Extractions: Overview of the Truancy Problem Every day, hundreds of thousands of youth are absent from school; many are absent without an excuse and deemed truant. Although national data on truancy rates are not available (in part because no uniform definition of truancy exists), many large cities report staggering rates of truancy and chronic absenteeism. In general, the proportion of truancy cases handled in juvenile court is relatively small. However, the juvenile justice system is increasingly serving as the final stop for truants and as a mechanism for intervening with chronic truants. Recent statistics available on the extent of truancy cases in juvenile court clearly demonstrate how important it is for schools and communities to confront this issue. In 1998, truancy accounted for 26 percent of all formally handled status offense cases, representing an 85-percent increase in truancy cases in juvenile court since 1989 (from 22,200 cases in 1989 to 41,000 cases in 1998) (Puzzanchera et al., forthcoming). A closer look reveals that the number of petitioned truancy cases around the country is about evenly divided between boys and girls and that whereas the majority of petitioned truancy cases involve 15-year-olds, there have been petitioned cases involving boys and girls as young as 10 (Puzzanchera et al., forthcoming).
Extractions: Academics Attendance: Research shows that regular attendance is directly correlated with high academic achievement. We ask that parents and students recognize the need for prompt and regular attendance throughout the school year. Consistent daily attendance in all classes is an integral part of the education process. Frequent absences are detrimental to the academic growth of the students and places an unfair burden on students and instructors alike to adequately make up missed work. Ultimately, the decision of school attendance lies with the parents; however, KMC feels that there must be some guidelines allowing for student accountability in the classroom, developing responsible, dependable young adults and providing an environment in which instruction can occur while leaving the parent in control of school attendance. Attendance at KMC falls into two categories: Excused and Unexcused Early Dismissal: If an early dismissal is anticipated, the parent must call the school before 7:55 a.m. Early-dismissal students must report to the attendance clerk before school begins and she will issue an Early Dismissal Pass which the student will present to the Instructor of the class from which he/she will leave. When the student returns from the absence and before the end of the day, he/she will again report to the attendance clerk to receive an Admit Pass that will allow him/her admission to class. No notes will be accepted for early dismissals.
Book Review Cafe Just consider how many students in a High school, how many guidance counselorsper school? The responsibility of truancy, substance abuse, teenage pregnancy http://www.bookreviewcafe.com/INTERVIEW15.html
Extractions: Besides being an author of a very helpful book, what do you do for a living? How did you get into the business of helping students go to college? How did you become an expert in this field? Just like everything else in life if you want anything badly enough you make every effort to get it, that's what I did. Hundreds of hours of reading, studying, listening to lectures and finding other consultants in the same boat. I finally put the program together to help Students and Parents of College Bound Students. After working in this field for so long, what finally inspired you to put your knowledge to words? Actually, this book is from my notes, seminar scripts, experience and a lot of help from many associates around the country. I felt why not put them together for people who couldn't make my seminars or would like it for a handy reference and for people who did go to the seminar and would like to refresh their memory or couldn't take notes fast enough but would like a record of what was presented. So that's how the book came about. How does your information differ from that of (let's just say) a guidance councilor.
Welcome To The NUT Online to tackle truancy and exclusion levels in school. to schools and, thus, minimisingtruancy and disaffection Key Stage 4 or clarifying guidance on appropriate http://www.teachers.org.uk/keypol/social/kp_truancy.html
Extractions: TRUANCY AND SCHOOL EXCLUSION : REPORT BY THE SOCIAL EXCLUSION UNIT : RESPONSE OF THE NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS INTRODUCTION The National Union of Teachers (NUT) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Social Exclusion Unit's (SEU) report on truancy and school exclusion. GENERAL COMMENTS The NUT also welcomes the report as the first comprehensive report of its kind on the issues of truancy and exclusion which also covers and co-ordinates the work of separate Government Departments and separate LEA services. The NUT further welcomes the acknowledgement in the report that: the reasons why pupils truant are complex and include problems in families, with poverty, with fear of a lack of job opportunities, with disaffection from school, with peer pressures and with a lack of training, support and resources for schools; fragmented responsibilities and a lack of political attention at the highest level has compounded the problem; effective solutions depend on clear goals and clear allocation of responsibility between the different partners; schools cannot be expected to solve the problems of truancy and exclusions on their own and that parents, social services departments and LEAs all have a role to play;
