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81. Digital Photography: The Missing
82. The Complete Guide to Digital
83. Digital Photography Outdoors:
84. Surreal Digital Photography (One
85. David Busch's Canon EOS Digital
86. Creative Composition: Digital
87. Digital SLR Photography All-in-One
88. Teaching and Learning With Digital
89. The Photoshop Book for Digital
90. Rick Sammon's Complete Guide to
91. Digital Wedding Photography Secrets
92. Profitable Photography in Digital
93. Mastering Digital Photography,
94. Camera: A History of Photography
95. The Magic of Digital Close-Up
96. Digital Photography Boot Camp:
97. Understanding Close-up Photography:
98. Exposure Digital Field Guide
99. Photographing Arts, Crafts &
100. The Complete Idiot's Guide to

81. Digital Photography: The Missing Manual
by Chris Grover, Barbara Brundage
Paperback: 432 Pages (2006-06-30)
list price: US$29.99 -- used & new: US$6.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0596008414
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Digital Photography: The Missing Manual helps you to take beautiful digital pictures --of your baby, your trip to Paris, your new pet iguana--and then share the stunning results with your friends and family. Spiked with the advice and humor that are trademarks of the Missing Manual series, this book shows you how to:

    Master your digital camera.
    Learn how to use those mysterious buttons and modes to improve your pictures.
    Take memorable photos.
    Become a better photographer right away with a few simple tricks from the pros.
    Edit your photos to remove red eye, or crop out extraneous buildings.
    Add colors and effects not normally found in nature.
    Share your pictures using the best programs and Web sites for sharing your photos-in print, online, and via ESP.

This is a great book for people who want to get started with digital photography but it's also perfect for those who need to increase the skills they already have. Intermediate digital photographers will love the tips and tricks from the pros and the helpful buying guides for those accessories they're ready to add.

Note: This book is Windows-only. For Mac fans, iPhoto 6: The Missing Manual has a whole section on digital photography.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (4)

5-0 out of 5 stars GreatBook For the Terminology Challenged
I found the book to be comprehensive. It is a great starting point for the novice and a good reference for someone who is familiar with the subject, but not a pro. The chapter headings are "tabbed" in the upper corner of the page, which makes topics easy to find. Also, the numerous illustrations and various fonts made the book extremely readable.

4-0 out of 5 stars Great book - but for absolute beginners only
Very well written - clear, simple, easy to follow.And it does have some great tips - even for the intermediate photographer.But this is really a book for someone who has never used a digital camera before or who has never taken the time to understand their camera's features.It also spends a lot of space discussing several specific photo management software programs (EasyShare, Picasa, Elements), as well as some common on-line photo sharing sites.If you're new to this art then this book will be a great start.But if you're already familiar with your camera and with digital photo editing and on-line sharing, you probably won't get much new out of this. Plus, if you don't plan on obtaining the specific software the authors discuss, at least half the book will be of no use to you.

5-0 out of 5 stars Plenty of books have been written on the topic, but DIGTAL PHOTOGRAPHY: THE MISSING MANUAL is the most comprehensive.
Any newcomer to digital photography who longs to get the most from a camera will find DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY: THE MISSING MANUAL goes beyond brand-named camera books to cover the extent of digital possibilities. Camera tricks from pros supplement tips on editing photos on the PC, picture sharing, and much more, taking full advantage of the digital format's versatility and potentials. Plenty of books have been written on the topic, but DIGTAL PHOTOGRAPHY: THE MISSING MANUAL is the most comprehensive.

Diane C. Donovan
California Bookwatch

4-0 out of 5 stars OK on photography itself, excellent on processing issues
In actuality, only the first of the four parts of this book is about the art and science of digital photography itself. The rest of the book is about moving your photos to the PC, editing them, and sharing them via printing, email, or even coffee mugs. The part that is about photography is helpful when it is discussing artistic techniques, and somewhat frustrating when it is trying to give you specific instructions on operating a generic camera such as "If your camera has a portrait mode, indicated on this camera and many others by a silhouette of a human head, you may not have to fiddle with manual aperture settings". The question is, how do I know whether or not my camera even has a portrait mode? This is not the vague type of instruction I am accustomed to when dealing with the Missing Manual series.

Outside of my general frustration with part one, though, the rest of the book is quite good. That is because the author now has a limited set of software packages to work with as far as instructions go, and here we get back into the high quality specific Missing Manual instructions that are so familiar. The author talks about specific aspects of using Easyshare, Picasa, Shutterfly, Snapfish, Flickr, and Photoshop Elements for organizing, editing, and sharing your photos with good comparisons of the different software packages and specific instructions for each. Overall, I recommend this book. Just realize that the part on photography itself is somewhat vague. I notice that the table of contents are not shown, so I do that below:

Point-and-Shoot or Single Lens Reflex?
Image Resolution and Memory Capacity
Deciphering Optical and Digital Zoom
Image Stabilizer (Vibration Reduction)
Flip Screens for Multiple Viewpoints
Optical Viewfinder
Taking Control with Manual Options
Improving Autofocus
External Flashes and Other Attachments
Minimizing Shutter Lag
Burst Mode for Rapid-Fire Shooting
Creating Panoramas
Software That Comes with Your Camera
Eliminating Specks (Noise Reduction)
Taking Movies with Your Camera
Composition Explained
Apply the Rule of Thirds
Get Closer for Better Pictures
Eliminate Busy Backgrounds
Go Low, Go High
A Final Thought
Shooting Sports and Action
Taking Portraits
Kids and School Performances
Weddings and Celebrations
Sunsets and Nighttime Photos
Landscape and Nature
Photographing Objects
Digital Movies
Cameraphone Photography

Moving Pictures from Camera to Computer
Moving Pictures from a Card Reader to a PC
Importing Photos with a Scanner
Three Ways to Scan an Image
Using Windows Scanner Wizard
Organizing Photos with Windows XP
Organizing Photos with EasyShare Albums
Organizing Photos with Picasa
Why Put Your Photos Online?
Choosing an Online Photo Service
Getting Photos Online with EasyShare
Organizing Photos with EasyShare
Getting Photos Online with Shutterfly
Organizing Photos with Shutterfly
Getting Photos Online with Snapfish
Organizing Photos with Snapfish
Getting Photos Online with Flickr
Organizing Photos with Flickr
Strategies to Protect Your Photos
CD, DVD, or Hard Drive?
EasyShare's Backup Tools
Picasa's Backup Tools
Importing with the Photo Downloader
Browsing Photos in the Organizer
Creating Tags and Categories
Assigning Tags to Photos
Creating Collections
Searching for Photos
Backing Up with the Organizer

Common Problems, Easy Fixes
Rotating & Cropping with EasyShare
Improving Photos with EasyShare
Fixing Red Eye with EasyShare
Rotate and Straighten with Picasa
Cropping Photos with Picasa
Fixing Exposure Problems with Picasa
Fixing Contrast and Color with Picasa
Fixing Red Eye with Picasa
Changing Your View of Your Photos
Rotating Photos
Straightening Photos
Cropping Photos
Changing the Size of Your Photos
Chapter 11. THE QUICK FIX
A Tour of the Quick Fix Window
Quick Fix Suggested Workflow
Fixing Red Eye
The Smart Fix
Adjusting Lighting and Contrast
Correcting Color
Fixing Exposure Problems
Sharpening Your Images
Fixing Blemishes: An Introduction
Correcting the Colors on Your Screen
Taking Control with Levels
Removing Unwanted Colors
Making Your Colors More Vibrant
Adding Effects with EasyShare
Adding Effects with Picasa
Adding Effects with Elements
Creating Panoramas with Elements

Choosing a Photo-Sharing Service
Sharing Photos with EasyShare
Sharing Photos with Shutterfly Express
Sharing Photos with Snapfish
Sharing Photos and Hobbies: Flickr
Sharing with the Pros: Photo net
Understanding the File Size Dilemma
Emailing Photos with EasyShare
Emailing Photos with Picasa
Emailing Photos with Elements
How to Make Great Prints at Home
Printing Photos with EasyShare
Printing Photos with Picasa
Printing Photos with Elements
Printing at Photo Kiosks
Ordering Prints Online
Ordering Prints Online with EasyShare
Ordering Prints Online with Picasa
Ordering Prints Online with Shutterfly
Ordering Prints Online with Snapfish
Ordering Prints Online with Elements
Making Slideshows with PhotoShow
Simple Slideshows in Elements
Custom Slideshows in Elements
Posters, Calendars, and Photo Books
More Elements Creative Projects
Photo Mugs, T-Shirts, and More
... Read more

82. The Complete Guide to Digital Photography 4th ed. (A Lark Photography Book)
by Michael Freeman
Paperback: 224 Pages (2008-04-01)
list price: US$29.95 -- used & new: US$19.77
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1600593011
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

The Complete Guide to Digital Photography has always been one of Sterling’s best-selling books on going digital—and, with over 600 illustrations, this completely updated edition contains all the information photographers need to create crisp images every time. Here are all the most exciting and up-to-date digital technologies, uncovered: larger-resolution sensors, built-in image stabilization, the latest improvements in cameras and lenses, printers and inks, and the newest versions of image-processing software such as Photoshop CS3. Other sections present the current developments in workflow managers like Lightroom, as well as analyses of raw-file development. A discussion of shooting and processing techniques offers advice on everything from portraits to still lifes. Written by one of the most bestselling and knowledgeable authors in the field, it’s an indispensable reference!


