Extractions: I included my areas of interest in the subject line, but my interests are not limited to those three areas. I recently completed an M.Ed. in Adult Education and Literacy, then left my job as a correctional special eductor and moved to a technical high school. Next year, I believe I will be teaching resource math at the high school I aslo teach math for Delaware's adult education program distance education program - James H. Groves, Diploma at a Distance. I have just started an Ed.D. in Educational Technology at the University of Delaware. The summer class I am taking is Computer-Supported Collaboration in Educational Reform Development -or- Computer-Supported Collaboration for Improvement of Curriculum and Teaching . One assignment is to develop a syllabus for a class for teachers for collaboration using technology. I would like to post the syllabus online. I would appreciate suggestions for site to post it, as well as suggestions from this group toward the topic in general. I plan to start out doing two .. one dedicated to collaboration between distant educators and the other to math/special educators. I do not know how much information there is "out there" regarding collaboration between teachers in those two specific areas.
Using Literature To Teach Math And Science being funded by an Eisenhower Grant, is a collaboration between UK and the Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative. to help elementarylevel teachers teach math led Moore and Bintz to http://www.rgs.uky.edu/ca/odyssey/fall02/usingliterature.html
Extractions: he kids in the children's section at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Lexington must wonder about Bill Bintz and Sara Moore. The two UK College of Education professors can be found there often, excitedly passing new books back and forth and piling up the "gotta haves." "Sara, have a look at One Woolly Wombat ! This might go along nicely with Bat Jamboree —see what you think." "Great! And take a look at this one, Bill— Counting Crocodiles . Maybe a companion to One Cow Laughing ?" But for the "biggest kids in children's books," as Bintz refers to the two of them, it's all in a day's work. "When Bill and I go to a conference, we're all over any used bookstores we can find," says Moore, who holds a Ph.D. in gifted education from the University of Virginia. "He's looking for engaging narratives, and I'm focusing on how accurate the math and science are." Such fieldwork is the basis for a collaborative project designed to support teachers in learning to use high-quality and award-winning children's literature to teach mathematical and scientific principles. The project, which is being funded by an Eisenhower Grant, is a collaboration between UK and the Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative. During the grant period, from January 2002 to June 2003, Moore and Bintz will work with approximately 75 teachers in grades four through eight from 35 counties in Eastern Kentucky. "Many children don't have a context for understanding science and math," says Bintz, who came to UK from James Madison University in 1997 and who specializes in inquiry-based learning and teaching, reading across the curriculum, and curriculum development. "Good literature gives them that context and 'eases' them into the math and science. Children think in narrative terms, so we're simply building on that strength."
CO-TEACH Site Action Plan create a partnership with fellow Coteach schools that monthly release time opportunitiesfor staff collaboration, including WSU identify math problem solving http://www.psd267.wednet.edu/ses/co-teach site plan 02.htm
Arts For Academic Achievement - Changing Student Attitudes Toward collaboration between individual classroom teachers and dance artists from the area that used concepts central to both math and dance to teach http://www.coled.umn.edu/CAREI/Programs/Annenberg/Math_Attitudes.html
TLL Forum On Educational Innovation: Laboratory Subjects techniques to develop interactive games that both engage students and teach valuablelessons in math Experimental Nonlinear Dynamics An EAPSmath collaboration. http://web.mit.edu/tll/forum/lab.htm
Extractions: Welcome to the MIT Electronic Forum on Educational Innovation! The purpose of the Forum is to provide a clearinghouse for information on educational experimentation and innovation at MIT. If you are interested in creating new curricula, using innovative pedagogical techniques, experimenting with educational technologies, or improving assessment and evaluation, use the Forum to find faculty, administators, graduate and undergraduate students at the Institute who have experience in the area in which you are working. TO POST INFORMATION ON A PROJECT PLEASE CLICK HERE Project Listings: Teaching and Learning Spectral Analysis [iCampus Initiative] Dept: Health Sciences and Technology / Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Date: 2000 Desc: Students attending Dr. Julie Greenbergs
Changing Student Attitudes Toward Math Using Dance To Teach Math collaboration. between individual classroom teachers and dance artists from the area that used concepts. central to both math and dance to teach http://www.coled.umn.edu/CAREI/Programs/Annenberg/math_attitude.pdf