BiblioLine Thesaurus - Permutations school TO WORK TRANSITION school TRANSPORTATION school truancy school VANDALISM 1980SECONDARY school CURRICULUM SECONDARY school guidance SECONDARY school
Williamstown High School Attendance A student involved in a truancy needs guidance identified as being truant, variousschool members, which include the classroom teacher, guidance counselor, and http://www.monroetwp.k12.nj.us/hs/hs handbook/hs_attendance_5200reg.htm
Extractions: phone (856) 262-8200 fax (856) 262-0869 Home Handbook Full Attendance Regulation 5200 ATTENDANCE REGULATION A. Definitions 1. "Attendance" is a student's presence in school and in the classroom to which he or she is assigned at the times scheduled for instruction or other school activities. a. A student will be considered to have attended school if he or she has been present at least four hours during the school day. Student attendance at the high school is determined period by period. A student must be in attendance a minimum of one-half of a class period to be considered present for that class (i.e. present 20 minutes for a 40 minute class). b. A kindergarten student will be considered to have attended school if he or she has been present at least 1 hour, 30 minutes during the kindergarten session to which the student is assigned. c. A student not present in school because of his or her participation in an approved school activity, such as
Permanent Exclusion From School (after 20th January 2003) The guidance states that permanent exclusion will usually be the final step of thingsthat children should not be excluded from school for Lateness or truancy. http://www.ace-ed.org.uk/perm2003/
Extractions: Permanent exclusion. This information sheet is a draft version of ACE's "Permanent exclusion" booklet which is being updated to take into account the new guidance for permanent exclusions which have occurred on or after 20th January 2003 . We will be producing a final version within a few weeks so please check back regularly. If your child was excluded before this date please read our existing booklet If you prefer you can download this booklet as a pdf file (72kb). donation Permanent exclusion from school. This can be a very difficult, upsetting and worrying time for you and your child. This guide looks at what you can do if you disagree with the exclusion. Improving Behaviour and Attendance: Guidance on Exclusion from Schools and Pupil Referral Units from the Department for Education and Skills ( DfES ) covers the law and what the government expects from schools, discipline committees, local education authorities and appeal panels if pupils are excluded from school. By law this guidance must not be ignored. It should be followed unless there is a good reason not to. In Circular 10/99 Step 1: Send a letter.
Lake Mary High School - Guidance bus or for Administrative or guidance Office appointments. laws and guidelines fortruancy recognition and excused, in addition to schoolsponsored activities http://www.lakemaryhs.scps.k12.fl.us/guidance/attend.htm
Extractions: PHILOSOPHY: Regular attendance provides students with the opportunities necessary to meet course goals and objectives. Many integral activities, including class discussions, field trips, lab experiments, and guest speakers, cannot be simulated or replicated with bookwork. It is our intent to encourage honest, accurate, and consistent adherence to this policy by students, parents, teachers, and administrators. High attendance rates benefit students by facilitating "time on task" experiences and enhance a school's standing in Florida's Accountability Recognition program.
Social Inclusion: Pupil Support Guidance From The NCB Vol.1 police powers to remove children from public spaces and return them to school. TheTruancy Watch scheme, an example of which features in the SIPS guidance (p.19 http://www.dfes.gov.uk/publications/guidanceonthelaw/10-99/sips.htm
Extractions: "It's an obvious thing to say - but children get only one chance at school. But every day, tens of thousands of children miss out on their education because they are playing truant or have been excluded from school. The consequences for their education are dire. The situation is unacceptable - we cannot just stand by and watch. That is why we are working towards a simple but challenging goal: to raise educational standards for all. This can only happen if children are in school and learning. The Social Exclusion Unit's report Truancy and School Exclusion set out our ambitious plans for reducing levels of truancy and school exclusion by one third by 2002. The keys to meeting this target are early intervention and prevention through multi-agency working and partnership with parents."
The Parents' Centre - School Administration These are also set out in detail in the DfES guidance 'Social Inclusion Pupil Thesanctions outlined in the school's discipline policy need to be fairly and http://www.dfes.gov.uk/parents/schooladmin/home.cfm?fuseaction=doc5
School Attendance And Truancy events . Surrey County Council Home Learning schools Guidanceon children's issues school attendance and truancy. Education http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/sccwebsite/sccwspages.nsf/LookupWebPagesByTITLE_TXT/S
Guidance For Teachers attend11.pdf 79Kb 29 pages. DfES LEA guidance Extract from Truancyand school Exclusion Report. attend10.pdf 20 Kb 1 page. Education http://www.bgfl.org/services/ews/leaguide.htm
Extractions: To print pages after they are downloaded: In the Acrobat window, select the FILE menu, then the PRINT menu. In the Print menu: select ALL to print the entire document; select CURRENT PAGE to print the single page currently viewed on screen; insert page numbers, from 'n' to 'n', to print a selected range of pages.
