Northwest Schools Incubator email to with operations, and regional and charter schoolsupport organizations. have selected sites that provide usable information.
Charter Schools by Chester E. Finn, Jr., The washington Post, December support the sharing of practicalinformation and innovations among charter school operators.
Extractions: Links Introduction Charter schools trade regulations for results. They are freed from most bureaucratic red tape, but in return, they face stiff consequences if their students do not learn at high levels. They are great models of autonomy and accountability. They also tend to be small, intimate schools where everyone knows everyone else's name—the kind of place one would call "community." The charter school movement has taken the education world by storm in the last decade. As of September 2001, The Center for Education Reform estimates that there are nearly 2,400 charter schools and 576,000 charter school students in 34 states plus the District of Columbia (three states have charter laws on the books but no schools in operation). All indications suggest that the number of charter schools will continue to grow. The research on charter schools shows that most charter school students, parents, and teachers are very satisfied with their new schools and chose to associate with them for academic reasons. It also shows that charter schools are not "skimming" the most advantaged kids from the traditional public schools; charter schools enroll even more low-income and minority students than their traditional public school counterparts.
Extractions: How Do the States Measure Up to the AFT Criteria for Good Charter School Legislation? IV. STATE-BY-STATE ANALYSIS OF CHARTER SCHOOL LEGISLATION Criteria for evaluating state legislation and analyses in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin and Wyoming V.
Free Press Special Report: Back To School - #47 Sept/Oct 00 The initiative allows charter school employees to unionize under 1 million young peoplereturning to washington schools this free zone at your school and curb
Extractions: opinion by Christina Barry In November, you will be asked to vote on I-729, a statewide initiative bankrolled by the Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen and currently being handled by the public relations firm Gogerty Stark Marriott. This is clearly not a grassroots, all volunteer effort. You are not alone if you have scarcely heard of this initiative. So far, it's been kept largely under wraps. You can see the full text of the initiative on the internet at: . I-729 would introduce charter schools into the state of Washington.
Extractions: Machine-readable finding aid encoded by John P. Rees Collection Number: MS C 505 Creator Washington University (Baltimore, Md.) Title Washington University School of Medicine Thesis Collection Dates: ca. 1867-1871 Quantity: 0.66 linear feet (44 items) In 1825-1826 a group of physicians led by Dr. Horation Gates Jameson, a prominent Baltimore surgeon, applied to the Maryland state legislature for a charter to found a medical college. When this request was denied because of pressure on the legislature from the already-existing University of Maryland Medical School in Baltimore, Jameson persuaded Washington College in Washington, Pa., to petition to establish a medical school in Baltimore under its charter. The school prospered initially, and a new charter was awarded in 1839, wherein the college changed its name to Washington University of Baltimore with the intent to add curricula in Law, Divinity, Arts and Sciences. The new schools never materialized, but the university continued to flourish and a new building was constructed in 1849. Funds began to diminish, however, and the University closed in 1851. The medical school was reborn in 1867, when a group of Confederate physicians led by Edward Warren (Surgeon-General of North Carolina during the Civil War) united to form a medical school with the expressed purpose to "arrest the tide that tended Northward, and offer to the young men of the South congenial homes." The school opened in an old converted warehouse and during its first year succeeded in having the Maryland legislature pass an act authorizing the erection of the Maryland Free Hospital in connection with the college. However, the rebirth was shortlived and the school closed for good in 1871.
LA Daily News Los Angeles, California.Category News Newspapers Regional United States California urges UN to enforce resolutions washington The Bush charter schools observe 10years of independence A the Los Angeles Unified school District, Principals
Extractions: Charter schools are nonsectarian public schools of choice that operate with freedom from many of the regulations that apply to traditional public schools. The "charter" establishing each such school is a performance contract detailing the school's mission, program, goals, students served, methods of assessment, and ways to measure success. The length of time for which charters are granted varies, but most are granted for 3-5 years. A charter school is accountable to its sponsor—usually a state or local school board, or in some cases municipal government or a college or university—to produce positive academic results and adhere to the charter contract. At the end of the contract term, the sponsor may renew the school's contract. Generally, states apply fewer regulations to charter schools and demand a higher level of accountability for results. If charter schools fail to produce the results outlined in their contract with the state or other authorizer, the school can be closed. Moreover, as schools of choice (i.e., parents voluntarily enroll their children there), charter schools are held accountable to the public because if they cannot attract students, the schools cannot survive.