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Customer Reviews (10)

1-0 out of 5 stars Yet another book by the two page wonder.
Forget him and all of his books.He rarely covers any topic in any of his books in more than two pages.This is simply not enough to anything or anyone any justice.You will soon be asking yourself and his books questions you and they will not be able to answer, and you will very quickly go to other more substantial books.

Don't bother with the two page wonder and photography "lite."

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent primer covering all digital photography topics
I have quite a few photography books - virtually all film and film processing related.All of those are looking pretty horribly dated.Even the most basic topics, like exposure and composition take on different implications in the digital world.As just one example, while relationships between aperture and shutter speed haven't changed, the finality of the exposure isn't as critical in digital, you have very different kinds of under and over-exposure considerations for post-processing, you have in-camera options (depending on the sophistication of the camera, of course) for adjustments, color curves, white balance, etc., and the results in terms of exposure artifacts and how you deal with them are just different.

What this means is that a book written for the digital photographer really should not be a re-work of an older film-based work.Freeman's Complete Guide to Digital Photography is written 100% from the digital point of view. It's brief bits of content regarding film cameras, formats, processing, lenses, etc. are only by way of explanation - and often the starting point for explaining why and how they are changing because of digital.

My purchase of this book is the result of a search in order to go back to square one.Like many, I'm late to digital, apart from owning a digital point and shoot camera or two.I wanted a book that didn't rehash what I already know about photography and wanted one that had the right balance of content range and emphasis to get me off on the right footing.Unfortunately, almost every beginner's digital photography book I found suffered from one or more of the following deficiencies: throwaway content (e.g., the history of photography, evolution of digital cameras, too much computer hardware content); film content; superficial coverage; deep coverage on only one or two topics (typically section after section on specific types of subjects such as portraits, landscapes, etc.); dated content (e.g., dead websites, old cameras, PCs, and software); and condescending content that talks down to the reader.

I wanted something that focused on the essence of digital photography.While you can't avoid some of the above, I didn't want it to dominate either.I found the type of coverage I was looking for in this book.

The format initially led me to think it was too superficial.A huge range of topics are presented, typically taking only 2-4 pages each.I picked it up and put it aside several times while comparing other books, finally noticing that content in each section sets you up for content in later sections in a rather subtle way.Some early chapter content on 35mm format and sensors, for example, leads directly to comments on viewfinder and LCD screen changes in a later chapter.

This book covers a lot of ground - cameras & sensors, in-camera processing, exposure, workflow, post processing and software, printing, PC and monitor considerations, file formats, cards (CF, XD, etc.), lenses, stabilization, and a lot more.The format - very brief topical chapters - is easy to read and, again, deceptively simple.The result is a beginner's guide that adds up to more than the sum of its parts.

This book will be first on my recommended list for anyone starting out in digital photography.

4-0 out of 5 stars Easy reference for photographic techniques
Well illustrated explanations of digital darkroom techniques. I checked this book out from the library and didn't get everything out of it even after renewing it several times.

3-0 out of 5 stars Good but out of date
I have checked this book out of the local library a couple times in the last year and find it a very good intro to the subject. The sections on modifying photos using software, especially Photoshop may be a bit more sophisticated than a general user looking for an intro may want but I find them very useful. The author introduces some very important issues like the fact that dust is a major problem with the sensors on interchangeable lens cameras and that because of the smaller sensor size relative to a 35 mm film image the image is 1.6 times bigger than with 35mm using the same lens. However, I would have liked to see info on selecting lenses for various photo settings. The thing that perplexes me most is that Amazon is selling the 2nd edition of this book however the one I am reading is the updated 3rd edition and among the other titles for sale here is the even more recent 4th edition! Why is Amazon still pushing this outdated edition? Don't be fooled, buy the 4th edition!

4-0 out of 5 stars Great Soup to Nuts
Excellent graphics. Easy to understand and use.. Great as a primer and for advanced users as it is chock full of information across the board. Not in depth but will give you an overview of all that the Digital Photography world has. I am very excited about this venture for myself. I have been away from photography for some time.This book will be a great guide.. Also check Freeman's book on SLR's for more information on what SLRs there are and the strengths of each. ... Read more

83. Digital Photography Outdoors: A Field Guide for Travel and Adventure Photographers
by James Martin
Paperback: 219 Pages (2008-02)
list price: US$18.95 -- used & new: US$11.71
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1594850879
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This title is fully illustrated in color with examples of great and not-so-great photographs. It offers new tips on the latest digital techniques: noise reduction and sharpening to minimize image degradation; adjustment layers and layer masks; and use of the flash outdoors.It also offers expanded coverage of recent features in Photoshop including the Spot Healing Brush, Image Processor, High Dynamic Range (HDR), and Lens Correction menu. The title presents a description of the latest equipment options such as sensor cleaning tools and the Lensbaby option for selective focus and artistic blurs elsewhere.A long-time mountaineer and wilderness traveler, Jim Martin is uniquely suited to show us how to make the most of digital photography's advantages for outdoor photography. In this expanded second edition, Martin gives us the latest in technique and equipment innovations while still sticking to the basics: how a digital camera works, special considerations for use and maintenance in the field, and selecting the best equipment and most useful accessories for capturing outdoor action and storing images safely.Martin presents the new rules of digital photography (why overexpose?) and reminds us of old rules that still apply (light and good composition remain key).He covers the fundamentals of digital editing, including selecting software tools, applying filters, creating the illusion of movement, and stitching photos together to create panoramas. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

3-0 out of 5 stars good basics
It is a good basic book on digital photography.I found it o.k. with so many good books on digital photography, I found the information lacking, with the photographs somewhat dated..and the information too basic..If you are just getting into digital photography, look at this one and others at this level of photography, then decide.

5-0 out of 5 stars My first photography book
This was my first ever book about photography (actually, the first edition of this book). Not that I was an absolute beginner; I just never bothered to read any photography books. James Martin's book nicely surprised me since in the first chapters I found a lot of ideas I was subconsciously aware off before. I am not sure this is the right book for someone who does not know what 'shutter speed' is but it is highly recommended for someone who wants to go over photography theory quickly and get some nice tips. It covers photo-shooting techniques, basics of composition, information on archiving photos and digital darkroom skills. My skills are definitely improved after reading the book, instantly I started to take better pictures!

The other day I wanted to purchase a digital photography guide as a birthday gift. 'Digital Photography Outdoors' book would not be available in the stores so I went through almost everything that was on the shelf. There would be lots of books for absolutely beginners in the book stores, "Dummies" books etc, we are not talking about these. Among 'serious' books, I did not find any one that can beat 'Digital Photography Outdoors'.I ended up purchasing this book via Amazon and going to the birthday party with the excuse that the gift is still on the way!This also motivated me to write this review, hope it helps.

5-0 out of 5 stars Superbly organized and presented
With every passing year, digital cameras are becoming more 'user friendly', more popular, more effective, and more versatile. Now in a thoroughly updated and significantly expanded second edition, James Martin's "Digital Photography Outdoors" continues to be the premier instructional manual and guide for the use of digital cameras in taking memorable and dramatic photographs in the field. Still providing novice digital photographers with a comprehensive and basic grounding in how a digital camera works, special considerations for its use and maintenance in the field, and how to select the best equipment and most useful accessories for capturing outdoor action and then storing those images safely, this new edition goes on to provide up-to-date information on the latest changes in Photoshop (CS3 version) and an illustrative description of the latest equipment options. Profusely illustrated throughout in full color, "Digital Photography Outdoors" provides digital camera users with a wealth of invaluable tips on photographing outdoor subjects in all manner of field conditions. Superbly organized and presented, practical and portable, "Digital Photography Outdoors" is a welcome and enthusiastically recommended addition to personal, professional, and community library Photography instructional reference collections.

4-0 out of 5 stars Interesting and useful
Very interesting book with several useful tips. It is focused in the "digital darkroom" processes and it becomes an interesting handbook while working with image processing software. Moreover, it gives some advices on photographic techniques specially oriented to digital cameras and their particular performance.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent book for outdoors photographers.
This book is packed with solid information. It's really helping me take better travel pictures now that I have upgraded to a digital single lens reflex camera. ... Read more

84. Surreal Digital Photography (One Off)
by Barry Huggins, Ian Probert
Paperback: 192 Pages (2004-10-18)
list price: US$29.99 -- used & new: US$14.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1592003893
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
"Surreal Digital Photography" covers the use of digital imaging software to turn digital photographs into artistic works through montage or colour enhancements. It demonstrates the techniques involved through practical projects, many of which produce a "surrealist" end result. The book is broken down to cover landscape, portrait, and studio photography, and the methods involved can be used to create amazing results from any digital photos. Creative showcase sections also highlight the best work from dynamic digital artists, with breakdowns to show the behind-the-scenes work. The book combines practical techniques with a more artistic approach to digital imaging, where it’s not just about fixing problems or creating realistic results, but about exercising the imagination and being more playful with your photography.

Not just another Photoshop manual, but an exciting exploration of artistic digital-imaging.

Each page packed with beautiful Images to tempt the eye and engage the mind.

A book for artists, photographers, and digital designers.

A breakthrough book for the art of digital imaging that crosses the line between art and digital design.

Clear tutorials cover every major technique used in the book. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

4-0 out of 5 stars Good book, Need exercise files.
This is a good book for opening your mind to the creative possibilities possible with digital photographs and Photoshop.The author showcases many different projects that employ many different techniques in Photoshop.While he does step you through each project, he does not hold your hand with each step, so I would not recommend this book for absolute beginners, but for those who know how to use layers, masks, etc.

