disease and improve overall health – it explains the effect of insulin on physical and mental function and tells you what to do for a particular concern be it heart disease, brain aging, or diabetes.

Freedom from Disease is comprehensive, well-researched, and will give you the tools you need to effectively reduce insulin levels and maintain excellent health.


... Read more

Customer Reviews (11)

2-0 out of 5 stars Close but not quite
I love the premise of this book, that controlling insulin is the answer to being disease free, but much of the science and support for the argument in this book is elusive and/or wrong.Fat will NOT elicit an insulin secretion. ONLY carbohydrates will do that.On page 30 "When we eat a meal that's rich in calories - calories from fat or from carbohydrates - glucose levels rise rapidly in the blood." WRONG and WRONG!!! Fat will have no effect on glucose levels and calories in and of themselves have nothing to do with glucose levels.It's the makeup of those calories that matter.Shame on these authors. The title led me to believe someone would actually counter the erroneous mantra of "eat less move more" with the truth "don't eat carbohydrates and you will be able to move more, eat high fat and you will be energized"."Oh, and if you do so, your insulin issues will vanish." Darn. I was hoping for more.

2-0 out of 5 stars Insulin Is Indeed The Problem, But This Is NOT The Solution!
It's becoming more and more commonplace, but Peter Morgan Cash and Jay Lombard want to make sure people know about it loud and clear-INSULIN is at the heart of most of the preventable diseases in modern society. Until we get this hormone under control inside of our bodies, no progress will be made on such health issues as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, obesity, depression, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and more. We are people who are walking around with insulin in excess which leads to inflammation and disease occurring in epidemic proportions. To attain "freedom from disease," the authors draw from current research on this subject and interview some of the biggest names is health today-to the detriment of the message, I believe. What starts off as a good premise for a book with a spot-on message quickly turns into more of the same we've always heard. Eat less fat. Eat more "good" whole grain-based carbs. Yadda yadda yadda. If the authors truly wanted to share information that would help to bring insulin under control for good, then they would have included much of the breadth of research that has been done on carbohydrate-restriction over the past decade in this book. But if you look up "low-carb" in the index at the back of the book, you'll come up empty. That's too bad because I think they have correctly identified the problem...they just missed the ultimate solution by a long shot!

5-0 out of 5 stars Great advice for all!
At first I thought that this book was not going to tell me anything new, but it is actually very eye-opening.My mother had Alzheimers for 10 years and the fact that this book addresses possible causes for this disease and others, is quite interesting.I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle and this book is helping me do it!

4-0 out of 5 stars Very good Science to back of Theory
This book will scare you into leading a better lifestyle.I appreciated the science but it may be a little too much science for the average lay person.The recipe and 3 week diet fell a little short.The book advocates Mediteranian and Japanese diet but this is mostly Asian with lots of items most people won't be familar with like agar flakes and umeboshi vinegar.Books says avoid dry fruit but many of the breakfast ideas include raisins.Maybe berries would have been a better pick.Basically the menus don't always jive with the recomendations. I would follow Dr. Weils anti-inflamation diet as it is easier to follow. Also theory gives no explanation for the 40% of people that get cancer and disease and are not overweight.Are these people still insulin resistant but don't gain weight?I was glad I read the book.Finally the medical community is giving us some information that makes sense.

5-0 out of 5 stars very inspiring
the evidnece presented in this book should encourage and motivate everyone to eat a healthier diet
very informative
C.W. RN and Certified Diabetes Educator ... Read more

63. The Complete Guide to Alzheimer's-Proofing Your Home (Revised Edition)
by Mark Warner, Ellen Warner
Paperback: 496 Pages (2000-06)
list price: US$38.95 -- used & new: US$30.40
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1557532028
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Written by a practicing architect and gerontologist, The Complete Guide to Alzheimer's-Proofing Your Home shows you how to create a home environment that will help you cope with the many difficulties associated with Alzheimer's. This unique book is divided into two sections to provide the most thorough coverage available. Section One deals with interior and exterior spaces individually, providing key information on how to ensure that the Alzheimer's patient will be safe and secure. Section Two gives a detailed list of potential problems related to Alzheimer's and practical information on how to cope with those problems in the home setting.
... Read more

Customer Reviews (7)

5-0 out of 5 stars Full of very practical suggestions
This book is full of practical suggestions, for example, leaving the light on in the bathroom and nowhere else at night, to suggest to the person with Alzheimer's where he/she might want to go.This has worked well for us.Very helpful for anyone dealing with Alzheimer's, and wanting to plan for the future.

5-0 out of 5 stars Making Life Easier
What an impressive book - you get 400+ pages of ways to make life more comfortable for someone with Alzheimers.These also help the caregiver in a variety of situations.
The advice covers things like how to deal with wandering and gives four types of this behavior.It tells how to eliminate places to hide and rummage, coping with fears (of bathing, of strangers, of abandonment), and managing incontinence.
The book helps with mobility issues, addresses safety and how to manage daily living. It includes a valuable section (38 pages) lists where to find special products from stair lifts to bathing aids to ramps to bedwetting alarms.
I'm so glad to see a book this comprehensive to assist with Alzheimer's needs.

