USGS Ground Water Studies The us Geological Survey (usGS) is the principal source of scientific usGS fieldoffices throughout the 50 States, puerto rico, and the trust territory.
Extractions: The USGS provides maps, reports, and information to help others meet their needs to manage, develop, and protect America's water, energy, mineral, and land resources. We help find natural resources needed to build tomorrow, and supply scientific understanding needed to help minimize or mitigate the effects of natural hazards and environmental damage caused by human activities. The results of our efforts touch the daily lives of almost every American. Ground-Water Protection and Management References Ground water is among the Nation's most important natural resources. It is the source of about 40 percent of the water used for public supply and provides drinking water for more than 97 percent of the rural population who do not have access to public water-supply systems. Between 30 and 40 percent of the water used for the multi-billion-dollar agricultural industry comes from ground water. Withdrawals of ground water are expected to rise in the coming century as the population increases and available sites for surface reservoirs become more limited. Wise management of ground-water resources requires knowledge of the distribution and characteristics of water-bearing rocks and sediments. Complicating this management task is the susceptibility of some ground-water resources to contamination by industrial, domestic, and agricultural chemicals and byproducts. Evaluating and dealing with these threats of ground-water contamination require improved knowledge of the occurrence and manner of movement of ground water in the subsurface.
Extractions: Supported by: Faculty of Social Sciences; Faculty of Communication and Culture; Department of History; Department of French, Italian, and Spanish; Department of Political Science; Department of Anthropology; Department of Archaeology; Department of Economics; Latin American Research Centre; Latin American Studies Group An International Week Event Welcome and Opening Remarks Stephen J. Randall, FRSC, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calgary Literature in the Age of Neoliberalism David M. Rojinsky, University of Toronto
Panelists' Bios From The Educational Testing Briefing the University of Maryland School of Law and the Florida state University School therights of American citizens living in the us territory of puerto rico.
Extractions: Archives Home ... Kids' Zone Biographical Information Congressional Briefing on Educational Testing Diane Piche (pronounced pee-shay) is the Director of the Citizens Commission on Civil Rights in Washington, D.C. The Citizens Commission is a bipartisan organization established in 1982 to monitor the civil rights policies and practices of the federal government. At the Citizens Commission, Ms. Piche has served as the Director of the Title I Monitoring Project, which has tracked federal, state, and local implementation of the 1994 amendments to Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Ms. Piche has also served as counsel for both the independent Commission on Chapter 1 and the Stanford Working Group on Federal Programs for Limited English Proficient Students, for whom she drafted many of the Title I reforms adopted by Congress in 1994. Ms. Piche also has extensive experience litigating school desegregation cases in cities including St. Louis and Fort Wayne. Dr. Eva Baker
ForeignGovernments/Central/South America/Caribbean Latin American relations with the us and Canada; rico Census Data Data for puerto rico is seldom Virgin Islands (United States territory)Government
Essays And Essays Writing Essays On Puerto Rico - 108-001 puerto rico remains a us territory with an internal self control and create an independentstate, and the us/ puerto rico Relations send me this essay A 5
Extractions: We have thousands of essays in this area! Below is a list in order of relevance to your search query. All of the following documents are ready for delivery TODAY and priced at only $ /page with a free bibliography! Use the Send Me This Essay link to access our fast, easy order form and receive any essay on this list TODAY!!!... Papers On Puerto Rico ( 5 pp) The mild tropical climate of Puerto Rico cloaks some of the tensions that are building on this island nation. Puerto Rico remained under Spanish rule until 1898, when , as a result of the Spanish-American War, the island was ceded to the United States in 1917. Puerto Rico remains a U.S. territory with an internal self-government and has been under a commonwealth form of government since 1952. Its citizens have no voting rights, and it and does not have any voting representative in the Congress of the United States. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A New Low For The U.S. Constitution? rico's sovereign status given the inconsistent application of the territory Clauseof the us constitution where puerto rico has jurisdiction
Extractions: Smithsonian Institution This roundtable discussion proposes to take up the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Rice v. Cayetano On behalf of the Respondent, Hawai`i's Governor Benjamin Cayetano, the state argued that the OHA's limitation on the right to vote was not based upon race but the unique status of Hawaiian people and that the classification met rational basis review under Morton v. Mancari because the state and federal government have a "special relationship"-trust and obligation-to "native Hawaiians" that is analogous to the federal government's relationship with American Indian tribes. Hence, the limitation on the right to vote for the OHA trustees is based on a legal classification determined by those who constitute the beneficiaries of the trust managed by that Office. However, the state obligations to Hawai`i's indigenous people were not sufficient to convince the Supreme Court of the unique political situation of Hawaiian people that justified the exclusive OHA elections process.