I only wish that the image files used in each project were available for download so the reader could work through each project in the book.The book would be infinitely more useful if this were the case.

2-0 out of 5 stars Not the greatest Photoshop book available
Not for the beginner. Nice picts, but not much direction for the novice user. Needs more tutorial info.

3-0 out of 5 stars It is ok...
This is a decent book. If you are an advanced photoshop user, there are a couple of things that you will be able to pick up from. It also helps open your mind to possibilites of blending images together.

4-0 out of 5 stars To end a serie
Good lecture if you are at the end of a Photoshop tutorials.

4-0 out of 5 stars Great book for learning tricks in Photoshop
This book has a lot of good information.The pictures described in this book are fascinating and gets the creative juices flowing.This author is very thorough and meticulous about describing the techniques used in the images presented.Good for the ameture photoshop user because it is easy to understand. ... Read more

85. David Busch's Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D Guide to Digital SLR Photography
by David D. Busch
Paperback: 328 Pages (2008-06-25)
list price: US$29.99 -- used & new: US$16.98
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1598635786
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
As the new owner of a Digital Rebel XSi/450 you are serious about photography and want to take professional-looking photographs.You also want to quickly and easily discover how, when, and why to use the most important features of your cutting-edge camera."Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450 Guide to Digital SLR Photography" provides you with a concise guide to the essential functions and features of the Digital Rebel XSi/450, teaching you how to select the best autofocus mode, shutter speed, f/stop, or flash capability to take perfect pictures of any kind under any conditions.Brimming with full-color images and examples, this book will help photographers of any level enhance their digital photography skills and techniques.You will also learn how to edit and enhance your photographs, as well as troubleshooting tips to maintain the condition of your Digital Rebel XSi/450 and its accessories. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (18)

5-0 out of 5 stars David's Busch's Guide
Bought this book for a friend of mine that has this camera.Hope she likes it.

4-0 out of 5 stars This is what the manual should have been
Great book, definitely explains all the features of the camera as well as going into why you would use certain features of the camera, I am glad I purchased the book.

3-0 out of 5 stars Disappointed
I bought this book because I thought it would show me step by step, picture by picture on how to use the tools for Photoshop Elements 8.Although it somewhat explains it, it doesn't explain it in a way the first time user can fully comprehend.So this book is not really meant for dummies, but someone that has more knowledge in photoshop.My best bet will be to take a Photoshop Elements 8 class in order to fully appreciate all the tools it has to offer.

5-0 out of 5 stars Fantastic resource for new photographers
Jumping from a point & shoot camera (i.e. Nikon P80) to the Xsi/450D involves a fairly significant learning curve; and while some will rely on the manual provided by Canon I found ~ and continue to find ~ this book invaluable.

A must have for those new to a more complex and robust camera.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent, Informative.
I purchased the XSi camera 10 months ago.I bought this book from Amazon, as well as "CANON DSLR The Ultimate Photographer's Guide" (and a 3rd book that was a generic Canon EOS guide whose name I can't remember at the moment).

I do remember David Busch's book because I carry it around with me everywhere I take the camera.I don't use the camera enough to memorize all the different features and settings and I find Busch's Digital Rebel Guide perfectly handy to have on hand.

As far as learning how to operate the camera, this book is all that I need. ... Read more

86. Creative Composition: Digital Photography Tips & Techniques
by Harold Davis
Paperback: 240 Pages (2009-10-26)
list price: US$29.99 -- used & new: US$9.59
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0470527145
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Amazon.com Review
Product Description

Sometimes you get the best results by breaking the rules, but first you have to know what the rules are!In this indispensable photography guide, renowned photographer Harold Davis first walks you through the recommended guidelines for composing great shots with your DSLR camera-and then shows you how to break free, build your own unique style, and compose beautiful images with confidence.

  • Provides practical composition basics as well as the artistic tips and tricks eagerly sought by digital SLR camera lovers, who are growing in number as DSLR camera sales continue to grow
  • Explores the fundamental rules of composition-then how to break those rules to take captivating and unique images
  • Informs and inspires you with the author's own gorgeous examples of landscapes, portraits, close-ups, and other photos that illustrate his concepts
  • Helps you jump-start your creativity by showing you new ways to see

Go beyond the basics and create a photography style that's all your own with this must-have guide.

Amazon Exclusive: Photography Tips and Techniques from Harold Davis

How to Use Shadows to Enhance Your Composition

How to Use LAB Color for Black and White Effects

Professional Photography Techniques from Harold Davis

Amazon Exclusive: Interview with Award-Winning Photographer Harold Davis

We hear you’ve written some new digital photography titles. What’s the story behind these books?
Wiley Publishing is releasing three new books of mine, Creative Close-Ups: Digital Photography Tips & Techniques,Creative Night: Digital Photography Tips & Techniques, andCreative Composition: Digital Photography Tips & Techniques. My idea with these books was to help people become better photographers by presenting the subject of digital photography in a different way.

What’s different about your approach?
They say that cameras don’t take photos, people do. It’s really true. Someone with a great eye can take masterful photos with an inexpensive camera. Therefore, it is important to know something about photo technique, but the really amazing thing is that we can conceptualize and come up with these bits and bytes that make up a photo—and they can be meaningful to people. I try to help people come up with images that are relevant and meaningful. Cameras and hardware are just tools.

What’s with all the photos in these books?
Well, everyone likes to look at striking images, so one thing my photos do in these books is get people’s attention. However, the photos play another role as well. Each photo in my book is accompanied by the story of how the photo was made and the technical data related to the photo. That way, if you’re not ready to dive into the text itself, you can learn a lot just by browsing the photos.

My feeling is that you truly do learn about photography by looking at photos. It’s much more important to look at images you admire and try and figure out why you like them than it is to read about photography. The photos in these books are baked into the DNA of the teaching strategy. By browsing through the pages, someone can learn a great deal and have an enjoyable visual experience at the same time.

What’s the most important thing that readers can get out of your new books?
I want to inspire readers to be the most creative and best photographers they can be. If you pick up one of my books, I hope you can make use of the technical content and see how the photos relate to some of your own work. The most important thing, however, is to take the ideas in the book, get out there, and do some really peddle-to-the-metal creative photography.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (32)

4-0 out of 5 stars A Better Title Would Have Been "Creative Vision"
I jumped on this when I saw it come up for review, as I have been searching for the "final screw" of composition books to answer my remaining questions... one of those being, when you walk up to a scene, how do you know how much to include into the image and more specifically, where is it best to place objects within the frame for best impact and staying somewhat within the proper rules of design.

Unfortunately for ME, this book isn't that. However, knowing many of the elements of composition and all of the basics to start out with, such as Depth of Field and exposure and lens focal length and types of lighting and the mantra of line/form/shape/pattern/texture, I can honestly say that this book is one of the best for compiling all of that in one place. Therefore if you are starting the road of real photography and not just snapshooting, I HIGHLY recommend this book.

You do get one more thing besides the standard Composition instruction, and that is what my title refers to: the author goes very much into the vision of what you are trying to shoot and does a fairly good job IMO. He even goes a little out there to make you stretch your box of ideas, so really this is a book more geared to composition basics and then applying that to seeing or your vision for lack of a better term. I wish I had this book 10 years ago, it would have been a favorite.

4-0 out of 5 stars A good introduction to Composition for someone just learning the topic.
So I'm still a newbie when it comes to Composition but I seem to have figured out all the various features of my camera.This book looks to be a pretty good introduction to the topic.I doubt that it is something that would be a reference source on the topic, but it does allow a beginner to get some concepts to challenge them in their compositional exercises.I would recommend it as a beginner's idea book.

5-0 out of 5 stars Encyclopedia of composition
Creative Composition is a basic photography book by world renown photographer, Harold Davis. A lot of his work is on close-up/macro, still life and landscape. You will see many amazing photos of these types in this book. Fortunately, Harold also provide helpful caption and technical data of each photograph, so you can learn from it.

One third of the book discusses about the basic photography such as exposure, how to use lenses, bracketing, and so on. The other third discusses about vision and pre-visualizing. Then, the last part is many examples and discussion about of popular composition such as rule of thirds, golden ratio, line, pattern and so on.

This book is very suitable for beginners, but experienced photographer will also find this book helpful for inspiration and reference.

4-0 out of 5 stars Enjoyable book - one to consider & reflect on
Harold Davis tells us in this book that he's going to tell the reader the rules, and then tell us how to break them in order to create wonderfully composed images.

Davis gives us lots of his own images, along with details on how he achieved the composition & display found in the image, which is probably the most helpful part of the book.His narrative, of course, provides additional details that prove invaluable, but I found studying the photos provided the most value to me - as photographers (amateurs or professionals) we are looking to figure out how to take photos and make those images the best possible. Most subjects have been photographed innumerable times, and we just need to figure out how to compose the images to make them memorable or somehow distinct.

It is this idea of making them memorable that Davis really strives to achieve in his work, and he does a great job of helping us, as photographers, to come up with unusual images that tell a story - exactly what a photo should do!

I like the book a tremendous amount; he touches on any number of topics here (as a previous reviewer mentioned, there are over 50 different topics covered - that's probably the only weakness; the book tries to touch on too many things (i.e. macro photos, telephoto images, HDR, specialty topics such as spirals and patterns.It's almost a "jack of all trades, master of none" type book, but it's still very helpful and well worth reading.It will indeed convince you to think about how to compose that photo just a little bit better!

