Texas Home Educators just reading the original document ~Jube http//www.wa.gov/courts/educate/home.htmMock trials. Teachers can find lesson plans about law related education for http://www.texashomeeducators.com/government.htm
Extractions: Mock Trials. Teachers can find lesson plans about law related education for the elementary, middle school and high school levels and information about mock trial competition at this site. Click on Napoleon Mock Trial for a lesson plan developed by Colin Welch, Chilliwack Senior Secondary School Chilliwack, B.C., Canada. The plan encourages students to judge the actions of Napoleon Bonaparte. Was he a great leader and patriot, or was he a power-hungry dictator? Mock Trial: The Titanic The site was designed for teachers and students to participate in a mock trial involving the tragic story of the Titanic. The Teacher's Guidewill help prepare the class for the trial by covering such issues as Assignment of Roles, Timing of the Trial, Legal Issues and Skills. The National Constitution Center created the Teacher Resources section to help teachers locate materials for teaching the Constitution and othercivics-related topics to students of all ages. Teachers of elementary, middle, and high school will find lesson plans and ideas for a variety of classroom activities. In addition, we have provided links to other sites that offer valuable information for educators ~Dluckey.
Instructional Materials In Social Studies online, including strategies for conducting debates, mock trials, group presentations andGeography lessons for 32 Children's Books lesson plans for teaching http://www.cln.org/subjects/socials_inst.html
Extractions: Instructional Materials in Social Studies Below are the CLN "Theme Pages" which focus on specific topics within Social Studies. CLN's theme pages are collections of useful Internet educational resources within a narrow curricular topic and contain links to two types of information. Students and teachers will find curricular resources (information, content...) to help them learn about this topic. In addition, there are links to instructional materials (lesson plans) which will help teachers provide instruction in this theme. Ancient Civilizations Theme Page Biomes Theme Pages Arctic/Antarctic Theme Page Tropical Rainforests Theme Page ... Sustainable Development Theme Page General Social Studies Resources Here are a number of links to other Internet resources which contain information and/or other links related to Social Studies. Please read our Academy Curricular Exchange: Social Studies Grades K-5 Mini lesson plans from Academy One/Columbia Education Center. Activity Search: Social Studies Houghton Mifflin's Education Place Activity Search gives teachers access to a wide number of K-12 traditional (i.e., not Internet) activities. It is possible to search for activities by curriculum areas and/or grade levels, or browse the activities by themes.
Other Resources This site offers sample lesson plans, video previews A simplified guide to the lawof language Procedural Manual mock trials Legal Terms Primary Source http://www.albany.edu/~ky0859/isp361/capable/os.htm
Teacher Lesson Plan - To Kill A Mockingbird The Scottsboro Boys trials. Southern Poverty law Center. Writing Connection create a town poem based on photographs in lesson II. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/lessons/98/mock/intro.html
Extractions: An Historical Perspective Kathleen Prody and Nicolet Whearty Students gain a sense of the living history that surrounds the novel To Kill a Mockingbird . Through studying primary source materials from American Memory and other online resources, students of all backgrounds may better grasp how historical events and human forces have shaped relationships between black and white, and rich and poor cultures of our country. This unit guides students on a journey through the Depression Era in the 1930s. Activities familiarize the students with Southern experiences through the study of the novel and African American experiences through the examination of primary sources. Students will: learn about the history of African Americans in the South through analysis of historical and literary primary source photographs and documents; demonstrate visual literacy skills; master research skills necessary to use American Memory collections; be able to distinguish points of view in several types of primary sources; be able to identify literary devices and figurative language in historical documents and personal narratives;
Extractions: The National Journal Group, Inc., a Washington-based organization, publishes this Web version of their Almanac of American Politics 2002. The Almanac contains information on presidential politics, state demographics, key officials, and more. This site is designed for easy navigation; browse or search by keyword (such as the name of a representative or a committee title). (added 10/24/01, reviewed 10/24/01) CongressLink A new Congress has been sworn in. Do you know who's who? Visit this site to learn all about the 107th Congress, as well as access lessons on topics as broad as "Checks and Balances: The Line Item Veto," "Congressional Workloads," and "Eulogy and Obituary as Historical Evidence." Type in your zipcode to find your representatives and information including individual e-mail addresses, recent votes, and staff information. (added 1/26/01) Explore D.C.
