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Alport Syndrome Genetics: more detail | |||||
41. CancerGene DL* Infobiogen * Atlas of genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology GFCO Infobiogen Name, Diffuse leiomyomatosis with alport syndrome. Locus, Xq22. http://caroll.vjf.cnrs.fr/cancergene/CG929.html | |
42. CancerGene COL4A3 Infobiogen * Atlas of genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology GFCO type IV collagen gene COL4A3 and mutations in autosomal alport syndrome. http://caroll.vjf.cnrs.fr/cancergene/CG1843.html | |
43. Genetics - Immanuel College Library Resource Centre Achromatopsia Cancer genetics Albinism alport syndrome Angelman syndrome FibrosisAtaxia Down syndrome Kidney Diseases Genetic Trail Birth defects and genetics. http://www.schools.ash.org.au/immanuel/htm/genetics.htm |
44. Alport's Syndrome - General Practice Notebook about the genetics of this condition is available in the linked menu item. Prevalenceis about 15000. Pathological renal changes in alport's syndrome include http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/-898957312.htm | |
45. Molecular Pathology And Genetics Of Alport Syndrome K Tryggvason Renal Medicine Molecular Pathology and genetics of alport syndrome K Tryggvason Renalmedicine Pathology Medical genetics Medicine. Molecular Pathology http://www.book-planet.co.uk/K-Tryggvason-Molecular-Pathology-and-G-3805561938.h | |
46. Membrane Biology Program of the lab is the molecular genetics of type IV collagen. Mutations in COL4A5 thatencodes the alpha5 chain of type IV collagen cause alport syndrome (AS), a http://membranebiology.bwh.harvard.edu/jingzhou.html | |
47. VSpring Capital :: Management :: Advisors :: Albert Bertha He received his Ph.D. in genetics at Stanford University. specifically Hemochromatosis,Antithrombin III Deficiency, alport syndrome, Neurofibromatosis I http://www.vspring.com/man_adv_skolnick.html | |
48. Centre For Human Genetics Seminars October 1999 Human genetics in the Greater UCL week by week. October 1999 Week starting Monday4 October. Tuesday 5 October 15.35 Recurrence of Disease in alport's syndrome http://www.gene.ucl.ac.uk/chg/semsoct99.html | |
49. Clinical Genetics Clinical genetics. 248, 17211722) reported that infants presenting Down's syndromewere the family reported all over the world carrying the alport's syndrome. http://iibce.edu.uy/humcitogen/I.htm | |
50. MEDLINEplus Medical Encyclopedia: Topics Beginning With H-Hf Hereditary nephritis see alport syndrome; Hereditary ovalocytosis; III see RileyDaysyndrome; Hereditary spherocytosis see and disease see genetics; Heritable see http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/encyclopedia_H-Hf.htm | |
51. The Genetics Of Infant Hearing Loss : Sound Ideas Newsletter (Volume 3, No. 3) syndrome, Main Features (besides deafness). alport, Kidney problems. Recent discoveriesabout the genetics of hearing loss have substantially increased the http://www.infanthearing.org/newsletter/v3n3/genetics.html | |
52. CGeMM Seminars of Physiology University of Utah Medical School, alport syndrome Complexities ofa 24 4 pm, Dr. Joseph Heitman Professor, Department of genetics Duke University http://www.louisville.edu/medschool/genetics/seminars.html | |
53. Alport' alport's syndrome is often associated with progressive hearing loss and occasionallywith other nonrenal defects. genetics Inheritance in the largest and best http://www.unict.it/medint/alport.htm | |
54. CDC Office Of Genetics And Disease Prevention Weekly Update genetics in the Scientific Literature The image denotes selected articles relatedto between endstage renal failure and mutation type in alport syndrome. http://www.cdc.gov/genomics/update/yr2000/nov02.htm | |
55. Olando's Page On Alport's Syndrome unclassifiable as types (IVI). genetics. There exists a state of geneticcomplexity with alport syndrome (AS). X- linked transmission occurs http://people.hofstra.edu/faculty/peter_c_daniel/Animal_Physiology/special_topic | |
56. Tryggvason Karl Molecular Pathology And Genetics Of Alport Syndrome Translate this page Tryggvason Karl Molecular Pathology and genetics of alport syndrome.Molecular Pathology and genetics of alport syndrome Tryggvason http://www.buchempfehlung-online.de/Molecular-Pathology-and-G-3805561938.html | |
57. PUBLICATIONS 93 eds) MosbyYear Book, volume 221-14, 1993. Tryggvason K, Zhou J, Hostikka SL,Shows T. Molecular genetics of alport syndrome. Kidney Int 4338-44, 1993. http://www.oulu.fi/faculties/resea/biocente/publct93.html | |
58. 1° Casari G. (Milan) Molecular genetics of autosomal dominant medullary cystic FlinterF. (London) - Clinical diagnostic aspect of alport's syndrome; Karet FE http://utenti.lycos.it/FMRB/Programme.htm | |
59. Wellcome Trust Centre For Human Genetics - Template kidney disease (Modpkdr1) in the HanSPRD(cy/+) rat in a region conserved with amouse modifier locus for alport syndrome. Nature genetics 22 226228 (1999). http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~gdomi/pubQTL.shtml | |
60. Alport Syndrome : A Serious Medical Condition. Resources To Obtain And Further U Molecular Pathology and genetics of alport syndrome (Contributions to Nephrology,Vol 117) K. Tryggvason(Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1996 Our Price http://databank.oxydex.com/compendium_bibliographium/advanced_medical_specialtie | |
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