5-0 out of 5 stars Great book!!
I have enjoyed and been inspired by Harold Davis's books for years.Harold's books are focused on creativity, visualization and an attempt to inspire the photographer.He sometimes includes a small Lightroom and/or Photoshop tutorial in his books but his books are definitely "just another how-to Photoshop" book.Harold is focused on the art of making great photos and the craft behind creating memorial images in a clear manner.

If you are interested in bringing your art to the next level, Harold Davis' book is a great place to start.Harold clearly describes how to approach your subject creatively and describes the tools and skills necessary to fulfill your creative vision.I highly recommend Creative Composition. ... Read more

87. Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies
by Robert Correll
Paperback: 688 Pages (2010-11-16)
list price: US$39.99 -- used & new: US$26.39
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0470768789
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
A complete, full-color guide to all the elements of dSLR photography

If you have a digital SLR camera, you’ll find everything you need in this full-color reference to help you get the best results. Ten self-contained minibooks cover the basics of dSLR photography and address camera models from the five leading dSLR manufacturers. Topics include lenses, exposure, lighting, composition, processing and editing, a guide to manufacturers and systems, and a guide to camera settings, plus separate minibooks covering video and high dynamic range (HDR) photography.

  • This full-color volume covers all the key elements essential to good photography as well as the basics of camera bodies and lenses, dSLR workflow, and advice on the best camera settings to use for different situations
  • Covers lighting, composition, and exposure as well as macro and telephoto lenses
  • Features minibooks on video, HDR photography, processing and editing images, and a guide to leading camera manufacturers and systems

Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies replaces an entire shelf of digital photography books and helps you get the photos you dream of. ... Read more

88. Teaching and Learning With Digital Photography: Tips and Tools for Early Childhood Classrooms
by Linda Good
Paperback: 248 Pages (2008-07-30)
list price: US$30.95 -- used & new: US$22.71
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1412960762
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This all-in-one guide offers early childhood educators concrete examples for integrating digital photography into teaching and assessment and includes a CD-ROM with user-friendly forms and templates. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Shows teachers how to use digital photography to instruct young children
Linda Good's TEACHING AND LEARNING WITH DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY: TIPS AND TOOLS FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD CLASSROOMS shows teachers how to use digital photography to instruct young children. From using technology to enhance children's cognitive abilities to fostering belonging in young learners to encourage them to interact with their world, TEACHING AND LEARNING WITH DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY is a powerful hands-on tool covering software and hardware options and all kinds of education applications. Education libraries will find this excellent for administrator reference. ... Read more

89. The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers
by Scott Kelby
Paperback: 384 Pages (2003-03-15)
list price: US$39.99 -- used & new: US$12.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0735712360
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Finally, a Photoshop book that is written expressly for professional photographers and hi-end serious amateurs that doesn't talk about F-stops, exposures, and how to frame a shot (you know all that stuff already--if you don't¿I hate to say it, but this isn't for you).

This new book, from Photoshop User magazine editor and bestselling author Scott Kelby, starts at the moment your digital camera photos come into Photoshop, and he shows you the Photoshop pros techniques for managing, correcting, retouching and outputting your photos to knock your client's socks off, and turn you into a Photoshop production wizard. This book is absolutely ideal for traditional photographers who are making the jump to digital photography, and Scott's casual, step-by-step, plain-English style makes even the most complex Photoshop techniques seem so easy and accessible. It's the type of book that makes you smile and think "Ahhhh, so that's how they do it" and then immediately you realize "Hey, I can do this!"

The entire book is graphically rich, in full color cover-to-cover, and best of all it's packed with real-world project-based tutorials that will take you through the process of sizing your images with the proper resolution (and the secret to doing so without losing image quality), how to deal with High ISO noise, blue channel noise, and other common plagues introduced by digital cameras; you'll learn how the pros color correct their photos for output on everything from inkjet printers to printing presses, and the secrets to getting perfect fleshtones no matter where it¿s output. You'll learn the sharpening techniques today's top digital photographers use, and how the leading retoucher's perform "digital plastic surgery" in Photoshop, plus professional facial retouching techniques using Photoshop 7.0's amazing new tools.

Plus, you'll also learn how to manage your photos, "digital dodging and burning" tricks, dealing with common problems, making client presentations within Photoshop and on the Web, and the inside tips on how to work faster and more efficiently than you ever thought possible. If you're serious about digital photography and Photoshop, this is book you've been waiting for.

Amazon.com Review
Some people make their living with a camera, and for these people the maturation of digital photo technology means a significant shift in their trade. The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers is for people who are already adept with a camera, and pretty much up to speed on the peculiarities of digital photography, too. The book teaches these people how to use Adobe Photoshop, the standard photo-editing software package. More accurately, the book explains how to use Photoshop for the kinds of work professional photographers do.

Case in point: The removal from photographs of what are politely called skin blemishes. Author Scott Kelby (the editor of Photoshop User offers two strategies: One you can use to remove all traces of a mark but which requires a fair amount of time, and another procedure that delivers "pretty good" results and which can be done on many pictures (such as a set of class portraits) rapidly. Kelby teaches by means of heavily illustrated procedures, each between five and 20 steps long and spanning several pages. A good way to use this book is by scanning the table of contents for a procedure that interests you (say, "Fixing Underexposed Photos," or "Pro Wrinkle Removal"). This will enable you to spot Photoshop techniques you hadn't considered. --David Wall

Topics covered: How to use Adobe Photoshop if, for you, the program is one tool out of many in a photographic kit. Tricks teach you how to recolor hair, whiten teeth and eyes, modify unflattering body contours, dodge and burn, apply filters for effect, assemble panoramas, and do a score of other slick photo jobs. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (95)

3-0 out of 5 stars Old copyright date
I thought I was getting a new copyright so with technology like it is a lot of the book is out of date.That was probably my fault for just reading the condition of the book.The book was in perfect condition although it did take a long time to arrive.

4-0 out of 5 stars A Helping Hand
This is a handy guide to help you weave through the steep learning curve of Photoshop and it's techniques.If you do not have the luxury of the latest version of Photoshop Elements this is recommended reading. Newbie digital photographers who have previously invested in Photoshop hoping to achieve great results in photography can now do so following many easy
steps that are laid out in various sections of the book. Complicated procedures simplified.What more could you ask for? It is recommended reading.

5-0 out of 5 stars The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers
I purchased this book because it had been recommended to me by a Graphic Artist.It is easy to follow and as I am only an amateur digital photographer and learning graphic design, I found this book fun to do the digital photographic tricks and touch-ups.Far less drab than the "teaching books".Scott Kelby knows well what he writes about.Just a footnote:I ordered the later version of this book as well and it is equally good and with quite a few differences in content.I would recommend this book to those wishing to learn more about Photoshop.

5-0 out of 5 stars Another great book.
Scott does a terrific job explaining to those of us who have not had formal training or schooling in photography.I just love to take pictues and get really excited when I can now "fix" problems I didn't see when I took the picture.Please keep these type of books coming!

5-0 out of 5 stars Just like magic
Reading this book is like having a magician take you back stage and showing you how all the tricks work.

I'm an advanced beginner, thoroughly enjoying photography again. I used to do my own B/W developing and darkroom work but had to give it up. Now I have a digital camera and digital darkroom, and a great way to [re-]learn and update my skills. This book explains things in exact terms "use these settings" to accomplish task A rather than "this is what the xxx menu item does" followed by "this is what the yyy item does" etc.

It was perfect for me, thanks.

This book is an excellent product that meets its goals and audience needs perfectly. ... Read more

90. Rick Sammon's Complete Guide to Digital Photography 2.0: Taking, Making, Editing, Storing, Printing, and Sharing Better Digital Images Featuring Adobe Photoshop® Elements®
by Rick Sammon
Paperback: 496 Pages (2007-01-17)
list price: US$39.95 -- used & new: US$22.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0393329143
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
“Clear, concise, lively, well-organized and opinionated.”—Popular Photography and ImagingIn this thorough revision of his best-selling guide, Rick Sammon covers all the steps in the digital photographic process. The book teaches basic technical picture taking and the art of photography, plus introductory and advanced digital techniques.

Orchestrating over 1,000 images into easy-to-read lessons, Sammon uses an approach of "learning to see and seeing to learn" with pairs of images, software screen shots, and the best photographs from his own shooting assignments.

New for this edition, all the image editing tips feature the popular Adobe Photoshop® Elements®; file format discussions now include working with Camera RAW files; and more than 170 new color images have been added. 1000 color photographs ... Read more

Customer Reviews (21)

I got into digital photography 6 years ago, when I purchased my first digital camera. I learned a great deal through trial and error, but many times I was disappointed in the results. This is a great guide for anyone who is interested in taking digital photos, no matter what make camera you own. The photos in the book (of which there are many) are well explained by the author as to how he took them and how you can accomplish the same results. It is truly a great learning book for digital photographers. If you want to improve your digital photo taking, I recommend its purchase.

3-0 out of 5 stars Perhaps for Beginners
I may be judging this book a bit harshly by giving it only 3 stars.

The reason I say that is because I feel that it covers a lot of ground but never seems to go beyond the basics. Whether or not this is a good thing you will have to judge for yourself.

Given that I've been involved in photography for over 40 years, I probably should never have purchased the book. However, I would certainly recommend it to someone with very little experience who is interested in learning more.

I've read a lot of Rick Sammon's articles over the years and he is one of the most enthusiastic proponents of digital photography that you will ever come across.

Just be forewarned. If you are an experienced photographer with no need to review the basics, this book is not for you. However, if you are new to digital photography and want to improve your skills, this would be a very good source of knowledge and inspiration.