5-0 out of 5 stars A caregiver's bible
Since first reading this book over 14 months ago, I've found it a constant source for information and resources. It addresses the problems I encounter on a daily basis AND gives sources for products that I can use to provide better care for my loved one.

5-0 out of 5 stars Beverly Bigtree Murphy, author, "He Used to be Somebody,"
This book is a must for caregivers and professionals facing the challenges of Alzheimer's.It is the first book I've read devoted to Alzheimer's care that offers something more than reasons to institutionalize our people.Caregivers need information, options and where to access tools andresources before they can make informed decisions about their choices ortheir role as caregiver.As someone who spent 25 years designingrehabilitations plans for handicapped people and another 10 years facingthe care of my husband, Tom, who died of this disease in our home, this isthe first volume I've picked up that speaks of caregiving in positive,life-giving, do-able terms and not the drudgery that we are all led tobelieve consumes the process.While it offers pragmatic, workable,affordable solutions to caregivers, it never loses sight of the continuedhumanity and needs of our family members for love and regard in spite oftheir loss of cognitive skills.My experience as a caregiver was met withnothing but obsticles in my quest to keep my husband home, a journey Irelate in my book, "He Used to be Somebody."I found Tom's careproblems were 75% attitude and 25% tools, resources and help.This bookoffers both to families.I highly recommend it.

5-0 out of 5 stars Much more than a how to book...
Mark Warner's book on Alzheimer's proofing your home is more than a how to book.Mr. Warner gives an in-depth description of the ways in which Alzheimer's disease affects a person's life, and the life of the extendedfamily. By understanding the disease in depth and the changes that takeplace in a person physical and emotional need, there is a context tounderstanding why modifications and alterations are needed.He explainswhat to do and why to do it.His approach is that of a loving caregiverwho not only wants to make the home safe and secure, but also wants toraise the quality of life. . Modifications are practical, but also designedto bring comfort. Even after over two decades of workingprofessionally with people with memory loss, many of his suggestions caughtme by surprise. I kept saying to myself, "why didn't I think ofthat?" He addresses all the behaviors associated with the disease,from wandering to agitation, and suggests environment solutions that couldease the situation.Not only will this bring a higher level of comfort tothe person with the disease, but many of the suggestions are a benefit foranyone who wishes to have a safe and barrier free home.I recommend thisbook to anyone caring for someone with Alzheimer's, anyone involved in homecare, and anyone who is interested in altering environments to meetspecific needs of unique individuals.Like any thoughtful book, his ideasabout adapting environments to the needs of people with Alzheimer's diseasealso stretches one's thinking about changing environments for anyone withspecific needs, or who wants to think about the highest level of safety forfamily members. ... Read more

64. The Alzheimer's Activities Guide (A Caregiver's Guide to Daily Activities for People with Alzheimer's Disease (In It together)
by Unknown
Paperback: Pages (2005)
-- used & new: US$1.94
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B000W0OC2U
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
this 100 page paperback contains three sections. The first contains therapudic activities that can emotionally and physically stimulate people with alzheimers disease. the other two sections give advice and tips for day to da tasks and resourses and support ... Read more

65. Developing Support Groups for Individuals with Early-Stage Alzheimer's Disease: Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
by Robyn Yale
Paperback: 231 Pages (1995-10)
list price: US$34.95 -- used & new: US$26.61
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1878812262
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Practical reference with step-by-step guidelines on developing, facilitating, and administering support groups for the patient with early Alzheimer's, rather than focusing on the caregiver. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars A thorough, insightful, and timeless guide
This excellent and comprehensive guide had stood the test of time. I used it and referred to it when it was first published and I continue to refer people to this book as the only source you really need when creating and conducting support groups for people with early-stage Alzheimer's or a related disorder. Even experienced professionals and support group facilitators can glean valuable information from this book, and it can be referred to as needed for creative ideas, problem solving, and insightful reminders. I consider it a must have reference on the library shelf of anyone working in the field of early-stage dementia.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Manual!
Anyone planning to start a group for people with dementia should read this.Ms. Yale is an expert & this book is a must read.

5-0 out of 5 stars The most comprehensive "how-to" book -PT. Advocacy PLUS!!
Ms. Yale has taken a difficult subject...difficultissues regardingpatients who are headed into difficult situations...and not only madestrong advocacy in their behalf but has created a primer of how to doit.

I am about to start an Alzheimer's Support Group for patients in theearly stages.While I was pleased that I was chosen by our localAlzheimer's Association; I was somewhat paralyzed at first by how to do it.

This is from someone who has done psychotherapy with individuals,families and groups for over fourteen years.The focus of most Alzheimer'sDisease care has been support for the caregiver.I must admit I couldn'tthink about doing a suport group for patients until some recentinterchanges with patients about their driving...or not driving.

Ofcourse, I can lead a group of people with early stages of Alzheimer'sDisease.I interview these people in my clinic all the time and have notrouble there.

Robyn Yale has given me a template.I intend to use asmuch information of this book as I possibly can.

