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Asian-american Teachers Resources: more detail | |||||||
42. Asian American Resources resources. ASTYLE.COM. American Ethnic Studies Department, University of Washington.Asian Pacific Islands History Literature for K12 teachers. Asian American http://faculty.washington.edu/kendo/asianamerican.html | |
43. Shopping Spots/Resources For Teachers Shopping Spots/resources for teachers. Asian American Press; Asian Pages; The Circle(Native American Indian newspaper); City Pages (weekly cultural events in http://www.mpls.k12.mn.us/departments/CIT2/resshop.htm | |
44. Asian/Pacific American Pathway Asian American Literature for teachers and Students. Asian American Oral HistorySite. Asian American resources. Asian American Timeline. Asian American Websites. http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/pathways/asian/online.htm | |
45. Asian Pacific American Resources At The Smithsonian films specific to the Asian American experience materials and other teaching resources,published by Institutes each summer for teachers, school administrators http://www.si.edu/opa/asian/start.htm | |
46. Asian American Teacher Resources Asian American. Teacher resources. If teachers are to create learning environmentsresponsive to a culturally diverse student population, we must examine and http://codesign.scu.edu/fhed249/Asian/AsianTeacherResources.htm | |
47. Online Resources It has excellent resources for teachers interested in incorporating Native Americanissues and texts into courses. Asian American resources. http://www.uga.edu/~mctf/online_resources.htm | |
48. Southeast Asia Internet Resources For Teachers Lesson plan topics include Global, AsiaGeneral, Asian American, Central Asia, China,India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea Hmong resources for teachers http//www http://www.asu.edu/clas/asian/sea/seatnet.html | |
49. Home and Asian American history. Each workshop highlighted major themes and discussedthe print, video, and electronic resources available to high school teachers. http://www.asu.edu/clas/history/NEH/home.htm | |
50. Education Planet People And Society,Culture,US Culture,Asian American Lesson Pla Found 5 websites and 7 other resources for 'asian american.', Society/Social Science/Sociology/Ethnicand Cultural Studies Asian American (16 Attention teachers! http://www.educationplanet.com/search/People_and_Society/Culture/US_Culture/Asia | |
51. Education Planet People And Society,Social Science,Sociology,Ethnic And Cultural 8. Asian American resources in Chicago META NAME= Add to LearningLinksTell a friend! 1-10 11-12 next. Attention teachers! http://www.educationplanet.com/search/People_and_Society/Social_Science/Sociolog | |
52. IHRC - COLLAGE Immigration History And Ethnicity Web Resources America Schools of California Online resources for Education Discussing ImmigrationThrough Literature - teachers' Asian Studies Asian American History Links. http://www1.umn.edu/ihrc/ihe_links.htm | |
53. ERIC--Resources For Teachers of Black, Hispanic, Asian American, and Native Recruiting Minority teachers A PracticalGuide the problem, sharing information, resources, and responsibilities http://www.ericsp.org/pages/digests/supply_demand_teacher_94-8.html | |
54. Golden Threads - Resources Artefacts and objects. Artefact Illustrations from the AsianAmericanComparative Collection. Chinatown Online - UK teachers resources. http://amol.org.au/goldenthreads/links.htm |
55. Teachers' Resource Web Links Page By Alfred J. Drake Asian American Studies Department, HumaniTech Computer resources for FacultyResearch and Teaching. Bookstore, Humanities Internship Program. http://www.ajdrake.com/teachers/links.htm | |
56. East Asian > Resources Asian American Association; Asian student associations. global education resourcesfor high/middle school teachers; Internet resources on Korea (U. of Hawaii http://www.indiana.edu/~ealc/resources/resources.html | |
57. History & Social Studies Resources American Indian History and Related resources This world wide further explorationof the Asian American experience with discussion questions for teachers an http://privateschool.about.com/cs/history/ | |
58. NAESP - Urban Resources Urban resources from. Teaching African American Students; Teaching Asian AmericanStudents; Future. Recruitment, Professional Development and Training of teachers http://www.naesp.org/urban/ers_resources.htm | |
59. Multicultural Education And Ethnic Groups: Selected Internet Sources Country resources. IECC Intercultural EMail Classroom Connections Help teacherslink with Powerful asian-american Images Revealed in Picture Books (Kay E http://wwwlibrary.csustan.edu/lboyer/multicultural/main.htm | |
60. Preliminary Guide To Resources On Asian American Artists resources on Asian Pacific American Artists at the recuperation, and the sense ofAsianAmerican identity and CSFA and other students and teachers; and his http://artarchives.si.edu/guides/asianam/entresmz.htm | |
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