Canada's SchoolNet Lesson Plan - Laws Of Canada Refer to the Bibliography on mock Trial materials for conducting other mocktrials. Canada's SchoolNet lesson Plan Index Return to the law Room http://www.acjnet.org/teacher/jack.htm
Extractions: Small group deliberation in simplified mock-trial format; class is divided into three groups for mock trial; groups of three, one each acting as judge, accused and accuser, or whole class, for summary discussion. A full-scale mock trial can be an intimidating prospect for an elementary classroom-both for teacher and students. This lesson plan for a simplified mock-trial provides an opportunity to experience the fundamentals of a trial. Beginning with a cast of three characters, students will develop skills that will lead them safely into more complicated cases. The basic tenets of the lesson include those items covered in the learning objectives. Understanding that the purpose of a trial is to settle a dispute between two people, the two parties are given an opportunity to present their side of the story to a judge. With the final authority resting with him/her, the judge takes some time to clarify issues with each party and then makes a decision that is seen to be fair to each party. Without distinguishing between civil and criminal issues, this lesson illustrates the essentials of our adversary system: that each party is allowed to tell his/her side of the story, that the judge is the person with the authority to settle the dispute, that a fair decision is presented with reasons supporting that decision.
Links of MissouriKansas City) Famous trials (The Jurist Legal dot Net law Instructor Publicationslaw, Youth of the Social Studies (MCSS) Minnesota mock Trial Page http://www.ccle.fourh.umn.edu/links.html
Resources mock trials, with 19 scripted mock trials; We the People Schools; and other annualmock Trial Competition resources and information about lawrelated education http://lawrelatededucation.org/Resources/resources.html
Extractions: LENDING LIBRARY The project has a lending library of law-related education materials which are available for Utah teachers to check out on a two week basis. To check out materials, please e-mail the Project office at lre@icw.com. The materials will be shipped to you at no cost. The teacher/school will need to pay the cost of return mail to the office. For the list of elementary materials available, CLICK HERE . For the list of secondary materials available, CLICK HERE LESSON PLANS The Project has gathered and developed lesson plans to help teach civics education. A Law and Citizenship Manual for both elementary and secondary schools has been compiled. The Table of Contents for the elementary manual can be viewed by CLICKING HERE , and the Table of Contents for the secondary manual can be viewed by CLICKING HERE . Individual lesson plans can be obtained by e-mailing the Project at lre@icw.com PUBLICATIONS Over the past 28 years, the project has produced a wide variety of publications to enable teachers to integrate law-related education into their curriculum. Among the more recent publications are the Elementary Law and Citizenship Manual ; the Secondary Law and Citizenship Manual; Practical Law in Utah (5th Edition); Your Day in Court
California Mock Trial-What Is Mock Trial case (including summaries of case law, witness statements sponsor and attorney coach,CRF's mock Trial program The trials Cases are released to all California http://www.crf-usa.org/law_government/mt_what_is.html
Extractions: In 1980, Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF) introduced the Mock Trial program, which already had a strong following in Los Angeles County, to all the counties in California. The program was created to help students acquire a working knowledge of our judicial system, develop analytical abilities and communication skills, and gain an understanding of their obligations and responsibilities as participating members of our society. The program currently involves 36 California counties. The case Each year, CRF creates and produces a new set of Mock Trial materials based on an important issue facing America's youth. The materials include a hypothetical criminal case (including summaries of case law, witness statements, official exhibits, and simplified rules of evidence); lesson plans on the central issues in the case; and competition rules and guidelines. Mock Trial materials from past years are available for purchase through CRF's catalog or web site LINK. The students With the assistance of a teacher-sponsor and attorney coach, CRF's Mock Trial program actively engages over 8,000 student-participants across the state of California. Students actively experience the excitement of working in teams, exchanging ideas, setting goals, and examining issues while interacting with positive role models from their communities. By studying the case and preparing strategies and arguments for trial, students also develop presentation skills, analytic ability, and team cooperation.