Thanks to Amazon, I hadthe book in three days of finding the reference. ... Read more

66. The Majesty of Your Loving; A Couple's Journey Through Alzheimer's
by Olivia Hoblitzelle
Paperback: 314 Pages (2008-01-08)
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$10.21
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0979321808
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
When Olivia and Hob received his diagnosis of Alzheimer s, the enormity of that prospect propelled them to make a pact with one another: they would navigate the illness consciously and lovingly to the end. The Majesty of Your Loving: A Couple s Journey Through Alzheimer s is their courageous story. Given this couple s rich background in psychology, Buddhist meditation, and the wisdom traditions, they were able to handle the pain and promise of the illness with unusual thoughtfulness. The author not only writes about the inspirations and spiritual perspectives that sustained them, but gives an intimate account of how they faced loss, crisis, and eventually death. This book has a distinctively positive and uplifting tone, revealing that ultimately their experience was about growing in wisdom and deepening in love. An indispensable guide for anyone dealing with loss, each chapter includes a self-help section with reflections, suggestions, and seed thoughts. This memoir, unique for its inclusive spiritual orientation, provides both hope and practical approaches to anyone dealing with mental loss or diminishment of any kind. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (14)

4-0 out of 5 stars Good Book
The book was very poetic while I was looking for information; however I found the information scattered about, and I was able to convert the poetic parts to my own experience and way of thinking. I found those parts to be useful also in shaping my attitudes toward helping my husband.The ordering and shipping service was great.

5-0 out of 5 stars Beautiful
Beautifully written. This book is a gift filled with insight, whether you have been touched by Alzheimer's disease or not.

5-0 out of 5 stars A Beautiful Love Story
This really is the story of a journey, told in a way that makes it a gripping story, much like a novel. Harrison Hoblitzelle, known as Hob, is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease as we begin. His wife tells the tale, but shares a great deal in his words of what he was experiencing. Both are teachers and practitioners of Buddhist philosophy and meditation, as well as fans of great literature. The book is laced with famous quotations, guided meditations and visits to spiritual leaders for help dealing with what is happening. Hob hangs on as well as he can, but the disease erodes his memory and his ability to speak. Often he considers suicide to avoid the late stages. Olivia shares her own struggles to live in the moment and to give Hob all the help he needs without losing herself. Hob does die in the end. The reader knows that from the beginning. The question is how it will happen. This is a beautiful book, very comforting to those living with the disease, and loaded with helpful exercises and resources.

5-0 out of 5 stars Compassionate, empathetic and extraordinarily helpful
Better late than never! I would have been so very, very grateful if I had read this book before I lost my best friend, my son, and my husband, who suffered from Parkinson's Disease for 35 years. Olivia, a childhood friend of mine, artfully and sensitively carries her readers through the difficult journey of illness and death from the perspective of the patient as well as the caregiver.She gives her readers the courage and insight to go where most of us fear to tread.I have shared this book with others, all of whom are as grateful as I am. Thank you, Olivia.

5-0 out of 5 stars A beam of light in the darkness
As someone who is currently traversing the dark and difficult territory of a loved one's struggle with Alzheimer's, I can't say enough about this brave, honest, and illuminating book.Without ever being sentimental, it offers a very profound form of consolation, encouraging us simultaneously to bring as much clarity as we can to the process of the mind's disintegration/while remembering that what we most truly are is something that transcends the organic gray matter of the brain.After receiving a copy of the book myself, I ordered copies for two friends whose husbands are facing early-onset Alzheimers.And I also made reference to it in an upcoming article ("Awake and Demented") for Tricycle Magazine.
I am profoundly grateful to Olivia H.--not to speak of her late husband Hob--for this beautiful and inspiring book.
Noelle Oxenhandler
... Read more

67. Self Management of Chronic Disease: Alzheimer's Disease
Paperback: 158 Pages (2009-05-28)
list price: US$79.95 -- used & new: US$13.26
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 3642003257
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

68. The Positive Interactions Program of Activities for People With Alzheimer's Disease
by Sylvia Nissenboim, Christine Vroman
Paperback: 136 Pages (1998-01)
list price: US$36.95 -- used & new: US$24.66
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1878812408
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Text outlining an individual approach to activities and interactions for both care receiver and caregiver. Features 92 step-by-step activities including: creative arts, daily living skills, exercise and sensory experiences. For social workers and nurses. Softcover. ... Read more

69. New Insights into the Mechanisms of Alzheimer's Disease: A Multidisciplinary Approach
by Rovshan Ismailov MD MPH PhD
Kindle Edition: Pages (2010-09-27)
list price: US$9.99
Asin: B0045JLQFK
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The current research on Alzheimer’s disease is primarily focused on the discovery of specific protein subunits as well as identification of genetic mechanisms involved in this disease. With the appearance of the “hypoperfusion” theory as well as findings from numerous population-based studies linking Alzheimer’s disease to “vascular” disorders (i.e. hypertension, atherosclerosis etc.), it became evident that the important task for understanding Alzheimer’s disease is to thoroughly examine hemodynamics and blood rheology. Such approach may also result in finding of successful treatments of Alzheimer’s disease.

This book is written by a scientist and a cardiologist who previously successfully described mechanism of complex pathologies with strong vascular component (i.e. traumatic cardiac valve disease, crash syndrome, acute myocardial infarction resulted from traumatic injury, trauma-related right bundle branch block etc.). His peer-reviewed manuscripts have been published in such prestigious journals as “American Heart Journal”, “International Journal of Cardiology”, “American Journal of Kidney Disease”, “Journal of Trauma”, “European Journal of Trauma” etc. His theoretical papers at BioMed Central have been accessed more than 30000 times, and the most frequently accessed paper on traumatic myocardial infarction was accessed more than 10000 times over all.