Guidance The Lee County school District and The Office of program can be seen by clicking TruancyIntervention Program The guidance Department is offering this group to http://www.lee.k12.fl.us/schools/lhl/guidance.htm
Extractions: Counselor Conrad, Kim Counselor Lyon, Barb MENTORS NEEDED Become a Lehigh Elementary School Mentor and make a difference in the life of a student. For more information contact one of our Counselors Bullying Prevention Several Months ago, Mrs. Conrad and Mrs. Lyon presented a bullying prevention lesson to all 4 th and 5 th grade classes. Prior to that lesson, they had attended a 2 day training session on bullying prevention. The training was sponsored by the Lee County Medical Society Alliance Foundation in partnership with SW Florida Regional Medical, Gulf Coast Hospital and the School District of Lee County. The goals of the program are: The curriculum covered: The four kinds of bullying: physical, verbal emotional and sexual
Student Services Lynchburg City Schools truancy Center staff Thinking Strategies for elementaryschool students experiencing Elementary guidance counselors make referrals to http://www.lynchburg.org/Departments/Student Services/Student Services.htm
Extractions: Lynchburg City Schools has a Truancy Center located at Crossroads House, 405 Cable Street. The center is housed with the citys Single Point of Entry for Juvenile Services. The Truancy Center is staffed with three Lynchburg City School employees who accept truancy referrals from the individual schools and process the cases to the court.
Extractions: By Sherry Fisher Photo by Dollie Harvey Garey, an associate professor of family studies and sociology, is conducting research on the team approach to truancy reduction. She is doing observational research in three truancy courts in Rhode Island. "The truancy court team works together to discover and address the underlying causes of truancy in each individual case," says Garey, who was awarded a UConn Humanities Institute Fellowship for the current academic year to pursue her study of truancy. According to Garey, in most states truancy is dealt with in a punitive manner that has not proven effective in increasing school attendance. In Rhode Island, each week, a magistrate, wearing the traditional black robe, meets with youngsters and their parents. Also present are a truant officer, who reports on absences or tardiness, and a guidance counselor, who reports on academic progress and behavior. Sometimes social workers or other family counselors are present. Each child is monitored throughout the school year. If the child gets back on track, meetings may be reduced. Most youngsters choose truancy court over family court, where they could receive a sentence, be put on probation, and have the charge recorded on their records.
School District Of DeSoto County Under the direction of the Students Services Director guidance counselors will work TheTruancy Officer, the YMCA counselor, and the school will work http://www.desotoschools.com/SP Student Services 02-03.htm
Extractions: School District of DeSoto County Student Services Department Three Year Plan 2000 2003 STUDENT SERVICES OFFICE Social Worker (2) Testing and Data Specialist (1) Secretary (1) Student Records Secretary (1) YMCA truancy worker (2) Provide teachers with up to date test information on their students, both individually and as a group, which will allow them monitor progress and/or re-teach skills that are not mastered. Personnel Under the direction of the Director of Student Services, the Testing and Data Specialist will be responsible for training at school sites and reporting of data analysis to District and Building level administrators as well as classroom teachers. Budget - Supplies (copy paper, toner, ribbons, etc.) - estimate Scantron test sheets Software costs including training - approximately Hardware costs Scantron machines (6) Copy machine (1) Maintenance (copier) $500.00 per year X 3 = At this time there is no specific amount to budget for. The above figures are estimates of the costs. It depends on which program the District decides on.
Schoolzone (See also DfES guidance Budget articles below) A Bradford school, with a dailytruancy rate of 3.5%, is the first to adopt text messaging in its battle to http://www.schoolzone.co.uk/edutxt/Articles.htm
NHPD - Youth Oriented Policing: School Resource Officers activity. They work with Probation Officers and school guidance personnelto monitor atrisk student behaviors. school Resource http://cityofnewhaven.com/police/html/divisions/fsu/schoolofcs.htm
San Clemente High School SCHS Administration truancy Policy. SCHS Policy on truancy Truancieswill accumulate for single period absences per school year. http://www.sctritons.com/administration/truancypolicy.asp
Abraham Baldwin Middle School, Guilford, CT In case of serious difficulties, the guidance counselor may refer afamily to the school social worker or to the school psychologist. http://www.guilford.k12.ct.us/~snurkowskia/guidance.html
Extractions: Valuables GUIDANCE Guidance services are available to all students at Baldwin. Mr. Colonghi is the counselor for 5th graders and Mrs. Maher is the counselor for 6th graders. The purpose of guidance services is to help each student in his educational, social, and personal development. The guidance office is open daily from 8:00Ýam to 3:00 pm. Students who wish to see their counselor should get a pass from their homeroom teacher for the guidance office, where the secretary will give them an appointment. The guidance department supervises the testing program. New students are given a diagnostic reading test and a math computation test to aid in placement. The guidance counselors are most concerned with each childís adjustment to a new school. In the fall, group orientation is used to guide the students through their first days of middle school and to help them acquire the skills which will make them successful throughout their years at Baldwin. During the rest of the school year, an effort is made by the counselors to meet with each child individually. Baldwinís guidance department tries to prevent crises from developing and so works closely with teachers to identify those students who appear to be developing problems. Information, other than confidential facts, is shared when it seems likely to benefit the child. Parents should feel free to tell the guidance department of any unusual circumstances at home which may affect the childís performance in school. This can make it possible for the staff at Baldwin to help a child over a difficult time. In case of serious difficulties, the guidance counselor may refer a family to the school social worker or to the school psychologist.