The Gilder Lehrman Institute Of American History Witchcraft trials and participate in a mock trial theories concerning the causes ofthe Salem Witch trials. http//www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/salem http://www.gliah.uh.edu/historyonline/lesson_plans_display.cfm?lessonID=23
Extractions: In 1961, Congress passed a resolution designating May 1st of each year as Law Day. In most states, Law Day activities occur sometime during the first week in May. The most frequent activity is to have an attorney speak to a class. The American Bar Association develops lesson plans each year to be used by visiting attorneys. Delaware also has materials on a variety of topics that are available for use. Last year was the Center's first year of assisting with Law Day. The Supreme Court of Delaware, the Administrative Office of the Courts and members of Delaware's Bar coordinate the program. Law Week 2003: Law Week will Cover April 29 - May 2, 2003. Attorneys will be available to present a variety of lessons in classes across the State. The American Bar Association's Law Day Theme for this year is "Celebrate Your Freedom - Independent Courts Protect Our Liberties." We are providing two possible lessons for attorneys to use from the ABA Planning Guide What Makes a Good Judge?
William S. Hart High School case (including summaries of case law, witness statements volunteer judges and attorneys,the mock Trial program coaching and at the actual trials, these legal http://www.hartdistrict.org/hart/clubs/mocktrial.shtml
Extractions: Mock Trial Club Advisor: Mrs. Littman and Gonzalo Freixes Club Officers: Presidents;Brett Newman ; Vice President: Treasurer;; Secretary:; VP of Membership: ; Social Secretary: . Requirements to join: Tryout or are already a previous mock trial enrollment. Club Purpose: To gain experience in the legal world while having some fun at the same time Up coming events: State competion at Riverside- March 28 Location and times of meetings: Fridays in F-21 How to conatact advisor: Monique or Brett Newman-661-259-1129 The Program CRFs Mock Trial Program has over 8000 student participants across the state of California. Through role-playing techniques, these students learn about the content and processes of law in an exciting and vibrant way. By studying the case and preparing strategies and arguments for trial, students also increase basic and public speaking skills, analytic ability, and team cooperation. The Team A team of students, with the help of a sponsoring teacher and a volunteer attorney or judge coach, prepares and presents the trial from the perspectives of the prosecution and the defense. There are many different roles for mock trial team members, including trial attorneys (both prosecution and defense), pretrial motion attorneys, witnesses, clerks, and bailiffs.
Social Studies In Action: The Amistad Case MCCLE offers a variety of lawrelated educational for classroom use and conducts mocktrials over the NARA Digital Classroom provides lesson plans and primary http://www.learner.org/channel/libraries/socialstudies/6_8/fisher/resources.html
Extractions: Other Lessons Historical Change China Through Mapping Leaders, Community, and Citizens Making Bread Together Caring for the Community Celebrations of Light Explorers in North America California Missions State, Government, and the Role of the Citizen Using Primary Sources Making a Difference Through Giving Understanding Stereotypes Explorations in Archeology and History Exploring Geography Through African History The Amistad Case Population and Resource Distribution Landmark Supreme Court Cases The Middle East Conflict Public Opinion and the Vietnam War Migration From Latin America Competing Ideologies Economic Dilemmas and Solutions Gender-based Distinctions The Individual in Society Chambers, Veronica. Amistad Rising . Orlando, Fla.: Harcourt, 1998. Freedman, Suzanne. United States V. Amistad: Rebellion on a Slave Ship . Berkeley Heights, N.J.: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 2000. Myers, Walter Dean. Amistad: A Long Road to Freedom . New York: Puffin, 2001. Jones, Howard. Mutiny on the Amistad . New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. Miller, Barbara.
