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81. National Optical Astronomy Observatory NOAO is a national center for optical astronomy in the United States, operated by the Association of Universities for research in astronomy. http://www.noao.edu/ | |
82. NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library (ADIL) collects astronomical, researchquality images and make them available to the astronomical community, and the general public. Offers Library access, image browse, and FITS links. http://imagelib.ncsa.uiuc.edu/imagelib.html | |
83. 1st All Astronomy Site organized for education, research and the enjoyment of astronomy. http://www.1st-all-web-site-promotion.com/~1st-all-astronomy/ |
84. University Of Surrey - Department Of Physics (Research) University of Surrey abridged version of the book Astrophysics , with many links to relevant material on astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. http://www.ph.surrey.ac.uk/astrophysics/index.html | |
85. New Astronomy Publishes articles in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics theoretical, observational and instrumental. Includes full length research articles and letter articles. The Journal covers solar, planetary, stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy and astrophysics. It reports on original research in all wavelength bands, ranging from radio to gammaray. http://www1.elsevier.nl/journals/newast/ | |
86. UCLA Physics & Astronomy - RESEARCH GROUPS UCLA Department of Physics astronomy Links to research. ** PLEASENOTE email asg@physics.ucla.edu with new information, corrections http://www.physics.ucla.edu/research/ | |
87. US Psionics - Home Page research includes numerology, radionics, millennial studies. Links to astronomy, UFO, and alternative science sites. http://www.uspsionics.com/ | |
88. UCSC - Department Of Astronomy & Astrophysics Department of astronomy and Astrophysics at UCSC. Site includes descriptions of faculty and student research, information for current and prospective graduate students, and the popular ask an astronomer feature. http://www.astro.ucsc.edu/ | |
89. NRAO: Socorro, New Mexico A research facility of the United States National Science Foundation. Site contains an image gallery, an introduction to radio astronomy, and other related information. http://www.aoc.nrao.edu | |
90. CU Astronomy - Research research Facilities Arecibo Observatory Observatory. SPIGOT SETI, Pulsar,ISM, Gamma rays, Observations, and Theory research Group. WIRE - Wide http://astrosun.tn.cornell.edu/research/ | |
91. Swarthmore Women In Astronomy And Physics - Physics And Astronomy REU Reviews Studentwritten reviews of REUs and other summer undergraduate research programs jobs, plus answers to FAQs and useful related links http://d38.dupont01.swarthmore.edu/~wip/reureviews/ | |
92. CU Department Of Astronomy : Research research SPIFI South Pole Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer. SPIGOT - SETI,Pulsar, ISM, Gamma rays, Observations, and Theory research Group. http://astrosun.tn.cornell.edu/research/index.shtml | |
93. Welcome To The Oxide Physics Research Programme Web Pages The programme is a collaboration of experimental and theoretical physicists working on the behaviour of correlated electrons in oxide materials. Based in the School of Physics and astronomy at Birmingham University, United Kingdom. Materials of interest include the high temperature cuprate superconductors, nonFermi liquid physics near quantum critical points, unconventional superconductivity in the ruthanates and heavy fermion behaviour in lithium vanadate. http://www.th.ph.bham.ac.uk/oxides/Welcome.html | |
94. Modern Research By Eduard Westra research done about low mass black holes. On the level of 2nd year astronomy students. http://www.astro.rug.nl/~westra/aoz | |
95. ASU Physics & Astronomy | Research Past and current research underway at the Physics and astronomy departmentat Arizona State University. ASU Physics astronomy. http://phyastweb.la.asu.edu/research/ | |
96. Jodrell Bank Pulsar Group Home Page As one of the research groups of the Jodrell Bank Observatory, we form part of the Department of Physics and astronomy of the University of Manchester, in the United Kingdom. We have many collaborations with other research groups across the world and, in particular, with the ATNF with whom we are the main partners in the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~pulsar/index.html |
97. ASU Physics & Astronomy | Research - Astronomy And Astrophysics astronomy and astrophysics research at the Physics andastronomy department at Arizona State University. http://phyastweb.la.asu.edu/research/ast/ | |
98. AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics On The Internet Nearly 3000 links in 36 distinct subject areas, such as telescopes, libraries, images, conferences, research and researchers. http://www.stsci.edu/astroweb/astronomy.html | |
99. UW Astronomy -- Research UW Astro Home University of Washington astronomy Department research.This page describes ongoing research at the University of Washington. http://www.astro.washington.edu/dept/research.html | |
100. Montana State University Physics And Astronomy Education Research Group research pages and description of Ph.D. program in physics education research. http://www.physics.montana.edu/physed/ |
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