5-0 out of 5 stars Best digital photography basics book yet
Rick Sammon is by far a great teacher, as earned by reading this book.It is an outstanding basics book on digital photography.Although he mentions other cameras and editing software, his emphasis is on Canon cameras and Photoshop....Which by the way was exactly what I was looking for.It is a down-to-earth easy-to-read book that you too will enjoy!And it starts to dive in a few advanced techniques... Also adds some depth on low budget alternatives to the expensive professional equipment out there.

5-0 out of 5 stars Comprehensive and entertaining photography guide
I purchasd this book to enhance my knowledge about digital photography. While I have a very good eye for composition and have taken many stunning photos over many years, I use "intuitive" knowledge to create my settings in the camera. I purchased this book to tweak my photos and gain a better understanding of the basics to make my photos at least a few steps better. It is easy to read, has good photo illustrations and is not too cumbersome or overly technical. I purchased it based on Amazon's reviews and am satisfied with my purchase. I currently own a Nikon D300 and just purchased a Canon G10 on Amazon yesterday as a "small" travel camera.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Photo Book
I'm about halfway through the book and so far it is just as enlightening as his book on nature Photography! ... Read more

91. Digital Wedding Photography Secrets
by Rick Sammon
Paperback: 240 Pages (2009-03-30)
list price: US$29.99 -- used & new: US$9.07
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0470481099
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Create photos as unforgettable as their day

Wedding photography is a multibillion-dollar business—and it's fun. Rick Sammon, one of Canon's venerable Explorers of Light, has collected more than 200 expert tips and tricks to help you create images as memorable as the wedding itself. Follow them, and you'll become the photographer the bride recommends to all her friends.

Discover tips such as . . .

  • Know your gear inside and out; this isn't the time to test your equipment
  • Know the bride, so you can capture her personality as well as the shots she wants

  • Know the location: scout out the wedding site in advance, look for creative angles, and take test shots

  • Know the players—how many people will be in group shots and the most interesting places to pose them

  • Know Photoshop; it can save less-than-perfect shots and make the best ones better

... Read more

Customer Reviews (11)

3-0 out of 5 stars Good book, but could have been better
It is a great book with lots of useful tips, however, I wish all the pics came with shutter speed, F-stop, ISO information.

4-0 out of 5 stars Wedding photography secrets
This book was just what I was looking for!My stepson asked me to be be their wedding photographer and although I've taken lots of photos that people seem to love for the last 20+ years, being the one and only photographer for a wedding was new for me.I wasn't looking for technical information so much as ideas for poses, dos and don'ts, and other advice from experts.This book covered it all -- even to ideas for using Photoshop after the photos have been taken.I got some great ideas for photos from this book.

If you are looking for a very technical book for in-depth photography, this book probably wouldn't be ideal for you, though it does cover the basics.

1-0 out of 5 stars Worst ever
If you are an avid reader on photography books, you've got to read this book -- hopefully either in the bookstore or library.Personally I've read over a hundred books, and this is definitely one of the worst ever!

Most bad books are bad for good reasons -- coverage is too shallow, author's over his/her expertise, incorrect information, etc.This book goes further to contain no real useful information, awful photos, and is put together for the obvious reason of making quick money.

There's no secret in the book, period.If you are any good in photography, you don't need to waste your time on this book.If you are just starting, this book is an even more than just a waste of time.It will be a shame that anyone will regard any of the photo in this book as "professional".

Get Capture by the Light by David Ziser.He really pours his heart out in his book.

1-0 out of 5 stars big disappointment
This book is written by an author that lacks experience of his subject, Wedding Photography. He uses pictures downloaded from [...] to make his point. The book feels like a (too) fast job. I collect photography books and this is my biggest disappointment so far. I feel the author is not serious.

4-0 out of 5 stars A bit misleading, but still a good book
I bought this book thinking it was written by an experienced wedding photographer, but I quickly learned after reading a little bit that he illustrated his points by using stock photography for many of the wedding images.I was glad to discover that there were tips by real wedding photographers in the book along with examples and website links to see more of their work.There is some solid information about how to take better images and I liked the examples that were used.But like I said, a lot of the wedding photography used as examples were not taken by the author of the book. ... Read more

92. Profitable Photography in Digital Age: Strategies for Success
by Dan Heller
Paperback: 256 Pages (2005-06-01)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$7.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1581154127
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The rapid evolution of digital photography and the ease of distribution over the Internet has transformed the photo industry. Everything from marketing and sales to competitive pricing and job security has been affected. And now that the flood gates have come down, everyone from semi-pros to amateurs to the common consumer affects how business is done, whether it's pricing, assignments, or just getting your photos seen by potential buyers. In a marketonce dominated by agencies and seasoned professionals, succeeding in today's industry demands a fresh new approach.For those who are just starting out or those who are established photographers trying to compete more effectively in a changing market, Dan Heller’s book Profitable Photography in the Digital Age provides a new and progressive approach to understanding and succeeding in the photography business in today’s market. It will help established photographers find new strategies for diversifying revenue streams and adding nontraditional sources of income. For serious amateurs, this book explores realistic perspectives on what to expect and how to gauge their aptitudes for making it in this highly competitive arena.Profitable Photography in the Digital Age shows how photography is more accessible than ever to the average person, even though making money with photography can be more challenging.It also offers new ways of teaching (and learning) the basics of the photo industry apart from just making an impressive portfolio or reaching the right art director. It outlines some of the available paths to success, examines the methods available and provides the analysis on which methods achieve the desired results. While there is heavy competition, many new opportunities have opened up and more buyers are entering the field. "The digital era isn't just about making great websites or being great at photoshop," says Heller. "One must be able to work within that and many other mediums to broaden one’s reach and market segments. What’s more," he says, "the buyer’s perception of images and the culture of the business has also taken an abrupt turn that isn't as accommodating to the traditional models as it once was."By following Heller’s strategies and integrating the concepts presented in Profitable Photography in the Digital Age, anyone who wants to have a career in the photo industry will have the tools he or she needs to succeed. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (7)

3-0 out of 5 stars Bottom-feeding is not the way to go
I wanted to rate this book more highly. I really did. It does have a great deal of hard-headed insight and advice and things that all aspiring photographers really need to think about.

However, I cannot lightly set aside Mr. Heller's antipathy towards 'photographer solidarity'. Specifically, he spends a fair amount of time criticizing the notion that photographers should uphold certain policies and pricing. I do not know for sure, but I would guess that Mr. Heller has a rather dim view of union organizing as well.

What Mr. Heller advocates, then, is a 'race to the bottom' where each photographer undercuts his competitors. Well, we all know where the 'race to the bottom' ends up. This may temporarily benefit you personally, but in the long run it does tremendous damage to all photographers (definitely including one's self) in a business where already anybody who can afford a digital camera can call themselves a photographer, and where many clients tend to think we should be happy getting paid ANYTHING AT ALL since we are being paid to 'play with cameras' for a living.

What's more, in the long run one does one's self more harm than good by taking on 'grinder' clients - clients who are never satisfied unless they grind your profit margins to nothing. In addition... clients who grind your price down will also try to grind as much work out of you as possible, so that you end up working for less than minimum wage... sometimes far, far less.

If one is to succeed in this business - as in any business - one must spend time learning how to talk beyond price and how to counter typical 'grinder' negotiating strategies such as, "I can get my cousin to do this for $20! He has a Canon Rebel with 10 megapixels!" or, "do this job for $X - I'll have a lot more work after that!" These are clients to WALK AWAY FROM, not ones to appease by working for whatever breadcrumbs they deign to throw your way.

5-0 out of 5 stars A good dose of reality
The best book on the Photography business to date.It may be hard for some to swallow, but sometimes when you are forced to look in the mirror and evaluate the decisions you have made in your life and career, it's easy to criticize the one forcing you to do so.Dan has written a book that should be a classic for anyone even thinking about making money from photography at any level, be it just an amateur wanting to make a few bucks to support his equipment habit, or the serious photography looking to make a true career in the business.A must read for the new and the seasoned.

3-0 out of 5 stars Profitable Photography is tough to get through
While this book was intended to be directed to photographers, I feel it is firstly just another sales book. The jargon and hairsplitting discussion on career direction and the importance of branding your product had a few nuggets of helpful information, nonetheless finding a way to apply it to my needs was a stretch.

1-0 out of 5 stars Yet another chatty "how to" book
I wanted to love this book.I was impressed by Mr Heller's web site and his straight forward talk there, I thought the book would be a continuation from his web sit.Well, he talks a lot, almost chatter, and yes it makes sense but it's mostly plain old common sense (which there is a shortage of I'll agree). If you're just starting or thinking of starting in photography this book might seem great, again, it's mostly common sense, but if you're looking to expand your current photo business you might find it less than helpful.

I feel a better photography business book is Cliff Hollenbeck's "big bucks selling your photography".A rather tacky title but the author really lays out the truth about the photography business.

5-0 out of 5 stars Just the Facts.
It's what you need to know. The good, the bad, and the ugly truths about the photography business. If you only want to buy one book on this topic, this is it. ... Read more

93. Mastering Digital Photography, Second Edition
by David D. Busch
Paperback: 350 Pages (2005-09-06)
list price: US$39.99 -- used & new: US$3.97
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1598630172
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Get ready to go from digital picture taker to digital photographer! "Mastering Digital Photography, Second Edition" shows you how to take your digital photography to the next level using the simple tools and techniques that separate the amateurs from the pros. Achieve pixel proficiency as you learn what your digital camera's controls mean to your photographs as well as the creative techniques that allow you to capture the ideal image digitally. Discover both the technical side of digital photography - why so many options, features, and formats exist and how to use them to improve your pictures - as well as the professional techniques that anyone can use to take better action photos, portraits, scenic shots, close-ups, and more. "Mastering Digital Photography, Second Edition" gives you everything you need to take professional-quality photographs with your digital camera. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (20)

5-0 out of 5 stars Lots if insights into digital photography
Loved the boiok. Provided lots of in-depth insights into digital photography. Perfect book for a beginner and a point-and-shoot camera person endeavouring into semi-manual digital cameras.

