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41. An Introduction to Ancient Philosophy (Littlefield, Adams Quality Paperback) by A. H. Armstrong | |
![]() | Paperback: 260
list price: US$29.95 -- used & new: US$20.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0822604183 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
42. Philosophy: The Classics by Nigel Warburton | |
![]() | Paperback: 280
list price: US$23.95 -- used & new: US$16.89 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0415356296 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description In his exemplary clear style, Warburton introduces and assesses twenty-seven philosophical classics from Plato's Republic to Rawl's A Theory of Justice. The new text design and revised further reading make this the ideal starting point for anyone interested in philosophy.This new edition also includes three new chapters on Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil, Russell's The Problems of Philosophy and Sartre's Existentialism and Humanism. Offering twenty-five guidebooks for the price of one, not only is this great value, it's the most comprehensive introduction to philosophers and their texts currently available. Customer Reviews (7)
In passing, if you like to learn more about Mr Warburton's philosophy of the popularization of the subject, please do not miss an interview with him in another book New British Philosophy - The Interviews by the same publisher.
43. Renewing Philosophy by Hilary Putnam | |
![]() | Paperback: 248
list price: US$28.00 -- used & new: US$19.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0674760948 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Hilary Putnam, one of America's most distinguished philosophers, surveys an astonishingly wide range of issues and proposes a new, clear-cut approach to philosophical questions--a renewal of philosophy. He contests the view that only science offers an appropriate model for philosophical inquiry. His discussion of topics from artificial intelligence to natural selection, and of reductive philosophical views derived from these models, identifies the insuperable problems encountered when philosophy ignores the normative or attempts to reduce it to something else. Customer Reviews (1)
44. Women History Philosophy (Paragon Issues in Philosophy) by Nancy Tuana | |
![]() | Paperback: 158
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$10.17 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 155778194X Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
45. Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Editor-Routledge | |
![]() | Hardcover: 1030
list price: US$120.00 -- used & new: US$103.48 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0415223644 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (5)
Yes, thisencyclopedia is comprehensive, it includes philosophers and philosophy fromall over the world but too bad not in sufficient depth to make itmeaningful enough. It is assumed that this book is for the layman butfrankly speaking, all it can do is to introduce the names/terms/concepts tothe layman without being able to shed more light. If one would reallywant to know more, the Oxford Companion will do a better job. And if youwant to know more about a particular philosopher or movement, the internetwill be a better place although less authoritative. Looks nice on thebookshelf though.
46. An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy) by Karyn L. Lai | |
![]() | Paperback: 328
list price: US$36.99 -- used & new: US$23.30 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0521608929 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
47. Philosophy of Law: Classic and Contemporary Readings (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies) | |
![]() | Hardcover: 648
list price: US$104.95 -- used & new: US$79.76 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1405183888 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description
48. Problems from Philosophy by James Rachels, Stuart Rachels | |
![]() | Paperback: 240
-- used & new: US$31.29 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 007338660X Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Problems from Philosophy represents the final work of author and philosopher James Rachels.In it, he brings the same liveliness and clarity to the introduction of philosophy that he brings to his best-selling ethics text, The Elements of Moral Philosophy.This second edition has been revised by Rachels' son Stuart, who carefully has carefully refined his father's work to further strengthen its clarity and accessibility. Customer Reviews (3)
49. Philosophy & This Actual World: An Introduction to Practical Philosophical Inquiry by Martin Benjamin | |
![]() | Paperback: 240
list price: US$27.95 -- used & new: US$14.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0742513998 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (3)
50. Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy by Todd May | |
![]() | Paperback: 321
list price: US$77.00 -- used & new: US$69.09 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0134508262 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description This book provides an in-depth overview of 20th century continental philosophy organized to allow the philosophers to speak for themselves. Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy presents comprehensive selections from every major 20th century continental philosopher. This allows reader to immerse themselves in the thought of a specific philosopher, rather than skimming the surface. The book's integrated structure also allows readers to understand the movement from one approach to the next and presents the origins, development, and connections among these ideas. Finally, the book provides a readable historical overview of the themes that appear in 20th century continental philosophy to orient the reader to the important themes and debates in 20th century thought. A valuable book for any reader who wishes a greater understanding of the major trends in 20th century philosophical thought. Customer Reviews (1)
