Mammals Mammals at the Museum of Vertebrate paleontology, Berkeley. Bats in the ClassroomActivities Across the Curriculum bats into the curriculum, to teach about some
Extractions: Browse through the Mammals Bookstore and save up to 40% from Barnes and Noble Keyword Title Author General Mammals Mammals Lesson Plans/Thematic Units Stalking the Wild Mammal A 3rd-grade lesson plan requiring students to select and write a report on a mammal Collaborative Thematic Unit Theme: Mammals Students will explore mammals of different regions of the world.
Web For Kids to Antarctica; Welcome to the University of California Museum of paleontology; ScienceLearning Network; IttyBittyBlackboard Other Web activities; Winnie the Pooh
Dinosaur Expedition 2000 of education activity kits that teach science through Science Standards Matrix, classroomactivities, and links about using webbased paleontology in schools.
Science Netlinks: Science Updates the following vocabulary, and may find paleontology The Big For more activitiesthat engage users in the natural and using gardens to help teach about plants
Lesson Plans Lessons focus on on natural science, geology, history, paleontology, music and art. AlphaBitesActivities to teach the alphabet, including ideas for cooking
WILLIAM SLATTERY A collaborative Learning Exercise to teach Abstract Concepts teaching Paleontologyby Analogy. Internet to Disseminate Earth Science activities Correlated with
Extractions: Research Teacher Education Stuidies to determine the critical elements involved in Earth Science teacher education. Development of actualistic hands-on activities to involve elementary and secondary school students in learning Earth Science. Teachers as Partners in Research Classroom teachers are active participants in scientific iniquiry, taking part in faculty field studies in geology as part of the Master of Science Teaching program. Sequence Stratigraphy of Active Margins Field based studies are being undertaken to determine the relationships between Paleozoic strata deposited in the Appalachian Foreland Basin and similar age strata in Ohio, Indiana, and the Michigan Basin. Sequence Stratigraphy of Passive Margins Detailed sequence stratigraphic studies of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and the Southeastern United States are in progress to determine the nature and paleontology of sequence boundaries of late Cretaceous age in order to descrininate between eustatic change of sea-level or tectonics as the first order mechanism for the development of genetically related stratigraphic units. Publications Slattery, William (1994). Using Language Arts as a Springboard to Science Instruction in the Elementary Schools.
Field Trips & Workshops paleontology of the Virginia Coastal Plain Field Trip elementary schools with handsonactivities to improve a graduate-level course to teach physical science
Extractions: Field Trip FT-4 1:00pm - 4:00pm $25.00, Transportation not provided Paleontology of the Virginia Coastal Plain; Lieutenant Run Petersburg Classic Pliocene localities, 3.5 - 4.5 million years old. Hundreds of species of fossil shells are found, including Virginia's State Fossil, the scallop Chespecten jeffersonius.
Extractions: Have students review the documents . Guided research questions could include: Where was Jay Sigmund born? What did Jay Sigmund enjoy doing as a child? Why do you think he enjoyed those activities? What did Jay Sigmund enjoy doing as an adult? Why do you think he enjoyed those activities as an adult? What were some of Jay Sigmund's talents? Who were some of his friends? How did he influence his friends?
Science Resources For Parents Interactive site to teach and experiment Earth a suite of interactive learning activitieson ecology. some of these resources; also on paleontology and fossils
Extractions: for Parents (and for Kids On-Line Research Opportunities Science References Biology Curriculum Supplements from the Natl. Institutes of Health. Free . Include CD-ROM's. The mouth as a living environment (grades 1-2); the relationship between chemicals in the environment and human health (7-8); for high school: understanding neurobiology through the study of addiction; cell biology and cancer; emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases; human genetic variation. Bill Nye the Science Guy - science demonstrations and home science demos California Energy Commission: Science Projects - experiments for all ages A Collection of Science Fair Ideas - Exactly what it says: just titles, but great ideas! Earth Island Institute - EII is dedicated to projects that promote the conservation, preservation and restoration of the Earth. This site has info on over 30 projects from rainforest protection, whale and dolphin habitat protection, and sea turtle nesting beaches protection to organic agriculture developments. Great resources and references. Experimental Science Projects: An Introductory Level Guide - This guide gives basic information for doing a science project. Great for beginners!