3-0 out of 5 stars good shipping tim
ordered it two weeks before school started and got it in time to start class.

1-0 out of 5 stars Non-review
This actually was the wrong book, it has been sent back and the correct book has been received. Since I didn't read the book I can't rate it.

4-0 out of 5 stars Digital Photography Book Review
I think this book is a good choice for beginners of digital photography.

5-0 out of 5 stars GREAT BOOK!!!!
Learned more from this book than NYI photography lessons wonderful job.....I have purchased more from this author and they are as good as this one! ... Read more

94. Camera: A History of Photography from Daguerreotype to Digital
by Todd Gustavson, George Eastman House
Hardcover: 368 Pages (2009-10-06)
list price: US$45.00 -- used & new: US$24.03
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1402756569
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Cameras, and what they capture, forever changed our perception of the world, and of ourselves. Few inventions have had the impact of this ingenious, elegant, and deceptively simple device.

This gorgeous cornerstone volume, created in collaboration with the world-famous George Eastman House, celebrates the camera and the art of the photograph. It spans almost two hundred years of progress, from the first faint image ever caught to the instantaneous pictures snapped by today’s state-of-the-art digital equipment.

The informative narrative by Todd Gustavson traces the camera’s development, the lives of its brilliant but often eccentric inventors, and the artists behind the lens. Images and highly descriptive captions for more than 350 cameras from the George Eastman House Collection, plus more than 100 historic photos, ads, and drawings, complement the text.

A foreword by the George Eastman House Director Anthony Bannon, and insightful essays by Steve Sasson, inventor of the digital camera, and Alexis Gerard, visionary founder and president of Future Image Inc., completes this illuminating study of one of the greatest modern technological achievements.


... Read more

Customer Reviews (11)

5-0 out of 5 stars Nice Camera Book
This book is an awesome history of the device we refer to as a "The Camera," from the primitive 19th century boxes to modern digital forms, a great pictoral history of an evolution.

5-0 out of 5 stars The camera's history, finally!
Finally we have a book that explores the history of the equipment that makes the photograph possible rather than a history through photographs! Many books calling themselves histories of photography look only at the photographs via people such as Brady and Adams. While the photograph is obviously the ultimate goal of any photographer many have an acute interest in the equipment and science behind it.Many, such as myself, even collect old photo equipment. Whether professional or amateur, if you are fascinated by cameras and other photographica, you need this book! Beautifully illustrated and well written, its scope superbly covers a much neglected subject.

4-0 out of 5 stars Lots of info
Got this book based on others reviews for a friend that is a photographer. Although I only flipped through at it very brieflybefore I gave it as a gift, it looked like a very well done and thorough book. My friend seems to really enjoy the book, and has commented to me many times about the amount of information in the book. I think it was a good purchase for anyone really interested in the history of photography.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Product!Excellent Service!
The book I purchased was in great shape and condition when I received it.It also arrived very quickly, thanks for the wonderful service!

5-0 out of 5 stars A robust take on photo tech
I bought this book as a gift.I read and digested it cover to cover before I wrapped it.I plan to buy copy for myself sooner of later.

It thoroughly covers a subject that many photo history texts relegate to tiny captions.There are many great books on the history of photography and I would rank this one up there with the best.There are so many cameras in this book, so many I have never seen.From camera obscuras to the digital age.Every process is detailed and the tech that went with it.It is a photo geeks paradise to peruse the pages.As a avid photo artist, I really enjoyed this book and plan to use it as a teaching text. ... Read more

95. The Magic of Digital Close-Up Photography (A Lark Photography Book)
by Joseph R. Meehan
Paperback: 192 Pages (2006-05-28)
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$6.56
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1579906524
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Explains every aspect of close-up digital photography, with information on cameras, accessories, lighting, tactical approaches for different subjects and ideas for computer image enhancement. This work includes explanations and a full-colour format. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (11)

4-0 out of 5 stars The magic of digital close-up photography
This book was a bit harder to follow, but the results are worth the work.Good book to buy.

4-0 out of 5 stars Worth the Price
A beautiful and inspiring book.As a retired microscopist I am glad to find this book that not only describes useful equipment and photographs that illustrates the effects of using the equipment. The results are inspiring. Going from photomicrograph's to photomacrographs is a great adventure.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great reference
This is a really good book for both new photographers and those of us moving from 35mm to digital photography.

2-0 out of 5 stars A bit too basic
I bought this book based on the fact that it was advertising techniques for the enthusiast to advanced users. What I got was a book that gave a fairly basic, broad overview with very little to offer me. I read through the book in only a couple of hours, with nothing grabbing me to go "Wow! I had never thought of that before!" Yes, there is a couple of unusual things in there, with close-up image capture utilising scanners and close-up stands, but the vast majority of people would never use that. A disappointing purchase.

3-0 out of 5 stars Not exactly what I expected
I ordered this book along with "Closeup Shooting" expecting to learn some techniques for macro photography with digital and film SLRs.I got a lot out of "Closeup Shooting" - but this one not so much. (Sorry, it's hard for me not to compare the two.)

This one is much more shallow in the areas I'm interested in than what I expected.A key reason for this is that so many of this book's 192 pages cover topics that I didn't expect given its title.For example, over 40 pages are devoted to creating images with scanners.The entire last chapter describes how to use copy stands.And as another reviewer pointed out, there are no exposure details provided with the example photos in the book.For me looking for tips on taking my cameras out into the world to make nice images these were all disappointments.

But it's not all bad.I did learn a few things from this book.The information on lighting, in particular, I found to be pretty good.

I'll keep this book, but if I had found it in a bookstore I never would have bought it.I blame Amazon as much as the author/publisher since there is no good description provided.Chalk it up to the perils of online shopping.I am very happy with "Closeup Shooting" though. ... Read more

96. Digital Photography Boot Camp: A Step-by-Step Guide for Professional Wedding and Portrait Photographers
by Kevin Kubota
Paperback: 128 Pages (2008-12-01)
list price: US$34.95 -- used & new: US$20.84
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1584282436
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Designed to give professional photographers of all skill levels a complete look at the working digital studio, this reference goes from start to finish—from setting up the camera and capturing the best possible images to organizing, enhancing, and printing the completed photos. Written by an experienced, successful professional photographer and lecturer, this newly revised guide takes a lighthearted approach to complete foundation information, as well as advanced tips and tricks for those ready to push their digital imaging to the next level. Intensive chapters cover Photoshop essentials for retouching or adding artistic effects, managing workflow and clients, and the many finishing options in the digital medium, including slide shows, DVDs, and magazine-style albums and collages. With a clear and upbeat approach, this reference provides quality technical information, while inspiring photographers to look closely at their work to see where a little finesse could elevate their businesses.
... Read more

Customer Reviews (10)

5-0 out of 5 stars Kevin IS a FIVE-STAR in himself
I'm a professional wedding photographer based in Nice, France. I bought his book after having used Kevin's filters and tools hundreds of times. This book is thin, but it's worth its weight in gold, at least for me. Kevin's like his filters: straight to the point. Not much chit-chat like some well-known best sellers writers. Each chapter brings you a leap forward; each paragraph gives you the magic boots that fly.
If you read through the index you may claim that an experienced photographer should know everything written there and more. But, hey, sometimes a small thing makes a great difference, and this book has taught me many little things.....
Thanks, Kevin, from my heart. Max

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book
I really recomend this book to any wedding photographer.It is worth every penny.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great workflow book!
If you are just starting out or even if you have an established photography business - this book will help you set up a great workflow system!

5-0 out of 5 stars Great book
This is a great book focused on workflow and Lightroom and Photoshop alterations. I don't have Lightroom, but the Photoshop actions that Kevin goes through are nothing short of excellent! This is a great book and I would HIGHLY recommend it to any wedding photographer!

5-0 out of 5 stars Good book on digital workflow
Let me first say really don't prejudge.I have to admit I had avoided reading Kevin's book in the past thinking it was like some other techno talk without substance.I WAS WRONG.This is a great book, and it is great for those just starting out or to go back over to make sure you know and understand the WHY behind the digital work flow. Here is the great part, if you have to explain digital to someone and they are not getting it.Just have them get this book and take a evening and start reading it.
His Raw vs Jpeg section, or what is monitor calibration. I wish I could get him to take a couple of paragraphs and them as excerpts (like from a novel) for others to read to get them on the right digital road.I am Kubota. ... Read more

97. Understanding Close-up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with or without a Macro Lens
by Bryan Peterson
Paperback: 160 Pages (2009-03-31)
list price: US$25.95 -- used & new: US$15.89
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0817427198
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

In Understanding Close-up Photography Bryan Peterson turns his attention to a topic that is an ongoing favorite with photographers. But where most macro photography books focus on capuring subjects in nature, Peterson promises to go beyond, teaching you to photograph a range of subjects from animals and plants from the garden, beach, or mountains to objects found in the kitchen, supermarket, even the junkyard. In addition to information on equipment, exposure, light, and composition, his book will feature elements of technique that go beyond the norm, teaching you to shoot not just what is generally considered close-up, but to go even closer to the point of abstraction. He will also show you how to produce the intimacy of a close-up within a larger shot--how to capture the look in your subject's eyes without compromising the clarity of the surrounding scene. And as always, Peterson offers his signature touch with his personal terminology: in what he likes to call "Pop Junk" he shows how combining creativity with the right digital technology can turn close-up photos of the most ordinary objects into surprising pieces of art.
... Read more

Customer Reviews (31)

5-0 out of 5 stars Great for a newbie
I am not a professional by any means and this book really broke everything down for me.I loved the equipment suggestions.Now I just have to find those extensions!!