More than a hundred and thirty books and peer-reviewed articles have been reviewed for this book. It has two major parts; the first one is looking at the complex interplay of regional brain extravascular extracellular fluid dynamics, cardiac function and pathology (i.e. atrial fibrillation) and Alzheimer’s disease. Previous research evidence suggests that both formation and subsequent growth of plaques occurs both extravascularly and extracellulary. Moreover, the extravascular extracellular fluid can produce amyloid-beta building blocks for plaques. In addition, amyloid beta-protein can move through extravascular extracellular fluid before aggregation and subsequent involvement in neurodegeneration. Finally, consideration of regional brain extravascular extracellular fluid dynamics is also particularly important in light of the fact that certain waste products such as glutamate or calcium can accumulate there causing degradation of certain cellular components thus playing an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.

The second part of the book is focusing on the relationship between several hemorheological factors (i.e. blood viscosity, concentration of erythrocytes and erythrocyte aggregations (rouleaux) and Alzheimer’s disease. Analyses and models described in both parts of this book are not only particularly relevant to describe the mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, but can be applied to other physiological systems of human body that involve regional extravascular extracellular fluid dynamics (i.e. pulmonary system, tumors etc.).

The nature of the book is highly multidisciplinary: the epidemiological analysis is based on a very large dataset (more than 7.4 million patients); it supports not only the theoretical (mathematical and biomechanical analyses) but also examines an association between Alzheimer’s disease and pathologies that either have not been examined previously (such as polycythemia vera, sick sinus syndrome, sinus bradycardia etc.) or have been rarely examined (i.e. hypothyroidism, atrial fibrillation etc.). Additional epidemiologic consideration is given to the association between Alzheimer’s disease and such important health concerns as ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injury.

The end of the book leads us through the practical implications of the results and it will be of interest to a wide audience ranging from Alzheimer’s disease scientists, researchers involved in studies focused on hemodynamics and blood rheology as well as to general medicine physicians, geriatricians, hematologists and cardiologists ... Read more

70. The Alzheimer's Project: Momentum in Science
by John Hoffman, Susan Froemke
Hardcover: 224 Pages (2009-05-11)
list price: US$25.95 -- used & new: US$0.01
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B002UXRZC6
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

This companion book to the HBO Documentary Films series explores the cutting-edge research on Alzheimer's disease that is creating new hope for the future.

Alzheimer's disease is the second most-feared illness in America, following cancer. It affects as many as 5 million Americans, a number that could soar to 16 million by 2050. It is estimated that, unless effective preventions are discovered, 10 million baby boomers will eventually develop this irreversible and devastating brain disorder.

Until recently, medical news on Alzheimer’s disease was not comforting. But in the past few years, advances in many scientific areas—from diagnostic imaging to genetic analysis—have led to an explosion of knowledge with implications for treatment and prevention. This is an exciting time of discovery in Alzheimer's research.

Through The Alzheimer’s Project film series, HBO Documentary Films illuminates the vital breakthroughs occurring in the field. One of the central films in this series, Momentum in Science, brings us inside the laboratories and clinics of the nation’s top scientists and physicians who are clearing the path to a deeper understanding of Alzheimer’s disease. By capturing the exhilaration of these scientists and casting light on their groundbreaking discoveries, the film seeks to bring a wider understanding of the disease and new hope for future treatment.

This book offers an even closer look at the advances of this scientific frontier. It investigates the complex cascade of events that occurs inside the brain when someone has Alzheimer’s disease and shows how scientists are working to interrupt this process and ultimately prevent the disease. In accessible prose, it examines specific evidence of momentous progress, from the triumphant discovery of the unique role of the beta-amyloid and tau proteins, to the use of PET scans to track changes in the brain and the analyses of cerebrospinal fluid to identify biomarkers that will help us predict who will develop the disease in the future. It also looks at current drug development and at what we can do as individuals to potentially reduce our risk of developing the disease.

The Alzheimer’s Project: Momentum in Science is a fascinating story of scientific discovery that shows what recent breakthroughs might mean for improving our chances of remaining cognitively vital throughout a long life.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (4)

4-0 out of 5 stars A little insight into Dementia
I have only read about a third of the way through this book, but have learned some things about what could cause dementia - the working of the brain.I am a lay person, so do not understand everything, but it gives insight into the process that leads to dementia. It is very interesting, and I am anxious to have the time to finish the book.

5-0 out of 5 stars Important, informational reading - a must for anyone dealing with Alz in your life or loved ones life
Absolutely packed with the facts about this horrible disease. A must for anyone dealing with this horrible disease.This affects so many more than just the person diagnosed, it is extremely stressful for the families.Finally we have resources for help and hope for the future.

4-0 out of 5 stars Great Info
Bought the DVD & the book. The book gives great info on some of the latest AD information (ie: research, meds, diagnosing). I gave it 4 stars, because watching the DVD w/the book gave me better incite than just the book. That said, if the DVD didn't exist, I'd still buy the book.

