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1. Links To Other Art Related Sites... Art.Net Links Online art references. Artist Studios. Artist Shows and Exhibits.Artists Projects. Galleries and Artist Collectives. Museums and Organizations. http://www.art.net/Links/Artref/artref.html | |
2. Art History Resources Museums, Galleries and Exhibits. art references. Art Resources http://history.evansville.net/art.html | |
3. Online Art References Online art references. An Artist's Home Page http://www.indians.org/welker/artref.htm | |
4. Christopher Chippindale's Web Space Contains text of several papers and publications, mostly authored by Chippindale, a researcher at Cambridge University. http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/Projects/Chip/Chip001.htm | |
5. References To Vinnie Ream's Works Of Art art references. Artchive. Artist Info Contemporary Art Database http://www.vinnieream.com/referenc.htm | |
6. PAAC - Rock Art References Rock art references A. Colorado Sites and Localities B. Conservation Issues C. Dating Methods and Chronology D. Miscellaneous Research E. Regional Studies N. Colorado Plateau Great Basin F. Regional Studies Plains and Wyoming Basins http://www.coloradohistory-oahp.org/programareas/paac/classinfo/RockArtBG.pdf |
7. References To Vinnie Ream's Works Of Art References to Art Works by Vinnie Ream. Known or Reported Sculptureby Vinnie Ream (Hoxie) 18471914. (Codes used in references are http://vinnieream.com/referenc.htm | |
8. Cooks Hill Galleries | Art Advisor - Useful Art References Lansdowne, Melbourne, 1969. The Art of Australia Hughes, Robert. Bay Books,Sydney, 1970. Encyclopedia of Australian Art McCulloch, Alan. http://www.cookshill.com/artadvisor/references.htm | |
9. The NIXNET General Medieval Art References Early Christian Carolingian Art. Late Antiquity and Early Christianity **; EarlyChristian Architecture; A Visual Tour through Late Antiquity; Byzantine Art. http://www.medievalarthistory.com/general.html | |
10. Jefferson Art References Art Resources. Favorite Sources for Lesson Ideas. Jefferson Elementary SchoolCorvallis, Oregon. Top. Usborne Book of Art Ideas (citation). http://members.aol.com/artatjefferson/jf_favorefs.htm | |
11. Art References Action Game Pacing, Art Design, art references, Design, Escape, Grots,Map Generation, Platform Design Ideas. Accumulate art references. http://eeewert.org/MaskMan/MaArtReferences.html | |
12. Clarifications Of Art References Clarification of art references Abbreviations A, acrylic C, canvasCB, canvas board O, oil P, paper SP, sandpaper W, wrap around. http://www.frontiernet.net/~nicolas/clarifications.htm | |
13. * Art References :: Research Documentations Of The Paintings http://www.yahvlane.com/ArtReferences.htm |
14. Art References References. Cahill, M. (1992). Thinking about transformation a counseloreducator and an artist speak of creativity, art, and theraputic change. http://library.preservice.org/T0211302/artreferences.html | |
15. Museum References Art.Net Links Online art references Museums Art Museums (see bottom) The AndyWarhol Museum located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA features extensive http://www.lastplace.com/musemref.htm | |
16. Acrylic Canvases With San Art References By Nola Muller trying to understand them. My trance dance canvases are inspired bytheir rock art which is still alive and visible. I endeavour to http://www.nolamuller.com/trancedance.htm |
17. Dressage Photos Need For Art References: Dressage Imports And FEI Dressage Train dressage photos need for art references Author Melissa Jan 12, 2003 1055pm. WantedI need photos of dressage horses for references for art work. http://www.dressage.to/dressage/discussion/General/00000187 | |
18. Dressage Photos Need For Art References: Dressage Imports And FEI Dressage Train dressage photos need for art references Author Linda Jan 14, 2003 612am. Hi Im new here, It is nice to meet another artist , I also do art. http://www.dressage.to/dressage/discussion/General/00000188 | |
19. Web Design Videography Databases Training Digital Art References Email Me Home. Web Design. Videography. Databases. Training.Digital Art. References. Email Me. http://www.quickcomputersolutions.com/QCS-Left.htm | |
20. WVU Libraries Art Research Guide Basic art references. Grove Dictionary of Art Online access to the entiretext of The Dictionary of Art (Grove, 1996, 34 vols.) Includes http://www.libraries.wvu.edu/artguide/basic.htm | |
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