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book for Macro Lovers
Beautiful book with great info on each photo.Learned even more about closeups and macros and some equipment. Thanks.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Book for new (or advanced) macro shooters
I have one HUGE complaint about this book, while reading it I spent about $500 buying every item the author presents.After reading about the Canon 500D filter, I had to have it.Why?Because the Peterson gave such compelling information with the pictures to back up his advice.Same thing for the extension tubes, and the reversing ring, and the macro flash.I'm sure I'm missing something, but you get the point.The only thing that I think he didn't mention (or maybe I missed) is the need for a focusing rail.The most amazing thing is that he gives the information and provides AMAZING photos as examples, and then if you follow his advice you can take exactly the same quality of photo.I take issue with another reviewer on here that says the instruction found in this book is limited.Peterson provides great information with brand recommendations, tips on using the equipment, and great examples of his work using the equipment (and techniques).The only way he could provide better instruction is by coming to your house and setting up your gear.If you've read Peterson before, you know that he's the real deal.

5-0 out of 5 stars Layman's guide to Close-up Photography
Picture worth a thousand words.Bryan Peterson explains everything so well. Yes, some of his points are repeated in his other books.But repetition and association makes understanding his points easier to digest.

4-0 out of 5 stars Bryan's got a lot to say...
...and I mean a lot. He's quick to give helpful hints and tips with clear vivid analogies...but don't go and buy the book just yet. Those of you who are professionals or experienced amateurs will find this book lacking in very advanced techniques. It explains middle range basics (It won't tell you how to turn on the camera) on Close up photography. Don't be surprised if at times you find the author almost appear to be bragging about his life and supposed success. However, it is still a good book for people that have little to no experience in taking their camera out of auto mode and getting better exposures. It's not the best but definitely really good. I think instead of writing separate books the author could have composed the whole series into one book because reading all his books you will often find yourself re-reading information from book to book. Instead of buying this buy his Understanding Exposure and pick this up from the library. ... Read more

98. Exposure Digital Field Guide
by Alan Hess
Paperback: 288 Pages (2009-11-02)
list price: US$19.99 -- used & new: US$8.63
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0470534907
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Secrets of exposure revealed, with a bonus color checker card included

Exposure is the number one topic that digital photographers want to know about. This full-color book fits in your camera bag and provides all the information you need on this very important aspect of digital photography.

Exposure involves combining ISO, aperture, and shutter speed in different variations to accomplish your vision of the perfect image. Exposure Digital Field Guide takes you through the complex techniques of good exposure, taking you from hobbyist to serious amateur photographer.

  • Explains how to adjust shutter speed and aperture to control the amount of light hitting the camera's light sensor
  • Teaches you how to "see the light" for the perfect exposure
  • Helps you gain confidence as you move from automatic controls into manipulating the elements of exposure for specific results
  • Packed with stunning full-color photographs to illustrate what you can achieve
  • Provides suggested settings for various shooting situations and subjects
  • Includes a tear-out color checker card to help you maintain true color
  • Fits in your camera bag for ready reference in the field

Exposure Digital Field Guide helps you master one of the most complex and intricate elements of digital photography.Amazon.com Review

Exposure is the number one topic that digital photographers want to know about. This full-color book fits in your camera bag and provides all the information you need on this very important aspect of digital photography.

Exposure involves combining ISO, aperture, and shutter speed in different variations to accomplish your vision of the perfect image. Exposure Digital Field Guide takes you through the complex techniques of good exposure, taking you from hobbyist to serious amateur photographer.

  • Explains how to adjust shutter speed and aperture to control the amount of light hitting the camera's light sensor
  • Teaches you how to "see the light" for the perfect exposure
  • Helps you gain confidence as you move from automatic controls into manipulating the elements of exposure for specific results
  • Packed with stunning full-color photographs to illustrate what you can achieve
  • Provides suggested settings for various shooting situations and subjects
  • Includes a tear-out color checker card to help you maintain true color
  • Fits in your camera bag for ready reference in the field

Exposure Digital Field Guide helps you master one of the most complex and intricate elements of digital photography.

Aperture and Shutter Speed Techniques
Shutter Speed:
This fighter jet was frozen in mid flight using a shutter speed of 1/2000 of a second. Even with plenty of light, I needed to boost the ISO to 640 to get the shutter speed necessary. At times you want to make sure that that you capture the action, now, granted, this is an extreme example, but the concept is the same. To catch a fast moving subject you need to use a high shutter speed and to get the correct exposure that means using the widest aperture possible and increasing the ISO if needed. Since I didn’t want a photo of a blurry fighter jet flying overhead, I used a shutter speed high enough to capture the action.

(Click on image to enlarge)

Blur the Background:
This was shot during the morning in a playground at a local park. I wanted to make the little girl stand out from the surroundings so I used an aperture that would effectively blur the background and keep the subject in sharp focus. Since the photograph was taken in the morning there was plenty of bright light. To get the shallow depth of field I used an aperture of f/5, which lets in a lot of light, so I needed to use a low ISO of 200 and a very fast shutter speed, 1/1000 of a second to make sure I got the correct exposure. Since I knew that I wanted to blur the background, I set the camera on Aperture Priority mode and set the aperture, letting the camera set the shutter speed.

(Click on image to enlarge)

Blur the Foreground:
This is one of my favorite tricks when shooting in zoos or through any type of barrier. Instead of using the aperture to blur the background, I use it to blur the items in the extreme foreground. This leopard was safely behind a chain link fence at the local zoo, but because the leopard was towards the back of the enclosure I was able to use a shallow depth of field to make the fence disappear. I shot this at 1/320 of a second using f/2.8 and ISO 200. Because I used a wide aperture, I also needed to use a high shutter speed to get the correct exposure. This worked out really well because the 1/320 of a second shutter speed kept the big cat frozen while the wide f/2.8 aperture blurred the fence.

(Click on image to enlarge)

Top Ten Exposure Tips

1. Pick the right shutter speed for the situation. One of the most common exposure problems that beginner photographers experience is blurry photographs. The cause of a blurry photo is very simple; the shutter is left open too long and either the camera moves or the subject moves. Experiment to discover the merits of different shutter speeds.

2. Pick the right aperture for the situation. The aperture is the opening in the lens that lets light through to the sensor in the camera. The aperture also controls the depth of field in the image and controls what will be in focus and what will be blurred. The larger the aperture the shallower the depth of field.

3. Pick the right exposure mode for the situation. Two key components of exposure are shutter speed and aperture.By using the correct exposure mode, you choose to determine either one or both of these settings yourself, or to let your camera adjust them for you.If you use shutter speed priority mode your camera will allow you to pick the shutter speed and it will use the built in light meter to determine the proper exposure.If you use the aperture priority mode, you pick the aperture and the camera sets the shutter speed.Aperture priority mode is the correct choice when depth of field is the most important factor in your image. Of course you can always use the automatic mode, which lets the camera choose shutter speed and aperture or you can use the manual mode that lets you pick both yourself.

4. Pick the right metering mode for the situation. Your camera has a built in light meter that it uses to determine what the correct exposure for the scene should be. The light meter has a variety of settings that can help you find the best exposure. Use the full metering in situations where the whole scene is important, and use the spot metering or center weighted metering when you want to only take a small part of the scene in to consideration.

5. When in doubt, bracket your exposures. Many cameras have an automatic bracketing setting which allows you to purposely take a series of photos that purposely underexpose then correctly expose then overexpose the scene. This gives you a much better chance of getting a good exposure and is also the method used for HDR photography.

6. Use a tripod. One of the best accessories you can have is a good tripod. This will allow you to use a longer shutter speed and still be able to keep the camera steady.

7. Use the ISO. Your camera has the ability to mimic the film speeds of the old film cameras. Changing the ISO will increase the signal from the sensor, which allows the sensor to gather more information and work in lower light. When you need to use a higher shutter speed or a smaller aperture, you can increase the ISO so that you still get a proper exposure. The down side to this is that digital noise can be introduced into your image.

8. Experiment. Go out there and experiment. With digital photography you can get instant feedback by looking at the screen on the back of the camera. If you think it would be fun to use a very slow shutter speed, go ahead and give it a shot. Remember, that these are your images and you can do it the way you want to.

9. Understand the histogram. The histogram display on your camera can give you a lot of information if you read it right. A histogram simply shows you where the tones in your image fall. The higher the peak on the right side of the histogram, the more light tones appear in your image.And the more info on the left side of the histogram, the more dark tones appear in your image. Match the histogram to what you see to make sure the camera is recording the scene to your preferences.