5-0 out of 5 stars Any health library concerned with Alzheimer's research will find this eye-opening
This companion book to the HBO documentary films series explores the latest research on Alzheimer's which has resulted in new technology and methods of analysis, surveying breakthroughs in the field and examining the nation's labs and clinics and their results. Any health library concerned with Alzheimer's research will find this an eye-opening glimpse into the world of future trends and treatments. ... Read more

71. Inside Alzheimer's: How to Hear and Honor Connections with a Person who has Dementia
by Nancy Pearce
Paperback: 320 Pages (2007-08-01)
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$12.33
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0978829905
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
We have long underestimated the person who has dementia. Each one's ability to reach out in familiar ways certainly diminishes yet he or she is always able to experience the deep benefits that come from being in vital relationship with others. Inside Alzheimer's tells how dozens of persons with dementia and their sharing of wisdom, humor and life's teachings led Ms. Pearce to the six basic principles of connection--how one person connects with another: Intend a connection, Free yourself of judgment, Love, Open to receive love, Silence and Thankfulness. Internalizing these principles has empowered hundreds of family, friends, and professionals to create moments of connection with persons, regardless of how advanced the dementia. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (7)

5-0 out of 5 stars A very important addition to the body of work for the caregiver of people with dementia!
One of the most trying aspects for anyone caring for a person with Alzheimer's and dementia involves the breakdown of communication. In her book, Inside Alzheimer's: How to Hear and Honor Connections with a Person who has Dementia, Nancy Pearce shows the way to communicate with people affected by dementia in any of its forms. Ms. Pearce is a social worker with more than 20 years of experience with geriatric patients and people with dementia. Those years have obviously given her tools to connect with people who many have given up on; but more obviously, she brings to her profession an intuitive understanding of the process. The importance of her intuition comes through clearly as she talks to us about the people she has touched and who have touched her.

As dementia including Alzheimer's progresses it causes one to lose access to memories, and as memories fade the person, more and more, exists in the present. It is in the present that you will successfully relate. Once you learn to be with this person in his or her sphere, which is the here and now, much of the frustration that is so common in caregivers of people with dementia will melt away. Inside Alzheimer's will help you to do just that. Whether you are a professional visiting caregiver, on staff at a facility caring for people with dementia, or are caring for a loved one at home, Inside Alzheimer's is a must read. (Even if you never have contact with a person with dementia, you will benefit from Nancy Pearce's insights.)

5-0 out of 5 stars Very Helpful!
My mother was recently "offcially" diagnosed with Alzheimer's; however, we've know quiet awhile something was going on.This book has been a tremendous help in understanding this disease and how to relate to her better.No, it is not the same or will it ever be, but we can move forward into a new relationship ... and this book has given me hope that it is possible.Very easy read!I love the stories.

5-0 out of 5 stars How to speak to dementia patients
This is a great book. I wish I had found this sooner, as my mom has had Alzheimers for 8 years. She has been losing her ability to speak coherently and this book has been a great guide to help me through this most difficult time.

5-0 out of 5 stars The power of positive communication
Inside Alzheimer's: How to Hear and Honor Connections with a Person who has Dementia, show the reader how to communicate effectively with someone who has dementia. Logical commnication skills often do not work so the author shares with the reader both how to listen and use body language to see what the dementia person is trying to say. Also the reader(loved one or professional) discovers how to, most effectively, mintain a connection with the person with dementia.

In addition, Nancy Pearce, shares how to value a dementia person. There are still many things you can do together, perhaps with a few adaptations. These things are discussed.

This book is certainly a must read for a loved one, friend, caregiver, or other professional.

by Susan Berg author ofAdorable Photographs of Our Baby: Meaningful, Mind Stimulating Activities and More for the Memory Challenged, Their Loved Ones, and Involved Professionals

5-0 out of 5 stars Clear, comforting and confidence inspiring
This book provides a very clear, comforting and confidence inspiring way for family and friends to spend time with a person with Alzheimer's. I really appreciated how the author was able to explain the meaning of the world to someone who has Alzheimer's so that I could spend all of my time responding from that context. This allows me to avoid responses that while normal and seemingly logical to me would make no sense to the person with Alzheimer's. The explanations and coaching language are very effective. It was easy for me to grasp and imagine the world of the person with Alzheimer's. By almost being able to walk in their "mocassins" I am able to focus entirely on learning how to get better at it - and therefore be a better friend and companion. Inside Alzheimer's: How to Hear and Honor Connections with a Person who has Dementia ... Read more

72. Lost Alzheimer's Disease Search Management : A law enforcement guide to managing
by Robert J Koester, Robert J. Koester, Robert J. Koester
Ring-bound: 160 Pages (1999-11)
list price: US$100.00 -- used & new: US$100.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1879471345
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This manual is ideal for those responsible for directing the initial search for a missing person with Alzheimer's disease. It contains lesson outlines, slide masters, case studies, and map problems. This course has been used and tested around the world. A CD with PowerPoint presentations is included. ... Read more

73. Alzheimer: Guia practica: Respuestas a las cuestiones fundamentales, desde su diagnostico hsta como se aplica el tratamiento (Spanish Edition)
by Marwan Sabbagh
Paperback: 288 Pages (2010-03-04)
list price: US$28.95 -- used & new: US$18.61
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 8479279834
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Created for patients and family members seeking information about Alzheimer's disease, this comprehensive guide includes four sections that address prevention, risks, recommendations for avoiding the disease, and ways of coping with the disease upon diagnosis. Beginning with the history of the disease and its impact on society, this concise and up-to-date manual also goes into detail on threats such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension.