Private School Business Magazine - Private Education As A Business to develop innovative approaches to funding charter school construction and For moreinformation on the No Child washington DCPrivate schools can learn more
Extractions: Comforting Children of Military Parents OLNEY, Md.As the number of National Guard and Reserve troops called into action grows to more than 20 thousand, America's children must deal with the departure of loved ones and the uncertainty of their return. From the moment the first tragic images were broadcast nationwide on Sept. 11, 2001, experts have coached parents to draw out children's feelings and foster a "safe" environment. However, for the children whose parents or caregivers are called to combat, much of the comforting will have to come from our nation's teachers. "There are several key things (for teachers) to remember in situations like this," says Jerry Aldridge, coordinator of Early Childhood Education at University of Alabama in Birmingham. "First, the age of the child will make a big difference. Younger children in kindergarten may not fully understand or comprehend why mom or dad has to leave and may feel abandoned. "Older children may develop anger. Some children, as in cases of divorce, may blame themselves somehow that the parent left because the child was 'bad' or did not live up to parental expectations."
Microsoft Washington2Washington is paired with the SEED Public charter school (schools for Educational Evolutionand Development) in washington, DC, over course of the 20002001 school year.
Extractions: - Brandon Lloyd In a dramatic demonstration of how technology can enhance a child's classroom experience, Microsoft Corp. has equipped two classrooms on opposite coasts with in-class technology and an online classroom for collaborative learning and exploration. Microsoft has long believed that education is the most important application of our technology. Through the Washington2Washington program, we're learning more about the benefits and outcomes of incorporating technology into a classroom curriculum on a small scale, with the hope that these lessons can be shared and applied successfully on a larger scale. It's an exciting process that is taking shape through the active participation and stewardship of two remarkable schools. Sequoia Junior High School in Kent, Wash., is paired with the SEED Public Charter School (Schools for Educational Evolution and Development) in Washington, D.C., over the course of the 2000-2001 school year. One classroom in each of the schools is using technology tools to share information and conduct peer-to-peer instruction around a specific curriculum, focusing on the subject areas represented in their geographic regions. The two W2W teachers, Paul Neff in Washington state and Brandon Lloyd in Washington, D.C., have created a technology-enhanced curriculum that empowers their students to work collaboratively online via a combined science-social studies curriculum.
Washington, DC Schools The Maya Angelou Public charter school is a Springbrook High school (Silver Spring,MD) Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt Classs of 1969 washington, DCTheodore
Washington D.C. Homeschooling - A To Z Home's Cool schools Promoting quality public education for DC families through the developmentof public charter schools The Lab school of washington Innovative programs
Extractions: Click on the banner for recommended books and supplies for homeschooling A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Regional I am Ann Zeise , your guide to the best and most interesting and useful sites and articles about home education on the web. Search Home Recent Articles Events Join Email List ... Free Newsletter
North Star Academy Charter School - Directions North Star Academy charter school of Newark 10 washington Place Newark, New Jersey07102 Phone 973642-0101 Fax 973-642-5800 E-mail info@northstaracademy
Charter Schools: A New Breed Of Public Schools Report 2, 1993 charter school idea gains momentum Business/Education INSIDER, washington, DC TheHeritage Foundation, (20), 1 Catalyst Voices of Chicago school Reform, 4(4), 4
Extractions: Pathways home page Contents Previous section Next section Amsler, M. (1992). Charter schools. Policy Briefs, #19. San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development. Ashford, E. (1992, May 26). Charter schools: Rough going in Minnesota. School Board News, 12 Astrup, R.E. (1992, September 23). Charter schools: A dissenting voice. Education Week, 12 Bradley, A. (1992, November 18). Reforming Philadelphia's high schools from within. Education Week, 12 Budde, R. Education by charter: Restructuring school districts. Budde, R. (1989, March). Education by charter. Phil Delta Kappan, 79 Citizens League. (1988, November). Chartered schools = choices for educators + quality for all students. Minneapolis, MN. (1992, February 23). Real reform begins with chartered schools. The Detroit News, Durenberger, D. (1993, February 12). Background information on charter public schools and the public school redefinition act of 1993. Minneapolis, MN.
Extractions: ISSUE: The journey toward school improvement seems to have reached a fork in the road. Since 1983, when the current wave of school reform began, many education policymakers have called for top-down mandates and funding incentives, while others have suggested reforming the education system on a school-by-school basis. Although well-intentioned, neither approach has created the critical mass of good schools needed to drive the performance of all schools upwards. OVERVIEW: Educators and policymakers have begun to realize that the best way to achieve this necessary critical mass may be to combine state-level mandates and goals with school-level freedom and leadership. Innovative approaches that require state legislation include: See also the Pathways Critical Issue on site-based management that can be implemented without state legislation and NCREL's Policy Briefs on Decentralization.