Todd May's long, impressively comprehensive introductory essay is a highly illuminating starting point for engaging the various thinkers and movements featured in the text.It also stands alone well as an in-depth and very accessible overview of the history of 20th Century Continental thought for those with very little or no previous understanding of it.I cannot recommend it highly enough. In the anthologized writings themselves, Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty explain their phenomenological approaches to method, Ferdinand Saussure provides his most controversial and fascinating insights into language which Claude Levi-Strauss then applies to anthropology and which Jacques Lacan draws on as part of his taking psychoanalytic theory to new levels of philosophical complexity and interdisciplinarity.Also here is chapter 2 of "The Sex Which Is Not One," Luce Irigaray's mindblowing psychoanalytic feminsist account of female sexuality in contra-distinction to the Freudian/Lacanian one.Feminist psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva provides a very dense and richly insightful essay exploring some questions of linguistics and commenting a good deal on Husserl, and Hans-Georg Gadamer is here in an accessible yet dense introduction to his philosophical hermeneutics. And as if all this wasn't enough, we also have Martin Heidegger's difficult classic "Letter On 'Humanism,'" Jacques Derrida's justly famous, unavoidable 1968 essay, "Differance," Michel Foucault's frequently anthologized "Nietzsche, Genealogy & History" and an essay from Lyotard, the coiner of the word "postmodernism," which provides a characterization of the meanings of the words "postmodernism" and "modernism" which I would think all those who ever venture to use these terms should reckon with and be instructed by. A difficult yet extremely helpful and rewarding anthology and introduction to an amazing century in Continental philosophy. ... Read more |
51. A History of Philosophy in the Twentieth Century by Christian Delacampagne | |
![]() | Paperback: 352
list price: US$22.95 -- used & new: US$22.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0801868149 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description In A History of Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, Christian Delacampagne reviews the discipline's divergent and dramatic course and shows that its greatest figures, even the most unworldly among them, were deeply affected by events of their time. From Ludwig Wittgenstein, whose famous Tractatus was actually composed in the trenches during World War I, to Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger -- one who found himself barred from public life with Hitler's coming to power, the other a member of the Nazi party who later refused to repudiate German war crimes. From Bertrand Russell, whose lifelong pacifism led him to turn from logic and mathematics to social and moral questions, and Jean-Paul Sartre, who made philosophy an occasion for direct and personal political engagement, to Rudolf Carnap, a committed socialist, and Karl Popper, a resolute opponent of Communism. From the Vienna Circle and the Frankfurt School to the contemporary work of philosophers as variously minded as Jacques Derrida, Jürgen Habermas, and Hilary Putnam. The thinking of these philosophers, and scores of others, cannot be understood without being placed in the context of the times in which they lived. Customer Reviews (4)
This book is specifically aimed at people who have already been introduced to the major themes of philosophy. Overall, I would recommend this book, since I know of no others that attempt to survey twentieth-century philosophy.
52. Making Sense: Philosophy behind the Headlines by Julian Baggini | |
![]() | Paperback: 312
list price: US$30.00 -- used & new: US$20.89 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0192805061 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (4)
53. Death and Philosophy | |
![]() | Paperback: 224
list price: US$41.95 -- used & new: US$33.75 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0415191440 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (1)
54. Heroes and Philosophy: Buy the Book, Save the World (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series) | |
![]() | Paperback: 320
list price: US$17.95 -- used & new: US$0.01 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0470373385 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description When ordinary individuals from around the world inexplicably develop superhuman abilities, they question who they are, struggle to cope with new responsibilities, and decide whether to use their new power for good or for evil. Every episode of Tim Kring's hit TV show Heroes is a philosophical quandary. Heroes and Philosophy is the first book to analyze how philosophy makes this show so compelling. It lets you examine questions crucial to our existence as thinking, rational beings. Is the Company evil, or good? Does Hiro really have a destiny? Do we? Is it okay to lie in order to hide your powers or save the world? Heroes and Philosophy offers answers to these and other intriguing questions.
