Editorial Review Product Description Author reveals research behind the new Bible translations. Expose of editors, manuscripts and more. ... Read more Customer Reviews (160)
Excellent Resource
Excellent resource and great addition for anyone who believes in the divine inspiration of the word of God. Very well documented and accurate.
Information book
Terror in Black and White
I read a tract that advertised a book which compared the new age Bibles to the King James Version. I was interested so I purchased the book. I was completely astonished at what I learned. I have been under the impression that the NFJV and the NASB were written to simplify the bible and make it more understandable by the general reader. G. A. Riplinger has shown that there are places where the actual meanings were changed. She gives actual verses that ilustrate her study.
The book compares verses from each version and I was surprised how many places didn't simplify but only changed words like God and Jesus to "He" and actually eliminate many important verses. I recommend anyone who uses a bible other that the KJV to read "New Age Bible Versions" by G.A. Riplinger.
Refute of Westcott / Hortt
In regard to the one star rating of this text, which appears first by the way, logged in on September 2008, regarding Westcott and Hortt, I would like to state the following concerning their history, work and reputations.
As to the text, it is a passible read for one wishing to begin looking at the various translations and although the author does not have the much needed background in Biblical Greek,Hebrew and Aramaic, I would agree with her on several points.Mnay of the new translations are outright allegorizations that stray very far afield indeed from the original meaning off the Biblical text.
For a scholarly work on the Old Testament, read "A Scientific Investigation Of The Old Testament" by Robert Dick Wilson.
Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort were Anglican churchmen who had contempt for the Textus Receptus and began a work in 1853 that resulted, after 28 years, in a Greek New Testament based on the earlier Alexandrian manuscripts.
Both men were strongly influenced by Origen and others who denied the deity of Jesus Christ and embraced the prevalent Gnostic heresies of the period. There are over 3,000 contradictions in the four gospels alone between these manuscripts. They deviated from the traditional Greek text in 8,413 places.
They conspired to influence the committee that produced The New Testament in the Original Greek (1881 revision), and, thus, their work has been a major influence in most modern translations, dethroning the Textus Receptus.
Detractors of the traditional King James Version regard the Westcott and Hort as a more academically acceptable literary source for guidance than the venerated Textus Receptus. They argue that the disputed passages were added later as scribal errors or amendments.
Defenders of the Textus Receptus attack Westcott and Hort (and the Alexandrian manuscripts) as having expurgated these many passages, noting that these disputed passages underscore the deity of Christ, His atonement, His resurrection, and other key doctrines. They note that Alexandria was a major headquarters for the Gnostics, heretical sects that had begun to emerge even while John was still alive.2
(It is also evident that Westcott and Hort were not believers and opposed taking the Bible literally concerning the Atonement, Salvation, etc. If you read their personal writings you wouldn't dream of letting them lead your Sunday School class!)3
Stroke me
It takes an author like Ms. Riplinger to pull this long forgotten song of the seventies or maybe even the eighties. The reason why I mention this is those who actually agree and stand with Ms. Riplinger will die of a stroke if common sense enters the same space in a persons brain that causes many to agree with Riplinger, she would be the cause of thousands of deaths in Baptist churches. Besides the only diffeance between Riplinger and Peter Ruckman is their sex I often wander why we do not hold her to the same standard as Ruckman(do I smell a massive conspiracy afoot?) If your kids like scary tales of fiction, perhaps this is what this book would be used for. Besides slandering many honorable men of God for daring to disagree with Riplinger, there is not that much factual truth. Most often what is not used is primary resources i.e. when you read criticisms of Westcott and Hort most often you are not going to read their words in hyer book but someone else's words reporting Westcott and Hort's thoughts from a different KJV book.
For the claims of being scholarly-I think quite often there is a work that comes out that claims something and many have epiphanies that what is claimed by an author is not always the truth. The one thing I actually researched was Kittel in World War 2 and what is said about him is fanciful at best and those who know of Kittel's work in Nazi Germany-What Riplinger states is a bold faced lie. Lets see-he wrote a bible for Hitler(no evidance especially the highest ranking person he delt with were district managers maybe akin to county supervisors-but definetly does not rate an invitation to the white house) Supposedly he was the one who came up with the final solution despite his writings in that era are available usually by going to a good college library. So let's figure this out-he was thrown in a French prison after the collapse and surrender of Germany as quite a few were jailed until allied intelligance had a chance to debrief and investigate these people. He started writing a defence which later his son allowed scholars to read his defence which was nothing about the final solution but advocating no differently then many conservative Christains in America advocate for our immigration problems-round them up, fire them, take their houses and businesses away and eject them from Germany.
Of course, Kittel was eventually freed as quite a bit Germans were freed when they were investigated and cleared of any war crimes. Certainly writing speeches advocating a position might be morally wrong but does not fit the normal view of a crime.
The reason for much of this is because he did work on a Greek resource-Theological Dictionary of the New Testament which I actually found to be one of the most sound resources for nonGreek speakers. She accuses him of much when in reality he wrote a few articles but was the General Editor. This was done in Germany in their Seminary community along with Oxford, Cambridge, and I think Princeton. Many pleaded with him to give up his Nazi affiliations and emigrate to America or anywhere else where it was thought would not be scathed by war. Bromiley and others decided to take this work out of his hands as this work was moved to America to the Ivy league schools.When understanding that it would be fifteen years after the end of WW2 before publishing one volumeof TDNT. Of course when one sees they were patterning this work off a work of German Theologians but for advancement of knowledge and history needed to up date this work(where it is about the time now where they might do the same thing as many see this work as rather dated). Simply, after World War 2 and learning of Nazi attrocities-are we to think in the 15 years after a war that probably quite a few had the same thought as Riplinger and decided to verify the work already done did not contain Nazi leaning thoughts? Or are we to pretend people who hold theology chairs in Ivy league schools were either complicit or easily decieved and wala-in the early 90's here comes Riplinger setting us all straight.
I just wander if she is like Dan Brown or those Dan Brown ripped off as long before his books came out read several volumes from two British chaps teaching the same exact thing even using an acrostic device of one of the authors names for a detective. Really those British chaps admitted long before Brown came on the seen admitted their work was highly speculative without any good evidance but suppositions. Of course while reading their works they let this be known in the beginning.
I just wander where Riplinger stands-highly speculative with no evidance or the fiction of Dan Brown?
There is a book you can find on Amazon if you are really interested in learning certain connections in history that eventually allowed for modern versions to be produced. I am sure someone will be able to find fault with this work but me self checked 5-7 footnotes and was fairly accurate Here is the name of this and can order it on Amazon as well as read quite a bitin Google books:
While Men Slept: A Biblical and Historical Account of the New Universal Christianity (Paperback)
Best effort to date by the lovely Gail Riplinger
Mrs. Gail Riplinger was laid up for
almost six months due to a car wreck.
While recuperating she was grading some
homework and ask one of her students
once about a certain bible quote that
wasn't auite right. She discovered that
as she compared different versions of
the bible, many quotes were different
and made a copously documented compar-
ason of six or seven different 'versions'
['reversions?', 'perversions?', 'reverse
visions?'] of the bible.
I totally disagree with her non-Preterist
view of Eschotology and 'anti-Christ'
giberish, but this is still a very good
book, whichever way your Eschotological
weather vain bends, fellow Christian!
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