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81. Office of the Auditor General
82. Geography of Oslo: Østmarka,
83. Near the top of the world;: Stories
84. Norway (Modern World Nations)
85. Living conditions in a marginal
86. Norge Og Norden I Gamle Kart or
87. Scott and Amundsen
88. Far North (Vanishing Cultures)
89. Barnaby Bear Goes to Norway
90. Western Norway: Norway, Icelandic
91. Re Norway: Re Norway, List of
92. North Sea Oil: Hydrocarbon, Petroleum,
93. Traces of pingo-like frost mounds
94. Norwegian costumes: Color and
95. The Norwegian-Soviet boundary:
96. History of the Norwegian People
97. Warfare in the Arctic zones of
98. Norway (Modern Nations of the
99. Østfold Geography Introduction:
100. Marine Management in Disputed

81. Office of the Auditor General of Norway
 Paperback: 76 Pages (2010-09-06)
list price: US$44.00 -- used & new: US$42.81
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 3639990528
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Office of the Auditor General of Norway (Norwegian: Riksrevisjonen) is the state auditor of the Government of Norway and directly subordinate of the Parliament of Norway. It is responsible for auditing, monitoring and advising all state economic activities, including financial audits, performance audits and corporate control. Located in Oslo, it is led by a board of five auditor generals elected for four years and between 2006 and 2009 led by Jørgen Kosmo. It is regulated by the Auditor General Act of June 1, 2005. The auditor generals are all former politicians currently consisting of Chairman Jørgen Kosmo (Labour), Deputy Chairman Jan L. Stub (Progress), Annelise Høegh (Conservative), Geir-Ketil Hansen (Socialist Left) and Ranveig Frøiland (Labour). The offices has about 460 employees, mostly recruited among economists, lawyers and social scientists. ... Read more

82. Geography of Oslo: Østmarka, Lillomarka, Greater Oslo Region, Marka, Oslo, Aker, Norway, Sarabråten, Viken, Norway, Nordmarka, Krokskogen
Paperback: 40 Pages (2010-09-15)
list price: US$14.14 -- used & new: US$14.13
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 115710035X
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Chapters: Østmarka, Lillomarka, Greater Oslo Region, Marka, Oslo, Aker, Norway, Sarabråten, Viken, Norway, Nordmarka, Krokskogen, Sjursøya, Grefsenåsen. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 38. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: Østmarka is a forested area to the east of Oslo and part of the congregation of woodland areas known as Oslomarka. The area is situated within the municipalities Oslo, Lørenskog, Rælingen and Enebakk. Østmarka is delimited to the west by populated areas of Oslo, to the north of communities of Skårer, Lørenskog and Rælingen and to the east by the lake Øyeren, to the south-east lies Enebakk and to the south-west Sørmarka, another forested area. Østmarka seen from Kjerringhøgda looking north. The change from Østmarka to Sørmarka takes place at the lake Langen. Østmarka is marked by its location on top of basement rock (more than 1 billion years old) containing easy-to-see folds that make up valleys and hills in the north-south direction. For this reason the terrain has a lot of hills, no matter where one goes. The latest ice age has left its ostensible marks in the terrain. Along the upper marine border (about 210 meters) the ice has left large amounts of gravel and sand. Sand, Sandbakken ("Sandy Hill"), Sandbekken ("Sandy Creek") and Grusbakken ("Gravel Hill") are all on about the same elevation. The sand mines at Ødegården have been left there by the ice. Beach snails have been found at Lutvann at an elevation of 200 meters. Østmarka nature reserve covers 12.5 square kilometers. It received its status in 1990 and was expanded in 2002. The purpose of the protection is the conservation of a substantial, relatively untouched coniferous forest along with it plant and animal life typical of this part of Oslomarka, and which has particular scientific and educational si...More: http://booksllc.net/?id=1783885 ... Read more

83. Near the top of the world;: Stories of Norway, Sweden & Denmark,
by Nelle E Moore
 Hardcover: Pages (1936)

Asin: B00088CKC0
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

84. Norway (Modern World Nations)
by Erin Hogan Fouberg, Edward Patrick Hogan
Library Binding: 124 Pages (2003-07)
list price: US$30.00 -- used & new: US$1.23
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 079107479X
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85. Living conditions in a marginal region : the case of Finnmark (Arbeider fra Geografisk Instituut, Universitetet i Trondheim = Papers from the Department of Geography, University of Trondheim)
by Asbjørn Aase
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1983)