Extractions: À$v ¬ñq[V0 Ñ@Ò ¦@$Ö`«HÆÓ±¬¥lA <�ý42d2dÈ= ¸À= <�C/ !;BªLZ )]ó¨The Plot (Method)¡$ $ª ºObserve and tape a class session. Review and discuss video, notes and class materials. Determine confusing concepts from class, and Evaluate instructor s teaching effectiveness. Develop Web page to clarify class concepts.¡ <�$ñ ; ð ðZ ð ³ðBÿÿÌìÿ¦ÿÎÿÿÿÞ½h¿ÿ ?ð ÿÿÿÌ33ÌÌÌÿ²²²îï ù0p ´ð¬ððDð( ð4tFÿÿÿ ððl ð Cð$ù/ ¿ÿð ððð ð ð ð Cðù/ ¿ÿðÀàð
University Of Cincinnati News: OBR Fellows The collaboration between faculty in the College of Education The courses combinecontent (math) with different teaching have to know how to teach the content http://www.uc.edu/news/obrfell.htm
Extractions: A team of two University of Cincinnati faculty members is among three state university-represented teams to be appointed to the Ohio Board of Regents' new Teaching Fellows in Mathematics and Science program. The program pairs education faculty with faculty in arts and science, with the goal of improving K-12th grade student performance in the areas of math and sciences by strengthening Ohio's teacher education programs. The Teaching Fellows program is part of Ohio's Title II Initiative for Enhancing Teacher Quality. Moore and Pelikan will be collaborating with other teacher education institutions around Ohio. "I know of no other program like this in the United States," says Jon Tafel, vice chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents. "The Ohio Board of Regents is focused on making math and science a priority for Ohio's teacher preparation institutions." The Fellows program considered evidence of how institutions linked arts and sciences colleges with their teacher education programs, evidence that won UC national recognition through its award-winning Cincinnati Initiative for Teacher Education (CITE). Faculty also had to demonstrate success in their own teaching performance, plus serve at higher education institutions that reported success on the PRAXIS II exams, which qualify students to become teachers.
Extractions: The Glenn Commission met for its fourth, but not final, time prior to releasing its recommendations for math and science teaching for the 21st century in early October. The fifth and final meeting to solidify the Commission's recommendations will be held on July 13th and 14th. The recommendations will include: (1) a short 10-12 page document intended for a broad audience; (2) specific calls to action sent to all school board members, along with a 6-7 minute video (e.g., created by Disney); and (3) a substantive document available on the web which will explain why these recommendations are the "right ones." The Commission has so far defined the following problems and subsequent draft recommendations: Problem: Shortage of qualified math and science teachers Recommendations: John Glenn Fellowship Program - attract and prepare college and post-baccalaureate math/science majors and mid-career adults. (John Glenn suggested that the fellowship program and academies be named for an "education" John - John Dewey.)
Hearing On K-12th Grade Math And Science Education mathematics is incredibly challenging to teach, as a our district curriculum leadersin math and science. people orchestrated a great collaboration between our http://www.house.gov/science/hearings/full02/mar20/kielb.htm
Extractions: Hearing on K-12th Grade Math and Science Education The House Committee on Science U.S. House of Representatives March 20, 2002 Statement of Susan Doehlert Kielb Mathematics and Life Science teacher at Tappan Middle School, Ann Arbor, Michigan and Awardee, The 2001 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Thank you Chairman Boehlert and Ranking Member Hall for inviting me to speak here today before the Science Committee. My name is Susan Kielb. I teach seventh grade mathematics and life science at Tappan Middle School in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I am very pleased and proud to be here in Washington this week to receive the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. I never thought that I would ever be a teacher of mathematics. I struggled with math in school, and took the minimum mathematics coursework in high school. Then I discovered that I needed mathematics to pursue my love for biology, so in college I had to start from scratch. I was lucky to have wonderful and patient professors. I went on to graduate school in wildlife management, where I learned and used a lot of statistical tools. When the mathematics had a practical use for me it made a lot more sense. Learning computer programming also helped me improve my skills in organizing, sequencing, and problem solving. My first career was in biology and I loved it. After several years, a series of life changes made it clear to me that I wanted to move on and become a teacher. I thought I would be more employable if I had certification to teach mathematics as well as science, and since I had enough math credits I had mathematics added to my teaching certificate. My first permanent teaching assignment was seventh grade life science and math, and I found myself in a classroom without a clue of how to successfully teach mathematics.