Extractions: From the Principal, Patrick F. Kelly After more than two years of planning, staffing, and parent and community meetings, the Brighter Choice Charter Schools are now in session. It is a joy to be part of this effort to make a difference in our student's lives, and in urban public education. It is our mission to create a school worthy of the children of Albany. Students are learning and growing each day, and with our 4-, 5- and 6-year olds, we are focusing not only on academics, but also on the basic skills of good student behavior. The Brighter Choice Charter Schools are garnering local, statewide, and national attention from the media and education policymakers alike. Our innovations in the extended year and extended day, our option for single-gender instruction, and the employment of specialist teachers are all geared to assist each student in their development and learning.
IAS Institute: Exploring Public School Options washington, DC Agenda December 15, 1997. and relevancy of the information on all CharterSchool Research an interactive site providing bibliographies and online
Extractions: Exploring Public School Options GOALS DESCRIPTION PRESENTATIONS ONLINE RESOURCES CONTACTS INSTITUTE GOALS To provide participants with a general understanding of the nature and prevalence of public school options. To enable participants to become familiar with selected research and practice in the fields of Charter Schools, Magnet Schools, and other public school choice options. To enable participants to obtain resources and knowledge of selected issues and strategies related to the implementation of public school choice programs. DESCRIPTION This Institute is designed to provide participants with a general understanding of the nature and prevalence of various public school choice programs and strategies. The Institute will also provide a more in-depth exploration of selected research and practices regarding two of the most prevalent choice options charter schools and magnet schools and address issues and strategies related to the implementation of these and other types of public school choice programs in various communities. PRESENTATIONS/ PROCEEDINGS San Diego: Agenda October 17, 1997
Aspira Association Home Page National nonprofit organization devoted solely to the education and leadership development of Puerto Category Regional Caribbean Society and Culture Organizations washington, DC Aspira and NASA's JPL announces joint Mirta Ramirez Computer ScienceCharter school will have To obtain more information regarding admissions
PRESNET New And Noteworthy December 2002 partnering to develop the Teacher Prep charter High school raise the standards formiddle school teachers on Education One Dupont Circle NW, washington, DC 20036
Extractions: New and Noteworthy This is the last edition of New and Noteworthy. ACE will continue to maintain the PRESNET web site through 2003. For links to other information sources on teacher preparation, please see Web Resources on Teacher Education The Southeast Center for Teaching Quality has launched a new electronic newsletter. Teaching Quality RESEARCH MATTERS Using Data to Improve Teacher Induction Programs, a new report from the NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education, investigates an essential, yet often overlooked, aspect of teacher induction: data collection and analysis to determine results. It also examines the roles that unions, together with school districts and their partners, can play to improve induction programs through better use of data and other strategies. View the report at A new report from the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) titled Moving Past the Politics: How Alternative Certification Can Promote Comprehensive Teacher Development Reforms attempts to bring a truce to the opposing camps that support traditional means of teacher licensure and those that promote a more open-market approach to expand the labor pool. "Most of the alternative certification debate has confused the process of teacher preparation with the product of teacher preparation," the report states. View the report online at
Hoboken - Schools - H O B O K E N I . C O M Hoboken charter school, 4th Garden Street, 201963-0222, PK-12th Grades, 211. Academyof Sacred Heart High school, 713 washington Street, 201-659-7796, Catholic,
Extractions: School Address Phone Grades Enrollment AJ Demarest Middle School 5-8th Grades Elysian Charter School 301 Garden Street K-5th Grades Hoboken Charter School PK-12th Grades Hoboken High School 9-12th Grades Joseph F. Brandt School 5-8th Grades Salvatore R. Calabro School 524 Park Avenue PK-4th Grades Thomas G. Connors PK-4th Grades Wallace School PK-4th Grades Private School Enrollment =23% School Address Phone Type Grades Enrollment Academy of Sacred Heart High School 713 Washington Street Catholic Senior High School All Saints Day School 707 Washington Street Private Elementary Hudson School 506 Park Avenue Private Elementary Mustard Seed School 422 Willow Avenue Christian Elementary Hoboken Catholic Academy 555 7th Street Catholic Elementary Stevens Cooperative School 301 Garden Street Private Elementary