Creado para pacientes y familias que están buscando información sobre la enfermedad de Alzhéimer, esta guía comprensiva incluye cuatro secciones sobre la prevención, los riesgos, recomendaciones para evitar la enfermedad y formas de hacer frente con la enfermedad al momento del diagnóstico. Empezando con la historia de la enfermedad y su impacto en la sociedad, este manual conciso y moderno también entra en detalles sobre amenazas como la diabetes, la obesidad y la hipertensión.

... Read more

74. Preventing Alzheimer's: Ways to Help Prevent, Delay, Detect, and Even Halt Alzheimer's Disease and OtherForms of Memory Loss
by William Rodman Shankle, Daniel G. Amen
Paperback: 304 Pages (2005-06-07)
list price: US$15.95 -- used & new: US$6.75
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0399531602
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Drs. William Rodman Shankle and Daniel G. Amen reveal the latest research and treatment methods for preventing, delaying, and treating the devastation of Alzheimer's disease. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (13)

5-0 out of 5 stars Very good book for information
I have not read the whole book but what I have read seems very informative and detailed.
I am glad that I bought it.

5-0 out of 5 stars Informative
Interesting information is provided on Alzheimer's and other types of dementia.Although some information is rather technical, there is a great deal of information for the average person.An included glossary of terms is very helpful in understanding the material presented. One of the main points made is the importance of early treatment for this condition.With early diagnosis and treatment the progression of Alzheimer's can be delayed.Also, new treatments for Alzheimer's and other dementia will be available in the near future.

1-0 out of 5 stars I know, I know
Nothing I didn't know.Eat right & exercise.I expected to learn something new.

5-0 out of 5 stars Preventing Alzheimer's
"Preventing Alzheimer's" is the best informational book on the subject I have read. Dr. Daniel Amen is one of the foremost authorities in the world for neurological diseases. This book covers everything from a comprehensive explanation of just what Alzheimer's disease is to foods and medications that affect the symptoms, both good and bad. It explains testing for the different types of Alzheimer's and goes into preventative measures that can be taken to delay the symptoms of Alzheimer's. It gives hope for the future for the people who have the Alzheimer's gene. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is dealing with this devastating disease, whether caregiver or patient with early symptoms.

5-0 out of 5 stars Save your quality of life, for You & Family
Easy reading- Required reading with the Baby Boomers sheer numbers- You may see these symptoms in public and instead of help you may want to have them arrested.Alzheimers will be like the heart attack, as they compare that 60yrs old is the new "40 yrs old".You can change your life with knowledge, change alzheimers with early diagnosis and diet along with behaviors.Lets help eachother here and first and foremost ourselves and our families. ... Read more

75. Alzheimer's Disease: A Complete Guide for Nurses
by Patricia Allen
 Paperback: Pages (2005)
-- used & new: US$40.89
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B000JWQM38
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

76. Counseling the Alzheimer's Caregiver: A Resource for Health Care Professionals
by Mary S. Mittelman, Cynthia Epstein, Alicia Pierzchala
Paperback: 346 Pages (2002-08-15)
list price: US$42.95 -- used & new: US$34.90
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1579472621
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This resource provides clinically proven strategies to help caregivers deal with Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Drawing on lessons learned during 15 years of empirical clinical treatment intervention, this manual is an invaluable resource for physicians and collaborating health care providers who work with families caring for an AD patient. Counseling the Alzheimer's Caregiver provides:

-Proven clinically-researched strategies to help caregivers deal with the enormous physical and emotional stress of caring for a loved one with AD

-Outlines, in detail, of the symptoms of AD at each stage

-Descriptions of both caregiver's and counselor's roles from the initial diagnosis to after the patient's death

-Ways to create individualized intervention plans for the caregiver to use in managing behavioral and psychological symptoms of AD and maintaining their own well-being

-Information on formal support services for patients living at home

-Guidance on making the decision to place the patient in a residential facility

More than 80 percent of AD patients receive care from family or other non-formal help. With AD expected to affect an estimated 14 million people by the mid-21st century, this book is an increasingly important addition to your library. ... Read more

77. The Loss of Self: A Family Resource for the Care of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (Revised Edition)
by Donna Cohen, Carl Eisdorfer
Paperback: 464 Pages (2002-08-17)
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$4.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0393323331
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
A tremendous resource for all those grappling with Alzheimer's disease, including patients, families, caregivers, and professionals. This fully revised and updated edition gives the latest information on causes, preventive measures, diagnosis, treatment, and drugs. But The Loss of Self goes even further than the biological, medical, and social issues to explore the emotional challenges any person coping with Alzheimer's will experience. Personal stories give hope, dignity, and ideas for solving even the most difficult problems such as sexuality, violence, abuse, and family conflict. The Loss of Self speaks to those suffering from Alzheimer's and to family members wanting to understand how to help a relative and to meet their own needs over the long years of caring. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (2)

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Resource and Beautifully Written
I was deeply involved in the creation of this edition, and I can say from experience that the authors have crafted a masterpiece.So much work, diligence, research, and love went into this revision.It is a great resource for family members of someone with Alzheimer's and related disorders, physician's and other practitioners, and even people who have been recently diagnosed.It can be used to educate someone who knows little about dementia or offer a new perspective to the experienced clinician.I highly recommend this book!