10. Check the highlight warning. Most cameras have a highlight warning display that will blink the areas that are overexposed and have no detail. These are really important to look for since they show which parts of your image will be pure white. There is very little that should be pure white in an image except for an actual light source that is so bright there is no detail, other than that, you want to avoid those blinkies by using a smaller aperture or higher shutter speed.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (25)

5-0 out of 5 stars Just what the Dr. ordered
I bought this book for my wife who is an avid amateur photographer.This is the second book that I have bought for her by this author.She liked the first one so well that I went for it right away.
She has learned a lot to fuel her interest in photography.I highly recommend it.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Book!
The author explains difficult concepts in a clear, concise way.I had some knowledge of ISO, shutter priority, aperture priority before ordering this book, gleaned from the web.Reading the book though has pulled it all together, so many AHA moments! I will definitely keep it in my camera bag, I know I will always find the information to be very useful.

5-0 out of 5 stars Finally, I get it!
Exposure is scary for me, I always feel like I don't know what I'm doing. This book has been an immense help. Comprehensive, yet easy to understand. It's amazing Mr. Hess packed so much good information into a relatively-short book. Highly recommended, it's like taking a master class without leaving home.

4-0 out of 5 stars useful little book
This book covers the basics of all you need to know re exposures etc. Fantastic for the new photographer. I was reading Ross Hoddinott's Digital exposure Handbook at the same time and found that Ross's book was a tad better, going more in depth into areas that this book only just touched on

2-0 out of 5 stars Lots of detailed information + Easy to understand explanation + All the photos in this book look very over-exposed

- Lots of detailed information to show the readers how to take the pictures with the same results as the author did. For example, below each photo, the author gives information on the lens, ISO, the aperture.

- Easy to understand explanation. The author explain all the basic terms in plain English which makes it very easy to understand for a beginner like me. For example, he wrote "The aperture is the opening in the lens that lets light through to the sensor in the camera.".


- All the photos in this book look very over-exposed. As a result, the colors do not look vividly. Lots of details look faded. This makes me wonder if I should follow his advices. ... Read more

99. Photographing Arts, Crafts & Collectibles: Take Great Digital Photos for Portfolios, Documentation, or Selling on the Web (A Lark Photography Book)
by Steve Meltzer
Paperback: 160 Pages (2007-06-01)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$11.90
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 157990906X
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

A classic reference enters the digital age! The long anticipated update of Steve Meltzer’s Photographing Your Craftwork is here—and finally artists have a guide that helps them produce high quality images of their work. Cutting through the jargon and hype around digital photography, Meltzer explains in plain language how digital cameras operate, and explores specific techniques for lighting and photographing jewelry, pottery, glass, installed art, stamps, coins, dolls, and other collectibles. Because a great portfolio and smart use of the internet are so important for professional success, there’s also advice on using such photo editing programs as Adobe™ Photoshop® and CorelPHOTO-PAINT Pro® to turn images into great photographic prints, exciting websites, eye-catching marketing materials, and submissions for exhibition jurying.
A Selection of the Crafter's Choice Book Club.
... Read more

Customer Reviews (21)

2-0 out of 5 stars Lacks Teeth
While I think the book had some good general examples and images and the topics they used to cover the subject matter was good, I think the meat of the book was VERY general. This being a how to book I expected some very specific information that I could work with.

I already have a soft tent, lights and a Nikon D300 but I am a novice for sure. I was looking for some good information/examples on specific types of lenses, camera settings in different situations. His answers came out very soft/general. It was very much like he was afraid to be held to his answers. If your a subject matter expert than be the expert and teach.

In short, I was looking forward to the arrival of my copy Photographing Arts, Crafts, and Collectables to improve my current abilities but it came up very short.

Disclaimer: My wife says I have very high expectations so may want to take that into consideration when reading this.

3-0 out of 5 stars Pretty but shallow
I was hoping for more information on lighting techniques specific to digital work - using polarizing filters, color shift, gamut grief, etc. If I didn't already know a fair amount about photography, I don't think I would have found this book particularly useful. Some techniques are well-illustrated, but others are sketchy at best.
But for an unfortunate coffee/book collision I would have returned this one.

5-0 out of 5 stars an invaluable guide to taking better photographs
As a professional fiber artist creating both 2 and 3d work I have been struggling for years to find a good resource to help me not only understand how my digital camera works but how to use it to take high quality pictures that I know it has the ability to.This book is a fantastic guide to taking photos of of artwork created in any medium whether it be jewelry, sculpture, wall art, fiber, glass or wood.

The book opens with a nice easy to read and understand overview of digital photography.Types of lenses and cameras are followed by an explanation of image types, aspect ratio's, focusing systems, white balance and more.The chapter on light and the digital studio covers everything from the fundamentals, color temperatures, direction and quality to types of light, light modifiers, measuring light and what color background to use when.

Then the book moves into how to set up and take your photographs with separate chapters for both two and three dimensional artwork.Artists who make 2 dimensional fiber art will find the section on lighting fabric as well as photographing quilts particularly helpful.The chapter on 3d objects covers ceramics, glass, sculptures, jewelry, wearable art and objects that light up.Learn the best way to light and photograph tall objects, short ones and pieces with shiny surfaces.

This book is an invaluable guide for any artist, no matter what medium they work in, who wants to take better photos for juried show submissions, their website, portfolios or brochures.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book
I photo a great deal of jewelry and have found this book very informing as well as learning allot about photography in general. A must read for anyone wanting to learn more about photography.

4-0 out of 5 stars Excellent for beginners.
If you're new to photography this is the book for you. If, however, you know your way around your camera, this book won't teach you much. I was hoping for specifics on lighting but the gist of what I read was "try this and if it doesn't work, try something else." ... Read more

100. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Digital Photography (3rd Edition)
by Steven Greenberg
Paperback: 360 Pages (2002-11-27)
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$8.52
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0028644530
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Third edition features the latest version of Adobe Photoshop Elements to demonstrate image editing concepts and techniques. Updated reference for budding amateurs and digital-bound professionals alike. Softcover.Amazon.com Review
The subjects of photography and computers have tremendous breadth and depth. Understanding either one can be a challenge, especially if you're a beginner. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Digital Photography does an excellent job of breaking the ice as it introduces readers to photography, computers, and digital cameras.

The book really does start at the beginning, with a short history of the camera and photography, plus the basics of composition. But it progresses quickly into an overview of today's digital tools. Instead of bogging down the reader in myriad details about camera models, computer software and hardware, and other minutiae, the book gives an overview of the available technologies, describing which system or format is best for different kinds of tasks. This is a good thing--hardware and software evolve rapidly, and some of the details mentioned in the book as "up and coming" are now standard. (See the sections on camera resolution for examples.)

After a look at how the gear works, the text dives into a lesson on photography basics (composition, lighting, shutter speeds, and lens focal lengths) and the details specific to digital photography (image resolution, monitor and printer calibration, and compression). The companion CD-ROM includes a demo version of Adobe PhotoDeluxe, and chapter 13, "Improving Your Images," goes into detail on using this image-editing application to improve the pictures you've already shot.

What good is instant digital photography if you can't instantly share your work on the Web? Chapter 22 addresses this specific issue, covering the basics of building a Web site (nothing fancy) and how to compress and upload your favorite pictures for everyone to see.

No particular platform is favored in this book--the contents of the CD-ROM are compatible with both Macs and PCs. Overall, this book succeeds at teaching the principles and basics of how digital photography works, and how to set up for it. Practical, useful, and enlightening, this is a good first step on a complex road. --Mike Caputo ... Read more

Customer Reviews (9)

3-0 out of 5 stars The Complete Idiot's Guide to Digital Photography (3rd Edition)
The book should be updated as most digital cameras - point and shoot and DSLRs have more than 2 or 3 megapixels.A lot of the info is pertinent no matter the megapixel size when it comes to correcting the photos with computer software.

2-0 out of 5 stars Out of date
Unfortunately this book is too far out of date to be of any significant value.The section describing the various types of cameras is no longer accurate and information regarding software, files sizes and formats is of little use.
If you are looking for a guide to using your digital camera this book will only give you basic definitions of the terminology and process involved in digital photography.The sections on composition and lighting are good.
There is a primer on Photoshop Elements.Again this section is out of date as it refers to Elements. 2.0.(At the time of this review Elements is currently in version 4.0)While this section does provide an adequate introduction to the various capabilities of Elements, most of what is found in this book can be found on Adobe's own descriptions of the product.
I have never returned a book to Amazon before but I will be returning this one.It is simply too far out of date and too introductory to be worth the cost.

2-0 out of 5 stars Steven Greenberg did good job, but the book binding is awful
I bought the book yesterday and already read half of it. The content is great, very helpful and easy to read BUT the book binding is awful. This disappointed me a lot. I am wondering if all 'Alpha' books have same 'quality' of (un)binding...

Except this problem, the information provided is really helpful and written in a friendly & clear manner.

I enjoy a lot the author's style and personally I would like to see another Steven Greenberg's book, more detailed on Part 3 of the book ('Let's Take Pictures').

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book for Beginners!
I read this book two years ago after buying my first digital camera.I gave it away after reading it, so maybe it's not a keeper as a reference, but even so, I have to praise this book very highly for the insight into digital photography that it's given me.I've bought two other digitals since, and find that the lessons that I learned from this book are with me even to this day.If you're a beginner, and wish to understand this technology, buy it!

5-0 out of 5 stars Great book to get started in digital photography
I have had a digital camera' a Kodak DC280 for many months now. I have ben a 35MM amature for over 30 years and this book has helped me make the transition to digital photography better than anything else I could have done.Before I got this book, I had many problems with doing this as the manuals on the software were very poorly written and had many things just skipped over or missing entirely. Before I got halfway through the Book there were many things that helped me greatly That were just not in the manuals that came with the software. It has made everything much easier and faster. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is just starting in digital photography. ... Read more

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