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1. Programs At The Department Of Near Eastern Studies leads to a degree in arabic literature and linguistics of in Islamic Studies and NearEastern History and units such as Linguistics and Comparative literature. http://www.umich.edu/~neareast/pages/programs.html | |
2. Yale > Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations > Introduction near eastern languages in the United States. Early department faculty, such as Edward Salisbury, produced the first American scholarly studies on arabic and literature of biblical http://www.yale.edu/nelc | |
3. Near Eastern Studies Law; CHARLES R. KRAHMALKOV, Professor of ancient near eastern languages;TREVOR LEGASSICK, Professor of arabic literature; PIOTR MICHALOWSKI http://www.umich.edu/~neareast/faculty.html | |
4. Near Eastern, Middle Eastern Language, Literature And Studies Graduate Programs near eastern and biblical studies; ancient, medieval, and modern Jewish history; Islamic history and law; Ottoman history; and medieval Hebrew and arabic literature. http://www.gradschools.com/listings/east/near_east_east.html | |
5. Near Eastern Languages And Civilization a major literary tradition. arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Central Asian Turkic areas near eastern civilization, near eastern religion, near eastern literature in translation; 8 http://www.washington.edu/students/gencat/academic/near_eastern.html | |
6. Yale Near East Collection: Selected Internet Resources Culture descriptions of Turkish art, literature, and cuisine Requires arabic-enabledbrowser. US State Department Bureau of near eastern Affairs - provides http://www.library.yale.edu/Internet/neareastern.html | |
7. LycosZone Directory > Homework > English And Literature > Literature > By Cultur What kind of arabic/near eastern literature Websites are you looking for? Writer'sCorner Provides English translations of modern Persian poetry and prose. http://www.lycoszone.com/dir/Homework/English and Literature/Literature/By Cultu | |
8. LycosZone Directory > Homework > English And Literature > Literature > By Cultur , African literature. , American literature. , arabic/near eastern literature., Asian literature. , Australian literature. , British literature. http://www.lycoszone.com/dir/Homework/English and Literature/Literature/By Cultu | |
9. Near Eastern Studies At UC Berkeley near eastern Religions program. Professor Shahwali Ahmadi will resume the position as Graduate Advisor for students in the arabic, Professor of Yiddish literature at the Hebrew http://neareastern.berkeley.edu/ | |
10. Yale > Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations > Undergraduate Program Students take at least two years of arabic, and courses in arabic literature, Arabcivilization, Islamic religion, near eastern history, and Persian language. http://www.yale.edu/nelc/undergrad.html | |
11. Asian And Near Eastern Languages (23) On dem. Historical and comparative studies of ancient NearEastern literature. 531R. Advanced Topics in arabic. (3) On dem. http://ar.byu.edu/catalog/graduate_cat/1997/departments/Asian_Lang.html | |
12. Asian And Near Eastern Languages Advanced studies in arabic language and literature. Graduate Courses.For 521R. Special Topics in Ancient near eastern literature. (2 http://ar.byu.edu/catalog/undergrad_cat/2002/departments/Asian_Lang.html | |
13. Near East Collection At Yale University: Curator The Curator In support of near eastern, Islamic, and the curator collects materialsfrom the near East and such as social sciences, arabic literature, and Islam http://www.library.yale.edu/neareast/collection.html | |
14. Culture And Civilization Option literature in Translation (3) near E 425 Current Trends in Modern near eastern literatureand Criticism (3) near E 435 Major Trends in Modern arabic Fiction (3 http://depts.washington.edu/nelc/programs/nes_cul&civ.htm | |
15. Near Eastern, Middle Eastern Language, Literature And Studies Graduate Programs D. Turkic; Research AreasAncient near eastern Civilizations; Egyptology; Assyriology;Biblical Studies; arabic Language; arabic literature; Armenian Language http://www.gradschools.com/listings/west/near_east_west.html | |
16. Courses In The Department Of Near Eastern Languages And Civilizations 383. Mesopotamian literature Translation Roth. near eastern Languages. 301. 315,316. Epigraphic South arabic Gragg. near eastern History. 301, 302. http://catalogs.uchicago.edu/divisions/nelc-courses.html | |
17. NEAR EASTERN LANGUAGES & CIVILIZATION of literary theory to works of modern near eastern literature. near E 533 IslamicPoetry and Poetics (3) Karimi prosody and rhyme in classical arabic and Persian http://www.washington.edu/students/crscat/neareast.html | |
18. NES -- Faculty Roster Daniel Boyarin, Chair of near eastern Studies, Taubman Talmudic literature, Rabbinics,Medieval Hebrew literature. Emeritus), Professor of arabic and Semitics http://neareastern.berkeley.edu/docs/roster.html | |
19. Departmental Directory - UA Dept. Of Near Eastern Studies Adel Gamal Professor (On Leave 0203) arabic Language literature gamal@email andAssistant Director, Judaic Studies near eastern Archeology bnakhai http://fp.arizona.edu/neareast/directory.htm | |
20. Near Eastern Languages & Cultures Course Descriptions Search near eastern Languages Cultures Courses; A150 3155 Hebrew II; N205 3135 The arabic Ode in N225 3136 - Turkish literature in Translation; N240 3185 http://www.indiana.edu/~deanfac/blspr00/nelc/ | |
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