5-0 out of 5 stars Enrich your understanding of how the disease affects victim
This is a book caregivers can hand to relatives and friends to read inorder to enrich their understanding of how the disease affects both thevictim and their caregiver.It is not only informative in a very practicaland easy to read manner but it is sensitive and to the point about thestages of Alzheimer's Disease and the human needs of the people who facethis illness.The personal stories highlighted are described in ways thataren't merely words on paper written by someone safely detached from theimpact this illness has on living people.This book stands out in my mindfor that reason.It also speaks to the loss of relationships as theillness progresses.I refer to over and over and its one of the first Iread after I realized my husband Tom and I were facing Alzheimer's Disease. ... Read more

78. Hannah's Heirs: The Quest for the Genetic Origins of Alzheimer's Disease
by Daniel A. Pollen
Paperback: 336 Pages (1996-07-18)
list price: US$39.95 -- used & new: US$8.38
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0195106520
Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The internationally acclaimed story of Hannah's Heirs now resumes in this updated paperback edition with the discovery in June 1995 of Hannah's gene--now known to account for the majority of mutations causing early onset familial Alzheimer's disease--and the equally important identification of the major genetic risk factor rendering increased susceptibility to the more frequently occurring late-onset Alzheimer's. 30 illustrations. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (2)

2-0 out of 5 stars Most disappointing
The cover of this book gave me reason to expect that it would focus on the story of a family afflicted with Alzheimer's disease and the transmission of the disease through the generations.Instead, the majority of the book reads like a gigantic journal article.The author (a doctor) throws in a mere smattering of human interest here and there, but it's simply not enough to make the story interesting.I am not incapable of reading scientific writing, but page after page of it, as if it were a story in itself, is incredibly tedious.

4-0 out of 5 stars Terryfying, But Fascinating
I consider this to be one of the scariest books I have ever read--terrifying becaust it is true.The people in this family are afflicted with an autosomal (not sex-linked) dominant gene for early-onset Alzheimer's Disease.I can imagine few things more nightmarish than growing up in a family in which you fear that you could start losing your mental faculties at age 42--as many of your relatives already have.

The scientific research and family genealogical history that made this book possible are fascinating to read about.This is a thoroughly riveting book. ... Read more

79. Voices of Alzheimer's: The Healing Companion: Stories for Courage, Comfort and Strength (Voices Of series)
Paperback: 385 Pages (2007-05-28)
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$9.75
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1934184012
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Written by those touched by the disease, this collection of more than 50 stories recounted by the spouses, victims, caregivers, friends, and family members provides a look at their journeys and serve as a companion to those currently struggling to cope with Alzheimer’s. The contributors write with candor, clarity, and humor about their experiences with the disease, providing insight and strategies for living with the Alzheimer’s patient and sharing about the positive effect the experience can have on those affected. These essays illustrate the indomitable strength of spirit of those whose lives are irrevocably changed in the face of heart-wrenching adversity.
... Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Everything
This was an excellent book.The service was excellent and I received the book quickly.

5-0 out of 5 stars Living Memories
As with all books in the Healing Place series, Voices of Alzheimer's gift is its ability to distill the many facets of a disease into poignant and memorable short essays.I agree that this is not a feel-good, upbeat book full of happy endings. However...readers do hear from families who, while changed forever by alzheimer's, still felt that they did the best they could under the circumstances. Many writers describe the peace that they were able to achieve about their own family member's condition, even in the midst of heartbreak.

It is particularly relevant that we hear repeatedly who each writer's special person IS: a beloved wife, a father who loved to garden, an immigrant from Yugoslavia, a grandpa who loved to give out dollar bills. Every individual with AD lived a life experience before it which is worth the time to know. With AD in particular it can be reassuring to family members that their loved one's life has significance, and what has made that person so special to them can never disappear. Negative behaviors have to be seen for what they are: a manifestation of the disease, not the deliberate actions of a difficult person. For exhausted caregivers or overwhelmed clinical staff, this is an important distinction.

Ideas for memory aids, safety, and keeping the individual with Alzheimer's connected with family are found throughout. The importance of respite care and the challenge of finding it are discussed, since family caregivers can become locked into daily routines, unable to step away and take care of themselves, increasing their own health risk over time.

The books that I have seen in this series do include brief discussions about medications and research, but the wide range of incredibly personal family stories take center stage. In the case of AD this means it may be appropriate for different caregivers at different times, depending on their loved one's AD stage and their own grief process.

This book is highly recommended for anyone working in AD areas, including assisted living, residential care, clinical, and community day care settings. An index of resources includes support groups, fundraising, research, sources of financial help, and counseling services. It should be noted that the listed Alzheimer's Association ([...]) and many other groups have message boards on the web where caregivers can exchange ideas and information. Registration may be necessary at some sites but they are free of charge and can be accessed 24/7.

5-0 out of 5 stars A wonderful, profoundly moving book
I purchased this book for the three pages written by Kate Mulgrew (a.k.a. Captain Janeway :), but after I read her provocative pages I started the book from the beginning and just couldn't put it down.This book is packed with honest, jarring anecdotes that literally take your breath away.

