- Hector Springs Loose (Ready-for-Chapters) by Elizabeth Shreeve, 2004-01-06
- The Illustrated World Encyclopedia of Insects: A natural history and identification guide to beetles, flies, bees wasps, springtails, mayflies, stoneflies, ... crickets, bugs, grasshoppers, fleas, spide by Martin Walters, 2010-12-16
- Fleas (Nature's Minibeasts) by Clint Twist, 2005-12-15
- Insects: Mantophasmatidae, Beetle, Termite, Orthoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Louse, Flea, Fly, Strepsiptera, Grylloblattidae, Odonata
- La pulga preguntona/ The Nosy Flea (Los Caminadores/ Walkers) (Spanish Edition) by Gustavo Roldan, 2006-07-30
- Fleas (Naturebooks) by Kathryn Stevens, 2000-07
- Pulga y gigante/ Flea and Giant (O) (Spanish Edition) by Serenella Quarello, 2009-04
- Los lios de Otto Terremoto/ Fleas! (Spanish Edition) by Alan McDonald, 2008-05
- La Vida Secreta De Las Pulgas / The Secret Life of Fleas (Puercoespin) (Spanish Edition) by Alberto Pez, R. Cubillas, 2004-05
- Flea Flicker ; Bubble Bugg by Stephen Cosgrove, 1988
- Ulysses S. Ant & Robert E. Flea by Tom La Fleur, 1984-07
- Las pulgas/ The Fleas (Barbapapa) (Spanish Edition) by Annette Tison, 2007-09-30
- The Siphonaptera of Utah: Their taxonomy, distribution, host relations, and medical importance by Harold E Stark, 1958
- Atlas of the Fleas (siphonaptera) of Britain and Ireland by R.S. George, 2008-05-16