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Home - Basic_A - African Culture General Resources |
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1. LSU Libraries - African-Americana general Guides african American Web Connection. A large collection of african American resources covering many the visual arts and culture generally; interviews, poetry, fiction http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/african.html | |
2. K-12: African-American Resources Everything Black general resources for africanAmerican businesses, eduction,events, news, entertainments, history and culture, sports, etc. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/K-12/menu_EduAFAM.html | |
3. African Studies Center - University Of Pennsylvania January 1999 Vol. 60 No. 1 african American culture Some sites you should bookmark by Elna L. Saxton and Jo McClamroch This site provides general information such as contact numbers to file discrimination complaints, a http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/AS.html | |
4. African-American History And Culture Georgia african American. History and culture. general resources.Though some of the following websites are national in scope, they http://www.cviog.uga.edu/Projects/gainfo/blackga.htm | |
5. African Philosophy Resources: General African Studies Resources High school presents a collection of links to africanAmerican museums, publications, and histories in celebration of Black History Month. History Black History Month. culture. general Information. Center for Multicultural and Gender Studies Good collection of resources on african American History and culture! http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~janzb/afphil/afgeneral.htm | |
6. Africans In America | Teacher's Guide | General Resources general resources, Teacher's Guide Contents. sources, manuscripts, photographs, music,and other documents about african American history and culture. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/tguide/tggeneralresources.html | |
7. 20th Century Decades: General Links Chico High School provides this guide to study resources and articles about US history during the 20th century. african American resources. Ads, Art, Photos and Images. Biographical Famous People. Chicano/Latino resources. general and comments about the culture and history of each time http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/decsg.html | |
8. South African Internet Resources Provides links, including educational, government and politics, commercial, general, economy, finance, labor, and issues. Email. Embassies. general. Government. Graphics. Issues. Jobs Department of Arts, culture, Science and Technology http://www.anc.org.za/sanet.html | |
9. Afrol Index Pages: African Links Links categorized by topic and country.Category Regional Africa Guides and Directories...... culture Art. african culture. Media Events Organisations CountrySpecific resources african culture, general. Subcategories http://www.afrol.com/Index/indexpages.htm | |
10. Education First: Black History Hotlist A large site with many links about Black History Month, slavery and history, leaders, news, poetry.Category Society Ethnicity Events Black History Month...... general resources American Legacy Magazine Celebrating african-Americanculture and History; african American culture Directory http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/BHM/bh_hotlist.html | |
11. South African National Cultural Heritage and intangible cultural heritage all in website. Raises general issuesabout culture and history, as well as provide a resources. http://www.saculturalheritage.org/resources/general.html | |
12. South African National Cultural Heritage oral interviews that preserve the knowledge, experiences, and recollections ofleaders in many fields of history, politics, and culture. general resources. http://www.saculturalheritage.org/resources/archive.html | |
13. AdmiNet - Africa List by Countries general resources Francophone resources Black culture Arab resourcesafrican Art, culture african cooking Questions about Africa Thanks. http://www.adminet.com/africa/ | |
14. Africa Links And General Resources - Academic Info Government Sites ; Nigeria Constitution ; general Links ; Archival Edo Nation Historyand culture of the Edo The Electronic african Bookworm A Web Navigator http://www.academicinfo.net/histafricameta.html | |
15. American Religion - American Religions - Academic Info Portals general resources. American religion, student projects, regional studies,africanAmerican studies Study of Religion and American culture The Center http://www.academicinfo.net/amrelig.html | |
16. Social Fabric: Web Resources general information on Yoruba culture. 21st Century Yoruba Lots of informationabout Yoruba people everywhere. Links. african Art resources. http://www.du.edu/duma/africloth/links.html | |
17. African Studies: Tanzania Links to Tanzanian resourcesCategory Regional Africa Tanzania Guides and Directories...... african Studies Internet resources home. WWW Virtual Library. Tanzania. general resources,Politics, and Human Rights. Education, History, culture, and Languages. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/Tanzania.html | |
18. Useful Links By Harvard Comm. On African Studies Web directoryCategory Regional Africa Guides and Directories...... general resources 2002 Summer Cooperative african Language Institute on the Web;South african Languages; Kalahari BAKA Videos for Hausa language and culture; http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~cafrica/links.shtml | |
19. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: United States History - General Author New York Public Library Subjects african americans, united states culture,united states history general, women writers DeweyClass http://bubl.ac.uk/link/u/unitedstateshistory-general.htm | |
20. Sociology Internet Resources Comprehensive index of resources for culture, race and ethnicity, criminology, women's studies, family, Category Science Social Sciences Sociology...... Scholarship Page Caribbean Cultural Center (NY) african Diaspora Institute GypsyLore Society The Patrin Romani (Gypsy) culture History general resources. http://www.wcsu.edu/socialsci/socres.html | |
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