Extractions: By Allison Thompson All U.S. citizens are not treated equally, and in the case of those citizens living in Puerto Rico, that means being denied access to basic rights that others take for granted. The differences in how U.S. citizens living in the 50 states and those living in Puerto Rico are treated was the focus of a colloquium, "When Citizenship Is Not Enough: Human Rights in U.S.-Puerto Rico Relations," held on April 11 in Konover Auditorium. Under U.S. law, people born in Puerto Rico are American citizens. With almost four million residents, Puerto Rico is larger than many mainland states. If it was considered a state instead of a commonwealth, Puerto Rico would be about the 25th largest state. Christina Duffy Burnett, of Princeton, left, Carlos Dalmau, right, of the Office of the Puerto Rican Commissioner, and Blana Silvestrini, at a talk titled "When Citizenship is not Enough: Human Rights in U.S.-Puerto Rico Relations" at Konover Auditorium. Photo by Peter Morenus "People who live in Puerto Rico are second-class citizens," she said.
Extractions: " STATEHOOD ALONE OFFERS PUERTO RICO THE ECONOMIC MIRACLE COMMONWEALTH HAS FAILED TO DELIVER " Ivar Pietri makes a compelling case for the economic benefits of statehood on the hearings for H.R. 856 See Related Articles STATEMENT OF MR IVAR A. PIETRI PRIVATE CITIZEN, BEFORE THE COMMITEE ON RESOURCES U S HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES APRIL 19, 1997 Chairman Young, Members of the Committee, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Ivar Pietri. I appear before you as a private citizen that has for twenty-five years been a close analyst of the economy of Puerto Rico. For fifteen years I served as an investment banker based in San Juan with a major international firm, and I helped raise over twenty billion dollars in bond issues for borrowers in Puerto Rico. I am here to share with the Committee my insights into the economy of Puerto Rico as it relates to the political status issue. I am submitting for the record a more detailed presentation with economic charts. I want to preface my comments by stating for the record that I am proud to be a U.S. citizen and that I believe that the United States of America, our country, is the greatest in the history of mankind. I want to insure that U.S. citizenship for myself and for my four children. I want full rights as a citizen, and I am most willing to assume all the responsibilities. I believe firmly that the only way to attain that goal is for Puerto Rico to be admitted as the fifty-first state. Mr. Chairman, Puerto Rico is not and has never been an economic miracle. The economy of Puerto Rico has completely stagnated for twenty-five years. For decades, the local administrations led by Commonwealth advocates purposely and irresponsibly pursued a one-dimensional development strategy, neglecting other initiatives and policies in order to foster dependency on Section 936 to sustain their political goals.
USPCRS: News And Updates presidential elections, the island must either become a state of the Union or theUS Constitution must be amended. Presently, puerto rico is a territory of the
Extractions: News Sections News Headlines News Archives October, 2000 Recent Articles Statehood Party Head Lobbies Washington to Keep Military Bases in PR NPP Statehood Party to Create Committee to Improve US-Puerto Rico Relations Shock, Loss, Sorrow, and Determination: Puerto Rico Shares With the Rest of America Bush Aide: Choice Is Between Independence and Statehood ... Puerto Rico Inaugurates First Woman Governor Congress Approves Funds for Status Education The US Congress recently approved $2.5 million to educate the citizens of Puerto Rico about the political status options that are available to the island. This is the first time since Puerto Rico became a territory of the United States, as a result of the Spanish American War in 1898, that Congress has taken a step such as this. It is widely viewed that this is the first step towards a Congressionally-defined and -mandated plebiscite.
