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African-american Studies Gov & Legislation: more detail |
21. Social Studies of the Census http//www.census.gov This site that focus on teaching social studiesand history in The africanamerican Mosaic http//lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/letsnet/noframes/subjects/ss/relate.html | |
22. Internet Public Library: United States Culture curing, recipes, casseroles, desserts, and africanamerican Cajun New Media andTechnologies in American studies. . Politics http//usinfo.state.gov/usa/socval http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/soc40.85.00/ | |
23. IPL General/Reference Collection: United States Culture recipes, casseroles, desserts, and africanamerican Cajun Cold War; 1950s; AmericanLiterature; American studies. Politics http//usinfo.state.gov/usa/socval http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/soc40.85.00.html | |
24. IPL Ready Reference Collection: Twentieth Century Culture and Racial IssuesAfrican/africanamerican Arts Keywords Cold War; 1950s; AmericanLiterature; American studies. Politics http//usinfo.state.gov/usa/socval http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/hum3088.html | |
26. Pfeiffer Library's Guide To The Web historical information about africanamerican culture, including neglect, includingstatistics, legislation, fact sheets library about gay and lesbian studies. http://library.pfeiffer.edu/socsci.html | |
27. Interdepartmental Programs For more information, call the history department at (765) 2858700. MINOR IN african-american studies, 18-20 hours. 435, Int gov Relat (3). Spec studies (l-6). http://www.bsu.edu/web/catalog9800/undergraduate/colleges/collpages/intdpage.htm | |
28. Princeton University - Symposium Honors Establishment Of Amistad Commission professor in Princeton's Program in African American studies, noted that discussionas well as comments by gov. who introduced the original legislation in 1998 http://www.princeton.edu/pr/home/02/0830_amistad/hmcap.html | |
29. DOI Diversity - Links To Outside texts and links to libraries of Black studies. UniteUS Directory of Black OwnedBusinesses, hosted by Software Creations. african-american Business Alliance, A http://www.doi.gov/diversity/8black.htm | |
30. MCH Alert - 04/06/01 to be heavy smokers than the africanamerican women; and; available at http//www.cdc.gov/nchs/releases Basingtheir findings on past studies, the authors of http://www.mchlibrary.info/alert/alert042001.htm | |
31. Public Law 103-433 - Volume 1 - Draft Heritage Study And Environmental Assessmen Appendix A legislation. in consultation with institutions of higher education inthe Delta Region with expertise in African American studies, Southern studies http://www.cr.nps.gov/delta/volume1/abdxa.htm | |
32. NPS Archeology And Ethnography Home Page has included particularly the studies of African numbers of African American archeologistswith of historic preservation legislation, archeological interest in http://www.cr.nps.gov/aad/afori/issu_afri.htm | |
33. African American Resources On The Web dedicated to the encouragement of scholarly studies in both Americans http//www.niddk.nih.gov/health/diabetes upto-datelinks to african-american History; the http://www.lib.ci.tucson.az.us/bkmkspub/africanamer.htm | |
34. UVa Library: Periodicals And Microforms - US History See also africanamerican studies International History International Relations PersonalPapers Women's studies A B C D 30 reels, Micfilm 2227 gov'T DOCS. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/permic/history_us.html | |
35. Legislation-Disease Management And Genetics About NINR legislation/apropriations remedies, such as the young AfricanAmericanmen described ethnically and culturally relevant studies and interventions. http://www.nih.gov/ninr/about/legislation/geneticsbriefing.htm | |
36. COOL WEB SITES: africanamerican culture essays www.wsu.edu8000/~dee US Patent Trademark Officewww.uspto.gov/; library covering paleontology, Asian studies, ethnology http://dl.ccc.cccd.edu/classes/internet/history175/coolwebsites.htm | |
37. American Studies Park ServiceParkNet (http//www.nps.gov/) Main page of Resources list by subject,eg, africanamerican History, Cultural studies, GIS, International http://www.bu.edu/library/research-guides/americanstudies.html | |
38. The Research Libraries - Online Databases And Indexes Subjects Law and legislation Politics and government http//www.uspto.gov/tmdb/index.html SubjectsAfrican American studies Literature and Language Poetry http://www2.nypl.org/home/research/eresources/odi2.cfm?trg6=T |
39. Afterschool.gov: Learning For Teens - Research The Government The africanamerican Mosaic The Library of Congress is in Washington, DC, and it whorepresent local districts), learn more about pending legislation, and get http://www.afterschool.gov/tngov.html | |
40. Vol20 No11 6-15-99 Award categories include africanamerican studies, Communications, Computer Mathematics,Science, Women's studies, and instructional web at www.cdc.gov or call http://www.csuohio.edu/uored/FUNDING/rnjune15-v2011fs.html | |
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