Certification/Endorsement CODE EX teach math 130 and math 220 for math Science Center (Intermediate School District high school students) collaboration http://www.ferris.edu/education/education/prpe/math/mathInstfac.doc
First Biotechnology Internships Near Completion success story is an example of the collaboration that makes up was to help AMATYCdesign curricula to teach technicians the needed math skills particularly http://www2.austin.cc.tx.us/biotech/pages/news/Dec00news.html
Extractions: TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO, OKLAHOMA, ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA A Model Industry-Academic Collaboration In Action The HPLC success story is an example of the collaboration that makes up the entire Instrumentation course. This second-year course is required by industry and the curriculum plans. However it uses expensive equipment and facilities for handling radioactivity. It could never have been offered at ACC without the contributions of many people. Dr. Karen Browning and Dr. Marv Hackert of the University of Texas Biochemistry Department arranged for the radioactivity module to be conducted at UT. Derek Hall, Shelley Acosta and Claudio Carrusco of Ambion and Peter Pingerelli of Stratagene/Biocrest are our experienced and capable industry instructors for this course. And Mike Malone, the lab tech and Steven Spurlock, our administrative assistant and student have helped to make things run smoothly. Everyone’s dedication to detail, and their "whatever it takes attitude" is what makes this biotechnology program work. The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) hosted two workshops in October for both faculty and industry of emerging technologies, including biotechnology. The purpose of these workshops was to help AMATYC design curricula to teach technicians the needed math skills particularly during the first two years of college.
Collaboration Drives Math, Science Division In Arts And Sciences collaboration drives math, science division in Arts five areas of interdisciplinarycollaboration that can professor of anthropology, will teach Land Dynamics http://record.wustl.edu/archive/1997/01-16-97/4631.html
Extractions: Several Arts and Sciences departments working together have created the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Directed by Raymond E. Arvidson, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics was formed in 1995 with Clifford M. Will, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of Physics, as its first director. Arvidson became division director last July 1. The Arts and Sciences departments of Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Mathematics and Physics participate in the division. According to Arvidson, who was elected by the chairs of these departments to serve a two-year term as director, the division grew out of informal meetings between the chairs over a number of years. The chairs had been looking for ways to strengthen their departments through cooperation. They created the division to foster an integrative, collaborative approach across disciplines and departments to share resources, faculty and learning opportunities for undergraduate science and mathematics students. "Washington University is a medium-sized institution that stresses excellence in research and teaching," Arvidson said. "We must share resources where it makes sense, including teaching space, computers and expensive research equipment. The division is set up to facilitate interdepartmental coordination and planning while still maintaining strong departments.
