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41. 1993-1994 Directory of Physics & Astronomy Staff/North American Colleges & Universities/Federally Funded Research & Development Centers/Government LA (Directory of Physics and Astronomy Staff) by American Institute of Physics | |
![]() | Paperback:
list price: US$60.00 Isbn: 1563962578 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
42. 1990-1991 Directory of Physics and Astronomy Staff by American Institute of Physics | |
Paperback: 494
list price: US$99.95 Isbn: 0883188090 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
43. CONSTELLATIONS by Department of Astronomy of the Franklin Institute | |
Asin: B000VWO2EW Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
44. The presidential address on physics in astronomy: Given before the Institute on May 15, 1928 by Frank Watson Dyson | |
Unknown Binding: 15
Asin: B0008ATB1G Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
45. GLOBULAR CLUSTERS. Based on the Proceedings of a Nato Advanced Study Institute Held at the Institute of Astronomy... by D. and B. Madore (Eds.). HANES | |
Asin: B0012KJLIY Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
46. Astronomy from space--past and future (Report / Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics) by Olav Kjeldseth Moe | |
Unknown Binding: 32
Asin: B0007B5OQ2 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
47. Galactic astronomy: Proceedings of the Summer Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Summer 1968 | |
Unknown Binding:
Asin: B0000EGV5F Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
48. Galactic Astronomy, Volume 1: Summer Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook; by Hong-Yee, And Amador Muriel, (Editors); Chiu | |
Asin: B001MV3VIE Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
49. Galactic Astronomy, Volume 2: Summer Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook; by Hong-Yee, And Amador Muriel, (Editors); Chiu | |
Asin: B000XYKDKK Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
50. Biblical astronomy: Being a paper read before the Victoria Institute. Author's copy by George Mackinlay | |
Unknown Binding: 44
Asin: B0008CNMUK Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
51. The Science Opportunities of the Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics) | |
Hardcover: 254
list price: US$95.00 -- used & new: US$67.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0735404577 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
52. Unsolved Problems in Stellar Physics: A Conference in Honor of Douglas Gough (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics) by Richard J. Stancliffe | |
![]() | Hardcover: 494
list price: US$187.00 -- used & new: US$129.20 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0735404623 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description This volume is comprised of a series of papers dealing with some of the current unsolved problems in the field of stellar physics. It is also a celebration of the many contributions that Prof. Douglas Gough has made to this subject. Topics discussed include: stars, interiors, stars: evolution, asteroseismology, helioseismology, and fluid dynamics. |
53. Cosmology and Gravitation: XIIth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics) | |
![]() | Hardcover: 432
list price: US$124.00 -- used & new: US$120.92 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0735404186 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description These proceedings contain an up-to-date series of lectures covering issues at the forefront of cosmology, gravitation, and astrophysics. Both observational matters, such as accelerated expansion of the universe, and gamma ray bursts and theoretical issues, such as loop quantum gravity and quantum field theory in de Sitter space are presented. Being a school for advanced students, many of the lectures were a high level revision of recent developments, among which could single out the results presented by Belinski regarding the absence of black hole evaporation, and Riffini regarding the origin of gamma-0 ray bursts. |
54. Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics) | |
Hardcover: 956
list price: US$325.00 -- used & new: US$247.96 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0735403430 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description This volume is a collection of review papers and recent observational and theoretical results in astronomy and astrophysics. Topics include: Sun, planets, interplanetary medium, our galaxy, stars, clusters, interstellar medium, extragalactic astrophysics, dynamical astronomy, relativity, cosmology, instrumentation, history, and education. |
55. The Evolution of Galaxies Through the Neutral Hydrogen Window (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics) by Robert Minchin | |
![]() | Hardcover: 362
list price: US$199.00 -- used & new: US$153.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0735405581 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description This conference brought together observers and theorists to discuss what we are learning from the current generation of extragalactic neutral hydrogen observations and what prospects lie ahead, with particular emphasis on the exciting prospects for the next 3 to 10 years with the major U.S. facilities. |
56. Exploring the Solar System and the Universe (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics) by Vasile Mioc | |
![]() | Hardcover: 452
list price: US$229.00 -- used & new: US$208.10 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0735405719 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description The Astronomical Institute of Romanian Academy celebrated its centenary in April 2008. It was the best opportunity for the organization of an anniversary international conference, with more than 100 participants, which provided a forum for a detailed presentation of the scientific results obtained in this long period of time, as well as for an ample exchange of scientific ideas with researchers of the European and international astronomical community. The conference Exploring The Solar System and The Universe was the most important astronomical scientific meeting ever organized in Romania. Its main goal was twofold: to bring the state-of-art Romanian astronomical research to the attention of the international astronomical community, and to gather together outstanding specialists, in order to provide a general image of what today s astronomy means. It has covered all fields approached by Romanian astronomy (celestial mechanics, astrometry, solar physics, stellar astrophysics, extragalactic astronomy, cosmology, astronomy history, education, and development), which are part of modern astronomical research. Among the more than 100 participants from 23 countries all over the world, the conference has gathered together many top specialists in the aforementioned domains. |
57. Graduate School in Astronomy: XI Special Courses at the National Observatory of Rio de Janeiro (XI CCE) (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics) | |
![]() | Hardcover: 126
list price: US$69.00 -- used & new: US$27.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0735404402 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
58. Supernova 1987A: 20 Years After: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics) | |
![]() | Hardcover: 554
list price: US$148.00 -- used & new: US$120.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0735404488 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
59. Gamma-ray Bursts: Prospects for GLAST: Stockholm Symposium on GRBs (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics) | |
![]() | Paperback: 174
list price: US$83.00 -- used & new: US$60.34 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0735404135 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
60. Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (FFP 8): Eighth International Symposium (AIP Conference Proceedings / Astronomy and Astrophysics) | |
![]() | Hardcover: 290
list price: US$129.00 -- used & new: US$8.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0735404127 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description All papers were peer reviewed. The broad objective of Frontiers of Fundamental Physics has been to enable scholars working in different areas to meet and exchange ideas and status reports. In this edition, the foundations of physics have been discussed and the role of science and its connection with society. The idea of supplying a site to impel this debate among workers of science and all the society also appeared. Changing the way of doing science could contribute to improve the society in a fairer social system, a science for all the peoples of the world. Moreover, alternative ideas should be taken into account to help the progress of science. Topics discussed include: high energy physics including string theory and quantum gravity; astro-particle physics; theoretical physics; applied mathematics; astrophysics and cosmology; alternative theories. |
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