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41. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES RIGHTS IN CHILE - Notes to mention that a similar process took place in argentina at the natural resourcesexisting within their lands, the relocation of indigenous peoples from their http://www.xs4all.nl/~rehue/art/ayl2not.html | |
42. Nawa Programs are living a time where indigenous peoples cannot continue INIYA, indigenous and NonindigenousYouth Alliance Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, argentina and Chile http://www.agamanawa.com/programs.html | |
43. LAB : Themes In-Depth : Indigenous Rights According to argentina's official history In fact there are an estimated 40 millionindigenous peoples in the Americas, about 6 per cent of the total population http://www.latinamericabureau.org/?lid=354 |
44. The World Bank - Indigenous Peoples the issues associated with the revision of the indigenous peoples policy. The consultationswere carried out in the Andean countries (argentina, Bolivia, Chile http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/essd/essd.nsf/28354584d9d97c29852567cc00780e2a/c987 |
45. Info 21: Indigenous Resources On The Internet Decade of the World's indigenous peoples and the United Quechua ( qheshwa ) is anindigenous language of Peru, Ecuador, Northern Chile, argentina, and Southern http://www.undp.org/info21/sector/s-c-indi.html | |
46. Rio+5 BR Indigenous Peoples Participation In The Andean of indigenous peoples, prepared by COICA in the Amazonian basin. The creation ofa park in the Guarani area, which includes regions in argentina, Bolivia and http://www.ecouncil.ac.cr/rio/regional/america/andindig.htm | |
47. Argentina Indigenous indigenous peoples of argentina The Wichí argentina's shame In northernargentina, the Wichí and other Indians are the victims http://edtech.tennessee.edu/itc/grants/twt2000/modules/mferrei1/argentina indige | |
48. Human Rights And Indigenous Peoples Country Flag of argentinaargentina Country Flag of BrazilBrazil Country Flagof BoliviaBolivia. Many indigenous peoples have formed their own organizations http://edtech.tennessee.edu/itc/grants/twt2000/modules/mferrei1/humanrightsmain. | |
49. Complementary Study Of Population With Disabilities, Indigenous People And Commu the national office of statistics (INDEC) in argentina has undertaken Special groupsinclude the disabled population, indigenous peoples and the population of http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demog/docs/symposium_36.htm | |
50. Spanish Language Links, UW Oshkosh DFLL argentina Tourism Information indigenous peoples of Mexico, Central and South America.Bolivia Bolivia Web Languages of BoliviaFrom the Ethnologue Database. http://www.uwosh.edu/departments/for_lang/Spanish/Spanish.html | |
51. Conclusions Of First Meeting Of Indigenous Peoples Of The Paraguay Basin in the basin, including indigenous communities in argentina and in Bolivia. Later,it is proposed that there be a second encounter of indigenous peoples of the http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/073.html | |
52. Indigenous Peoples have been produced, including indigenous peoples profiles for out case studies ofindigenous community development America, Guyana, Peru, argentina and Venezuela http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20040947~menuPK:3448 | |
53. Choike : Indigenous Peoples information relating to the Aymaras in Bolivia, Peru, Chile, and argentina. CONAIEis a representative body aimed at guaranteeing indigenous peoples of Ecuador http://www.choike.org/links/4/34/links.html | |
54. IMADR/News On Guatemala And Maya Indigenous Peoples/ 2002/no.4 SANTIAGO, Oct 11 (IPS) indigenous peoples in the But abuses against indigenous communitiesand activists also continue to occur in argentina, Bolivia, Brazil http://www.imadr.org/project/guatemala/news4.html | |
55. II Meeting - Indigenous Peoples And Natural Resource Management Working Table Tr At COPS in argentina in November 1996 a resolution was passed which providedfor the holding of a meeting of indigenous peoples, governments etc. http://www.trilat.org/defunct_tables/ind_people_nat_resources/II_meeting_ind_peo | |
56. IBIN Peoples And Nations - América Latina Y El Carib Translate this page argentina. Perspectiva de Uso de la Biodiversidad de argentina - Recursos Geneticos.Bolivia. indigenous peoples Aquatic Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN). http://www.ibin.org/Latina.htm | |
57. History Of Indigenous Peoples In The Areas Where FCJs Have Lived And Worked to the Argentine Association for Native peoples there are now are also other tribesthat live in argentina but do not form part of the indigenous people of http://www.fcjsisters.ca/English/Ourhistory/Indigenous.html | |
58. Meaning Of UN Decade Of Indigenous Peoples not very optimistic of its chances of approval .Several countries, like argentina,Brazil, Canada They do not want to recognise indigenous peoples' rights and http://www.indians.org/welker/menchu1.htm | |
59. South America argentina, and Chile. Quechua, spoken by the Inca, is the most widely spoken languagein South America. Since the Spanish conquest indigenous peoples have been http://www.indigenouspeople.net/americas/southam/ | |
60. IDRC REPORTS: Communicating With Indigenous Peoples: Lessons From Guyana By John of development activities involving indigenous peoples, suggests a IDRC Reports,April 1993 indigenous and Traditional Urban Farming in argentina August 26 http://www.idrc.ca/reports/read_article_english.cfm?article_num=261 |
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