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41. Biology. Research: Water Ecology - Botany etc.). Scientists in charge G. Bressan, A. Falace, E. Vio. ECOLOGYWater ecology botany. Adaptation of algae to metal stress. Water http://www.univ.trieste.it/~biologia/e-rcecbo.htm | |
42. Results For 'algae' Economic Uses of algae / Dept. botany, NMNH Smithsonian Institution Marine algae,as primary producers, are ecologically important, and economically have http://ripley.si.edu:8765/search/query.html?qt=algae&submit=Search+ |
43. Marine Botany Resources - Aquatic Plants - Academic Info of Systematic Biology botany Smithsonian Institution algae Home Page The algaeCollection is comprised of marine, estuarine, freshwater, terrestrial http://www.academicinfo.net/botmarine.html | |
44. NUI, Galway, Department Of Botany, Research of the Department are concentrated on terrestrial and marine botany, with particularemphasis on heavy metals analysis of marine algae; cataloguing the world http://www.nuigalway.ie/faculties_departments/botany/botany_research.html | |
45. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Botany - Plants By Species Nongeniculate Coralline algae http//www.botany.uwc.ac.za/clines.htm Explore theimportance of the coralline red marine algae in the construction of coral http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=963627 |
46. Botany Libraries Cryptogamic Links algae relatives of the bryophytes and other plants UCMP's Introduction to the Greenalgae Chlorophyta (Green algae) by the Dept. of botany, National Museum http://www.huh.harvard.edu/libraries/cryptogamic.htm | |
47. Natural History Museum: Research And Collections: Botany The botany department at the Natural History Museum has gathered algae and mossesand ferns and fungi, including mushrooms, from all over the world. http://www.nhm.org/research/botany/ | |
48. Botany Collection Of The Canadian Museum Of Nature in 1936, and with his specific interest in arctic botany, he developed the each withits own international code vascular plants (CAN); algae (CANA); Lichens http://www.nature.ca/collections/botany_e.cfm | |
49. Botany 3130 Home Page Morphology of Plants, algae and Fungi botany 3130 California State UniversityStanislaus Fall 2002 Dr. Steven J. Wolf. Instructor Materials. http://arnica.csustan.edu/boty3130/ | |
50. Botany Department ONLINE: Joseph S. Davis, Ph.D. at Southern Illinois University Gravitating toward marine botany, I received aNational Science Foundation scholarship to study marine algae at Stanford http://web.botany.ufl.edu/faculty/jdavis/jdavis.html | |
51. Australian Systematic Botany Society University of California Publications in botany vol for the Indian Ocean on the taxonomy,nomenclature and distribution of five classes of marine benthic algae. http://www.anbg.gov.au/asbs/newsletter/book-review-97a.html | |
52. Australian Systematic Botany Society and storage of algae; microscopy; algal blooms; algal weeds; rare and threatenedalgae. Return to the Australian Systematic botany Society Newsletter Page. http://www.anbg.gov.au/asbs/newsletter/book-review-92c.html | |
53. Botany Glossary "A" Aleurone Layer. algae. algae are singlecelled to many-celled organisms thatcontain various photosynthetic pigments and belong to the Division Protista. http://www.puc.edu/Faculty/Gilbert_Muth/botglosa.htm | |
54. Books: Botany cryptomonads; haptophytes; dinoflagellates; ochrophytes; red algae; green algae;phytoplankton ecology is one of the finest undergraduate texts on botany that I http://www.biolinks.net.ru/books/Botany/ | |
55. SYS-RESOURCE Access Policy Document - At The Natural History Museum, London algae diatoms 249,000 12,000. algae other groups 370,000 5,000. Lichens395,000 10,000. Myxomycetes 51,000 250. botany TOTALS 5,205,000 117,250. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/science/rco/sysresource/botany.html | |
56. RECENT SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS BY BOTANY DEPARTMENT STAFF: 2002 An Identification Guide to Freshwater and Terrestrial algae. Cambridge UniversityPress and The Natural History Museum, Cambridge CDROM. botany Home About http://www.nhm.ac.uk/botany/pubs/botpubs_2002.html | |
57. Photosynthetic Life Links Smithsonian algae home page http//www.nmnh.si.edu/botany/projects/algae. Smithsonianalgae Links http//nmnhwww.si.edu/botany/projects/algae/AlgLink.htm. http://www.life.umd.edu/labs/delwiche/PSlife/links.html | |
58. Learning Objectives For General Biology II/Botany Learning Objectives for General Biology II/botany. Introduction. 1 land.Macroalgae. 1. Describe why algae are not considered plants. http://project.bio.iastate.edu/Articulation/IHCC/objbotny.html | |
59. Algae, Introductions To Both Fossil And Recent Plant Taxa, Links For Palaeobotan Niklas Tom Silva, Department of Plant Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NYIntroductory botany. Review Topics, Review of algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/mineralogie/palbot/teach/taxa/algae.html | |
60. Ellen Duffield, Culture Curator For Botany Dept. Thats why she spends her days growing and maintaining botanys extensive collectionof algae and fungi, which are used in undergraduate laboratory classes http://www.artsci.washington.edu/newsletter/Summer02/Duffield.htm | |
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