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61. THEATRE ARTS CENTER-2002-2003 Classes PA-NY Audition techniques reviewed in level 3 and up. Acting Learn acting techniquesthrough sensory perception exercises, theatre games, and improvisation. http://www.theatreartscenter.com/2001-02.htm | |
62. Child & Family: Local Arts Program 9 am 3 pm June 3 - Aug 2. Kids ages 13-17 will learn acting techniques, movement,music, Shakespearean acting, stage combat, improvisation and auditioning http://www.asu.edu/mu/family/summer_arts.htm | |
63. Course Listings - BFA Acting DRAMA 356 Beginning acting techniques I *3 (fi 6) First term, 0-10L-0Development of the self as the fundamental instrument of the actor. http://www.ualberta.ca/~drama/actclass.htm | |
64. Request For Application -- BFA Acting Acquisition of beginning skills in film and broadcast acting techniques.Able to contribute fully to a total ensemble. Throughout http://www.ualberta.ca/~drama/bachact.htm | |
65. Videos / DVDs Showing All Videos beginning with the letter 'K'. Displaying 120 of 52records. Title Kabuki acting techniques Imprint East Lansing, Mich. http://www.lib.rochester.edu/index.cfm?label=videos&letter=K |
66. Acting Games Drama Theatre Acting Acting Techniques Theatre Marshall Cassady Acting Games Drama theatre acting acting techniques Theatre Marshall Cassady.Subject Drama theatre acting acting techniques Theatre Title Acting Games http://www.poem-2buy.co.uk/Marshall-Cassady-Acting-Games-0916260925.html | |
67. Art Of Acting Acting Techniques Theatre Carlton Colyer Art of Acting acting techniques Theatre Carlton Colyer. Subject Actingtechniques Theatre Title Art of Acting Author Carlton Colyer. http://www.poem-2buy.co.uk/Carlton-Colyer-Art-of-Acting-0916260623.html | |
68. Drama Classes February 2001 On-Camera Auditioning acting techniques; a one-day Workshop from10 am to 6 pm, includes lunch. On-Camera Auditioning acting techniques. http://members.tripod.com/the-shed/drama_classes.htm | |
69. On Directing Judith Weston, who is based in Los Angeles, teaches Acting for Directors, a workshopof basic acting techniques for directors, writers and producers with no http://www.beacham.com/directing_video_162.html |
70. In The News Coached For a Starring Role In Front of the Jury American lawyers are learningacting techniques to improve their courtroom performance. The Independent http://www.ontrialassociates.com/news/press.html | |
71. Every Bookstore: Acting Techniques For Everyday Life : Look And Feel Self-Confid Find the lowest price on acting techniques for Everyday Life Lookand Feel SelfConfident in Difficult, Real Life Situations by. http://ebs.allbookstores.com/book/1569245541 | |
72. Raleigh Little Theatre - Classes And Workshops BASIC acting techniques AND SCENE STUDY Instructor Martin Thompson Thompson hasdeveloped an exciting approach to providing the actor with the tools of the http://www.raleighlittletheatre.org/classes.htm | |
73. FSU CCC Manual TPA 3250 (2) Stage Makeup. TPP 2110 (3) acting techniques I. TPP 3111 (3) ActingTechniques II. TPP 3711 (3) Voice Techniques II (Diction and Phonics). http://www.academic-guide.fsu.edu/music_theater_school_of_music.html | |
74. Undergrad Program Application of advanced acting techniques to comedy/farce through monologues andscene work drawn from contemporary plays. 3368 Period Acting Styles Cr. http://www.hfac.uh.edu/theatre/undergrad.htm | |
75. Child Acting - Child Actor - Kid Actor With his wife, Joanne Ritchie, Jim has taught commercial acting techniques for childrenfor more than a decade and been featured in an article in the New York http://www.fabjob.com/tvkids.asp | |
76. Senior College Spring 2003 Course Offerings acting techniques with Marian Swan, 3/215/9. World Religions with DickMiller, 3/21-5/9. Friday, 1-3 pm. Poetry with Scott Creighton, 3/21-5/9. http://www.maine.edu/thomaston/SCCour.html | |
77. Grade 10 - Acting Techniques acting techniques fills the sophomore requirement in the Arts porgram.......Grade 10 acting techniques. Carolyne Hood. 2000-2001. Semester One. Course http://intranet.micds.org/upper/ArtDept/Acting1/ACTINGI.html | |
78. An Extraordinary Film School: New York Film Academy - One Year Acting For Film During the first semester, students participate in a broad array of classesthat introduce them to and train them in the leading acting techniques. http://www.nyfa.com/workshops/acting/acting_oneyear.html | |
79. Classes These classes offer a wonderful introduction to acting techniques and a introductorycomfort level on stage for beginners with little or no acting experience. http://www.stageleftchildrenstheater.com/classes.htm | |
80. Take An Acting Or Storytelling Class! Wednesdays 100pm300pm, Fundamentals of Acting with Linda Spector, This classcombines acting techniques and stage readings of plays, with critiques. http://www.stagebridge.org/classes.html | |
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