Asin: B0007B52KA
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

86. Norge Og Norden I Gamle Kart or Trukk
by Erik Van Mingroot, Eduard Van Ermen
 Hardcover: 144 Pages (1988)

Isbn: 8203157378
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Editorial Review

Product Description
A big book, 12 inches by 15 inches, 53cm by 31cm. In Norwegian, with beautiful reproductions of old maps and sketches of Norway and Scandanavia. ... Read more

87. Scott and Amundsen
by Roland Huntford
Hardcover: 665 Pages (1981-12)
list price: US$5.98
Isbn: 0399119604
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

Customer Reviews (14)

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Read
You wouldn't think that a bunch of guys running around in the ice and snow would be such a compelling read, but this is the book that started my fascination with the Polar Explorers of the 18th and 19th centuries, and made me want to learn more about my Nordic heritage. Whether you agree with Huntford's conclusions or not, his study of Nansen, Amundsen and other Norwegian figures and their country and culture is one that we seldom get from the general US education accounts of these explorations.

I recommend this book (or the abridged version that came out as "The Last Place on Earth") as a good starting place for people who think they might be interested in the "Great Polar Explorations," because, even if you disagree with his assessment of the leading characters, Huntford does a very good job of laying out the essential problems and dynamics of Polar travel (without becoming completely bogged down in minutiae).

1-0 out of 5 stars Opportunity Lost.
A good read but.....was it. Factual?Accurate? Balanced?

Wouldn't you expect those basic three elements in a story told? I know I do but maybe I'm too fussy or just naïve.
Otherwise what is the point? Was it purely to destroy a mans reputation sensationally in order to sell the book! - the cynic in me thinks probably yes, for whatever reason only Roland Hunford knows.

I've no doubt a lot of research went into Hunterfords book but what a waste, after having read all the available books on this particular subject matter including Ranulph Fiennnes book, the options expressed by Huntford and the presentation of so called `facts' seem at times downright fictional.

If you want the sensational Tabloid version of the Scott story get this book, if you want the three elements mentioned above at least read Ranulph Fiennes book.

5-0 out of 5 stars Cherry-Garrard: "Scott used to say that the worst part of an expedition was over when the preparation was finished"
... So, how did Scott prepare throughout the long winter preceding the polar expedition? By staging amateur theatrics, to keep the men from getting bored, or worse.

If you can't quite get around to reading this long book then take note of Huntford's statement in the Foreward: Amundsen wanted to be the first man to reach the South Pole. Scott wanted to be a hero. Each got his wish.

1-0 out of 5 stars Character assasination of Scott by professional debunker
The best thing about writing a book about a long-dead character is that they can't fight back.Roland Huntford is a professional journalist of the worst kind who literally uses his "intuition" to invent history when the facts inconveniently contradict his view.Huntford's purpose in writing the book was to make money; not to write anything approaching truth.His book is very readable, more's the pity - it's just rubbish.
Rather read Ranulph Fiennes book, "Captain Scott", which tells the story from the viewpoint of someone who knows Antartica and who presents a balanced viewpoint.He also highlights a number of untruths written by Mr. Huntford.

1-0 out of 5 stars Please read the corrective to Huntford -- by Ranulph Fiennes
"Captain Scott" by Sir Ranulph Fiennes, the man described by the Guiness Book of Records as "the world's greatest living explorer".I've just finished this book, which is described as "a valuable corrective to the trend of Scott debunking".Before giving five stars to the Huntford book, you should *really* read this book.For some reason it's not available on Amazon.I bought my copy here in Hong Kong -- its' by Hodder & Staughton and was published in paperback in 2004.
A review says: "... a fascinating read and a powerful argument against the conventional view of Scott as second best."Another: "Stirring... now one is better placed than Fiennes to understand what Scott may have experienced or to appreciate the enormity of his achievement."
Remember -- Huntford *never* went to the Antarctic.Fiennes, on the other hand "...visits the poles as casually as most of us visit the pub."
This is a debunking of the debunker.It should be read as corrective to Huntford's tendentious put-down.
Hong Kong
June 04 ... Read more

88. Far North (Vanishing Cultures)
by Jan Reynolds
 Hardcover: Pages (1992-04)
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$6.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0152271783
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Product Description
An internationally acclaimed photojournalist reveals, through the voices of two young girls, an intimate view of the Sami people--a culture that has lived in perfect harmony with the land of Finmark until forced to face the effects of the Chernobyl disaster. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (2)