USPCRS: News And Updates puerto rico, as a territory, has no such representation that this issue will be resolvedin the best interest of the us citizens of puerto rico and in
Extractions: News Sections News Headlines News Archives December, 1999 Recent Articles Statehood Party Head Lobbies Washington to Keep Military Bases in PR NPP Statehood Party to Create Committee to Improve US-Puerto Rico Relations Shock, Loss, Sorrow, and Determination: Puerto Rico Shares With the Rest of America Bush Aide: Choice Is Between Independence and Statehood ... Puerto Rico Inaugurates First Woman Governor U.S. Council Responds To Vieques Decision (Washington, DC; 12/07/99) The US Council for Puerto Rico Statehood expressed today its concern about the continuing controversy between the Navy and Puerto Rico over live-fire training exercises on the island of Vieques and urged both sides to continue discussions until an agreement is reached. "Furthermore," Dr. Padilla emphasized, "it is important to put the issue into proper perspective and to understand how important the stakes are in this controversy for all of us. On the one hand we have the U.S. Navy claiming that they will have difficulty finding adequate alternative facilities for what they deem vital training that could be essential to protecting the lives of our servicemen who may be sent into harm’s way. Certainly the families of over 200,000 veterans of Puerto Rico who have served in U.S. wars since WWI are not insensitive to the need for combat ready training and exercises to prepare our armed forces." "On the other hand, we have the very legitimate concerns of the 9,200 residents of Vieques who live with live naval and aircraft fire and who are concerned about their livelihood and the environment in which they live. Clearly, the Navy could and should have been more sensitive to these concerns and should be held accountable for not living up to past agreements. What is now called for is rational consideration, a cooling down period, and serious negotiation to settle the issue in a win-win manner."
Welcome To The Canada-United States Relations Site North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee (other puerto rico, us Virgin Islands). TerritoryWestern, Central and Upstate New York state, Western and - The New Progressive Party Point Of View law were approved to make puerto rico a territory in 1898 that, while we are partof the us economy and now missing as an American Citizen from in puerto rico.
Extractions: Point of View The New Progressive Party, also known as the "Statehood" party believes in full integration into the United States as the 51st state of the union. The party is of the opinion that citizenship as well as the territorial status of Puerto Rico are governed under the territorial clause of the U.S. Constitution, and as such are not permanent in nature. A treaty and a law were approved to make Puerto Rico a territory in 1898 . Another law, the Jones Act, was passed that granted residents American citizenship in 1917. Even our existing commonwealth status, was authorized by law 600 in 1950. Statehooders claim a simple new law can cancel or reverse any of the above mentioned actions, thus our citizenship and territorial status are always in danger. They are not permanent. They could be eliminated any time with a simple new law from Congress. Statehooders also believe that, while we are part of the U.S. economy and not able to vote for the President, and our lack of representation in congress, we are at a great disadvantage in obtaining our fair share of federal programs and funds. Under statehood, Puerto Rico would be entitled to two (2) Senators and six (6) Representatives. Statehood will complete the full rights and benefits package of American Citizenship, now missing as an American Citizen from in Puerto Rico.
Extractions: Water-Supply Paper 2502 Summary of Significant Floods in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, 1970 Through 1989 This section includes brief descriptions of selected signficant interstate and intra-state floods in yearly accounts. Floods described in this section were those with excessive loss of life, excessive damage, extreme discharge or gage height, or those regional in extent. References are provided for these as well as other selected significant floods that occurred during the year. Figures 3-22 in this section depict widespread regional flooding by giving the percentage of streamflow-gaging stations in each State or territory recording greater than the approximate 20-year recurrence-interval flooding during the calendar year. Significant flooding did not occur in 1977 until early April when eastern parts of the Ohio River Basin were inundated by a storm producing excessive amounts of rain. The headwaters of the Kanawha, Guyandotte, Big Sandy, Kentucky, Cumberland, and Tennessee Rivers located in southern West Virginia, southeastern Kentucky, extreme western Virginia, and northeastern Tennessee were most affected by the storm ( fig. 10
Extractions: Content Home About the Branch Asthma Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ... Links CDC National Asthma Control Program Grantees and Nonfunded Asthma Contacts Puerto Rico Puerto Rico is currently not funded under CDCs National Asthma Control Program, but you may contact the following for information about asthma-related activities in the territory. State Asthma Contact:
NMFS-IRF IJact commercial finfish and shellfish resources of puerto rico. parrotfish fishery in theUS Virgin Islands. place in a particular state/territory, applications must
Extractions: Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act of 1986 (Act) projects are carried out to gather information and conduct activities that support management of United States multi-jurisdictional fisheries. These projects respond to fishery research, habitat, and law enforcement needs under the Magnuson-Stevens Act, Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act, Great Lakes Fisheries Commission s Strategic Plan, and the individual multi jurisdictional State and interstate marine fisheries commission fisheries management planning programs. The funding level for the Act was $2.5 million for fiscal year 2001. Many of the projects funded are long term base elements that support the fishery management programs in Federal, State, and Territorial fisheries. Therefore, funding under the Act provides a stable funding base for much of the interstate and Federal fisheries management programs that are carried out in U.S. waters. A list of types of recent projects funded under the Act by NMFS Region is : Maine-Virginia
Essays And More Essays On Puerto Rico - 108-001 puerto rico remains a us territory with an internal to free the island from us controland paradoxical relationship between the United States and puerto rico.
