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Arctic & Antarctic Regions Envir: more detail |
41. 1994 Current Bibliography Antarctic dipterans colonisation processes and physiological limits community structurein an arctic stream. Bull. River management in cold regions a case http://www.ouc.bc.ca/fwsc/iwalker/intpanis/Bibl94.html | |
42. Department Of Biological Sciences, University Of Plymouth arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme Report 911 Environment, Transport andThe regions Contract Reference Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research, UK http://www.biology.plymouth.ac.uk/staff/depledge/mdepledge.htm | |
43. INDICATO RS OF ENVIR ONMENTAL CHANGE AND CONTRIB UTORS TO CARB ON antarctic Pack Ice Seals INDICATORS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE AND CONTRIBUTORS TO CARBON FLUX An international research program coordinated by the SCAR Group of Specialists on The SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals is developing an http://nmml.afsc.noaa.gov/apis/Documents/APIS%20implementation%20plan.pdf |
44. References envir., 23185200, 1989. Carbon monoxide and total ozone in arctic and Antarcticregions seasonal variations, long-term trends and relationships. http://physics.umbc.edu/~mcmillan/PROJECTS/MOPITT_val/MTPE_EOS_COval_proposal_fi |
45. 1. The Climate Change - Agriculture Conundrum ozone layer, mainly in the Antarctic region, may predicted to occur in some regionsprovides possibilities for off arctic ice shows speed of climate 'flips'. http://www.fao.org/docrep/W5183E/w5183e03.htm | |
46. WWF-UK Research Centre: News change threatens blue whales The antarctic blue whale is just one of the Arcticspecies being approved new legislation to improve Scotland's water envir http://www.wwf.org.uk/researcher/programmethemes/climatechange/0000000018.asp | |
47. Publications And Scholarly And Creative Activity of the microbial loop in diverse ocean regions. and its regulation in the AntarcticPolar Front ammonia oxidizer sequences from the arctic and Southern Oceans. http://www.wm.edu/grants/AR/2001/ANBIB-FOUR.htm | |
48. English Books > Science > Environmental Science Book ISBN 0816022739 Alpine regions Cheng, Christopher Library Binding ISBN 0736814205Antarctic Science ; Paperback Book ISBN 354061494X arctic Rootes, David http://www.opengroup.com/books/index/bkbsc600.shtml | |
49. MAMMFAUN: A Bibliography Concerning The Geographical Distribution Of Mammals A bibliography of publications concerning the geographical distribution of mammals.Category Science Biology Animalia Chordata Mammalia...... Distribution of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians by BLMphysiographic regions andAW Kuchler's -BalaenidaeMonodontidaeArctic Ocean 236 antarctic mammals. http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/mamm/MAMMFAUN.htm | |
50. Biologist's Fax Directory Antarctic Division, Kingston, 02293-335. Research Institute for Agriculture in AlpineRegions, Irdning, 3682 arctic Institute of North America, Calgary, AB, 403-282 http://www.pacificscience.org/faxdir.html | |
51. Www.ciesin.org/docs/011-620/011-620edt M83/M124) data for four major regions of the during the AASE and the TECHNOPS Arcticballoon campaign ozone measurements within the 1987 antarctic ozone hole http://www.ciesin.org/docs/011-620/011-620edt |
52. Envir cats and dogs "ohh, the last one was wrong" they are the animals left.. Maybee time to forget that old trading model of 1880 or so and try start thinking different.. and get togheter.. http://www.viking1.com/envir.html | |
53. Stephan De Mora Canadian National Report to SCARWG-PACA Scientific Committee for antarctic Research Working Group Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere Concepcion, Chile July 20-31, 1998 Stephen de Mora Département docéanographie Université du Québec à http://www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/paca/canada.html | |
54. USAJOBS Job Result List of geographic regions....... http://jsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/a9g.asp?CPDF=EQ00 |
55. IPÖ Literature Database -- Simple Search Search the IPÖ Literature Database http://polaris.ipoe.uni-kiel.de/refs/simple_search.php | |
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