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61. Digital Media Center: Campus Quest CD-ROM is much wider than agronomy it extends to any course that has to deal with urbanagrarianinterface. Expert testimony is provided through the media of text http://dmc.umn.edu/projects/campus-quest/campus-quest.shtml | |
62. Digital Media Center:TEL Small Grants five such case studies will be linked together water quality (drainage and wetlandmanagement), forestry, agronomy (management of animal Digital media Center. http://dmc.umn.edu/small-grants/1999/prop21.shtml | |
63. PENN STATE NEWS MEDIA SOURCE ADVISORY FOR THE DROUGHT April 12, 2002. PENN STATE NEWS media SOURCE ADVISORY FOR THE DROUGHT. Gregory Roth,associate professor of agronomy, is an expert on field crops, particularly http://aginfo.psu.edu/News/april02/drought.html |
64. GMOs: GM Insecticidal (INGARD® And Bollgard II®) And Insecticidal/herbicide To Bollgard II Whole New Ballgame. Regulator Admits media Blunder. Marketing FuturesClimb To Firmer Ground. agronomy Regulators Has The Horse Bolted? http://www.cottonworld.com.au/articles.php3?rc=189 |
65. RNDr. Miroslav Sejna STANMOD computer software for evaluating solute transport in porous media using analyticalsolutions of convectiondispersion equation, agronomy Abstracts, 418 http://www.pc-progress.cz/Pg_About_People_M_Sejna.htm | |
66. MEDIA RELEASE HOME. media RELEASE. University of Wisconsin Results may be obtained at the followinglocations http//corn.agronomy.wisc.edu/, http//soybean.agronomy.wisc.edu http://www.extension.umn.edu/county/blueearth/News/kt03jan30-1.htm | |
67. Purdue Extension Publications: Agronomy agronomy. For order information, please visit media Distribution. http://www.agcom.purdue.edu/AgCom/Pubs/agronomy.htm | |
68. CCNMatthews: Newswire, Media Directories 4. GROWMARK Finalizes Purchase Of Agway agronomy, Seedway Assets (12/3/2002). 5.GROWMARK Inc Ontario Community Leaders Recognized At Coop Gala (10/17/2002). http://www.ccnmatthews.com/scripts/search.asp?company=GROWMARK INC. |
69. STOMP Simulator: Resume: M Oostrom Hayworth. 1991. Flow visualization studies of dense leachate plumesin homogeneous porous media. agronomy Abstracts, p. 225. Soil http://www.pnl.gov/etd/stomp/staff/mo.html | |
70. Agronomy Area of Knowledge agronomy. With media and long term objectives in cooperation withdifferent research groups on a thematic network, this project consists of http://watson.fapesp.br/Thematic/agrarias/agronomy.htm | |
71. Advances In Agronomy Recent Advances in Otitis media Proceedings. See Also Neal Kinsey'sHandsOn agronomy; Lilacs The Genus Syringa; Energy Conservation; http://www.growinglifestyle.com/prod/0120007355s.html | |
72. Science & Nature / Agricultural Sciences / Agronomy author looks at properties of water in relation to porous media, particle sizes SeePicture See picture, Neal Kinsey's HandsOn agronomy by Neal Kinsey, Charles http://hallscience.com/agricultural_sciences/3.shtml | |
73. Agronomy Day - StarLink TM: Fallout From A Shooting Biotech Star In addition, the numerous stories that appeared in the media concerning StarLinkeroded public confidence in agricultural biotechnology and the government's http://agronomyday.cropsci.uiuc.edu/2001/tours/StarLink/ | |
74. DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY agronomy DEPARTMENT VISITORS SIGNIN BOOK. This series contains spreadsheets thatare recorded on electronic media such as hard disks or floppy diskettes a http://www.lib.lsu.edu/special/archives/Retentionschedules/RSagriculture/DOA.htm | |
75. Degrees Awarded By Major And Option 96 9495 93-94 92-93 91-92 Agricultural Education 5 3 2 6 3 2 1 1 agronomy 3 2 6 21 Environmental Design 41 1 2 Interior Design 1 2 3 3 7 4 5 4 media Thtr http://www.montana.edu/aircj/facts/GradsByMajorByOption.html | |
76. Australian Agronomy Conference - Papers full soil moisture profiles, the prospects for profitable yields were still quitegood and that this was in stark co ntrast with the media hype surrounding http://life.csu.edu.au/agronomy/papers/196/196.html | |
77. Australian Agronomy Conference - Papers The public, media and special interest groups were all concerned that farmers may TheAmerican Registry of Certified Professionals in agronomy, Crops and Soils http://life.csu.edu.au/agronomy/papers/invite/mcguffog/fert.html | |
78. Media Library Catalog & E-mail Ordering To order materials from the media Library, click on the `Order' button.media Library Catalog. agronomy, Food Tech. Nutrition, Photography. http://edmedia.ifas.ufl.edu/medialib.htm | |
79. Agronomy Links And Resources | MuseumStuff.com 01 American Society of agronomy. PROTECTED MATERIAL - Databases, links, images,resources may be © MuseumStuff.com, Discovery media, and representative 3rd http://www.museumstuff.com/links/science/agronomy/ | |
80. American Society Of Agronomy - Quick Details From MuseumStuff.com CATEGORY links/science/agronomy. PROTECTED MATERIAL - Databases, links, images,resources may be © MuseumStuff.com, Discovery media, and representative 3rd http://www.museumstuff.com/details/gen_20020201_10276.html | |
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