5-0 out of 5 stars Far North
The Vanishing Culture series is one of the best teacher resources I have found in a very long time.Beautifully illustrated and crafted stories immediately engage the students as they get to know a family in the vanishing culture. I have used the books to explore fundamental needs and to inspire critical thinking by comparing cultures. Class participants also engage in problem solving as we discuss what we can learn about sustainability from these ancient cultures.They have also been a wonderful resource for both physical and political geography since cultures are represented in varied continents and biomes and inspire contrasts such as the mountains of Nepal to the arid country of outback Australia.There is no better way to bring a culture to life than stories about real people. Each of these books has two - a story of a family beginning with earlier generations and the story of the author's journey into the focus culture.

Far North is a captivating glimpse into the lives of Sara and Kari who wear beautiful colored skirts that contrast against the snow of their icy home. Imagine having a mother who races reindeer!!

5-0 out of 5 stars Rutgers University Project on Economics and Children
Economic development, technological growth, and environmental degradation have affected the lives of all people on this planet.Yet modernization has changed the way of life more slowly across generations for some people. In this outstanding book series, Jan Reynolds offers readers a fascinating glimpse into several such societies and describes how families meet their subsistence needs, practice their beliefs, interact in their communities, and live in the elements.

To effectively communicate some fairly sophisticated lessons to younger children, the clear narratives each focus on a particular family, and the vivid photographs capture a wealth of interesting information about their activities, clothes, food, and surroundings. Seeing a young aborigines boy pulling an enormous carpet snake out of a log and reading about how the Inuit people survived on a diet consisting only of caribou meat and fat are just a few of the unique experiences that reading this book series will entail.

The series has seven books.This book, Far North, presents a Sami family living above the Arctic Circle in northernmost Scandinavia. ... Read more

89. Barnaby Bear Goes to Norway
by Elaine Jackson
Paperback: 29 Pages (2003-04)

Isbn: 1843770687
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

90. Western Norway: Norway, Icelandic Horse, Fjord Horse, Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, Møre og Romsdal, Bergen, Faroe Islands, Hardangerfjord, Faroese Language
Paperback: 156 Pages (2010-01-11)
list price: US$71.00
Isbn: 6130340524
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Western Norway (Norwegian: Vestlandet) is the region along the Atlantic coast of southern Norway. It consists of the counties Rogaland, Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, and Møre og Romsdal and the region has a population of approx.1.2 million people. The largest city is Bergen, second largest is Stavanger. Agder, Vest-Telemark, Hallingdal, Valdres and northern parts of Gudbrandsdal is sometimes a part of Western Norway.The area shares a common history with Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Iceland and to a lesser extent Netherlands, Scotland and England. For example, is the icelandic horse a close relative of the fjord horse and Faroese language may resemble a West Norwegian dialect. ... Read more

91. Re Norway: Re Norway, List of Municipalities of Norway, Vestfold, Norway, Revetal, Ramnes, Vestfoldraet
Paperback: 164 Pages (2010-02-11)
list price: US$67.00
Isbn: 6130388888
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Re is a municipality in Vestfold county, Norway. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Revetal. The municipality was established in 2002 by the unification of the former municipalities of Ramnes and Våle. It includes the villages of Ramnes, Våle, and Revetal. The river Aulielva runs through the district.The coat-of-arms is from modern times. They were granted in August 2001. It was designed by Arvid Steen. It shows a gold-colored five point design on a green shield. The five points represent the five parishes in the municipality. The design has a long history in the area. The green was chosen to represent nature and agriculture and the gold was chosen because it goes well with green. ... Read more

92. North Sea Oil: Hydrocarbon, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Petroleum Reservoir, North Sea, James Young (Scottish Chemist), Torbanite, Carbon Sink, Economy of Norway
Paperback: 124 Pages (2010-02-05)
list price: US$54.00
Isbn: 6130371241
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! North Sea oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons, comprising liquid oil and natural gas, produced from oil reservoirs beneath the North Sea. In the oil industry, the term "North Sea" often includes areas such as the Norwegian Sea and the UK "Atlantic Margin" (west of Shetland) that are not, strictly speaking, part of the North Sea.Brent crude is still used today as a standard benchmark for pricing oil, although the contract now refers to a blend of oils from fields in the northern North Sea. Commercial extraction of oil on the shores of the North Sea dates back to 1851, when James Young retorted oil from torbanite (boghead coal, or oil shale) mined in the Midland Valley of Scotland. ... Read more