Curriculum Instruction Project is to facilitate ongoing collaboration between math math Solutions is an inserviceprogram created help teachers improve how they teach mathematics in http://www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/math/middleschool/profdevelopment.asp
Extractions: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Middle School Math Collaboration Project: A Professional Development Model This professional development model is designed to be used by ESD personnel, TOSAs, Administrators, Curriculum Coordinators, or Middle School Math teachers. The goal of the Middle School Math Collaboration Project is to facilitate ongoing collaboration between math teachers by: developing teacher content knowledge; familiarizing teachers with current research on best practices; providing teachers with mathematical experiences through modeling of constructivist teaching.; and developing an appreciation for mathematics. For more information, contact Bob McIntosh, Mathematics Supervisor for Curriculum and Instruction rmcintosh@ospi.wednet.edu Administrative Training Administrators will develop and/or adapt observation tools for use in math
EmTech - Professional Development Page Cognitive Development Theory; collaboration, Team Work, and Electronic Emissary;Electronic math/Science Textbook; Writing; Helping teachers teach Well; Helping http://www.maisplace.org/profdev.htm
Extractions: Professional Development Resources About the NBPTS Extension Technology Services - Online Computer Lessons Academic Services Are Your Schools Entitled to Professional Development Funds They're Not Receiving? ... Center for Teaching Excellence - Radford University Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement Center on Education and Work Classroom Calculator Mgmt Classroom Connect ... Faculty and TA Development - Ohio State University Faculty Development Program - Ithaca College Faculty Development Services - Western Michigan University Finding Time for Professional Development Finding Time for Professional Development (CPRE Policy Brief) Finding Time for Professional Development (NWREL) Fostering Reflective Dialogues for Teacher Professional Development Globewide Network Academy Grant Writing Helping Teachers Teach Well ... Policy Brief - Professional Development: Changing Times (NCREL) Principles of Classroom Learning Professional Development (NCREL) Professional Development (PBS) Professional Development for Educators ... Professional Development: Support for Teaching and Learning - downloadable PDF files outline the UK Government's proposal for Professional Development for teachers - a continuation of the debate launched by the Green Paper "Teachers: Meeting the Challenge of Change". Project 2061 Professional Development Programs Reading List - Learning and the Human Brain Results Oriented Professional Development RIATT@NASDSE Professional Development Program site ... S.C.O.R.E. Language Arts
Publications On On-line Collaboration examples for math lesson plans. Using groupware and collaborative learning in aninformation management teaching module. Use of collaboration software to teach http://www.cvm.tamu.edu/wklemm/collab.htm
Extractions: Publications on On-line Collaboration and Educational Technology To see slide shows on on-line collaboration, click here On-line Collaboration Papers On-line collaboration enriches the educational experience, especially if instructors use software environments that support group-generated projects, products, case studies, and other kinds of academic deliverables. Such activities are not supported well by the standard "threaded topic" discussion formats of e-mail and message-based conferencing systems. Using Conversation Theory to Enrich On-line Group Work . This pdf file summarizes some key theoretical ideas about conversation and how these ideas can be adapted to asynchronous conversation over the Internet. Paper was presented by invitation at the 2002 SSGRR Symposium in L'Aquilla, Italy, August 1, 2002. Case Study Learning Based on Journal Article Research Reports Journal articles are the fundamental building blocks of the edifice of science. Students learn the necessary skills and confidence to read primary research literature by working in groups in a computer conference. This model for analyzing research papers combines a form of guided group inquiry in shared computer workspace. Reprinted from J. College Science Teaching, 2002.
Teaching Teachers it might be a lesson that they can teach to their of the success we had had in theMath Department and the Education Departmentthe collaboration that we http://www.math.ucla.edu/newsevents/news/teachers.html
Extractions: Many great universities and colleges in the U.S. began as teacher training schools, and UCLA is no exception. Here teacher training and letters and science education began around the same time, early in the last century. When the new "Southern Branch" of the University of California opened on Vermont Avenue in 1919, its primary academic unit was the Teachers College, with 1,125 students. In 1923 the Southern Branch awarded its first diplomas-26 Bachelor of Education degrees. That same year saw the founding of the College of Letters and Science, which granted its first degrees two years later. So the College and the teacher training program have coexisted for almost 80 years of UCLA history. In 1983, UCLA became one of the original sites for the innovative, state-funded California Math Project, which is "one of the main professional development programs in the state," according to statewide faculty advisor Ted Gamelin. Today the project has 24 local sites around California, including the one housed in Center X. These sites mount special programs and institutes for "teacher-leaders," those who clearly demonstrate leadership skills or potential. The sites also form partnerships with local school districts to help underperforming schools improve the quality of education. Statewide the California Math Project has offered meetings and conferences for teachers on subjects ranging from English language learners to lesson planning. In the 1990s, the project moved its state headquarters to UCLA's Math Department.