Whether you're new to Heroes or have been a fan since day one, this book will take your enjoyment of the show to the next level. Customer Reviews (1)
55. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Philosophy, Third Edition by Ph.D., Jay Stevenson | |
![]() | Paperback: 384
list price: US$18.95 -- used & new: US$7.10 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1592573614 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Socrates’s admonition that "the unexamined life is not worth living" still resonates with many people, and this guide is a great introduction to that mental exercise. The author skillfully covers the subject both historically and topically and brings the reader all the way up to the present, with insights into 21st-century philosophical thought. • Essential philosophers and philosophies, from ancient times right up to today • New information on such topics as Eastern philosophy, women philosophers, postmodernism, and critical theory • The relevance of philosophy to a variety of other subjects and to today’s world Customer Reviews (19)
56. U2 and Philosophy: How to Decipher an Atomic Band (Popular Culture and Philosophy) | |
![]() | Paperback: 288
list price: US$17.95 -- used & new: US$4.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0812695992 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (4)
57. Theology and Difference: The Wound of Reason (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion) by Walter Lowe | |
![]() | Hardcover: 204
list price: US$31.50 -- used & new: US$30.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0253336112 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description "... provocative and rewarding... " -- Religious Studies Review "... a tour de force." -- Theological Studies Theology and Difference reconceives the options confronting modern theology and investigates the disputed questions that underlie it. Pressing beyond the ready-made enlightenment offered by the subject-object framework, Walter Lowe uncovers a number of remarkable convergences between the contemporary philosopher Jacques Derrida and the early twentieth-century theologian Karl Barth. |
58. Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader | |
![]() | Paperback: 496
list price: US$62.95 -- used & new: US$15.55 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0631210458 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
59. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Physics: Locality, Fields, Energy, and Mass by Marc Lange | |
![]() | Paperback: 344
list price: US$44.95 -- used & new: US$25.89 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0631225013 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (3)
60. New Philosophy for New Media by Mark B.N. Hansen | |
![]() | Paperback: 361
list price: US$22.95 -- used & new: US$12.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 026258266X Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Ultimately, Hansen's project it to update Henri Bergson's notion of the "affective body" for the 21st century. He claims that in the world of interactive new media "the 'image' has itself become a process, and, as such, has become irreducibly bound up with the activity of the body." The body acts as a filter to frame the digital image. In contrast, Hansen offers a sustained critique of Gilles Deleuze’s "treatment of the movement image in which the cinematic image is purified of connection with the human body" (as described by Tim Lenoir). The book expands Hansen's vision across seven chapters that variously engage with new media art theory, virtual reality, the "digital facial image," and digital artwork. His most compelling illustration comes in the final chapter, where he demonstrates how artists Douglas Gordon and Bill Viola open "experience to the subperceptual inscription of temporal shifts (machine time)." Here, drawing on work of neuroscience, he shows that art actually engages the body and expands perception of the interstices between what human normally experience as "now." While, like many contemporary works of theory, Hansen sometimes falls into opaque passages of academic, postmodern jargon, he tries to ground his theorizing in a concrete language that he lays out early on (with definitions of such terms as "embodiment" made explicit in relation the neuroscience). In the end, though, Hansen doesn't make entirely clear why this "new" philosophy of embodied experience is actually particular to new media. His supposition seems, rather, that new media art--interactive digital images--heighten the felt experience of perception, but this difference appears to be quantitative, rather than qualitative, relative to the experience of "old" media. In the end, then, Hansen provides a useful remedy to the abundance of "disembodied" theories of virtuality, but his book does not present a comprehensive "new philosophy" for those seeking guidance in a the new media era. --Patrick O’Kelley Customer Reviews (2)
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