93. Traces of pingo-like frost mounds (Lund studies in geography. Ser. A: Physical geography)
by Harald Svensson
 Unknown Binding: 106 Pages (1964)

Asin: B0007J7ZA2
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

94. Norwegian costumes: Color and cut out : geography, history, pictorial
by Joyce Gribskov
 Unknown Binding: 65 Pages (1984)

Asin: B00071JKBM
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

95. The Norwegian-Soviet boundary: A study in political geography ([U.S. Office of Naval Research] Technical report)
by Trevor Lloyd
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1954)

Asin: B0007FV75U
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

96. History of the Norwegian People with Maps and Illustrations (Two Volumes in One)
 Hardcover: 626 Pages (1932)

Asin: B000EJCB18
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

97. Warfare in the Arctic zones of Europe
by Lothar Rendulić
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1947)

Asin: B0007K7H1I
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

98. Norway (Modern Nations of the World)
by Sunni Boyd
 Hardcover: 128 Pages (2000-09-01)
list price: US$30.85 -- used & new: US$30.85
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1560066474
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

99. Østfold Geography Introduction: Glomma, Larkollen, Sannesund Bridge, Elvestad, Hankø, Øyeren, Alshus, Tune, Norway, Skjeberg, Borge, Østfold
Paperback: 266 Pages (2010-09-15)
list price: US$34.33 -- used & new: US$26.09
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1155607082
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Chapters: Glomma, Larkollen, Sannesund Bridge, Elvestad, Hankø, Øyeren, Alshus, Tune, Norway, Skjeberg, Borge, Østfold, Greåker, Fredrikstad Stadion, Glemmen, Kråkerøy, Karljohansvern, Iddefjord, Varteig, Onsøy, Rolvsøy, Vansjø, Saltnes, Ullerøy, Rødenessjøen, Ara, Aspern, Slavasshøgda, Torsnes, Lyseren, Ørje Fortress, Øgderen, Øymarksjøen, Visterflo, Mingevannet, Lower Glomma Region, Isesjøen, Rømsjøen, Femsjøen, Ørsjøen, Store Erte, Vestvannet, Kykkelsrud, Mysen, Engalsvik, Degernes, Jeløy, Lauer, Solbergfoss, Strømsfoss, Borgenhaugen, Berg, Østfold, Karlshus, Tistedalen, Hasle, Østfold, Stikkaåsen, Kallum, Jelsnes, Lervik, Gressvik, Ytre Oslofjord, Alvim, Sarpsborg, Høysand, Mørkfoss, Tisler, Slangsvold, Kornsjø, Ise, Norway, Sandum, Sponvika, Grimstad, Østfold, Skjærhalden, Ytterskogen, Lisleby, Tomter, Rakkestad Airport, Kambo, Karlsøya, Skivika, Knapstad, Kirkegrenda, Melløs, Utgård, Hauge, Østfold, Ørmen, Sentrum, Rostadneset, Kala, Sarpsborg, Fuglevik, Hafslund, Herføl, Slitu, Tosebygda, Øyenkilen, Fosby, Heiås, Sellebakk, Slevik, Kirkebygden, Trømborg, Hanestad, Østfold, Hamnås, Glosli, Skjønhaug, Isebakke, Yven, Missingmyr, Sandbakken, Borgen, Sarpsborg, Ringvoll, Svinndal, Skantebygda, Hærland, Årum, Våk, Os, Østfold, Tistedalselva, Hafslundsøy, Korshavn, Norway. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 262. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: Glomma - body{behavior:url("/w/skins-1.5/vector/csshover.htc")} Glomma Glomma in Elverum, Hedmark during winter.The upper river valleys of Norwegian rivers have distinctive names which are vestiges of earlier cultural distinctions such as building styles, traditional clothing or bunad and domestic crafts. The upper valley of the Glomma is the Østerdal (or East ...More: http://booksllc.net/?id=173896 ... Read more

100. Marine Management in Disputed Areas: The Case of the Barents Sea (Routledge Advances in Maritime Research)
by Robin Churchill, Geir Ulfstein
Hardcover: 192 Pages (1992-06-19)
list price: US$200.00 -- used & new: US$196.69
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0415038111
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The poor management of the Barents Sea is largely due to two legal disputes which involve the former Soviet Union. Marine Management in Disputed Areas examines the complex issues of managing the Barents Sea and offers a detailed analysis of two highly sensitive legal disputes. ... Read more

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