This is a beautiful book, but it is absolutely heartbreaking.I'm not sure that it is the kind of book you would give to someone who has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, although, on the other hand, perhaps it could spur that person to take care of living wills and other business while they are still able to make rational decisions.

Reading this book could have immeasurable value to caregivers, as they may feel less isolated and more connected, empowered.And I think it would be an excellent book for anyone who is trying to understand the impact of Alzheimer's on caregivers and families.

The book also works as an advocacy piece -- I can't imagine anyone reading this book without feeling motivated to DO something -- donate money, volunteer, sponsor a friend going on an Alzheimer's walk, work for a cure, etcetera.

However, this really is not a hopeful book.I know it says something important and perhaps hopeful about the human spirit, that ordinary people watch those they love be destroyed by this disease, that they care for them, suffer with them, perform profound acts of love and compassion, and eventually come out on the other side.But this book makes it pretty clear that those suffering from Alzheimer's, at this point in time, are not going to experience miracle cures and that the disease must run its dreadful course.

5-0 out of 5 stars A Great Start
Had submitted an article of my own for this anthology and had to withdraw it for reasons which had nothing to do with this publication.This is an EXCELLENT publication and I am so very happy for the publishers that they decided to go for such a worthwhile effort.Wonderful stories, etc - great source of information from the mouths of those most closely informed by this disease.I highly recommend this book, and the coming series, to anyone having a family member with one of these diseases, or caring in general about others and wanting to understand as much as possible.Shelby Staples

4-0 out of 5 stars Voices of Alzheimers Personal Stories
Very beautifully written and insightful personal stories about the disease that will put it in a new light. ... Read more

80. Alzheimer's: A Caregiver's Guide and Sourcebook, 3rd Edition
by Howard Gruetzner
Paperback: 352 Pages (2001-07-20)
list price: US$17.95 -- used & new: US$4.06
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0471379670
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The landmark bestselling guide——now updated with the latest essential information

The third edition of this critically acclaimed guide leads you through the realities of caring for a loved one struggling with Alzheimer’s. The author, a nationally recognized authority, details the latest developments in treatment and care options and offers helpful, hopeful advice for getting through difficult challenges. Now fully revised and updated, this edition includes new chapters designed to help caregivers cope with stress and depression and offers information on the latest breakthrough research developments and treatments. Alzheimer’s speaks directly to your vital concerns, including:

  • the symptoms and traits of Alzheimer’s, what to expect at each progressive stage, and how to respond to behavior problems
  • the full range of treatments and support services available, including tips on how to locate and finance them
  • ways to understand your feelings and the impact of grief
  • new information on managing caregiver stress and chronic depression in sufferers
  • the latest therapies and medical research

With its sensitive and in-depth examination, Alzheimer’s shows how to make the care you give more rewarding and effective and how to make the life of anyone caught in the grip of Alzheimer’s more loving and comfortable.

"Valuable information for families, friends, and caregivers. . . a concisely written, essential resource."–Booklist ... Read more

Customer Reviews (6)

5-0 out of 5 stars Understanding Alzheimer's Will Lighten The Load
This is a book that I have recommended to numerous people in the last few months. Mostly folks who have family members living with this horrible disease, who have little or no knowledge as to it's reality. Many who think of it only as a "memory problem".

Alzheimers: A Caregiver's Guide and Sourcebook, covers an incredible amount of information from both the patient's and caregiver's point of view. The author talks to you at an understandable level as he explains what is known about the intricacies of the disease at this time. His compassion for those dealing with Alzheimer's at one level or another, is comforting. He has dealt with the dispair and confusion that many of us face daily and it is apparent in his presentation.

Although I thought I had a fairly good idea as to what AL is about, this book has helped me in numerous ways. Defusing or avoiding catastrophic episodes was a problem for me, but reading his advice has helped considerably. We are having much fewer problems at this time. I have lowered my expectations and am learning to allow more time for us to prepare and deal with tasks to be done. Not rushing my husband makes a world of difference. There are numerous situations that have improved with the advice and information discussed. I also know that I am "not alone" in battle against this miserable disease and I am going to enjoy the good times we have together rather than "always" bemoaning worst.

Please read "Alzeimer's: A Caregiver's Guide and Sourcebook". It will help you!

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent resource
If a family member has been diagnosed with AD, this is a very helpful resource for you to purchase. It provides very clear descriptions of behaviors and how to understand them, as well as respond. I recommend this having read much of what's out there on this subject.

5-0 out of 5 stars Alzheimers - A Caregivers Guide
Having practiced as a psychotherapist for over 15 years, this is the book I have referred over and over to help family members of those with Alzheimers.It's a wonderful book. Easy to read. Full of practical tools and tremendously supportive for the caregiver.Worth every cent.

5-0 out of 5 stars What a great book to help you through the tough times!
My mother died of Alzheimer's in January of 2006. This book hepled my father, myself (the only child)and my wife through the whole process. It is realistic and tells one what to expect and how to handle each stage of this terminal illness. I highly recommend this book to the caretaker and his/her family to help them understand and deal with the realities of Alzheimer's.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book
Because a relative of mine has AD, I spent some time at a large local bookstore (BN) looking for the right book.This is the one I picked.I think very highly of it. ... Read more

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