Extractions: ( 5 pp) The mild tropical climate of Puerto Rico cloaks some of the tensions that are building on this island nation. Puerto Rico remained under Spanish rule until 1898, when , as a result of the Spanish-American War, the island was ceded to the United States in 1917. Puerto Rico remains a U.S. territory with an internal self-government and has been under a commonwealth form of government since 1952. Its citizens have no voting rights, and it and does not have any voting representative in the Congress of the United States. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
United Way International Puerto Rico the island of puerto rico is a us territory of 3.8 development of health and socialservice NGOs in puerto rico. to the United Ways in the us, Fondos Unidos
Extractions: Donate Now! Location and History Organization Fondos Unidos de Puerto Rico is comprised of a 38 member professional staff. Fondos Unidos' presiding President and Chief Professional Officer is William Perez. Fondos Unidos is managed by a voluntary 42 member Board of Governors. The presiding President of the Board of Governors is Alfred Ramirez de Arellano, Esq.. The Board also has a 12 member Executive Committee and additional sub-committees. Fundraising Campaign The Campaign Committee is integral in Fondos Unidos' fundraising process. The Campaign Chairman recruits volunteers required to carry out the annual drive. Personal visits to managers of companies are made in order to obtain corporate support. Campaign volunteers also seek new participating corporations for the employee campaigns. Since there is only one United Way serving the entire island of Puerto Rico, the volunteers also solicit corporations by mail. The Campaign Committee raises funds through payroll deduction, personal contributions, state campaigns, the Combined Federal Campaign, and a Leadership Giving Program. In 1997, Fondos Unidos raised US$14,000,000. Over 350 corporations generously support Fondos Unidos de Puerto Rico. Some corporate donors include:
Extractions: Associated Press Writer SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) Ricky Martin may be the first real superstar from Puerto Rico, but in the smoky, teeming music halls of his native San Juan, some view his rise with a dash of derision. Under the dim, yellow-and-green lights at "Rumba," where local band members have just finished a sort of musical conversation by conga riffs, talk turns to their better-known contemporaries making inroads in the mainland. They've all seen local boy Enrique Martin on the covers of Time and People. They know Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony are riding high on the charts. They've heard, and perhaps share hopes, that it might mean wider interest in Puerto Rico. But drummer Roman "Ito" Carillo, for one, isn't counting on it. Like others, he's deeply aware that the recent hits are all calculated mainstream projects hummable pop tunes, light on the Latinisms, mostly delivered in English. "We're proud of them, but it's not like they're bringing our music to the world," Carillo said with a shrug. "They're not representing it."
Extractions: WELCOME TO SFC CESU The South Florida and Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit ( SFC CESU ) hosted by the University of Miami at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science ( RSMAS ) is one of the second round the CESUs created by the federal government under the leadership of the Department of the Interior to provide assistance to mangers in federal land management, environmental and research agencies. The South Florida and Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit is a partnership between three federal agencies:
Writing Research Papers On Puerto Rico - 108-001 puerto rico remains a us territory with an internal self control and create an independentstate, and the us/ puerto rico Relations send me this paper A 5
Extractions: ( 5 pp) The mild tropical climate of Puerto Rico cloaks some of the tensions that are building on this island nation. Puerto Rico remained under Spanish rule until 1898, when , as a result of the Spanish-American War, the island was ceded to the United States in 1917. Puerto Rico remains a U.S. territory with an internal self-government and has been under a commonwealth form of government since 1952. Its citizens have no voting rights, and it and does not have any voting representative in the Congress of the United States. Bibliography lists 6 sources.