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Alaska K-12 Schools: more detail | ||||
21. ESRI Schools And Libraries Program - Downloads compressed for Macintosh ArcView for schools Libraries file75 KB from ESRI Canada)k-12 SchoolTools extension ELEV_AK.ZIP ZIP-0.6 MB - alaska; ELEV_CA.ZIP http://www.esri.com/industries/k-12/material.html | |
22. About Learn & Serve America :: K-12 com www.mstc.org Sitka Tribe of alaska Contact Curt 530) 4932019 susans@sisnet.ssku.k.12.ca.uswww id.us District of Columbia Public schools Contact Beverly J http://www.learnandserve.org/about/k_12/ | |
23. CU-Schools In Alaska Skagway School District Location Skagway, alaska, United States 2960 Fax 907983-2964Grades k-12 Subjects many are just trying to conect to other schools. http://www.gsn.org/cu/_cfm/bystate.cfm?schools__State=Alaska |
24. Web Bound - Alaska Categories for alaska. Unions (4) Cruises (8) Dental Services (8) Education (12)Education k12 School Districts (19) Education k-12 schools (11) Education http://www.webbound.com/P1/default.htm |
25. Alaska Blazes Trail For Charter Schools In Northwest | Charter Schools | Northwe alaska is from Florida, the schools have as middle and high schoolers throughoutalaska teaches telecommunications a small strip mall, this k12 school based http://www.nwrel.org/nwedu/spring01/alaska.html | |
26. Meeting The Equity Challenge In Public Charter Schools Improving Education for Immigrant Students A Guide for k12 Educators in the Northwestand alaska; students need to know to support equity in schools and to http://www.nwrel.org/cnorse/booklets/charter/1.html | |
27. Alaska Quality Schools Coalition: Lake And Penninsula District - Reporting ~ Ala Portfolios Will be a record for students k12 that will include examples of Copyright© 2001 alaska Staff Development Network, All rights reserved Designed by http://www.asdn.org/gates_aqsc/lake_pen/reporting.html | |
28. Rebuild America - Commercial Buildings yr., reducing carbon monoxide by 70 tons and nitrous oxide by 319 tons Rebuild Americaand State Energy Program helped this alaska fishery improve k12 schools. http://www.rebuild.org/sectors/communitypcom_build.asp?OrganizationID=491 |
29. Educational Placement Peterson's Education Center k-12 schools, private schools, universities, studyabroad, job alaska Teacher Certification and Initial Application. http://www.uiowa.edu/~edplace/OnlineCenter/www/pk-12.htm | |
30. Archived: Alaska State Profile: State Education Indicators With A Focus On Title Archive d Information. alaska http//www.educ.state.ak.us/. Title I schools. TitleI enrollment (USED). Race/ethnicity (USED, k12). Schoolwide, Targeted Assistance. http://www.ed.gov/offices/OUS/PES/esed/2000_indicators/alaska.html | |
31. Alaska State Profile: State Education Indicators With A Focus On Title I alaska http//www.eed.state.ak.us Migratory students (OME, k12). All schools by percentof students eligible to participate in the Free Lunch Program* (CCD, 1999 http://www.ed.gov/offices/OUS/PES/esed/2002_indicators/alaska/alaska.html | |
32. Education - Infowaft.com Polaris k12 School ( AK ) Polaris Alternative schools. Abbott LoopElementary ( AK ) Abbott Loop Elementary School, Anchorage, alaska. http://www.infowaft.com/eHome/AdCentral/Linklist.asp?LinkCategoryID=11 |
33. K-12 Schools schools Community. The teachers affiliated with the Red Cedar Writing Projecthave joined teachers in California, New Mexico, alaska, Pennsylvania, North http://writing.msu.edu/content/schools.html | |
34. Kenai Peninsula Online - Alaska Newspaper04/02/03 had two grocery stores, two filling stations and a vibrant k12 school. CHICAGO(AP) Health centers in schools can help poor and uninsured children with http://www.peninsulaclarion.com/schools/ | |
35. Delta/Greely School District Delta/ Greely schools. Leland Stocker Principal PO Box 647 Delta Junction,alaska 99737 (907) 8954460. Delta Cyber School k-12 Enrollment 209. http://www.dgsd.k12.ak.us/district/schools.html | |
36. The Heritage Foundation: Research: Education: School Choice 2001: Alaska alaska SCHOOL CHOICE WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE STATES. State Profile (UpdatedJune 2001). k12 Public schools and Students (2000-2001). http://www.heritage.org/Research/Education/Schools/alaska.cfm | |
37. K-12 Schools BERING STRAIT SCHOOL DISTRICT. Northern alaska. CALTEACH. Recruitingfor all California schools. CARSON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Central Nevada. http://www.sou.edu/ACCESS/Careers/k-12schools.html | |
38. K-12 Schools Make Major Gains In Technology 90 percent of teachers in alaska, Rhode Island Approximately 34 percent, or 30,200schools, responded. Retrieval has published reports on k12 technology since http://www.schooldata.com/pr22.html |
39. A Guide To Alaska In Maps CD-ROM The AGA is an organization of alaska k12 teachers whose primaryaim is to improve the instruction of geography in our schools. http://www.ak-geo-alliance.org/akmaps/ | |
40. NEA-Alaska VOTER GUIDE local schools; prototype schools available; use of upper level centralized prep schools. Comfortin a long term career in alaska's k12 system; support of state http://www.ak.nea.org/stateprimary/senateEwilken.htm | |
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