Participants every course in the geology curriculum excepting paleontology. like to bring handsonactivities to my I teach English, Oral Communication, Spanish, and Speech
Extractions: of field investigations to teach science this is the sixth year I have served as professor of record and trail boss for the SCSC/SAU field project. Ron Goddard I have been a participant of all of the Out West experiences. I am a chemistry and ecology teacher at Waldron High School. I have a BS in Fish and Wildlife Management from Arkansas Tech University (1974) as well as a Masters in Science Education (1986). After 15 years as a football coach at Atkins and Waldron High Schools, I have spent the past 11 years as a fulltime classroom teacher. My students and I are involved in several birding and ecology related research projects. Dr. Randall Adams My degrees are in Entomology from Oklahoma State University with some 60+ hrs of course work beyond the Ph.D. at New Mexico State University, Stephen F. Austin University, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and Southern Arkansas University. I teach entomology, plant science, and economic courses. I have been a SAU for 26 years. I supervise the greenhouse and grow vegetables each year for sale by the Department. I have worked on nematodes of turf and forage grasses. I am currently involved in a EPA project to revegated the oil and salt affected soils in south Arkansas. I enjoy travel, collecting plants and especially arthropods. Dr. Henry Robison
Evolution_application_inservice the average class size that you teach? courses specifically titled Evolution, Paleontologyor Historical relevant professional development activities that you
Extractions: YES NO IF YES , PLEASE ABANDON THIS FORM AND COMPLETE THE SURVEY FOR Pre-service and undergraduate students Teaching Experience How many years have you been a teacher or professional educator? Please include any home schooling in your response. What teaching certificates or licenses do you currently hold? Do you teach in a private school, public school or do you home school? YES NO How many class periods do you teach per day? How long is an average class period? What is the average class size that you teach? Please list any extra curricular activities that you sponsor or supervise at your school. If you do not sponsor any extra curricular activities, please check the box
SEDL - SCRTEC: Database Of K-12 Resources - Science Among other activities students can select questions to receive in real world science activities that go far beyond searching and surfing activities. All projects focus
Extractions: Displaying Science resources sorted by sub-category. Click on a sub-category to go to that section of the page, or scroll down to browse all resources. Sub-categories for Science: Continue Browsing by Category? Arts and Music Computers General Health, Fitness, and Games ... Professional Development Science Social Studies Special Needs Description: A wonderful search engine of hundreds of digital videos. Source: PBS Web site:
Science Lessons For Teachers EBP Rainforest/Curriculum, Rainforest Unit K2 Rainforest activities teachyounger students the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of rainforests.
Dig: New York Archaeology Events Museum organizes inschool and library programs and fields schools designed to teachchildren about Long Island native and colonial life. activities in these
Extractions: NEW YORK The American Museum of Natural History offers digging Up the Past, a workshop for kids 9-10 that shows how life developed on earth. By excavating and making their own fossils, children discover how fossils are found and how they provide clues to the past. For more information on this and other children's workshops, call (212) 769-5200. New York City high school students can take several after-school classes in human evolution and the application of physical and cultural anthropological techniques. Classes include free laboratory work and demonstrations. They are held from 4-6 p.m., once a week for five weeks. To get on the mailing list or find out about classes offered at the museum, call Anna Marchini at (212) 769-5906. The Paleontological Research Institution in Ithaca offers programs every second Saturday of the month, when kids can bring in a fossil to be identified by a staff member. All events are free to members; nonmembers pay $2. To find out information on specific events scheduled for 2001, paleo-lovers should log on to
Extractions: Published by Cloud 9 Interactive Wanna Be A Dino Finder CD-ROM offers an interactive multimedia adventure into the prehistoric age of dinosaurs. Price: $34.95. ISBN: 1-8894-9800-9. WIN/MAC CD-ROM. Wanna-Be A Dino Finder provides an interactive, fun-filled opportunity for children to learn more about paleontology, the science of locating and excavating dinosaurs. Children will be captivated with the magnificent animation and the facinating dinosaurs. With the help of Katie the Cameleon, Rufus the Dog, and Addie the Kangaroo, the "Wanna-Be Three," children will be eager to assist Dr. Rock Hound who is desperately in need of prehistoric creatures for an exhibit. The game begins with Dr. Rock Hound explaining what creature he needs, then the mission starts from Dr. Rock Hound's Tent. Within the tent itself, a player can explore many exciting and informational options. A timeline chart displays the time periods of the earth, and it can be clicked on to reveal pre-historic animals of each era. A box of bones can be clicked for various dinosaur facts. Certificates on the wall show a player's progress from ditch digger to Four-Star Fossil Finder and discuss how to become a paleontologist. A picture frame can be touched for an explanation of prominent paleontologists of the past or present. Finally, a wall map of the continents displays the six dig sites - Canada, USA, Africa, Europe, Asia, and South America. Clicking on a location transports the player and tent to the dig site so excavation can begin!