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Animal Shelters United States: more books (17) | |||
21. Healthy Pet | Human/Animal Bond: Why Do Pets End Up In Shelters? in the July issue of the Journal of Applied animal Welfare Science (JAAWS), researcherswent into 12 selected animal shelters in the united states for one year http://www.healthypet.com/Library/animal_bond-12.html | |
22. Hughson-ca.com | United States Federal Resources Central California animal shelters, Societies Veterinarians. Please drop by ourfriends and sponsors . Central California animal shelters and Societies. http://www.hughson-ca.com/animal1.htm | |
23. Rescue Siamese Rescue Alliance united states- Virginia, Texas, Kansas Siamese Rescue Metro organizationdedicated to rescuing cats from animal shelters and placing http://www.catcraze.com/rescue.htm | |
24. Animal Welfare -- United States Links, Articles And Topics At Suite101.com - Sui Articles about (1)animal rescue groups, shelters, and other...... Subject Heading animal welfare united states, Editor Sherrie Walker http://www.suite101.com/subjectheadings/contents.cfm/16840 | |
25. Animal Welfare -- Law And Legislation -- United States Links, Articles And Topic Articles about (1)animal rescue groups, shelters, and other...... Subject Heading animal welfare Law and legislation united states, Walker http://www.suite101.com/subjectheadings/contents.cfm/23638 | |
26. NewPet.com Matchmaking -- Where To Find A Dog shelters can be found under many different names, such as the pound, the cruelty society,animal care and Humane Society of the united states (HSUS); North Shore http://www.newpet.com/matchmaking/where/mm_w_animalshelters.htm | |
27. JAAWS Human and animal Factors Related to the Relinquishment of Dogs and Catsin 12 Selected animal shelters in the united states. Mo Salman http://www.psyeta.org/jaaws/abv1n3.html |
28. PSYETA In A Nutshell 13 Summary of. Human and animal Factors Related to the Relinquishment ofDogs and Cats in 12 Selected animal shelters in the united states . http://www.psyeta.org/nutshells/nutshell13.html |
29. PROFILE - THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES of Emergency Management, and the united states Department of to have communities andstates prepared to out of danger, battened down animal shelters, and acted http://www.nhoem.state.nh.us/voad/hsusdisasterprofile.htm | |
30. Why Owners Take Pets To Shelters The first study, initiated by Colorado State in 1994, developed the most completelist to date of all animal shelters in the united states, as well as the http://www.critterchat.net/whyowners.htm | |
31. PATRICK McDONNELL HONORS ANIMAL SHELTERS IN MUTTS Weeklong PATRICK McDONNELL HONORS animal shelters IN MUTTS. of his many contributions to animalprotection, the The Humane Society of the united states (HSUS) recently http://www.kingfeatures.com/pressrm/rel_17_3_11_2000.htm | |
32. Welcome To AHS Gas Chamber Phil Snyder The Humane Society of the united states Email dated 12/01/00. Why It'sImportant animal shelters have a mandate to provide a humane death for those http://www.ahsgaschamber.com/Quotes.htm |
33. Links To Other Animal Loving Web Pages LINKS TO OTHER animal LOVING WEB PAGES. united states. The Humane Society ofthe united states. Comprehensive List of animal shelters in the united states. http://www.mauihumane.org/links.htm | |
34. Pet Adoptions - Shelters On Long Island Humane Society of the united states, the overpopulation In many municipal shelters,animals that cannot be Here are some private and municipal animal shelters. http://longisland.about.com/library/weekly/aa052901a.htm | |
35. Open Directory - Society: Organizations: Animal Welfare: Rescues And Shelters: R 43); Recreation Pets Reptiles and Amphibians Rescues and shelters (15); RegionalNorth America united states Society and Culture animal Welfare (36); http://newhoo.com/Society/Organizations/Animal_Welfare/Rescues_and_Shelters/Regi | |
36. Pet's Bill Of Rights shelters in the united states to be 3,500 (the exact number of animal shelters operatingin the united states does not exist), here are the statistics Of the http://heg.sphosting.com/petsrights.html | |
37. The Humane Society Of The United States - EarthVoice The HSUS's efforts in the united states are facilitated by our nine regional offices;we are not, however, affiliated with any local animal shelters or humane http://www.earthvoice.org/hsus.htm |
38. Dossier - Humane Society Of The United States history of unbearable suffering. Despite its muchvaunted interest in animal welfare,the Humane Society of the united states maintains no animal shelters. http://www.nationalcenter.org/dos7117.htm | |
39. Humane Society/Animal Shelter: Clermont County Humane Society - Animal Shelter I Number of cats and dogs adopted from shelters each year 3 to 5 million. Numberof animal shelters in the united states Between 4 and 6 thousand. http://www.animalshelter.com/statistics.html | |
40. Humane Society/Animal Shelter: Clermont County Humane Society - Animal Shelter I adopted. Every day, animal shelters across the united states are forcedto destroy thousands of animals for lack of responsible homes. http://www.animalshelter.com/spay.html | |
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