Council On Public Legal Education Steve Brown's Kid law program is offering a teacher training this summer on mocktrials. Barbara Madsen will present a women in the courts lesson plan and http://www.plecouncil.org/docs/minutes/min053001
Extractions: Hon. Marlin Appelwick, John Banks-Books, Shirley Battan, Ron Bemis, Judith Billings, Helen Donigan, Joan Fairbanks, Margaret Fisher, Dan Ford, Paula Fraser, Rob Fukai, Adina Gordon, Nicolaas Groeneveld-Meijer, Steve Henderson, Jean Holcomb, Erin Hyppa, Pam Inglesby, Lisa KauzLoric, Joan Kleinberg, Paula Littlewood, Deni Luna, Bobbie May, Louise McKinney, Matt Murray, Hon. Jim Murphy, Allison Parker, Jan Eric Peterson, Pam Praeger, Isidore Starr, Mary Alice Theiler, Hon. Vicki Toyohara Welcome and Announcements Co-chair Judith Billings introduced Nicolaas Groeneveld-Meijer and John Banks-Books of the public affairs firm Weber Shandwick, which has offered its professional services to the Council. Co-chair Marlin Appelwick noted the recent death of Council member Dick Larsen; announced the recruitment of two new Council members who could not attend this meeting: John Allison, a Spokane attorney and former broadcaster, and Mark Lindquist, a Tacoma prosecutor and popular writer; and introduced Steve Henderson, liaison to the Council from the Washington State Bar Association's Board of Governors Judith Billings noted the Council has received a response from the state Department of Corrections to its letter questioning pending funding cuts to prison law libraries. The DOC explained that it may be ordered by the legislature to reduce its budget, and prison law libraries are a likely target for cuts as they are one of a few non-mandatory DOC programs.
D.C. Students Get Environmental Lesson DC Students Get Environmental lesson. it up as witnesses or defendants in mocktrials and often Environmental law is rarely taught at the high school level http://quickstart.clari.net/qs_se/webnews/wed/bh/Aenvironment-classroom.RuAO_DF1
Extractions: WASHINGTON (AP) Kevin Roberson tugs his dark suit pants up and unleashes his booming voice. Clari News Just all the news you want! "She betrayed his trust, she's a liar," the 17-year-old bellows to the jury in a mock trial in which he is defending a man accused of letting an employee dump hazardous waste. The performance is the climax of a unique four-month course on environmental law taught by Justice Department lawyers to high school students from Washington's predominantly black, low-income Anacostia neighborhood. The course's popularity and success in exposing the students to law and environmental issues has Assistant Attorney General Tom Sansonetti looking at expanding the program, now in its seventh year, to other cities. "Before I took this, I didn't know nothing about the environment and I didn't care," said David Johnson, a 19-year-old senior planning to attend college next fall. "Now, I know if somebody does something in my neighborhood, I've got something to say about it. And it can be prosecuted." Roberson plans to become an environmental lawyer. "If I could, I'd do it all: criminal law, environmental law, everything," he said.
Arizona Daily Star DC Students Get Environmental lesson. it up as witnesses or defendants in mocktrials and often Environmental law is rarely taught at the high school level http://customwire.ap.org/dynamic/stories/E/ENVIRONMENT_CLASSROOM?SITE=AZTUS&SECT
Council On Public Legal Education Web Resources On Democratic Citizenship Education. Compiled by the WashingtonState Administrative Office of the Courts and the Council http://www.plecouncil.org/tchrsites
Extractions: Web Resources On Democratic Citizenship Education Compiled by the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts and the Council on Public Legal Education. Please send additions to cple@wsba.org 9/11-Related DCE Resources General DCE Resources Washington State: National: Gateway to federal government U.S. Supreme Court