The Guide To Math & Science Reform Features don't know anything about math and science into three categoriesquality assurance,collaboration, and responsiveness subject they are going to teach and how http://www.learner.org/theguide/tprep.html
Extractions: by Sharon Foster Nearly two years ago, the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (NCTAF) released a disturbing report on the state of teacher preparation. The report, "What Matters Most: Teaching for America's Future," underscored what many already believedthat teacher preparation was in need of a "desperate overhaul." One of its central messages was, on the whole, that the school reform movement had ignored the obvious: "What teachers know and can do makes the crucial difference in what children learn, and the ways school systems organize their work makes a big difference in what teachers can accomplish." NCTAF, created in 1994 to identify and examine current school reforms, was clear in its report about what needed to be done: no more hiring of unqualified teachers on the sly; no more nods and winks at teacher education programs that fail to prepare teachers properly; no more tolerance for incompetence in the classroom; and no more wasting of resources on approaches that cannot improve teaching and learning. "We have never invested in teaching in this country," says Barnett Berry, assistant director of NCTAF. "This profession has suffered from decades of neglect. At a time when all students must meet higher standards for learning, access to good teaching is a necessity, not a privilege to be left to chance."
The Guide To Math & Science Reform Features It stresses that new teachers need collaboration with colleagues if he would continueto teach, Via responded Preparing Minority teachers in math and Science. http://www.learner.org/theguide/newteach.html
Extractions: by Aden Dauchess After obtaining their first job, new teachers are faced with many experiences not often mentioned in typical undergraduate education courses. Most are overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork, procedural issues, and extra duties they face while they are trying to teach their first dozen lessons (e.g., submitting attendance lists, coordinating bus transportation for students, coaching sports teams). Susan Smith (pseudonym), for example, teaches mathematics, science, and reading in a Washington, D.C., elementary school. A recent graduate with a degree in English Literature, she was hired three years ago to teach third grade students from some of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. Without a teaching certificate and with very little coursework in education, she remembers her introduction to the profession included the words "here are your forms, here is your roster" and little else. Faced with a classroom full of students with varied learning styles and aptitudes, her first few months were difficult, both psychologically and physically. Smith has been unable to participate in professional development activities during the school year because the costs of hiring substitutes and attending institutes and seminars are prohibitive for her school. Although she was encouraged to observe other teachers during her free periods, she says "the other teachers were new as well so it was like watching myself." Smith says "I did not have many opportunities to learn how to become a teacher. I don't consider myself a good teacher, but I'm improving by trying each day." She admits that her "sink or swim" experience was "difficult because I wasn't sure what I was doing at first. Luckily, the kids were great." Smith enjoys teaching but intends to leave her current position to attend graduate school.
NC TEACH Garner loves teaching reading, writing and math skills to special needs the excellentpreservice training offered by NC teach in collaboration with the http://ncteach.ga.unc.edu/3-8-2002_1.html
Extractions: News Releases NC TEACH Program Information Program Overview Frequently Asked Questions Host Universities Event Calendar ... News Releases/Media Info NC TEACH Participants Obtaining Licensure in NC Initial Licensure Program Praxis Testing Requirements Obtaining a Teaching Position Admissions Apply to NC TEACH Eligibility Requirements 2001 Student Body Profile Tuition ... Financial Aid Teaching Resources Literature Online Resources Other Resources for Teachers Contact NC TEACH Contact Information for NC TEACH FOR RELEASE: March 8, 2002 SUBJECT(S): Education, Jobs, Northeastern NC Public Schools, ECU CONTACT: Lori Britt, public relations (919) 962-4562 / (866) 998-3233 (toll free) THE JOURNEY FROM CAREER TO CLASSROOM A ten-year veteran paramedic, Lysa Kosak, went back to school in 1997 and earned a BS in Biology from ECU with the hopes of pursuing a career as a doctor. But one year of medical school made her re-assess what she really wanted. "While studying, I realized I had attained my goal, but my heart was not in my studies. My peers were competitive and uncaring. I took a leave of absence to consider my future options," says Kosak. With the encouragement of mentors, family and friends, she decided to look into teaching and became a substitute teacher for Pitt County Schools in the fall of 1999. "Those experiences allowed me to experiment with different grade levels and subjects. My science background and personality seemed best suited to the high school environment. I felt like I had 'come home.'"