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Ancient Reefs Paleontology: more detail |
41. Nearctica - Family - Cool - Fossils A marvelous web site dealing with the ancient ocean life if you are interested ineither sharks or paleontology. of organisms that lived on reefs during the http://www.nearctica.com/family/cool/cfossil.htm | |
42. EPA > Water > Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds > Oceans, Coasts, And Estuaries > H Jurassic Reef Park Information on ancient coral reefs from the Institutefor paleontology and Historical Geology, Munich, Germany. http://www.epa.gov/owow/oceans/coral/links.html | |
43. PALEONTOLOGY Levin, HJ, 1999. ancient Invertebrates and Their Living Relatives. PaleontologyThe Record of Life. John Wiley Sons. LAB Corals and reefs p. 96110. http://www.geo.arizona.edu/geo3xx/308/syllabus.html | |
44. Reitner, Joachim chemical view of the most ancient metazoa biomarker sponges in oyster patsch reefs(Lower Kimmeridgian of western Washington. Journal of paleontology, 74 (6 http://www.imgp.gwdg.de/Mitarbeiter/jreitne/CV.html | |
45. Roth On Reefs The role of framework in modern reefs and its application to ancient Stanley, GD,ed., The history and sedimentology of ancient reef systems paleontology 39, pp http://www.geocities.com/earthhistory/roth.htm | |
46. Biggest Ever U.S. Fish Study Aids Florida Conservation Worldwide, the ancient, slowgrowing reefs have been imperiled by But coral reefsalso are probably the first ecosystems to C. Archaeology and paleontology. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/07/0730_020730_fishcensus.html | |
47. New Scientist Web Links and others to study the movement of ancient seas, glaciation on the rocky road tomodern paleontology and biology. This virtual trip to the coral reefs of the http://www.newscientist.com/weblinks/categories/palaeontology4.jsp |
48. Rena Bonem reefs implications for recognition of ancient storm deposits Sedimentologic developmentof lagoonal patch reefs Advances in of paleontology, v. 56, p. 136274. http://www.baylor.edu/~Geology/bonem.html | |
49. Listings Of The World Science Earth Sciences Paleontology http//www.eos.ubc.ca/people/faculty/smith_p.html Added Nov-27-02; Stanley, G.Post Review paleontology of modern and ancient reefs, University of Montana. http://listingsworld.com/Science/Earth_Sciences/Paleontology/Paleontologists/Inv |
50. Oberlin Course Catalog--Geology GEOL 212) OR Groundwater Hydrogeology (GEOL 242) EITHER paleontology (GEOL 320)OR of years), using modern models to understand how ancient reefs formed and http://www.oberlin.edu/catalog/college/geology.html | |
51. Directory :: Look.com Stanley, G. paleontology of modern and ancient reefs, University of Montana.Stock, CW paleontology of stromatoporoids, University of Alabama. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=378915 |
52. Geology 315 Ecological Services Exposé (ESE) *(see below). I. INTRODUCTION TO paleontology,Reading. 10, W, Communities II ancient v. modern reefs, Ch. http://classes.colgate.edu/csoja/geol315/315fsched.htm | |
53. Paleontology Homework Help, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Resource Guide covered by a shallow, tropical sea, reefs flourished in paleontology Check here foradditional links. An exploration of the Burgess Shale, an ancient fossil bed http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/homework/paleo.html | |
54. GeoRef Subjects Covered magmas, lava, intrusions, inclusions ancient volcanology Related other fields Field06reefs and sedimentation Fields 08-11-paleontology Field 22 http://www.agiweb.org/georef/subject2.html | |
55. American Geological Institute - Serving The Geosciences Since 1948 equilibria, magmas, lava, intrusions, inclusions, ancient volcanology Related otherfields Field 06reefs and sedimentation Fields 08-11-paleontology Field 22 http://www.agiweb.org/georef/about/subjects.html | |
56. GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE NEW YORK BIGHT Short collection of images of fossils collected from Rockaway Beach (Queens, NY), Staten Island, and Category Science Earth Sciences United States New York......paleontology AND BEACH FOSSILS OF THE NEW YORK BIGHT. Both recent and ancient examplescan be found on century fishermen reported that coral reefs existed in http://www.geo.hunter.cuny.edu/bight/fossil.html | |
57. Paleontology Curriculum- Paleontology Glossary paleontology Glossary. solitary) or in huge colonies that form coral reefs. Paleoenvironment An ancient environment reconstructed by studying fossils and http://www.nps.gov/maca/learnhome/cur_p_glo.htm | |
58. Graham A. Young email g_young@umanitoba.ca. Research interests paleontology, paleoecology,Paleozoic corals, coral growth and taphonomy, ancient reefs. http://www.umanitoba.ca/geoscience/faculty/adjunct/gyoung.html | |
59. National Geographic Online: Site Index ancient World Expedition ancient Egypt Genghis Bald Eagles Cuba reefs Gelada Monkeys Exploration Archaeology paleontology Animals http://www.nationalgeographic.com/siteindex/ |
60. PALEONTOLOGY AND FOSSILS RESOURCES PAGE HAS MOVED Offers extensive list of links about paleontology and fossils, library guides, and lists of books.Category Science Earth Sciences paleontology...... Association of Paleontological Suppliers; The ancient Ones; Dinosaur ProvincialPark; Dutch paleontology; Fossils in New Report on Jurassic reefs in Alabama; http://www.u.arizona.edu/~jmount/paleont.html | |
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