Editorial Review Product Description This is a story based on actual events of a woman who overcomes personal obstacles to achieve her lifelong dream of becoming an educator. She attains this and eventually gets a leadership position as a high school assistant principal. Over the years, however, she witnesses questionable administrative practices, implemented to boost students' standardized testing scores. Sexuality on campus, violence in classrooms, and school politics---it is also all in this book. Controversial, witty, and informative! This book is candidly narrated so that readers can get a glimpse of what takes place in the halls of academia. Pinney tweaks a story from the real inner workings of a public school system to capture the interest of everyone. No Child Left Behind legislation has certainly changed the way we educate children today. ... Read more Customer Reviews (13)
When There is No Heart Every One Looses
Florida Educator Teri Pinney reveals the heart ache, and loss that occurs when money becomes the train that drives the education of our children. Her book is no holds barred it exposes all of the unnecessary stress which is placed on teachers when they are made to teach to the test as opposed to teaching the student. The "No Child left Behind" is not only criminal it is a shame - we leave thousands of children behind because polictians believe that every child learns on the same level and will all grow up to be rock scientist or surgeons. They won't - we leave those kids behind because of money. Teri expouses the abuse that teachers suffered at the hands of people whose only goal is to make money. Teri not only deserves five stars she deserves so much more for having the courage to take a stand and draw a line in the sand. Every politican and principle should read this book and take it to heart. When the heart is missing the body dies. That is what is happening to our children out future, the heart is missing, the body is dying.
The Missing Heart
The Missing Heart is a must-read for every administrator and school board in the country. It's the compelling true story of the political workings behind the scenes in a public school system. Pinney writes with passion as she chronicles her upward journey as an assistant principal in the public schools. What happens to her is incredible and amazing. After reading this book, you can only walk away with total respect for what she experienced.
No Child Left Behind? The True Story of a Teacher's Quest
The Missing Heart
Overall I really enjoyed the book. It got slow for a little bit- but other than that I enjoyed reading it.
florida teacher
Any one who has children in school in this day and age needs to read this book and then send a copy to President Obama.Something must change before we lose this generation of children. This book should be required reading for every school board member and administrator in every county in America.
Inspiring for future educators!
After receiving this book as a Christmas gift, I thought it would be an excellent way to "waste" time as I spent countless hours on the subway train; however, after reading just the first page I was totally hooked, almost missing my stops and reading and walking trying to finish the page or get to the next chapter!This book is a page turner and I could not set it down--Both eye-opening and inspirational!
I am a future educator working towards state certification...the beginning of the road Mrs. Teri Pinney began years ago.After reading, I can only hope that my career is as successful as hers!
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